» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗». Author Terence Smart

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and one spent 53 years in a mental hospital. The American general who took the decision to unleash the Moroccan troops was General Mark Clark of the American Fifth Army. In fact, they were not just Moroccans, but the Tunisians, Algerians and Senegalese - troops coming from former French colonies in North Africa. The magazine DWF said in 1993 that up to 60,000 women were raped in southern Italy by the Allies.

The Allied armies were supposed to be liberating the French but by the time they went home French women had a different view of these men from across the sea. The raping of French women was so bad that 152 American soldiers who were tried for rape. I believe that the number of rapes in France committed by American soldiers was about 3,500 and 11,000 women raped in Germany by American soldiers. American professor of criminology J. Robert Lilly wrote a book in 2003 titled ‘Taken by Force’, and he estimates that American soldiers committed around 11,000 rapes in Germany. German historian Professor Miriam Gebhardt estimates in a new book that French, British and American soldiers raped 860,000 Germans at and after the end of the Second World War, including 190,000 sexual assaults by American soldiers. Gebhardt’s book ‘When the Soldiers Came’, includes interviews with victims, stories of the children of rape and research that she conducted over the course of a year and a half into birth records in Allied-occupied West Germany and West Berlin. Gebhardt said she arrived at that number of sexual assaults by estimating that of the so-called ‘war-children’ born to unmarried German women by the 1950s, five percent were products of rape. She also estimates that for each birth, there were 100 rapes, including of men and boys. Gebhardt’s numbers are higher than previous estimates.

But the Soviets were the worst of all. They slaughtered and raped Germans in their thousands on their march from East Prussia to Berlin. It is estimated that up 2 million German women were raped by the advancing Soviet soldiers. 100,000 of those rapes occurred in Berlin. Thousands of German women caught venereal diseases and had to have abortions and thousands committed suicide rather than face this brutality.

Russian soldiers continually raped German women as the Red Army advanced through Silesia and Pomerania towards Berlin. The German women were frequently ganged raped, often again and again on successive nights. A woman interviewed in Schwerin reported that she had “already been raped by ten men today.” A German officer in East Prussia claims to have saved a few dozen women from a villa where “on average they had been raped 60 to 70 times a day.

The Jewish Soviet Propaganda Minister, Ilya Ehrenburg produced millions of leaflets and had them dropped on to the Soviet soldiers as they entered German territory. The leaflets said “Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our mortal enemy. Have no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German, wipe them out!” “The Germans are not human beings. Break with force the racial arrogance of the Germanic women. Take them as your legal loot. Kill, you brave soldiers of the Red Army, kill!”

The savagery of Soviet soldiers was acknowledged by British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery in his Memoirs. Montgomery states:

“From their behavior it soon became clear that the Russians, though a fine fighting race, were in fact barbarous Asiatics who had never enjoyed a civilization comparable to that of the rest of Europe. Their approach to every problem was utterly different from ours and their behavior, especially in their treatment of women, was abhorrent to us.”

An American newspaperman who had been freed by the Russians from a prison camp travelled with the Russians through eastern Germany and he had this to say:

“In the district around our internment camp - the territory comprising the towns of Schlawe, Lauenburg, and Buckow and hundreds of larger villages - Russian soldiers during the first weeks of their occupation raped every woman and girl between the ages of 12 and 60. That sounds exaggerated but it is the simple truth. This reign of terror lasted as long as I was with the Reds in Pomerania. Several girls whom I had known during my captivity committed suicide. Others died after having been raped by ten soldiers in succession. In an isolated farmhouse where my French comrade and myself spent three months after joining the Reds, there were eight young girls from neighbouring villages hiding from the Reds. All of these girls already had been raped and three of them - one a little girl of 13 were pregnant.

The following tale is not for the squeamish. It was reported by a German-Brazilian citizen Leonora Greier who had immigrated to Germany before the war. She was employed as a typist in Vilmsee in Neustettin, Germany for the Women Reich Labour Service. There were 500 women in this labour service. When the Soviet soldiers over ran this area they committed mass atrocities against these German women. The Soviet Commissar told Mrs Greier that because she was Brazilian she would be in charge of the women. She was told to bring in 5 women to the room. Two Polish soldiers then came into the room and threw one girl over the table and cut of her breasts and then drove the knife into her stomach several times to the cheers of the watching Soviet soldiers. Mrs Greier said she never heard someone scream so desperately as that poor girl. The other 4 girls had collapsed with fear at this point but the same fate awaited them. Another 5 girls were brought in and they immediately began to scream and cry at the sight of their dead comrades. They chose one of the girls and sliced her body length ways and tried to pour in a can of oil and then set her on fire. Another girl was then shot in the genitals by a Russian before he then cut of her breasts. More girls were brought in and suffered the same beastly torture. Mrs Greier said she was forced to watch these proceedings. One girl’s bra was soaked in oil and then set on fire and then a steel rod was thrust into her vagina until it came out of her naval. The torture of these poor girls only stopped to remove the bodies and wash away the blood. Many of the other girls waiting outside were clubbed to death. The town of Neustettin was then recaptured by the German soldiers as they tried to protect the population. One German soldier reported that when they captured a village near Neustettin and took 200 Soviet prisoners he came across a scene of horror. German women then ran over to the prisoners and started stabbing them with knives and forks but the German soldiers told the women to stop. The women then told the German soldiers go into the houses and see what these Soviet soldiers had done. What they saw was monstrous. Naked dead women had Swastikas cut into their abdomens and some had intestines bulging out and faces smashed to a pulp and another woman had a broomstick
protruding from her vagina. Other women in the village told the soldiers how they had to watch their teenage daughters raped by up to 20 Soviet soldiers and then the daughters had to watch their mothers being raped. Any women who resisted were brutally tortured.

The peaceful East German village called Nemmersdorf was over ran by the Soviet hordes in October 1944 after several days of fighting the German soldiers re-claimed Nemmersdorf but they were shocked at what they found.

Witness Lt. Heinrich Amberger stated:

“On the road through Nemmersdorf, near the bridge . . . I saw where a whole trek of refugees had been rolled over by Russian tanks; not only the wagons and teams, but also a goodly number of civilians, mostly women and children had been squashed flat by the tanks. On the edge of a street an old woman sat hunched up, killed by a bullet in the back of the neck. Not far away lay a baby of only a few months, killed by a shot at close range through the forehead. A number of men, with no other marks or fatal wounds, had been killed by blows with shovels or gun butts; their faces completely smashed. In the near-by villages similar cases were noted after these villages were cleared of Russian troops. Neither in Nemmersdorf nor in the other places did I find a single living German civilian”.

Another Nemmersdorf witness stated:

“In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position. . . . Beyond . . . stood a barn and to each of its two doors a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture. In the dwellings we found a total of seventy-two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead . . . all murdered in a bestial manner, except only a few who had bullet holes in their necks. Some babies had their heads bashed in. In one room we found a woman, 84 years old, sitting on a sofa . . . half of whose head had been sheared off with an axe or a spade. Every female, including girls as young as eight, had been raped”

Germans now knew the horrors that would be inflicted on them should the Russian hordes manage to overrun Germany.

According to testimony given in the United States Senate on July 17, 1945, when the colonial French troops under Eisenhower's command, presumably mostly Africans, entered the German city of Stuttgart, they herded German women into the subways and raped some 2000 of them. In Stuttgart alone, troops under Eisenhower's command raped more women in one week than troops under German command raped in all of France for four entire years. In fact, of all the major belligerents in World War II, the German troops had by far the smallest record of rape and looting. The German army's incidence of rape in all of Germany's occupied territories was even lower than that of American troops stationed on American soil!

A German nurse told how her father had been stabbed to death by Russian soldiers who, after raping her mother and sister, tried to break into her own room. She escaped and hid in a haystack with four other women for 4 days. On the train to Berlin she was raped once by Russian troops and twice by Poles. Women who resisted were shot dead, she said, and on one occasion she saw a Russian guard take an infant by the legs and crush its skull against a post because the child cried while the guard was raping its mother.

The day after our noble Soviet allies conquered Neisse, Silesia, 182 Catholic nuns were raped. In the diocese of Kattowitz 66 pregnant nuns were counted. In one convent when the Mother Superior and her assistant tried to protect the younger nuns with outstretched arms, they were shot down. A priest reported in Nord Amerika magazine for November 1, 1945, that he knew "several villages where all the women, even the aged and girls as young as twelve, were violated daily for weeks by the Russians."

The Reverend Bernard Griffin, British Archbishop, made a tour of Europe in 1945 to study conditions there, and reported, "In Vienna alone they raped 100,000 women, not once but many times, including girls not yet in their teens, and aged women."

On March 24, 1945 the Soviets entered Danzig. A 50-year-old Danzig teacher reported that her niece, 15, was raped seven times, and her other niece, 22, was raped fifteen times. A Soviet officer told a group of women to seek safety in the Cathedral. Once they were securely locked inside, the beasts of Bolshevism entered, and ringing the bells and playing the organ, "celebrated" a foul orgy through the night, raping all the women, some more than thirty times. A Catholic pastor in Danzig declared, "They violated even eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers."

On April 27, 1946 Vatican Radio charged that in the Russian occupation zone of Eastern Germany cries of help are going up "from girls and women who are being brutally raped and whose bodily and spiritual health is completely shaken."

Another atrocity was the sinking of the Gustloff carrying refugees. The MV Wilhelm Gustloff was a German transport ship which was sunk on 30 January 1945 by a Russian submarine in the Baltic Sea. On board were 10,000 German refugees who were fleeing the advancing Russians. 1230 passengers were rescued which meant nearly 9000 perished with about 3000 of them children. Ask most people what the biggest loss of life on any ship that sank and they will say the Titanic but six times more people died on the Wilhelm Gustloff.

In May 1943 units of the

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