» Horror » The Solanum Vile, B Stapies [love story novels in english .txt] 📗

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seemed as if he wanted the cure, he is after all a man of business. Whilst I enjoyed some refreshments from a snack bar he had Cornix explained the whole story to him, how Solanum Vilosum was given to Caden and Jacobs plan along with Henry and how the cure is the blood of a blood type human.
Barack Obama thoughtfully suggested to me that he set up restricted zone for all blood types R’s to come and give their blood to save many, and they would be named heroes to the United States of America but to a lack of time we had gathering rare blood type R humans I asked Barack Obama with the permission of him that Me and Cornix gather our troops and use the technology and vehicles from the government to go out and rid the world and spreading areas of these walking dead zombies. He agreed on one condition, that he came and “took out those sons of bitches too”.
Survival of the Fittest

These days go by being messed up, it was a zombie apocalypse let out by a liquid found in Malaysia, we first had to take out the zombies with whatever weapons we had then we needed to plan on going to Malaysia and take out all the plants, we also need to go to Africa because I’m pretty sure something has started their too considering the African man that bought the solanum off Henry a week ago. Things were strange and we still have a lot longer until the end of this madness, but with the help of the Preliminary Forge and the United States Government can anything go wrong? I mean it’s not like anything else could possibly go wrong with all we’ve got after all we are the survivors, the stronger ones of mankind that stayed alive from all this…this destruction, my Grandmother whom I only brought up now used to tell me stories of the world and how it was destroying itself each second of each day with the help of human kind, and one day something will come and rid us all from destroying mother earth and only one human will step up and save us all. This moment reminds me of that story and it feels like the world is destroying itself, I guess the zombies make it worse and there is a lot more than one person doing something about it so that story doesn’t add up well for this event but something is telling me it has more ‘connected links’ then I should believe.
Not long after Barack Obama shows us around the facility and the defence him and the government has set up he showed us a big room made of iron and copper, a room of which was filled with smells that were strong enough to knock someone out cold. We were below the ground a few feet and the room had many pipes leading through the walls into the room and going under a massive sheet of blanket that was filling the room also. The president wanted to show us something, me and Cornix that is, he lead us to the side of the room with that massive blanket and had two of his men pull it up off whatever it was hiding, “Spectacular” Cornix knew what it was the moment he saw it, I had dropped my jaw to its magnificence. I never knew it existed until now our state owns one, as the president admired its beauty he started to say what it was until I interrupted, “it’s an ONI-space schematic PMP loid” in other words a special space flight ship that is fast as a bullet and can go into space without everyone wearing spacesuits or helmets, I saw It in a movie once but I never thought it would ever exist. Obama told us he saw these ships blueprints and just needed to make it for the United States of America for safety and pleasure of him having one. I wonder if he saw the blueprints off the movie I was talking about, I think I can remember it being called ‘Space Marshals’ or something close to that, hmm, come to think of it sergeant Cornix and his men remind me of the people who played in that movie very much. Obama told me and Cornix that this machine was only a prototype and has only been flown once, on its first flight the ship crashed in Texas somewhere. That’s why the big Texas UFO craze started out, he told us that each president writes down confidential notes in a book that only the next president can read. Cornix asked why they never tried to drive the ONI again, you could clearly see Sergeant Cornix wanted to drive the ONI very much but he was let down when the president replied it’s too dangerous ever since that crash, “we don’t what was the reason for that crash but what came out of the wreckage is still a wonder, one of the two men that was driving the ONI was missing never to be seen and the other came out pale white with a load of unknown green plasma in his blood stream.
We headed off after packing up what we needed, food and water, weaponry and supplies, the Preliminary Forge were given more advanced APCs then their older ones. Obama came with me and Cornix just to talk plans, for where we start and more crazy shit. It wasn’t long on the road until we started feeling the thumps of the dead in the APCs, and the rough roads of country side. A couple days ago whilst I was running away from the safe house that didn’t really turn out safe at all I could feel freedom leaving the area, now going back their I’m starting to feel that trapped feeling full of hatred and futile nothingness. I fell asleep on the ride while Cornix was talking to the president, planning I was only half asleep when I could hear them talking saying stuff about Rupert, my father. All I could hear was Obama addressing Sergeant Cornix of his first name which seemed to be Rupert like my father, unless he was…but it couldn’t be…could it?
At that moment my eyes shot open to the sounds of gunfire outside, there was nothing weird to those sounds knowing they’re killing zombies but I couldn’t hear any zombie growls or snarls, only gunfire, a lot more than the group outside seemed. Cornix and Obama told me to stay in the vehicle while they went out to help, I wanted to ask Cornix if he was my…I didn’t like the thought of it but I wanted to ask Cornix if he was my dad that I never knew. I don’t know why I didn’t, something was holding me back maybe it was the fear of me finding out the truth, somebody would think it was good to find their dad after never knowing him but not me, I’m scared to find something like that out, and in a time like this, were I had to leave my mum in a town were zombies were taking over. I could hear yelling outside, voices of other languages not quite zombie yell, I took a look outside, it was another group of people shooting at us, I yelled out to the president who was hiding behind cover why they were shooting at us, “I guess they’re surviving, like everyone else would do”. They’re trying to survive from an apocalypse by shooting at the ones who can stop it, well that’s pretty weird but I’d do the same if I were them. Our men were being gunned down as if they had no training at all, it was easy for them to kill zombies then it is to kill other humans, but tracing back to how they were trained in a conversation with Rup…err Cornix, they were trained with moves from a movie, not that effective if you ask me. I went back and hid in the APC, at that time I was pretty scared, and who wouldn’t be?

The Real Armageddon

After the bullet shots stopped I went to see what had happened outside, I thought there’d be a massacre or our men outside but there was little amounts of body parts left, the zombies had come and eaten away what was remaining of ours and the others men, I thought I was the only one until Cornix came running out of the bush that the other men were fighting in front of, he was yelling out something, he was telling me to get in the APC. When I hopped in the APC the Cornix jumped in holding the president, he quickly closed the door, the zombies were trying to get in, they were like a team trying to knock over a 3 ton APC to get their food they wanted, and zombies are dumb they don’t know how to open a door. Obama was shot in the lower rib, only living barely, with these words “I will not die today, knowing that my country and my people are being destroyed, I will die fighting for my country and no zombie or survivor is going to wreck that”, he ordered us to turn around and head back to the white house. Cornix and I were just honered to be with him at that time, taking orders from a true man of his word Cornix turned the APC around running over all zombies and people that got in the way and headed back to the white house, while I held a rag to the wound of Obama to keep him alive.
Getting back to the White House was easy, we had Mr President Hop out of the APC with the help of his assistants and me and Cornix, and we went to the private infirmary where he was treated. While he rested me and Cornix was given full access to all areas of the white house including the outside Barricaded areas and the room with the ONI not only to plan our salvation but to train, train with weapons and our unleash of courage, I could just tell this was the real deal, and not just moves off a movie, we were trained for weeks whilst the president was healing in the infirmary, we were taught how

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