» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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5,000,000 but the Germans were far superior in the tactics, training, discipline and bravery of its soldiers. Hitler had an army of 3 million with 3500 tanks against the 24,000 tanks that the Soviets had. Germany had 2000 aircraft against the 20,000 aircraft of the Soviets. The Soviets had at their disposal over 100,000 artillery pieces matched against the German’s 8000 artillery pieces. Stalin had vast resources to call upon and if these 5,000,000 soldiers disappeared he had another 10 million to call upon although they would be poorly trained with no discipline. Germany did have the help of 400,000 Finnish soldiers who wanted payback against the Russians but they withdrew their army when Germany was attacking Leningrad which could have been the difference between victory and defeat in Leningrad.

So many Europeans hated Stalin and communism so much that they joined the German army to fight the Soviets. One of Germany’s fighting forces was the Waffen SS which was a million strong. Up to 600,000 of the Waffen SS were non Germans and came from all over Europe. Some of the nationalities that fought in the Waffen SS were Albanian, Armenian, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgian, Hungary, India, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain and the U.S.A. Hatred against Stalin was so high that 300,000 Russian POW’s volunteered to fight for Germany under the command of General Andrey Vlasov.

Germany had three armies to attack Russia. One army went towards Leningrad, one went towards Moscow and the third went towards the Ukraine. As Germans liberated Ukrainian cities such as Lutsk and Lviv they were cheered by the locals. The locals would even turn over to the Germans, Soviets soldiers that they found hiding. The Ukrainians had not forgot that the Soviets and Stalin had murdered 9 million of them just 10 years previously, so they welcomed the Germans.

In the photos below Ukrainian local’s welcome German soldiers.

In the first three days of the campaign the Soviets had lost nearly 4,000 aircraft compared to the German losses of 78 aircraft. By October the Germans had pushed the Soviets all the way back to within 5 miles of Moscow taking 3,000,000 prisoners along the way. It just goes to show how superior the German army was even though they were vastly outnumbered in men and equipment. But the Wehrmacht was not equipped for winter warfare, and the bitter cold caused severe problems for their guns and equipment and the Luftwaffe was grounded because of the weather.

When the Stalin and the Soviet regime were almost defeated he could count on the communist Roosevelt to help him. The American President through the Lend & Lease act provided the Soviets in WW2 with the following:

21,795 planes

12,056 tanks

460,873 vehicles

8,000 antiaircraft guns

5,000 antitank guns

132,000 machine-guns

472 million artillery shells

29 tankers

433 combat ships and gunboats

4,478,000 tons of food supplies

Britain supplied the Soviets with 5,800 planes, 4,292 tanks, and 12 minesweepers. Canada supplied 1,188 tanks and 842 armoured cars.

This help from America was no surprise because 8 of FDR’s closest advisors were the communist Jews Bernard Baruch, Felix Frankfurter, Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter, Henry Morgenthau, Samuel Untermeyer and Rabbi Stephen Wise as well as many more and these all had hate and hostility towards Germany. I will state again that it was the Jewish Zionist bankers who wanted to wipe Germany of the map. Without this assistance from America the Soviets would have been defeated and communism would have been eradicated. They would have been no Cold War and no communist takeover of Eastern Europe. Ten years later America and Britain would be fighting a Cold War against the Soviet Union and they will try to get West Germany onto their side.

At this time America and Germany were not at war with each other. Hitler had never made any threat towards America. Helping the Soviets like this was like a declaration of war against Germany.

“The Roosevelt administration was infiltrated through and through with Communist Jews who were the devoted agents of Jewish controlled Communist Russia. These men did all in their power to harness American might to the cause of Soviet Russia (and thereby, to the cause of International Jewry). Roosevelt’s Jewish Undersecretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White was a secret Soviet agent, and the majority of Roosevelt’s advisory staff were Jews with undisguised Soviet sympathies. Roosevelt’s agenda appears to have been to join with the Soviet Union to destroy Germany and then divide control of the Western world between the United States and the Soviet Union. Every decision he made throughout the war indicated that that was his consistent aim. Through the Lend-Lease program, Roosevelt threw the entire industrial might of the United States behind “Uncle Joe” and the Soviet Union. 20,000 airplanes, 440,000 trucks, and massive quantities of all other kinds of war materiel were funneled into the Soviet Union from the United States. Without this massive support, Russia could not have defeated the Germans”. - From the book ‘The Myth of German Villainy’ by Benton L. Bradberry

The bloodiest battle in the war was the battle for Stalingrad. After a 5 month battle about 2 million died from both sides. By February 1943 Germany had lost Stalingrad and also lost about 800,000 men, its first major defeat in World War 2. 91,000 German prisoners were marched off to the Soviet Gulags and only 5000 ever returned. It is said that the loss in Stalingrad was the turning point in the war and Germany never recovered. A further battle was to take place in July 1943 near Kursk which was 280 miles south west of Moscow. The Soviets had 1,300,000 men and 3,600 tanks compared to the Germans 770,000 men and 2500 tanks. Although the Soviets lost more men and tanks than the Germans in the battle for Kursk and the German forces had pushed the Soviets back it could not sustain its attack. The German forces could not recover its losses like the Soviets could who had unlimited manpower and resources which the bulk of was provided by America. From this point on in the eastern front Germany was on the defensive and the Soviets had the initiative in its push westwards.

The Bombing of Germany

The destruction rained down on German cities and towns by American and British bombers during WW2 was the real Holocaust. The word Holocaust actually means ‘destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire’ and this is exactly what happened to German civilians and cities.

“Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones… Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany… there was a reasonable possibility that our capital and industrial centres would not have been attacked if we had continued to refrain from attacking those of Germany… We began to bomb objectives on the German mainland before the Germans began to bomb objectives on the British mainland… Because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic bombing offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11th, 1940, the publicity it deserves.” - J.M. Spaight, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry.

“They [the British Air Chiefs] argued that the desired result, of reducing German industrial production, would be more readily achieved if the homes of the workers in the factories were destroyed; if the workers were kept busy arranging for the burial of their wives and children, output might reasonably be expected to fall… It was concentrated on working class houses because, as Professor Lindemann (Jewish) maintained, a higher percentage of bloodshed per ton of explosives dropped could be expected from bombing houses built close together, rather than by bombing higher class houses surrounded by gardens.” In the book ‘Advance to Barbarism’, F.J.P. Veale.

Churchill and the British war Cabinet adopted the policy of Frederick Lindemann to bomb Germany. Lindemann was a Jew born in Baden Baden, Germany but raised in England. He was a close friend of Churchill and the governments leading scientific advisor. He had a hatred of Germany and its people and he wanted vengeance, his actions bear this out. Lindemann’s proposed plan was to forget the bombing of military targets and concentrate on bombing civilians especially the working class houses because they were all close together. This was done to kill as many civilians as possible and to make them homeless. The leading Jews in the world did not just want the defeat of Hitler and his army they wanted the complete destruction of Germany and its people. They wanted to wipe Germany from existence. As mentioned earlier Jewish American Businessman Theodore Kaufmann produced a book called ‘Germany Must Perish’ and below is his map showing a Europe without Germany.

Again as mentioned earlier in the Jews Declare War on Germany section there are many quotes by leading Jews wanting Germany’s total destruction? Henry Morgenthau was a Jew born in New York and was U.S Secretary of the Treasury in the American government. Morgenthau said "Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War “. He came up with the Morgenthau Plan which was a plan to remove all industry from Germany after the war and to break Germany up into smaller states. The Jew Morgenthau even wrote a book about how Germany should be controlled and occupied after the war. It was titled ‘Germany is our Problem: A Plan for Germany’.

You see it is the Jews who wanted to wipe Germany of the map and not the Germans trying to wipe the Jews from the map as we have been told in the lying Jewish media. Wanting to remove Jews out of Germany to another location is not wiping them out and that includes the so called Holocaust which we will come to later. The Jewish Kaufmann book (1941) advocated the sterilization of all Germans, imagine a book today suggesting the sterilisation of all Jews. You would be sent to prison but the Jews are allowed to say this against a Christian white race. You just know it was the Jews behind Roosevelt and Churchill who were advocating the bombing of Germany.

The Allies bombed over 1000 German cities, towns, and villages with none of them having any military significance at all. These cities and town were some of the finest and historical in the whole of Europe. The Allies bombed all the large cities first and then when they were reduced to rubble they then started on the small towns and villages. Twice as many bombs were dropped on Berlin than was dropped on the whole of Great Britain by the Luftwaffe.

So great was the ruin that General Eisenhower said:

"I have seen many great engineering jobs during the war - such as the clearing of the port of Cherbourg - but I just wouldn't know where to begin to rebuild Berlin”.

"Our primary purpose is destruction of as many Germans as possible. I expect to destroy every German west of the Rhine and within that area in which we are attacking”, General Eisenhower

According to The Hague Convention bombing cities and towns was only allowed if the city and town was defended. Many people will say that Germany bombed Warsaw and Rotterdam but these two cities were turned into fortresses. The Polish army in particular retreated into Warsaw almost taking the civilians and city hostage. Hitler gave the Polish army every chance to surrender and evacuate the civilians and even dropped leaflets. Civilians were not intentionally targeted but the aim was to force the Polish army to surrender.

Let’s look a bit more closely at the death and destruction Churchill and America brought to the German women and children.

The town of Pforzheim is one of the smallest towns in Baden and had a population of about 50,000 during WW2. It was situated near the Black Forest and

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