» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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planing, there are shavings flying’. He compared
the British Empire with the Catholic Church saying they were both essential elements of stability
in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s
position on the Continent. The return of Germany’s colonies would be desirable but not essential,
and he would even offer to support Britain with troops if she should be involved in difficulties

According to Pulitzer Prize winning Louis Kilzer author of ‘Churchill’s Deception’ Hitler was trying to convince the English to make peace. In exchange, he was ready to retreat from Western Europe and from much of Poland.

Warmonger Churchill then gave his “We shall fight on the beaches” speech and hailed it as a miracle of deliverance. In reality Hitler let the British escape from Dunkirk. If Chamberlain was forced to resign because of the Norway loss why wasn’t Churchill forced to resign because of the DunkirkFrench loss which was ten times worse?

Below the British had to leave all their vehicles behind at Dunkirk.

Below BritishFrench forces waiting at Dunkirk

With the British army now out of France, German forces begin their push further down France. By June 14th the German forces had reached Paris. The French government then abandoned Paris and a new government was formed with Marshall Philippe Petain as there leader. Petain asks the Germans for an armistice and surrenders on June 17th 1940. Hitler wanted the armistice to be signed in the same railway car at Compiegne that was used for the German surrender in World War 1.

Below Hitler meets Marshall Philippe Petain.

Below Hitler with Goering and his general staff at Compiegne.

It was a wish of Hitler’s to see Paris as he had never been before.

Both sides suffered losses in the French campaign of 1940. The French army losses were 85,000 dead and the loss of 1200 aircraft. The British losses were about 68,000 dead and the loss of 930 aircraft and 243 ships. German army deaths were about 27,000 with 1300 aircraft destroyed.

Hitler did not go about bombing French cities and killing innocent civilians in bombing raids but the British did this relentlessly to the German cities and civilians from 1940 onwards. In fact the Allies bombed many French cities in 1944 killing between 50,000 and 60,000 French civilians and 20 of France’s largest cities received 20% damage because of American and British bombs.

About 1,500,000 French prisoners were taken into Germany as prisoners of war. In agreement with the French government 200,000 of these were released and about 70,000 more escaped. After the war about 950,000 of these prisoners were returned to France as they had been looked after well by the Germans. However when the Allied forces commander Eisenhower took 5 million German prisoners after the war he starved 1,700,000 to death. I have highlighted this so that you can see that the German’s were not as evil has they have been made out to be by Propaganda.

Unlike the brutal Versailles Treaty forced onto Germany after WW1 the armistice Hitler gave the French government was lenient to say the least. The Germans just occupied northern France to stop any British invasion and life went on as normal for the French people. After the war Marshall Philippe Petain was convicted of treason for surrendering to the Germans and given life imprisonment, which was an injustice. Many French soldiers and civilians would of died had he not surrendered and had he not surrendered Germany would still have defeated France and all them people would have died in vain.

After the defeat of France Hitler again made a further peace offer to Britain but this was rejected by warmonger Churchill who wanted war at all costs and his speeches bear this out.

The peace terms Hitler offered were:
1. The British Empire retains all its colonies and delegations
2. Germany’s continental supremacy won’t be questioned
3. All questions concerning the Mediterranean and its French, Belgian and Dutch colonies are
open to discussion
4. Poland. A Polish state must exist
5. Czechoslovakia must belong to Germany
6. All European states occupied by Germany would see their sovereignty restored. Germany’s occupation of these states was result of military threats against Germany.

Dr. Friedrich Stieve’s book ‘What the World Rejected’ reveals Hitler’s numerous and generous peace
offers, all of which were ignored by the Allies.

“Germany's enemies maintain today that Adolf Hitler is the greatest disturber of peace known to history, that he threatens every nation with sudden attack and oppression, that he has created a terrible war machine in order to cause trouble and devastation all around him. At the same time they intentionally conceal an all-important fact: they themselves drove the Leader of the German people finally to draw the sword. They themselves compelled him to seek to obtain at last by the use of force that which he had been striving to gain by persuasion from the beginning: the security of his country. They did this not only by declaring war on him on September 3, 1939, but also by blocking step for step for seven years the path to any peaceful discussion. The attempts repeatedly made by Adolf Hitler to induce the governments of other states to collaborate with him in a reconstruction of Europe resemble an ever-recurring pattern in his conduct since the commencement of his labors for the German Reich. But these attempts were wrecked every time by reason of the fact that nowhere was there any willingness to give them due consideration, because the evil spirit of the Great War still prevailed everywhere, because in London and Paris and in the capitals of the Western Powers' vassal states there was only one fixed intention: to perpetuate the power of Versailles. A rapid glance at the most important events will furnish incontrovertible proof for this statement”, - Dr. Friedrich Stieve

Below part of Hitler’s speech to the Reichstag July 19th 1940:

“Neither in this world nor the next can Mr. Churchill and Mr. Reynaud answer for the suffering they have caused by their counsels and decrees to millions of people. All this, as I said once before, need never have happened, for in October I asked nothing from either France or Britain but peace. But the men behind the armaments industries wanted to go on with the war at all costs and now they have got it. I am too much of a soldier myself not to understand the misery caused by such a development. From Britain I hear now only one single cry, the cry not of the people but of the politicians that the war must go on. I do not know whether these politicians already have a correct idea of what the continuation of this struggle will be like. They do, it is true, declare they will carry on the war and that even if Britain should perish they will carry on from Canada”

“It never has been my intention to wage wars, but rather to build up a State with a new social order
and the finest possible standard of culture. Every year that this war drags on is keeping me away from
this work. Only a few days ago Mr. Churchill reiterated his declaration that he wants war. Some six weeks ago he began to wage war in a field where he apparently considers himself particularly strong—namely,
air raids on civilian population, although under the pretence that the raids are directed against so called military objectives. Since the bombardment of Freiburg these objectives are open towns, market places and villages, burning houses, hospitals, schools, kindergartens and whatever else may come their way. Until now I have hardly had any reprisals”

“In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more to reason and
common sense in Great Britain as much as elsewhere. I consider myself in a position to make this
appeal, since I am not the vanquished, begging favours, but the victor speaking in the name of reason. I
can see no reason why this war must go on. I am grieved to think of the sacrifices it will claim”

When Hitler and Germany were in control of France and Britain had evacuated its entire army at Dunkirk and with America and Russia not yet in the war Hitler tried for peace. Hitler was seeking peace and he even dropped leaflets over London on July 20th 1940 called A Last Appeal to Reason. Churchill responded to this by dropping bombs on German cities.

The leaflet states the injustices inflicted upon Germany with the Versailles Treaty after WW1, warns of the scheming of the Jewish warmongers and their henchmen, and finally closes with Hitler’s plea to call off the war. An extract of the ‘A Last Appeal to Reason’ is below.

“All of this - as I said - need not have happened. For peace was all I asked of France and England in October. But the gentlemen war profiteers wanted a continuation of this war at all cost. They have it now. Mr. Churchill has repeated the declaration that he wants war. About six weeks ago now, he launched this war in an arena in which he apparently believes he is quite strong: namely, in the air war against the civilian population, albeit beneath the deceptive slogan of a so-called war against military objectives. Ever since Freiburg, these objectives have turned out to be open cities, markets, villages, residential housing, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, and whatever else happens to be hit. In this hour I feel compelled, standing before my conscience, to direct yet another appeal to reason in England. I believe I can do this as I am not asking for something as the vanquished, but rather, as the victor! I am speaking in the name of reason! I see no compelling reason which could force the continuation of this war! I regret the sacrifices it will demand. I would like to spare my Volk. I know the hearts of millions of men and boys aglow at the thought of finally being allowed to wage battle against an enemy who has, without reasonable cause, declared war on us a second time! But I also know of the women and mothers at home whose hearts, despite their willingness to sacrifice to the last, hang onto this last with all their might. Mr. Churchill may well belittle my declaration again, crying that it was nothing other than a symptom of my fear, or my doubts of the final victory. Still I will have an easy conscience in view of things to come!” – Adolf Hitler - July 1940

The response to Hitler’s appeal to reason came from Sefton Delmer who worked as a propagandist for the British government, mainly giving anti-German speeches on the radio. Delmer said:

“Let me tell you what we here in Britain think of this appeal of yours to what you are pleased to call our reason and common sense. Herr Führer, we hurl it right back at you, right in your evil smelling teeth."

Again just like after the war with Poland Hitler offers peace terms. This proves that Hitler wanted peace and the Secret Elite controlling events in Britain did not. Because the Secret Elite or I should say Jewish Elite wanted the destruction of Germany just like they did before World War 1.

"Three times I have made concrete offers for armament restriction. These offers were rejected. The
greatest offer which I then made was that Germany and France together should reduce their standing
armies to 300,000 men; that Germany, Great Britain and France, should bring down their air forces to
parity and that Germany and Great Britain should conclude a naval agreement. Only the last offer was
accepted as real limitation of armaments. The other German proposals were either flatly refused or
where answered by the conclusion of those alliances which gave Central Europe to Soviet Russia as
the field of play for its gigantic forces." - Adolf Hitler

The Jews where the main driving force in the resistance movement across Europe against Hitler and his regime, The French Resistance was actually the Jewish Resistance. Because it was Jews most of all who wanted Germany’s defeat because they had been removed from controlling Germany and like a parasite they fought back.

“While more than 25 percent of French Jews were involved in resistance efforts, only one percent of the non-Jewish population was engaged in similar activity. The anthem of the French resistance was written by the Jewish novelist Joseph Kessel, while the most popular anti-German novel in French during the period, La Silence de la mer, was written by the Hungarian Jewish immigrant Jean Bruller. Two of the most important resistance fighters in France were Jews Jean-Pierre Levy (who headed the nucleus of de Gaulle’s ‘secret army’) and Leo Goldenberg who operated the main Paris resistance movement. In Belgium “the most militant resistant’s were Jews,” and the country’s heavily Jewish resistance network (RR) was responsible for multiple acts of sabotage as well as the targeted assassination of Jews co-operating with Germans. Resistance in Greece was orchestrated by the Greek People’s Liberation Army (ELAS). Ginsberg writes that “a significant percentage of the officers and leaders of ELAS

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