» Horror » The Solanum Vile, B Stapies [love story novels in english .txt] 📗

Book online «The Solanum Vile, B Stapies [love story novels in english .txt] 📗». Author B Stapies

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I told him I’d be there in an hour, and so I did show up at his house in an hour like I said, I walked in the door with my spare key and headed to the cellar door when I caught my eye on another man in the house, he was talking to my wife in the kitchen and Hana laughing at what it seemed to be a joke, I just ignored it and went down into the cellar with Jacob. A little while into conversation with him I needed to take a phone call to Jonathan to check up on Luke, so I told Jacob to go away while I rung him, “Has Luke gotten any worse Jonathan?” “As far as I know he’s half dead, I’ve been thinking and I think I can give my best student a vile for a certain assessment” I told him it’d be a wrong doing if he did but He hung up on me during that conversation. Jacob asked me who was on the phone; I just told him it was his friend’s teacher and my work partner, Jacob told me why he wanted the Solanum Vilosum it was an evil plan but I don’t know why but I agreed to it, maybe it was a rage of hate for others or maybe just deep down inside I felt it was brilliant and would work. The plan that would surely get our family known and I back with my wife Hana; we decided collectively between us that we would start our solanum spread with Steven, the man that stole my wife.
the Preliminary Forge

I never did tell you my name did I? Well to tell you the truth, I was doing it on purpose, besides it’s not like this event means it’s unsafe to say my name and my name isn’t classified so well here it goes… my name is Caden Flow. I remember that for one and I could easily spend my time telling you why I never mentioned it earlier but right now I’m trying to figure out where to go, it was only minutes ago I could hear a train so I followed the sound until I found these tracks that I’m following. It seemed like the sun was setting so I went towards the sun knowing that in my state if the sun sets in the afternoon the way of the sun is always north following the tracks that were descent towards the sun. Heading north took me to a town, I got their when it was really dark and went to the nearest homeless shelter I found, luckily and strangely no one there was infected, that was a perfect time for me to warn the mayor of the town…”yawn” in the morning of course, I went to bed at the homeless home on a spare bed.
I woke up the next day remembering that I had to tell the mayor of what is currently happening only to find that this town does not even have a mayor, I asked a local if anybody was running this town and she nodded with an answer of no. I told her to evacuate but she said no without even asking why, I tried to explain why but she ignored me, another person walked by and I tried to tell him to evacuate and why but again he didn’t really care, It was like he didn’t even know I was talking to me. I started hearing voices in my head calling out to me, my mother, my students hearing zombie growls in my head, I wanted them gone but they wouldn’t go away they were calling in a zombie-ish voice “Caden…Caden Flow” then everyone around me paused and looked at me, I was stunned for a second they were all infected and were heading towards me. I didn’t know what to do they were walking up to me with these scary faces with red eyes, it’s not like I’ve never seen that before but still, such fear of zombies could not possibly been forgotten when had that for one is true through my eyes. From that moment I could hear vehicles, a large group of vehicles, and shooting, the noises in my head stopped and I could see a massive group of what seemed to be soldiers dressed in red and black armour and had a yellow gas mask on, the truck stopped in front of me running over the zombies, on the side of the truck it said “the Preliminary Forge” on it, a soldier came out of the vehicle Dressed in a silver looking armour plating with a strange helmet they call a “Hoodie” I think he’s the sergeant of the squad, He took off his Hoodie and lifted his gun at me, I was panicking at the moment but I tried not to fight and closed my eyes as he shot, I opened my eyes, he shot a zombie that was behind me. Obviously I was relieved of him not shooting me but I still had to know who these people were, he invited me to ride with him in an APC he calls “Baby Boy” it’s a funny name but being in a force squadron such as this being a sergeant, I guess he can call anything whatever he wants.
I told him my name during the rough ride and explained who started this and the cure well I told him pretty much everything up to date ending with me meeting them, he told me that everyone calls him sergeant Cornix and told me of his group of people, surprisingly the group is not a governmental group but is very top secret. Cornix started the Preliminary Forge when a watched ‘The Rising Dead’ a simple untrue zombie movie directed by a man known for many scary movies, I chuckled a bit when I found out he created such a highly forced zombie destruction team because of a movie, ha-ha I wonder if he even peed his pants, I won’t ask that but I did ask how he was able to train all those people without experience, he told me he watched that in a film too, what films can show you these days, learning from something that tends not to be real. Cornix told me that he knew my father, how he was a good man and all, I told Cornix that I didn’t really know my dad very well and while I was a prisoner Henry and Jacob I even forgot my dad’s name. Cornix told me his dad’s first name was Rupert also replying that he left me when he was young for reasons that are involved with divorce with a whining wife. Cornix told me that that he has surveillance and sound monitors all over this state, that’s how he knows about the day of reckoning with the Solanum Vilosum.
We both agree deep down inside I was the main reason for the virus to get out, but that doesn’t bother him or his crew of highly trained men of zombie assassination. Cornix knows that Blood type R is the cure but instead of sucking the blood out of me until I cannot live anymore he said the only thing we can do now is “Destroy all Zombies” “oh man I’ve always wanted to say that” he said in excitement, it was the main phrase from ‘The Rising Dead’.

Restricted Quarantine

For all me and Cornix know we are the last surviving ones of the towns that is infected by the plants airborne gas and liquid Vilosum. Jacob and Henry must be hiding away in their little safe house with the cure and If we were the only ones that knows about the whole thing, then there’s one thing we have to do first, tell the world about this incident, and that’s exactly where we were headed in the ‘Baby Boy’ on our way Cornix handed me a set of armour “your one of us now Caden Flow” a zombie assassin out to save humanity and the dying world from an apocalyptic bunch of sleepwalkers. The armour I wore was different to everyone else’s mine was pure Red and my ‘Hoodie’ was Black and shaped in a spherical triangle, since I didn’t need a gas mask I wore a set of goggles which allowed me to see zombies by their glow of nothingness with thermal vision, if a human is not glowing either yellow for heat or blue for cold then they are dead which means only one thing…they’re zombies, I still wonder how they get all of their technology from and how they got all the vehicles from but something inside of me is saying that I’m safe and I should trust these people, and that’s all that matters to me right now.
We ended up getting to the white house sometime the next day, only to find that the United States Government where quarantining there president, people in black suits making a barricade around the white house with guns and beyond this time technology, all of the guards where carrying strange looking weapons, we don’t exactly know what they do or if they were weapons but they were strange and dangerous looking. We’re only carrying modern day N50-Rifles and pistols. It was surprising to find that the government new about the zombie virus already but they are the government and they know nearly everything about their country. I and Cornix headed to the barricade opening and asked for the president of the United States, we were told to leave the property or be shot until I said allowed “I know the cure to this outrage” a man of the crowd came up and asked me and Cornix to come with him to the President’s office.
The office was amazing, clean as could be and expensive looking furniture all around, a chair next to a desk turned around as I entered the door and the person who took us there left, it was Barack Obama himself he said with his amazing voice “welcome to the Whitehouse son and Mr Cornix” he told us how the country is being infected each second as we speak right now, he showed us a digital map of the country showing a widespread of solanum based fluid with the mark and colours of bright purple. It was spreading quickly and he needed the cure, well it

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