» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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were Jews” who adopted Greek names. Greek Jewish partisans were responsible for the deaths of more than 2,000 German soldiers and forced the deployment of an entire combat division in order to counter ongoing sabotage efforts. Similarly, in Yugoslavia, “several thousand Jews fought in the partisan movement.” Despite being a relatively small percentage of the population of the Soviet Union, Jews constituted the third largest nationality group among Soviet partisans, and occupied many of the most influential roles. By far the most destructive partisan activity took place in the Soviet Union where “very often these early partisan groups were led by Jewish Communists.” The Soviet Union’s lead counterintelligence agency was SMERSH, an acronym for Smert Shpionam, or ‘Death to Spies.’ Jews were hugely over-represented in SMERSH, and Ginsberg remarks that “Jews played an important role within SMERSH throughout the war.”[8] Led by Jews such as Iakov Serebrianski, Isidor Makliarskii, and Vilyam Fisher, the tight ethnic cohesion of Soviet intelligence circles meant that infiltration by non-Jewish agents of any nationality was especially difficult. “During the course of the war, SMERSH alone killed or captured nearly 40,000 of the 44,000 agents the Germans acknowledge having sent into the USSR.” This is a remarkable level of success. According to Soviet sources, partisans killed 500,000 Germans in Byelorussia, and 460,000 in Ukraine, along with 5,000 locomotives, 50,000 railway cars, and 15,000 German automobiles. While historians debate the accuracy and extent of these figures, it is clear that partisan activity was hugely detrimental to the German war effort” - By Benjamin Ginsberg – from the book How the Jews Defeated Hitler

Battle of Britain

"During the whole of my political activity I have always propounded the idea of a close friendship
and collaboration between Germany and England. In the NSDAP, I found innumerable others of like
mind. This desire for Anglo-German friendship and co-operation conforms not merely to sentiments
based on the racial origins of our two peoples but also to my realisation of the importance of the
existence of the British Empire for the whole of mankind.” - Hitler's Reply to Roosevelt. April 15th

After having his peace terms rejected Hitler was left with the only solution which was to force Britain into a negotiated peace settlement. So plans were drawn up in August to try and control the skies over Britain. Herman Goering was solely in charge of these plans as Hitler was not interested much in taking over Britain as he only did this as a last resort. Hitler was mostly pre-occupied with the expansion of the Soviets in the east.

Hitler gave a directive to Goering on the conduct of war against Britain in the so called ‘Battle of Britain’.

“The war against England is to be restricted to destructive attacks against industry and air force targets which have weak defensive forces. The most thorough study of the target concerned, that is vital points of the target, is a pre-requisite for success. It is also stressed that every effort should be made to avoid unnecessary loss of life amongst the civilian population” – Adolf Hitler.

Churchill repeatedly bombed German civilians before the Luftwaffe fly over Britain and in August bombed Berlin on three occasions which surprised Hitler and his leaders and angered them. Hitler then stated that any more bombs dropping on civilian targets in Germany will result in Germany dropping bombs onto British cities. Of course this is what Churchill wants then the Jewish press can have a field day with ‘Germans kill civilians’ headlines in their newspapers, more propaganda for Churchill’s cause. It is obvious that Britain cannot expect to bomb German cities and civilians without some type of retaliation from Germany. On September 7th London was bombed for the first time and other British cities then followed.

But let’s put things into perspective here. At the most 40,000 civilians died in the whole of Britain during the German blitz on British cities. In the German city of Frankfurt alone at least 50,000 civilians died, in 1943 at least 50,000 died in Hamburg, in Dresden at least at a very minimum of 300,000 civilians died, most burned alive. At least 1,000,000 German civilians (mostly woman and children) died at the hands of butchers Churchill and bomber Harris. It was nothing more than war crimes and genocide. This just goes to show the real evil despot was Churchill and not Hitler as we get told repeatedly on controlled Jewish owned BBCDiscoveryHistory channels.

“Churchill himself deliberately provoked the attack on London, because he needed it to kill off the peace movement in Britain. Enough people knew about the German peace offer in the summer of 1940 to want to accept it. In his own Cabinet, Lord Beaverbrook, the minister of aircraft production; Lord Halifax, the foreign secretary; Neville Chamberlain, the former prime minister -- all wanted peace! The only way out of this dilemma that he saw was to provoke Hitler to bomb London. So Churchill started bombing Berlin, which until that time had not been bombed. Churchill knew from codebreaking that Hitler had ordered that under no circumstances was London to be bombed. Hitler had actually banned the bombing of any British towns as such; the Luftwaffe was bombing Portsmouth dockyards and places like Liverpool for the docks, but they were not bombing towns; and London was totally embargoed”, - David Irving WW2 Historian.

“There is not a doubt in my mind that the Lancaster, the B17 and the B24 were built for the purpose of inflicting massive civilian casualties on the German populace. It was the greatest war crime ever perpetrated”, - Colonel Robin Olds, US Airforce.

Rudolph Hess Peace Initiative

There was a group of pro-German elitists in Britain who were favourable to agreeing peace with Germany. These were the Duke of Windsor who use to be King Edward VII, MP Lady Astor and the Duke of Hamilton as well as a few others. Hitler and Rudolph Hess had been in contact with these people and Hitler suggested that Hess should fly into Britain to present peace negotiations to these British elitists who could then present it to Churchill and his government. Although Churchill claimed that it was part of a plot to oust him from power so that a peace deal with Hitler could be negotiated. Rudolph Hess then parachuted into Scotland in May 1941 and landed several miles from the Duke of Hamilton’s estate. He was arrested by a member of the Home Guard. Army officers then questioned Hess who said he had a message for the Duke of Hamilton. Hess met with the Duke and passed this message on and the Duke then spoke with Churchill about his conversation with Hess. Hess was then sent to prison by Churchill’s orders and was not allowed to speak to anyone. Hess was sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against peace at the Nuremberg Trials after the war although he had not done anything wrong or killed anyone. Hess was only allowed to see his son once and was not allowed to touch him. For the 40 years that he was locked up in Spandau prison in Berlin Hess was never allowed to speak to anyone or write anything down. This was done so that he could not tell the truth to the world about his peace mission. When Hess was due to be released it was found that he had hanged himself with an electrical cord in Spandau jail on August 17, 1987, at the age of 93. Although Doctor Hugh Thomas who was treating Hess claims he received information from a SAS member that two assassins had been ordered on behalf of the British Government to kill Hess in order that he should not be released and free to expose secrets concerning the plot to overthrow the Churchill government.

Operation Barbarossa

As air superiority was not achieved over Britain Hitler called of the attacks of the Luftwaffe by October 1940. Hitler’s main worry was the threat of Stalin and communism in the East. Hitler knew that Stalin could not be trusted. Even though Germany had a non-aggression pact with the Soviets Stalin had already broken two non-aggression pacts with Poland and Finland when he invaded these two countries so that would not hold him back from attacking Germany. Hitler stated several times that he wanted to defeat communism and stop it from spreading to Germany and Europe. Stalin had already invaded Finland, East Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and parts of Romania and in March 1941 he drafted a million extra soldiers and sent them to the European borders. Field-Marshal Kluge had reported to Hitler that a significant amount of Soviet soldiers were massing on the border with Germany. There is no doubt that Stalin would attack Germany if Hitler just waited and did nothing. Then the German people would suffer the same fate as the Russian Christians did in the Bolshevik revolution were up to 40 million civilians were butchered. When Soviet General Andrei Vlassov was captured in 1942 he confirmed to the Germans that Stalin had ordered an invasion of Germany and Europe in July 1941.

According to Soviet military intelligence officer named Vladimir Rezun (Suvorov) Stalin was preparing to overwhelm Germany and Western Europe as part of a well-planned operation to "liberate" all of Europe by bringing it under Communist rule. In his book ‘Icebreaker’, Suvorov details the deployment of Soviet forces in June 1941, describing just how Stalin amassed vast numbers of troops and stores of weapons along the European frontier, not to defend the Soviet homeland but in preparation for a westward attack and decisive battles on enemy territory.

Hitler’s only chance of victory is a lightning strike which will catch Stalin and the massive Soviet empire of guard.

“If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery
pieces, along with more than 10,000 airplanes, had not been kept from being set into motion
against the Reich, all of Europe would have been lost.” - Adolf Hitler, 1941

So on June 22nd 1941 Operation Barbarossa was launched and Hitler and Germany would do their best to eliminate the wickedest empire of the 20th Century. Many Europeans were happy to see Germany attack Russia especially Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and even Poland as hundreds of thousands of people from these countries had been marched off to the Soviet Gulags. Of course many Ukrainians would be happy to see the back of Stalin and his hoards as he had murdered 9 million of them in 1931-32.

Stalin had the largest military force in the western world with an army of

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