» Humor » Host of Geek Club, Habiba Begum [portable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Host of Geek Club, Habiba Begum [portable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Habiba Begum

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By the way I do not own the cover of this novel.


Host of Geek club






The are three catorgories of guys in this world. There's guy's who are just absolutley perfect, I mean seriously perfect. For example they have top grades, superb at all sports, great with girls, jobs at an early age and the like. There's also average guys, you know, good amount of friends, the sort who just blend in with the rest. Lastly there is the "no one cares about-whats his name?" guys. The type that have never had a girlfriend, had any friends at school because he wasn't popular, the forgotten nobody in the back of the class. Even the teacher forgets his name and forgets he even exsists in the class. Huh? What? ME? As if I'm talking about MYSELF?! How dare you!? Sorry but you got the wrong guy. I am so popular that everyone begs me to sit with them at lunch. "Ah! Vincent sit next to me" "no! Sit with me!" They would argue. But I say, "Oh girls we can all sit together" I reply with a romantic look and wink at them. Then they sigh and faint and I just giggle.




Nah you're right. That's not me. That was just a day dream. It's who I want to be. My goal! The truth is, I have trouble talking to people, get scared to talk infront of class, have no friends and hate to answer questions or be put on the spot. I spend my weakends reading comics, listening to music and playing video games. My sister Jessica hardly talks to me and when she does talk, she is always busy talking to her friends about boys, makeup, clothes and the lot. I don't even ask for advice as she's just retarded. I also have an older brother who never even looks at me. He doesn't stay with us at home. He's old enough to live on his own, Ryan. He's 18. He has a car (nothing too cool so don't get excited) and has his own apartment (same again-nothing exstranvagant) He works at a garage in the day. Lucky idiot. He's got the life. He has so many friends I can't remember their names. He and my sister are close but not that much. He comes round on weekends and holidays, and that happens to be now. His apartment is being re-done so he's staying at home for now. How long? Who knows. It doesn't make any difference whether he's here or not, but it's like he doesn't care. I don't bother with him either. Anyway, I don't go out and stay home all day and come straight home from school too. By the way, I'm not stupid so don't get me wrong. I am actually great at school. (Except PE) I try hard so I don't have to have a 'one on one' talk with my teacher but not too hard in case he asks me questions in class. End of year exams I'll do my style then, but for now I like to lay low. That's just the basic image of me. Also today starts a new term! I have to be popular by all means!! I can see my dreams finally happening. I'll walk through those doors and everyone will turn to me and say "oh wow who is this handsome hunk? Has he always been in our class? I want to sit next to him!" Today is going to be a good day! I can feel it!


Chapter One - Actually Hate My Life


I'm late! I run down into the school hoping my phone doesn't fall out my pocket. Not like it's even worth taking if found. Why did I play so much games! Have... to... get... on... time! Can't.... be ... late!

I stop. I 'm beat. I actually have no energy. I didn't get a good sleep at all last night. So damn tired! I yawn. Wait! Get back to your senses Vincent. You're late! No time for relaxation. I continue to run down the hallway again. Hopefully I won't bump into anyone, especially a teacher. Don't want detention for running in the hallway. Such a baby thing to get detention for though, I mean seriously. Were not kids. I really don't care if I get a slip, but it's my first day back. I really don't want to be late. My hair's a mess too. I had no time for breakfast let alone time to comb my hair. I'm kinda hungry too. Oh well. I'm sure things will turn around. Remember Vincent. It's a new you! Everyone will turn around and stare at me and talk about me and the girls will giggle and point to me. I cut my hair over the holiday so I have to be popular now! Although I didn't ditch the glasses, but I need them, so no can do I'm afraid.


Right! Here goes! Take a deep breath. You can do this Vincent.


I carefully open the door, walk in my classroom and make my way to my chair. I take a glance at the students. Huh? Their looking at me! It worked! I strut to my chair and smirk. Yeah that's right. Who's your boy?! Me. Yes! I am Mr. Popular! I sat on my chair squealing inside. My life is gonna change from today! I can't believe it! Everyone's actually staring at me. Girls are pointing and giggling and boys are staring at me too. This means...this means.... My plan was a success!?



A boy in my class 'Toby' or as I call him "big head Toby" comes over to me. He's one of those 'average' guys who are nice as the friend of the hero in a film but you forget their name and face after the movie has ended.


"Um.. excuse me?"


"Y-ye-eah?" I stammer excitedly.


Toby looks uncomfortable.


"How do I say this? Um.... There's toilet tissue on the back of your sole"






How Embarressing!!!!! This means... All the girls were pointing and giggling because of THAT!?


" you-uu"




I quickly take off the tissue and throw it in the bin behind me. Damn toilet tissue!! I feel so miserable!! But it didn't end there!


"Oh, by the way...?"


"Huh? Y-yess?


"That's my seat"







I look to my neighbhor, it's a girl now. My head revolved 360 degrees and see the whole class isn't in their correct places. A seating plan!! NOOO!! WHY??! I've lost..the best seat in the class.. The back seat! Some of my best sleep is made in that chair. I can secretly chew gum without being noticed. I can hide my head behind big head Toby so teacher doesn't see me. I can stare out of the window and admire life outside this prison called SCHOOL!!! But now my life is RUINED!!!!


The class is silent. I say nothing. I get out of my seat and search with my digital controlled eyes for my new seat. My heart is racing knowing I've just embarressed myself like a goon infront of everyone and now wondering around class like a one eyed goat hopelessly trying to find my chair.


Seat located.


WHAT!??!! NOOOO!! (again) I die on the spot. It's now bang in the middle of the class where everyone can now see me! Where I can't be hidden. WHY ME??!

This is THE worst day EVER!!!!!! I should be happy since every seat around me is a girl, yet I can't talk to them. Which makes me even more mad!!! Arrrgh!!!! Why?! And why am I so PATHETIC??!!


"Okay class, can everyone get your texbooks out and turn to page 44"


My teacher 'Mr.Diablo' or I call "Mr.Dragon Breath" (known for his dragon like behaviour and smelly breath) is our homeroom teacher and teaches most of my classes. He's nice-sometimes.


We all take out our bags and rummage inside till we find our books.


Huh? Wha-WHERES my book?? OMG! I forgot my texbook!!! NO-WAY!! This is my worst nightmare!!! Not only is my day getting worse and worse now I am actually dying!! I never forget my book in case I have to share with someone! But today I was late! What do I do? I turn my head like a zombie to the girl next door. No! Forget it! No way am I asking her to share! I need to think. Perhaps I'll just go with the flow and not mention it. Maybe-just maybe, Mr. Dragon breath won't notice me and I can go by in the class like nothing happened! Yes! I'll do that.


"Okay class. I want you to look at the sentences and circle each clause which you think will have the most impact and explain why. Also I'll be taking a look in your books later in the week so don't think you can just leave it"


You can almost see a black smoke circling around me as I sink in my chair hiding like a mouse, hoping not to get found out. TOO LATE.






I jump and squeal a weepy reply.


"Where-is your book?" He frowns.


Oh no. Oh no!


"Umm um I-I-er-forgot it-at-at- home" I say, struggeling to get the words out of my mouth.


"You spent half the class sitting there without a text book? What were you doing all that time?"


(Making a fool of myself that's what I was doing) I sit there quietly without making a sound. I'm too scared to turn around to see if people are staring at me. I bet they are. Oh the shame!


"Nevermind. Share with Lisa next to you, or Sonia"


He continues and writes on the board with his back faced to us.


"Anyway class, you have 10 minuites"


My glasses are getting cloudy. I quickly take them off and wipe them. What do I do? My heart is racing! I have to try though. Come on vincent! You can do this!


"Um. C-c-can I-sh-sh-share with y-you?"


The girl sitting next to me Lisa focused in her book. She looks up at me.


"Huh? What?"


WHAT? She didn't hear me??




I sit in my seat all stiff. She carries on looking into her book. I relax and then I growl. Why is this so hard?? I have to try again, but not with her. No way. I spin my head to other direction. Sonia. She's half spanish. And she's really pretty, funny, great style, kind and super sweet. I'm lucky I'm even sitting next to her.




She turns her head.


"Yes?" She beams.


Waaah! What pretty smile! My heart must have jumped out of my chest, did a little boogie dance and jumped back in. Oh wait. Question!


"Umm. I- I-forgot-my book. Can-can I-share?"


What's wrong with me? I sound like a baby! I'm older then her too! She probably thinks I'm an idiot.


"Of course!" She smiles even greatly.


So sweet! She didn't even give me those dirty or awkward looks.


"Don't worry, I won't bite. Scooch over"


What! She's being so kind to me. Even though I'm talking like a right idiot! She still speaks so softly to me. I schooch my chair over. I can't belive this! Perhaps my day isn't going that bad afterall! I nearly fall out of my chair. As we work, all I can think about is how pretty Sonia is. She turns her head at me suddenly. I quickly look down and pretend I wasn't looking. She does this lots of times during the lesson. Why does she look at me like that? Those puppy eyes. Actuallu she looks at me like I'm some abandoned puppy.




That was the bell. Normally it's my saviour who rescues me from lessons. But this time I'm a little dissapointed. I wish I could have sat with Sonia a little more.


"Okay kids. That's the end of the lesson. Dismissed. I'll see you after break"


Mr. Diablo left the room and everyone else packed away their things chatting. This is another thing i can't stand. Break time. I mean I could go outside, but it's freezing.

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