» Horror » The Solanum Vile, B Stapies [love story novels in english .txt] 📗

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through the muddy wilderness of Triway swamp the sounds turn into music of the forgotten the crickets, toad’s crows altogether gain slower in my mind; it seems I’m in my own words crazy from what has happened throughout the past few days, ‘this is not set’ all I think about this dreary music of mystic happiness. The sounds lower on pitch and are compressed through night silence, and all is lost through the mist of the foggy brightness. Myself walking to the somewhat beat of the creatures noises clicking calm croaks and squawking, through the night I walk and walk as my legs soon get tired.
The night went slower as if time went from fast to slow, or maybe I’m just used to the fast speed of time and I am now gaining slower rate of time speed, the symptoms were not very accurate in my approach to having the actual cure, could my blood be the cure? It could be anything and I still have many questions that need to be answered by the time I… you know, whatever happens to me when my main symptoms start. Well, time rate has changed and I think I am slowly getting Hype Vision; the skies are turning darker in the canopy of the endless swamp trees and my mind is getting clearer, as I have mentioned before many times. “Well here we are” at the track towards the back line of the swamp, my only chance of finding what is happening, or at least being safe, the trip was easy as pie, well that’s what I normally what I say when I get too ahead of myself, in which I did, once again I heard noises in the bush behind me, scattering footsteps, I turned around in sudden fear but as I turn around the scattering footstep noises could be heard where I was just facing, I quickly turned around, and there it was’ in the bush right in front of me two glowing red eyes, “could the solanum villous come this far into the track?” I backed up but lost my footing and fell backwards, hoping for a chance of survival, the creature came into light, ‘it seemed to be some sort of rat’ of course it wanted to eat me, I sit there and pray as it got closer, then a light came from the left of the rat, the rat quickly scurried off into the darkness, as the light got closer I had nothing to do, only to wait and see if the light was friendly. It got close enough for me to see that the light was Jacob; he called out to me “I knew you’d come to your senses and follow into the track” “like I would have” I stood up and replied. He took me further along the track; rising up over a hill I could see a cave over another canopy of trees on some sort of mountain looking building. We arrived at the gates of the mountain shaped building, ‘it was as big as a tall forest tree’ the gates rose over the night light with lamps of oil and fire. I entered with Jacob into the darkness of the building and the lights turned on through the long halls of this mysterious building.
Safe Dreams is the Truth

He took me through the halls of low contrast light, all the way down, it took a while to get down the halls hallway but it finally paid off. He opened up a black door that seemed to be made of titanium and had large bolts holding the hinges together. He took me in and turned on the light just the right of the door as the room lit up so did some figures in the room, it…it was Mr Marrow and another figure he had never met, he got off his feet and spoke “why did you bring him here, son?” “Son!?”I yelled out in confusion! Jacob, didn’t your dad…you know? “No, my real dad, Henry, this one stud here left my mum 4 years back and she married a new man, Steven, the man that had gained the disease” Henry complained for a while about me being here, he must have been the guy on the phone to Mr Marrow but I had no real proof of It being him, at that moment I was reminded about Mr Marrows ‘wrong doing’ but I tried to hold back from my actions of what was soon to come in later responses. After an hour or two of argumenta speech I learned that they only gave me the vile because it was meant to be an assessment not a creation of…zombies. Mr Marrow had no idea what Solanum could do to people and animals. I stood up and asked Henry how he knew Mr Marrow; he replied with unclear mumbling, as I was about to ask him to repeat himself Jacob turned around “oh, didn’t you know”? “Their brothers” Brother? That makes sense I suppose but the face Henry pulled after Jacob told me was a relief look as if they weren’t telling me something they should be or yet again something I already may know.
Well we stayed there for days in a cold room beneath the ground living on an underground river, that’s where we got our water from and every morning I would wake to see another collection of gathered food in the storage area, as if they were getting the food from a shop close by but I couldn’t tell being locked up in a place like this with nothing to do but to sit on a rugged mattress and pray for the disease to go away it made me forget things after a while, I started to forget why I was there and who I was, I don’t remember if I had a dad before this disease started but I could clearly remember my mother, her blonde hair…or was it brown? Uh well maybe I am just forgetting everything. It takes about an hour before I’d have to look in a mirror to remember what I look like I am pretty tall I guess I remember measuring myself next to my door at home and my head almost touching the top vertical line of the door. I can’t really remember my skin colour either since it’s always dark in the room and my skin looks dark which puts me off trying to think about it. My hair is dark too in the room but it could really be blonde or brown like my mothers. To tell you the truth Jacob, Henry and Mr Marrow all seem to have remembered everything about them, not even forgetting anything about their selves at all.
After a bit more days or maybe it was lot of days I awoke to hear a voice in a crack of my room a man that I have never heard before in my life, I peeked my eye through the hole only to see Henry with an African man in what it seemed to be another room with only a door behind them, Henry gave the man something that looked like another vile of solanum then the African man passed some money to Henry. The African man left and opened the door behind him; a flash of bright green light flashed my eyes, as my black retinals got smaller I could see a truck with the African country flag on it driving away as the door shut and darkness seeked in so did the smoke of the truck floating through the room it came through the crack and in my face, I had the smoke sloughing down my throat I started to choke and then Cough, a burst of coughs startled Henry who was just counting his money “Oy! Who’s that” looking at the crack in the wall he approached with a fast walking speed. “I gotta get outa here” I whispered. I just knew Jacob Young, Mr Marrow and Henry were up to something, trying to create a plague of walking dead all over the world. What are they trying to get out of this besides money? If everyone is dead and wants to eat others what’s the point of money, not being able to buy something without being infected besides, having everyone killed is murder. With me panicking with stress Jacob comes in the room, “You knew didn’t you Jacob?” “Knew what?” he answered. About who really started this Apocalypse? He stopped thinking for a minute of things to lie about and said one thing in a soft but creepy and murderous voice “so you have found out” “Why…why do this to the people you love Jacob?” I asked, he replies with many things to say “You think I love them, heh don’t make me laugh the I spent my life being bossed around by everyone and people like you when I found out my dad was dumped by mum mother and replaced by a retard I had rage, my dad would come back to me and go down in the cellar letting each other know about our problems, finally coming up with the plan of disaster and destruction to the world” but what with Mr Marrow? I asked once, “You think he knows about this?” he said and laughed maniacally as Henry arrived in the door looking at his son with a big grin and placed his hand on Jacobs should Henry said to me that Mr Marrows blood was the cure to this disease and he knows it. “Nobody knows why it is the cure but Jacob thinks it has something to do with him being a rare Blood type R” explained Henry “and we know that you are too” Jacob said smiling at me.
So this whole time you were keeping us here just in case you had the virus “Bingo” Henry said after that comment. I thought to myself that if I ran they’d kill me, and I need to take Mr Marrow with me anyway so I guess I’m still stuck here.

The Escape of my Life

I thought Henry and Jacob wouldn’t let me near Mr Marrow alone because of all I know, but I guess being down here so long made them forget that. I had my chance to tell Mr Marrow everything, it took me a while to explain it all to him but I

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