» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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on March 24th 1945 stated that 202,040 bodies mostly women and children were found and approximately 250,000 died.

Although the allies and the Jewish owned Wikipedia state that 25,000 people died in Dresden which is ludicrous. Dresden was the most bombed city in the whole of WW2. The area of destruction at Pforzheim comprised approximately 83% of the city, and 20,277 out of 65,000 people died according to official estimates. This means that over 30% of the residents of Pforzheim died in one bombing attack. The question is if more than 30% of the residents of Pforzheim died in one bombing attack, why would only approximately 2.5% of Dresdner’s die in similar raids 10 days earlier? So we can expect 30% of the people of Dresden to die which would be about 300,000 so the figure given by the Dresden Police report of 250,000 Dresden victims is much closer to the truth.

In 1955 former West German chancellor Konrad Adenauer stated: "On 13 February 1945, the attack on the city of Dresden, which was overcrowded with refugees, claimed about 250.000 victims.” (Deutschland heute, edited by the press and information service of the federal government, Wiesbaden 1955, page 154.)

Victor Gregg, a British para captured at Arnhem, was a prisoner of war in Dresden that night who was ordered to help with the clear up. In a 2014 BBC interview he recalled the hunt for survivors after the apocalyptic firestorm. In one incident, it took his team seven hours to get into a 1,000-person air-raid shelter in the Altstadt. Once inside, they found no survivors or corpses: just a green-brown liquid with bones sticking out of it. The cowering people had all melted. In areas further from the town centre there were legions of adults shrivelled to three feet in length. Children under the age of three had simply been vaporized.

In what world do the good guys and liberators intentionally murder hundreds of thousands of woman and children?

We had the Jew Lindemann advising Churchill to bomb the civilians in Germany and we have a Jew also advising Roosevelt to bomb Dresden on a certain day. Walt Whitman Rostow was the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia and during WWII he was attached to the office of strategic services (OSS), an intelligence unit and precursor to the CIA, picking targets in Germany for American bombers to attack. February 13th and 14th, 1945 (two months prior to the German surrender) were the dates chosen to firebomb Dresden, Germany after intense lobbying by Rostow. February 14th, 1945 was the Christian holy day known as "Ash Wednesday"... How clever to choose Ash Wednesday to reduce a city over-populated by women, children and wounded to ashes. Rostow went on to serve as Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to President Lyndon Johnson in 1966–69. Appropriately Rostow died on February 13th, 2003.

All these historical German cities and towns were reduced to rubble not because of any military significance it was because the aim was to kill as many German civilians as possible and make as many homeless as possible just like all the Zionist Jews wanted who were advising Roosevelt and Churchill. Remember from the earlier Jewish quotes ‘We must destroy, destroy, destroy them’ said Polish Jew Vladimir Jabotinsky. There was no doubt about it that this was a war crime and the people responsible were homicidal maniacs. Yet in the farcical Nuremburg trials after the war German commanders were prosecuted for waging an aggressive war. No one on the Allies side was prosecuted for anything which is no surprise because the judge, jury and prosecutors were Russian, Jews, Americans and the British. Yet amazingly we are supposed to believe that the Jews were the victims of WW2 and not the Germans and the Jews have extracted billions of dollars from European countries for their so called holocaust (more about that later).

Germany had the world's second largest steel and chemical industries which provided support for a large percentage of the population but because of allied bombing these industrial resources were largely wiped out as well as all factories and railroads. Never before in history have the life-sustaining resources of a nation been so thoroughly demolished. Returning from victory in Europe, General Bradley declared, "I can tell you that Germany has been destroyed utterly and completely”.

“I urge every one of you to read The Destruction of Dresden by David Irving. I assure you, after reading Irving's book, you will never take seriously the Establishment's version of what happened in that war again. What you ought to take seriously, though, is the fact that the same Jewish clique that controlled the traitorous Roosevelt and Churchill governments, whose hatred of our race and civilization and whose alliance with Communism were the real causes of the holocaust of Dresden, still controls our government and our media today. It is they who are pushing for a disarmed, racially mixed America. It is they who promote the teaching of sodomy to our young children. It is they who are destroying our industrial infrastructure in the name of a global economy. It is they who created the drug subculture and then also the police state agencies which pretend to fight it. The hour is very late for America and indeed for all of Western civilization. But if patriots will heed our call, then there is no reason for despair. For the enemies of our nation may have power, but their power is based on lies. Won't you help us cut through the chain of lies that holds our people in mental slavery? Every year, families should commemorate the anniversary of the holocaust of Dresden on the eve of 13th February.” - Historian Kevin Alfred Strom.

Below a good video about the bombing of Dresden

“Churchill used secrecy to protect his war crime of ordering the bombing of civilian residential areas of German cities with his emphasis on bombing the homes of the working class as they were closer together which helped the conflagration to spread. Churchill would first have the civilian areas firebombed, and then when firemen and rescue workers were engaged the British would drop high explosives. Churchill ignored military targets, preferring instead to break the morale of the German population by bombing civilian areas. He tried to get the British Air Force to include poison gas when dropping incendiary and high explosive bombs on civilian residential areas. As the British people did not know Churchill was bombing civilians, Churchill hoped Hitler would be provoked into replying in kind. Hitler refused for three months to take the bait, but finally his military insisted that unless he bombed the British they would keep on bombing German civilian areas. Hitler gave in but initially insisted that only British industrial targets be bombed. Once a few bombs went astray, Churchill had his rallying cry that the Nazi barbarians were bombing civilians. He got away with this, but officials in the know worried that the British Air Force, especially “Butcher” Harris, would face war crimes trials when the war was over. British generals and admirals disagreed with Churchill’s bombing policy. They regarded it as unprofessional and unprincipled. They complained that it harmed the war effort by denying the army and navy needed air support. In November 1942 British Air Chief Portal compared the German bombing of Britain with the British bombing of Germany. The Germans had dropped 55,000 tons of bombs, killing 41,000 British and destroying 350,000 homes. The British had dropped 1,250,000 tons of bombs, killing 900,000 German civilians, maiming one million more, and destroying 6,000,000 German homes. The UK/US firebombing of Dresden at the end of the war stands as one of the worst war crimes in history. It killed as many or more civilians as the atomic bombs Washington dropped on the two Japanese cities, also at war end” – From - Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President of America Ronald Reagan and is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

“The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany” (Valadimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Soviet Minster and founder of the Jewish terrorist group, Irgun in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)

“Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we are about to replace them Mongolian savages. It’s said that for the first week after they took Berlin, all women who ran were shot and those who did not were raped. I could have taken it instead of the Soviets if I had been allowed” – U.S General George S. Patton

The Jewish Hellbomb

This bombing of Germany was Plan B. Plan A was for the Jews to drop their Atomic bomb on to Germany but the bomb was not ready in time so they tested it out on Japan first.

What most people don’t know is that they were all Jewish men who were behind the creation of the atomic bomb in the Manhattan project.

Leading Jewish scientists who created the evil atomic bomb were: Robert Oppenheimer and David Bohm, Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner Otto Frisch, Felix Bloch, Rudolf Peierls, Niels Bohr, Emilio Segre and James Franck. All Jewish.

Wigner participated in a meeting with Leo Szilard and Albert Einstein that resulted in the Einstein-Szilard letter, which prompted President Franklin D. Roosevelt to initiate the Manhattan Project to develop atomic bombs.

Below is a partial list of Jews who were directly involved in the Manhattan Project. There were many more Jews involved at all levels of researching, constructing, and advocating the use of the atomic bomb than can be listed here.

J. Robert Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Scientific Director - Project "Y"

Frank Oppenheimer [American Jew] - Brother of and Assistant to J. Robert Oppenheimer

Albert Einstein [German born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Niels Bohr [Danish born Jew] - Consultant to the Project

Leó Szilárd [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

Nicholas Kürti [Hungarian born Jew] - Worked with Franz Eugen Simon [German born Jew] and developed a method of separating uranium 235 from raw uranium ore

David Bohm [American Jew] - Performed theoretical calculations for the Calutrons at the Y-12 facility in Oak Ridge, used to electromagnetically enrich uranium for use in the bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945

Rudolf Peierls [German born Jew] - British Mission

Felix Bloch [Swiss born Jew] - Worked under Hans Albrecht Bethe, performing nuclear fission research

Eugene [Paul] Wigner [Hungarian born Jew] - Group Leader - Metallurgical Laboratory

James Chadwick [British born Jew] - Chief - British Mission

James Franck [German born Jew] - Director - Chemistry Group

Otto Frisch [German born Jew] - British Mission

Edward Teller [Hungarian born Jew] - Thermonuclear Research

Emilio Gino Segrè [Italian born Jew] - Group Leader

Hans Albrecht Bethe [German born Jew] - Chief - Theoretical Division

Klaus Fuchs [German born Jew] - Theoretical Division [Communist Spy]

It is of utmost significance to point out that both atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb were in large measure a Jewish production. But basically the atom bomb and its further proliferation, is a Jewish idea. The Atomic bomb was probably the most evil thing ever invented, it was there to destroy countries and kill human beings period and it was invented by the Jews to kill the ‘Goyim’. It threatens to bring death, cancer, leukaemia, and birth defects to the mass of the population, and, in fact, exterminate humanity itself.

One of the central figures in not only laying the theoretical groundwork but also persuading President Roosevelt to launch the whole atomic bomb program was Albert Einstein, a foreign-born Jew.

It was at this time that most of the Atomic secrets were stolen and passed on to the Soviets. When it comes to listing the spies and traitors involved, it almost reads like a Jewish Who's Who. The most notorious were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were tried and executed for treason, the only traitors in modern U.S. history to have suffered this fate. Further involved

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