» Horror » The Solanum Vile, B Stapies [love story novels in english .txt] 📗

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finished only hearing Mr Marrow tell me that his brother would never do that to him, “But I thought Mr Marrow and Henry weren’t really brothers” unless he’s brainwashed…nah it couldn’t be could it? But yet again forgetting is more believable being down here. Well I tried really hard to persuade Mr Marrow into what Jacob and Henry told me but it didn’t quite get his attention of his side of the story, I had no idea how to prove this to him unless I had Jacob and Henry tell him the truth which would be impossible but my thoughts are so negative at this time, I just have to try. A while after that time Henry walked in the room I called his name out but he ignored me and rushed to Mr Marrow I understood what was happening and didn’t stop him, this was the only way to prove to Mr Marrow, it’s not like he’ll die from a single needle. Henry took Mr Marrow into the door room by force; I could hear the confusion in Mr Marrow’s voice asking what he was doing to him, finally the ruff yelling stopped, Henry walked out the door with a bucket of blood “A BUCKET!” I yelled out at Henry, I thought he needed a little bit of blood because he was bitten or something but that now doesn’t quite seem right. Henry said to me that when the United States government have the cure to this plague he and his son will be heroes, telling the US government that the blood is their cow’s blood no one will ever care or know that Mr Marrow existed. “And now it’s your turn” Jacob said coming up behind me, he grabbed me but I elbowed him in the rib, henry went up and took a punch at me, I dodged it and ran to the room I have been staying in for the last couple of days, locking it behind me I went to the crack in the wall picked up a large rock and tried to break the wall, I could hear Henry and Jacob trying to open the door behind me so I had to be quick. I took a huge slam at the wall several times and finally it started to break down and crumble. I squeezed through an open gap in the wall and ran to the door the African man left out of, as I opened the door and the light once again seeked in I turned to see Henry breaking down the Door of my room with his foot I closed the door and ran, without stopping I just ran, not even thing where I’d be heading to I just ran. Once again I was on a so-called Journey but not towards my home, I can just feel whatever I am neither running to is not home nor something dangerous. In fact I can feel what I’m running to is…freedom.
The life of the Unloving

My name is Jacob Young I am the son of Hana Young and Henry Moore, my last name is of my mother’s last name because Moore isn’t Henry’s real last name he says Marrow is but he’s only said that when he first met Jonathan Marrow my enemies teacher. My enemy thinks he is smarter than me; nobody is smarter than me because I know everything. I’m better than everyone I know their all sad losers in my book, I spent my life gathering information from people, my family, teachers and my old friends who backstabbed me because they were jealous of my smartness in life. I can crack life, I cheat fame on the internet and I understand everything that has ever occurred, no one understands or appreciates my gift of knowledge and for that I will one day have my revenge on earth, the dying planet of this century within a galaxy of galaxies lies only one dying planet and this is it, with the help of me and as I like to call them lab rats I can create a way of me being known and understood by everyone, I’ll be a hero.
It was a week ago when my mother dumped my dad and through him out of my home and he still visits to talk about his worthless life, the reason I ended up in that stupid hair product chemistry school was because of him and he doesn’t care. I’ve been acting like I care for him ever since he was kicked out of the house my a girl, he’s no different to everyone else, they are all losers and I will do something about that in the future I promise you that…dad.
It took up to two weeks of me thinking of a way to make me famous and I thought all I needed was dad’s work; he worked on a project of dangerous liquids in a secret foundation in the city and only told me about it, and to think that his boring leisure’s were useless to everyone and nobody cares. But for the first time ever I cared about something, a liquid that can do major impacts of damage on a body no matter if it were human or not, that last day of my plan I called dad to come around to the house with a vile of that stuff, without questions asked he agreed that he’d be around in an hour. That hour passed quickly, having him come around for a great cause he came down in the cellar and asked me who was that guy in the living room, I told him it was Steven a man mum hast taken interest in. Dad did end up asking why I wanted solanum and I did tell him my plan of fame and fortune, he agreed to it, I guess it was rage from mum’s decision with her new boyfriend. Dad told me there’s only one man who has another solanum vile and that’s the man dad worked with on the dangerous liquids project he told me he just needed to make a phone call to that man about the vile so I left him for a moment, in the room I could hear him yelling something but I could hear quite well, it seemed that he said something about a wrong doing. He came back in the room and I asked who the man was he was talking to he replied a man’s name I’ve heard of before in a deep voice…Mr Marrow.

Dangerous Liquids Project

Are you sure he’s alright Henry? I’m pretty sure Jonathan Marrow it’s just a bit of low dementia. Let’s put him in the containment room while he’s knocked out, what liquid is that Henry? Well it’s a Solanum Vilosum sample from a plant in northern Malaysia, I gathered it from a purple plant while I was exploring up there on holidays. Should we tell someone about how dangerous this plant is? And who’s gunna listen or believe us, remember what happened with our last dangerous liquid, yeah it wasn’t dangerous you were just allergic to it. Yeah and our program was shut down because they thought we were a bunch of lying good for nothings, and that’s why you and me Jonathan have created this secret project for our families. But we don’t live in Malaysia Henry what Solanum Vilosum is going to do to us and our families if it’s nowhere near us good question Jonathan but that’s the thing, we found a dangerous liquid, what’s the point in making a group like this for our families if we can’t find a liquid to protect our families from. Well anyway Jonathan here’s a vile of it, keep it safe and remember not to drink it oh and don’t forget to come check on Luke in the containment room and take notes on what happens to him ok. Alright, I’ll see you later Henry.
And I am back in the house where the things and people I love are. Hana I’m home and I’ve got news for you and Jacob “Jacobs at his school you sent him to remember” oh yes I always wanted him to grow up to be a popular chemist through hair products and not mess up like I did, I know he may not like it but from the way he’s been going there he’ll thank me one day I’m sure of it. So anyway Hana I’ve found it, after all this time I’ve found a liquid dangerous towards humans and maybe other species in Malaysia when I was up their last month, I had it imported down here last week and it was a positive danger, one of our members Luke tried it and had a sign of low dementia. “You know what Henry I’ve had enough of your stupid and wasteful time finding dangerous liquids from places we most likely will never go to, and if you don’t stop working on it your out of this house” but Hana we can be famous from this and I’m not going to stop working on something when I’ve spent so long looking for it and finally found it. After that argument Hana gave me a choice, it seemed like she never even loved me, if I stop the work I’ve been working for the last few years I can stay with her but if not than I have to find my own place to live.
I did choose after a while, and I was not going to go and get rid of years of work for dangerous liquids, so yes I did pack my things and leave, it wasn’t that hard finding a place to stay, with Luke not worrying about a place to live while he’s in containment I’m now living in an underground warehouse out of town. I still go to the house to talk to my son, since I am his father and a son deserves not to be without his father. I go there and talk about how his mother can be a sly cow sometimes but I guess that’s anger from her kicking me out of the house but I don’t know.
After a while I got a phone call from Jacob, he told me to come to the house with a vile of Solanum, I didn’t ask him why because I’m sure it was for a smart cause, he’s a smart boy.

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