» History » The Truth about Germany and the World Wars, Terence Smart [best ereader for pdf txt] 📗

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Berlin Olympics

The 1936 Olympics had been awarded to Germany before Hitler became Chancellor. Leading Jewish authorities staged rallies to try and pressure the American government to withdraw from the Olympics but the decision was made take part by the head of the American Olympics Committee as he rightly thought it was just Jewish propaganda.

The main false story of these games was that Hitler supposedly refused to shake the hand of American black athlete Jesse Owens after he had won his race. But again this was Jewish propaganda who tried to make Hitler and Germany look bad and don’t forget that the Jews own the media. The true story is that on the first day of the Olympics Hitler shook the hand of all the winners but the chairman of the Olympic committee told Hitler that this was against Olympic protocol. Hitler then said he would not shake anymore winner’s hands. So the next day when Jesse Owens won Hitler did not shake his hand but he did not shake the hand of anyone who won an event that day. In fact in Jesse Owens own auto biography he says “When I passed the Chancellor,” he wrote, “he arose, waved his hand at me, and I waved back at him. I think the writers showed bad taste in criticizing the man of the hour in Germany.”

According to the Daily Mail in the U.K. a veteran sports reporter in Germany has come forward to claim that, though Hitler did indeed leave the stadium after the race, it was not before shaking Owens' hand. Siegfried Mischner, 83, claims that Owens carried around a photograph in his wallet of Hitler. Owens thought that the press reported unfairly on Hitler’s attitude towards him and asked Mischner to report the truth. Mischner claimed Owens showed him the photograph. Mischner said: 'It was taken behind the honour stand and so not captured by the world's press. “But I saw it, I saw him shaking Hitler's hand”.

The Jewish propaganda always tries to lie and distort the truth to suit their own agenda. Even to this day we still get documentaries that say Hitler refused to shake the hand of Jesse Owens. Come on seriously because America does not have a great tradition in treating the black people well in their country. Black American athletes had to eat separately from the white American athletes at the Berlin Olympics. In Germany Jesse Owens could of shared a train or bus ride with white people but he could not do that in parts of America at the time.

To those who say no Jews were allowed to be part of the German Olympic team then you have not heard of Helene Mayer who was a Jew and part of Germany’s fencing team. Another Jewish propaganda lie was that American black athletes won the most medals but in fact Germany won the most medals with 89.

Anschluss, Return of Austria

"We shall not attack Austria, but we cannot prevent Austrians from seeking to restore their ancient
connection with Germany. These States are only separated by a line, on either side of which are
people of the same race. If one part of England were artificially separated from the rest, who could
restrain its inhabitants from wishing to be united to the rest of the country again?" – Adolf Hitler, 5th August, 1934.

Hitler’s next task was to restore German people to Germany with the re-unification with Austria (Anschluss). Again we get more propaganda and lies when it come to the media reporting Germany’s re-unification with Austria or annexing or invading as they put it.

The Austria-Hungary Empire was split after WW1 and this weakened Austria. The Austrian people spoke German and most were in support of joining together with Germany and this would seem a logical thing to do. The Versailles Treaty was designed to weaken and break up Germany to reduce its power and so a German re-unification with Austria was forbidden. But then again who are Britain, France and America to decide which country can or cannot join with each other, are they the world’s police. In the early 1930’s 80% of Austrians were in favour of joining the German Reich and why wouldn’t they as Germany was the most successful economic country in Europe by 1936. But Austria had an unemployment rate of 25% and many were poor and starving.

The people in Austria who did not want re-unification with Germany were the Jews. Understandably as the Jews had declared war on Germany in 1933 and joining Germany might not be in their best interests. But as they did in Germany in the 1920’s the Jews controlled large businesses, industry, banks and newspapers in Austria. In 1902 there were 147,000 Jews in Vienna. During the 1873-1910 period Jews made up 40% of the directors of the public banks, 70% of the members of Vienna Stock Exchange, 62% of lawyers, 50% of doctors, 57% of journalists, 25% of university faculty members, and 50% of directors who had directorships in more than 7 industrial companies simultaneously.

Jewish communists controlled the second largest political party in Austria, the Social Democratic Party and the Party’s leader Otto Bauer was Jewish. Austria had its own NSDAP party which was run by Dr. Alfred Frauenfeld and he was also in favour of Anschluss. Kurt Schuschnigg was the leader of Austria and his Christian Party teamed up with the Jewish Social Democratic party to disband the Austrian NSDAP Nazi Party and even throw them into internment camps even though 80% of the Austrian people were in favour of the Austrian Nazi Party as they wanted Anschluss. Hitler then sent Schuschnigg an ultimatum either step down as Chancellor or face invasion. Schuschnigg had little support from other countries and not much support from the people so he resigned. Riots then broke out all over Austria over the issue of unification with Germany and the new Chancellor Seyss-Inquart sent a request to Hitler to send in the troops to restore order. On March 12th 1938 the German 8th Army marches into to Austria to be greeted by cheering crowds and not a shot was fired. As a show of friendliness Austrian soldiers also marched into Germany. Later that day Hitler entered Austria and visited his birthplace, Braunau. Hitler then did a tour through Austria ending in Vienna’s main square were 200,000 people were there to hear him proclaim his happiness at Anschluss.

Below Hitler speaking in Vienna and entering Vienna

Elections were then held in Austria and Germany. On April 10, 4,460,778 Austrians voted 99.73% and
44,872,702 German citizens voted 99.02% for Austrian reunification with the Germany. So much for the so called annexation or invasion of Austria.

Two years after unification with Germany the Austrian unemployment figures went from 400,000 out of work to 100,000 out of work.

Cardinal Theodor Innitzer, from the Austrian Christian Social Party said “The Viennese Catholics should thank the Lord for the bloodless way this great political change has occurred, and they should pray for a great future for Austria.”

Hitler then carried out the same policies in Austria has he had in Germany and that was to loosen the grip that the Jews had on the country which means Austrians could run their own banks and newspapers etc. Of course the Austrian Jews did not like Anschluss because their control on the banks, newspapers, media and industry was removed and so 150,000 immigrated over the next few years.

The Jews were anti-Anschluss especially in Vienna and they did everything they could so that Austria would not unite with Germany. The Jews painted anti-Anschluss slogans on the walls and floors around Vienna and this angered the local Austrians. So after Anschluss the Jews were made to clean the slogans and artwork off, which was only fair since they had put them there. Of course the international Jewish media were whinging that Jews were being forced to go onto their knees and clean the streets of Vienna which was just a lie and used as more propaganda against Germany.

Germany Unifies Sudetenland

At the end of World War 1 the victorious powers broke up the Austrian-Hungarian Empire and created the artificial state of Czechoslovakia. In this state lived 7,450,000 Czechs, 2,300,000 Slovaks, 720,000 Hungarians, 300,000 Jews, 100,000 Poles and 3,200,000 Germans. Yes well done Britain and France mixing up these ethnic races should really bring peace? So nearly a quarter of the population was German who were nearly all based in the northern Sudetenland. Really when Czechoslovakia was created after WW1 the western border should have been further east so that it did not include the Sudetenland Germans and then this problem would not have existed in the first place. You get the feeling that these things are done on purpose to cause hatred and wars in the future.

The Sudetenland Germans had previously lived inside the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Sudetenland area was the most industrious and productive part of this empire. Also Sudetenland was ruled for centuries by the German Hapsburgs and always spoke German. Their culture was totally different from the Czechs and the two races did not get on well together. The Sudetenland Germans were comfortable living in the Austrian-Hungarian Empire as they had the same culture as Austria and spoke the same language. Now the Sudetenland Germans were now forced to live inside of this new state of Czechoslovakia and the Czechs treated the Germans like 2nd class citizens. When the Czech state was created the Czechs immediately forced 600,000 Sudetenland Germans out of their homes which they had lived for hundreds of years. In 1919 the Sudeten German Social Democrat Party wanted Sudeten independence so they staged large demonstrations. Fearing the start of a revolution the Czech military dispersed them killing 54 Sudetenland Germans. When Depression hit Europe around 1930 unemployment among the Sudeten Germans was 5 time higher than the rest of the Czech population that is because the Czech government favoured helping only the Czech people.

Konrad Henlein was the leader of the Sudeten German Party in Czechoslovakia and he met with Adolf Hitler many times and was encouraged by Hitler to seek autonomy from the leader of the Czech state Edward Benes. This autonomy from Czechoslovakia was opposed by Benes and his government because the Sudetenland industrial area would be lost to the Czech state. False reports were fed to Benes’s government of German troop build-up on the GermanCzech border which led to the Czech military sending large amounts of soldiers into Sudetenland and this only made the problem worse. This all led to ethnic violence between German and Czech civilians, as well as attacks by the Czechoslovak army on the Sudetenland Germans.

Konrad Henlein presented an 8-point plan to the Czech government for autonomy but this was rejected. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain tried to help the problem by sending MP Viscount Walter Runciman to try to reach some sort of agreement between Konrad Henlein and the Czech government but no agreement could be reached. But he did report to Chamberlain that he thought the Sudetenland Germans were

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