» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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and he had them broadcast by the BBC.” David Irving WW2 Historian.

After the war in Poland Hitler made a peace offer to Britain and France but this was rejected because they wanted war. There is no speech on record were Winston Churchill offers peace with Germany and in none of his speeches does he even mention the possibility of peace. All Churchill speeches are aimed at starting or continuing the war with Germany. In fact you could say Churchill was the main reason that World War 2 started and continued.

Hitler quotes from a speech given in the Reichstag September 17th

“Continuation of the present state of affairs in the West is unthinkable. Each day will soon demand
increasing sacrifices. Mr Churchill and his companions may interpret these opinions of mine as weakness or cowardice if they like. I need not occupy myself with what they think; I make these statements simply because it goes without saying that I wish to spare my own people this suffering. May those peoples and their leaders who are of the same mind now make their reply? And let those who consider war to be the better solution reject my outstretched hand. As Fuehrer of the German people and Chancellor of the Reich, I can thank God at this moment that he has so wonderfully blessed us in our hard struggle for what is our right, and beg Him that we and all other nations may find the right way, so that not only the German people but all Europe may once more be granted the blessing of peace”.

A quote from Warmonger Winston Churchill

“You must understand that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which is to be smashed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or a Jesuit priest”

It now becomes clear that Churchill wanted war and Hitler did not. But the Jewish media have distorted the truth and made people believe that Hitler wanted world domination, but the facts say otherwise.

However Stalin did want to conquer Europe and he invaded Finland in November 1939. Even though Stalin had a 1932 non-aggression pact with Finland. He thought it would be over in a few weeks but the Finnish army but up a heroic fight and it was not until 4 months later that Russia subdued them at a cost of the lives of about 1 million Soviet soldier’s. Stalin would also invade Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The Soviet NKVD communists then went on to murder thousands of people from these countries and send many more thousands to the Soviet Gulag’s. In the summer of 1941 89,000 Finns were sent to the Russian Gulags and it is estimated that 90% of people sent to the Gulags die there.

If Britain and France declared war against Germany for trying to re-claim its territory in Poland then why didn’t they declare war against the Soviets when they invaded Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania?

Scandinavian Countries

Norway, Denmark and Sweden remained neutral when Britain and France declared war on Germany. Hitler respected this neutrality as long as they did not help the Allies or station Allied soldiers there. Germany depended on the 11 million tons of iron ore that it received from Sweden which came through the Norwegian port of Narvik. In April 1940 Lord of the Admiralty Churchill decided to try and stop the German supply of iron ore by mining the coastal waters around Norway. Vidkun Quisling was a Norwegian politician and became head of the government. He was against communism and sympathetic to Germany and he repeatedly told Hitler about these British plots. Hitler could not let this happen as it would cripple the German manufacturing industry. We are told Germany invaded Denmark and Norway as part of Hitler’s plan to conquer Europe but again this is just nonsense. Hitler’s reaction was defensive in nature to Churchill mining the waters around Norway. Hitler had to make sure his supply of iron ore was not stopped. Hitler’s first step was to send troops to Denmark to secure the airports that he would need for the deployment of soldiers in Norway. German soldiers were sent by ship and paratroopers were dropped by aircraft to secure airfields and ports around Norway including Narvik. In the sea battle around Norway the British did sink several German ships and the British did manage to get soldiers on to the ground in Norway but they were defeated every time by the Germans. By June 1940 the British were forced to retreat.

The Prime Minister of Britain Neville Chamberlain was blamed for the Norwegian defeat even though he had nothing to do with it because it was all planned by Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. Chamberlain was accused of not standing up to Hitler and he had to resign as Prime Minister. The warmongers in parliament then gave the job of Prime Minister to warmonger Winston Churchill because Hitler had to be stopped as he wanted to take over the whole world. Actually King George VI was against Churchill becoming Prime Minister as he wanted Lord Halifax. History could have been so different had this happened.

On the day (May 10th) that Churchill comes to power he invades neutral Iceland and stations 20,000 soldiers there.

Mr Churchill could not wait to get started with his war. On May 10th the Allies drop bombs on the small German town of Freiburg killing 50 civilians, 20 of them children. This was the first bombing of civilians in World War 2. In order to keep the myth going that Germany bombed the first civilians, Germany is falsely accused of dropping bombs on its own people but as we now know how much Churchill likes bombing German civilians I don’t think that is believable.

The War in France

"After the victories against Poland and in the West, I again decided - and for the last time - to hold out
my hand to England and to point out that a continuation of the war could only be senseless for
England, and that there was nothing to prevent the conclusion of a reasonable peace. Indeed there
were no differences between England and Germany except those artificially created." – Adolf Hitler November, 1941.

“Their object was always to strike at the German people. Their responsible men admit this quite
frankly. The object is to smash Germany and to resolve it into a number of small states. With that the
Reich would lose its political power and with it the possibility of securing for the German people
their vital rights on this earth. For this reason all my attempts at peace were rejected and war
declared on us on September, 3rd last year. The German people had no hatred and no enmity for
either the British or French peoples. But today we are confronted by the question whether we are to
exist or perish. In the space of a few weeks our brave troops crushed the Polish enemy who was in
the service of Britain and France, and thus eliminated danger from the east. Thereupon Britain and
France decided to attack Germany from the north. Since April, 9th, the German armed forces have
also nipped this attempt in the bud”, Adolf Hitler, May 10th 1940.

Britain and France had been steadily increasing their armed forces from the moment they declared war on Germany in 1939. Through the early months of 1940 Britain had been sending large numbers of soldiers to France. By May 1940 Britain had over 300,000 soldiers in France and 25,000 vehicles. The French army consisted of up to 1,000,000 men. This combined army had been organising themselves for an invasion of Germany. So here we have these two countries declaring war on Germany and then massing a huge army in France ready to fight and Britain’s navy had already set up a blockade of German ports. Why? Germany had not declared war on these two countries and Hitler had already offered the peace negotiations which were turned down. Hitler had only sent his army into Norway and Denmark to prevent Britain from stopping the iron ore from reaching Germany and Hitler would only send troops into France because there is an army up to 1,500,000 massed ready to attack Germany.

The reason nothing happened in the ‘phony war’ phase between October 1939 and April 1940 was because as far as Hitler was concerned he had achieved everything he set out to do with regards to the removal of the Versailles Treaty aberrations. He had re-united the Sudetenland Germans with Germany, took back the Rhineland from France and re-claimed Danzig and the Polish Corridor from Poland who were forced by Britain not to negotiate with Germany. But the International financiers (mainly Jewish Banker’s) or Global Elite would not let Hitler get away with running his own banks so they pressed Britain and France to try and stop Hitler.

Hitler could sit and wait for the inevitable attack or he could act quickly and seize the initiative. The German military leaders could not attack France directly across the border because of the Maginot Line. The Maginot Line was a line of concrete fortifications, obstacles, and weapon installations that France constructed on the French side of its borders with Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg during the 1930s. The only way round would be to go through Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg.

First the German Luftwaffe destroyed large number of Allied planes on the ground in France and Belgium and then German Paratroopers were dropped into critical points of France’s defence. The next part of the Blitzkrieg was for the German army to advance through the Netherlands and Belgium which was the obvious route. But unknown to the Allies the Germans sent a large force through the Ardennes forest in Luxembourg. The Germans then emerged from the forest and moved there army between the British and French armies. The French army was trapped between two German army’s and the British Force was pushed backed to the port of Dunkirk.

The British forces had their back to the sea and the German forces were advancing. The only option was for the British to evacuate the 340,000 soldiers from Dunkirk by ships. However the only reason they escaped back to Britain was because Hitler let them. The German army forced the British in to Dunkirk so don’t you think that the German Panzers could not have massacred or took all the British and French soldiers prisoners on the beach if they wanted. The only reason they escaped was because Hitler gave the order for the German Panzers to stop there advancement. Hitler still had hopes that a peaceful settlement could be negotiated with the Allies. In a book called ‘The Other Side of the Hill’ by B. Liddell Hart it goes into great detail about WW2 from the point of view of the German Generals. One German General called General von Blumentritt took part in the War in France and gives his view of why Hitler told the Panzers to stop any attack at Dunkirk.

Blumentritt said “He (Hitler) then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the
necessity for its existence, and of the civilization that Britain had brought into the world. He
remarked, with a shrug of the shoulders, that the creation of its Empire had been achieved by
means that were often harsh, but ‘where there is

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