» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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In a plebiscite 90% of the citizens of Danzig and East Prussia voted to re-join Germany. Hitler wanted to open negotiations with Poland over the Corridor and he had a meeting with the Polish Ambassador in October 1938. Hitler and his foreign secretary von Ribbentrop proposed a plan which was very reasonable which took away some of the restrictions set down by the Versailles Treaty. The proposed plan was this

The return of the free city of Danzig to Germany but Poland would still be able to use the port for economic purposes.

Germany would make no demand of the return of the whole Polish Corridor instead it would like to build a road and railway linking it to the German people in East Prussia.

This negotiation was fair and very reasonable and no shots would be fired and one would die. Danzig was a free city and did not belong to Poland and 96% of its people were German. East Prussia could then link up with its brethren in Germany. All Poland had to do was accept these very reasonable proposals and no Polish people would have died and no World War 2 would have started.

A quote from Hitler’s speech to the Reichstag on September 19th 1939

“I did this only because I wanted to spare the German people and the Polish people the suffering of
another conflict. I repeated this proposal early this year in the most concrete form: Danzig was to
return to the German Reich, an extraterritorial road was to be built to East Prussia, of course, at our
expense—Poland was to get free extraterritorial harbour rights in Danzig and the same extraterritorial
access. I was ready to offer even to guarantee borders which were hardly tolerable for us, and lastly
to offer Poland participation in the security of Slovakia. I do not know what mental condition the Polish Government was in when it refused these proposals.”

To continue the negotiations Hitler had a meeting in January 1939 with Poland’s Foreign Minister, Josef Beck at Berchtesgaden in which he again offered the proposals mentioned above. These proposals were again offered by von Ribbentrop when he visited Poland 3 weeks later.

But the leaders of Britain and France had put pressure on the Polish government not to agree to any proposals with Hitler because they and the Jewish Zionists wanted war with Germany and they offered to come to Poland’s aid if Germany attacked it. This emboldened Poland not to negotiate with Germany about the Polish Corridor. If Poland had been left to make its own decision about the German proposals then I am sure it would have agreed with them. What was better for Poland and the world, War or agreeing to Hitler’s proposals, well I think it is obvious. Just like Belgium in the First World War, Poland would be used by Britain and France to start another world war.

Even the American President Franklin Roosevelt did not want to give Hitler’s proposals a chance. The American Ambassador to Great Britain Joe Kennedy appealed to Roosevelt to ask the Poles to open negotiation with Germany but Roosevelt turned Kennedy down and then put pressure on Joe Kennedy to resign.

The incredibly generous terms Hitler offered Poland are spelled out in Adolf Hitler by John Toland (1976), page 573 and in Origins of the Second World War by A. J. P. Taylor (1962). The real culprits were the Poles who remained convinced, in large part because of US Ambassador William Bullitt and the anti-German lunatics (many of whom were Jews) in the USA, that war would bring Poland some great victory.

President Franklin Roosevelt was manipulated by the Jews to start a second world war against Germany. Wherever you find death and destruction or a war you will find a Jewish hand behind it. Don’t forget this information comes from Benjamin Freedman who was a Jew and an associate of the President of America during WW1 Woodrow Wilson and President Roosevelt (WW2). He was also an associate of the leading Jews in America and Britain at the time such as Bernard Baruch (Rothschild’s banker and advisor to both Presidents) and Samuel Untermeyer, President of International Jewish Federation.

Below is a picture of the Jewish banker Bernard Baruch with the President of America Roosevelt

Below Bernard Baruch with Churchill

When America entered the Second World War, out of Roosevelt's seventy-two advisers, fifty-two were Jews. L. D. Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, Bernard M. Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Jr, Rabbi Wise, Sidney Hillman, Samuel Dickstein, Herbert H. Lehman, James P. Warburg, Samuel I. Roseman, Dave Stern, Henry Horner, Louis Kirstein, David J. Saposs, E. A. Goldenweiser, Rabbi Samuel Margohes, A. Cohen, Gerald Swope, Adolf J. Sabbath, Isidor Lubin, Jr., Mordehai Ezekiel, Moissaye J. Olgin, Samuel Untermayer, Benjamin J. Cardoso, F. H. La Guardia, Dave Dubinsky, Jerome Frank, Robert Moses, A. Goldman, W. C. Bullitt, A. J. Altenmeyer. L. A. Steinhardt. Albert Einstein, Rose Scheiderman, H. Feis Ben Cohen, Nathan Margold, Walter Lippman, David E. Lilienthal, William M. Leiserson.

“The Roosevelt Administration has selected more Jews to fill influential positions than any previous administration.” — Brooklyn Jewish Examiner, October 20, 1933.

The above were just some of the Jews in Roosevelt’s administration that wanted to destroy Germany.

All the following men below held great power within the American government during WW2 and everyone below is Jewish and wanted Germany and it’s civilians to perish.

Bernard Baruch – the unofficial President of America.

Judge Samuel Roseman – the Founder and Head of the ‘Brains-Trust’ – Roosevelts “Advisors”

Professor Raymond Moley – Favorite Advisor.

Rabbi Stephan Wise (Weiz) – President of the WJC and Roosevelts closest Advisor

Henry Morgenthau Sr. – Unofficial Advisor, Jewish State Lawyer.

Theodore N. Kaufman – President of the ‘American Federation of Peace’ / Author of ‘Germany Must Perish’, precursor to the Morgenthau Plan

Harry Dexter White (Weit) – Senior U.S. Treasury department official (Transport of U.S. printing plates to Bolsheviks

Felix Frankfurter – Supreme Court Justice

Justice Benjamin Cardozo – Advisor.

Gerald Shwope – Advisor.

E. A. Filene – Advisor.

Charles Taussig – Brains-Trust Advisor.

Nathan Margold – Interior Department Solicitor.

Charles Wyzanski Jr. – Labour Department Solicitor.

Professor Leo Wolman – Labour Strike Board.

Rose Schneiderman – Labour Advisory Board.

Isador Lubin Jr. – Labour Bureau Statistician.

Solomon Rosenblatt – Amusement Administrator.

E. A. Goldenweiser – Federal Research Director.

Jerome Frank – General Councel.

Mordechai Ezekile – Economic Advisor (Co-author of A.A.A. Laws).

Herbert Feis – “The Brains of the State Department.”

Henry Morgenthau Jr. – Secretary of the Treasury.

David Lilienthal – TVA Director.

Sidney Hillman – Labour Advisory Board.

L. N. Landau – PWA General Solicitor.

A. Steinhard – Minister to Sweden.

Professor Albert E. Taussig – NRA Advisor.

Alexander Sachs – NRA Code Authority.

Maurice Karp – NRA Director of Personnel.

Robert Freshner – CC C Forest Army Head.

Robert Strauss – NRA Assistant Administrator.

Donald Richberg – NRA Advisor.

H. I. Strauss – Ambassador to France.

Ferdinand Pecora – “Special” Investigator.

Samuel Untermayer – Stock-Exchange Bill Advisor.

Professor James M. Landis – Federal Trade Commissioner…

The Jews in Roosevelt’s administration created the tax system to fund the Jewish led war against Hitler.

“After the outbreak of war, Jews were instrumental in restructuring the American economy in order to finance the cost of fighting it — ushering in what has been called ‘the military-industrial complex” and the massive expansion of government power. One of the key features of the Jewish historical profile has been the involvement of Jews in systems of taxation. In keeping with this trend, during the early 1940s Jews were conspicuous in transforming the American economy to one based on mass taxation. The Treasury Department was of course headed by Henry Morgenthau, but what is less remarked upon is the fact that Morgenthau staffed his department very heavily with fellow Jews including Jacob Viner, Walter Salant, Herbert Stein and Milton Friedman. Ginsberg states that these Jews “fundamentally changed America’s tax system.” It is not without irony that while Roosevelt was effectively pardoning high-ranking media Jews such as Joseph Schenk for large-scale income tax evasion, the Jews in his administration were championing the introduction of payroll withholding or “collection at the source” taxation for the common working man. By 1940, Morgenthau’s Jewish team had added more than 5 million Americans to the income tax machine. The same team’s 1942 Revenue Act brought the number of Americans paying income tax to 40 million” - By Benjamin Ginsberg – from the book How the Jews Defeated Hitler

The fateful British pledge to Poland of 31 March 1939 to go to war against Germany in case of a Polish-German conflict would not have been made without strong pressure from the White House.

On 9 February 1938, the Polish Ambassador in Washington, Count Jerzy Potocki, reported to the Foreign Minister in Warsaw on the Jewish role in making American foreign policy:

“The pressure of the Jews on President Roosevelt and on the State Department is becoming ever more powerful. The Jews are right now the leaders in creating a war psychosis which would plunge the entire world into war and bring about general catastrophe. This mood is becoming more and more apparent. In their definition of democratic states, the Jews have also created real chaos: they have mixed together the idea of democracy and communism and have above all raised the banner of burning hatred against Nazism. This hatred has become a frenzy. It is propagated everywhere and by every means: in theaters, in the cinema, and in the press. The Germans are portrayed as a nation living under the arrogance of Hitler which wants to conquer the whole world and drown all of humanity in an ocean of blood. In conversations with Jewish press representatives I have repeatedly come up against the inexorable and convinced view that war is inevitable. This international Jewry exploits every means of propaganda to oppose any tendency towards any kind of consolidation and understanding between nations. In this way, the conviction is growing steadily but surely in public opinion here that the Germans and their satellites, in the form of fascism, are enemies who must be subdued by the 'democratic world.'

Below is a further statement from Benjamin Freedman which shows that it was the Jews, Britain and America who stopped any peaceful negotiations between Germany and Poland. It was they who wanted a war and it was they who wanted to destroy Germany. Below is Freedman’s statement.

“President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a captive of the Talmudists (Jews) from the time he went to Albany as governor of the state of New York. President Roosevelt was long beholden to the Talmudists. The story of how President Roosevelt lied the United States into the desperate predicament in which the United States today finds itself in the Middle East is not a long story. It is the story of how President Roosevelt railroaded the United States into the Second World War: Germany and Poland had agreed upon a formula giving Germany access across the Danzig Corridor. President Wilson, in 1919, created the Danzig Corridor which separated Germany into two halves. In order to keep Germany weak, at the instigation of Talmudists (Jews) at the Versailles Peace Conference, President Wilson cut Germany into two halves, separated by a strip of German territory granted to Poland which divided Germany into two halves. Crossing the Danzig Corridor from western Germany to eastern Germany or vice versa was like traveling from one country to another. The inconveniences, the delays and the annoyances to Germany and Poland had finally worked out their acceptable arrangement that eliminated a majority of German objections to the Danzig Corridor. Germany and Poland reached a basis that would serve to prevent Germany's resort to more aggressive action. Adolf Hitler was the head of the German government at the time. Talmudists throughout the world opposed the peaceful adjustment between Germany and Poland of the Danzig Corridor situation. Unrestricted access of traffic between the western half and the eastern half of Germany would soon make Germany again the most powerful country in the world. Talmudists throughout the world dreaded the thought. In spite of the difficulties placed in the way of reaching a solution for the Danzig Corridor problem, Germany and Poland finally agreed upon a formula. Preparations were being made to consummate their understanding in a treaty. Both Germany and Poland were satisfied the formula agreed upon served both governments. Shortly before the agreement with Germany was to be signed, Poland secretly signed a treaty with Great Britain dated August 25, l939. Great Britain agreed in that treaty to hasten the military assistance of Poland "with all the support and assistance in its power" if Poland were attacked by Germany. With that assurance from Great Britain, Poland broke off negotiations with Germany. Germany did not understand the reason for Poland's sudden change of mind and decided to proceed with the terms of the arrangement agreed upon with Poland. That was the start of World War II. Great Britain knowingly deceived Poland when Great Britain actually promised military assistance to Poland if Poland were attacked by Germany. Great Britain could not come to Poland's assistance and Great Britain knew it when Great Britain's offer of military assistance to Poland was made. Poland fell into Great Britain's trap and discontinued negotiations with the Germans. Poland's unexplained discontinuance of negotiations with Germany to complete the Danzig Corridor agreement resulted in Germany's troops moving into the Danzig Corridor without an agreement with Poland. Great Britain knew exactly what would take place in that event, that it would mean the

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