» Humor » The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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The Dare

I ran down the stairs.My hair whipping back and fourth. Josh beeped for the third time. I pushed open the door and ran to his car. There he sat in his black camaro. I froze abruptly as the butterflies colided in my stomach. Josh looked at me impatiently.

"You gonna just stand there or get in?" He asked. I gulped and dashed for his car. I opened the door quickly and sat in the passenger side. I panted. He started the car up and drove off. He looked at me and smiled.

"Are you nervous?" He asked,laughing. I nodded. Today i was starting my first day as a senior. I was going to be the baby of the class since I skipped 2 grades. Josh laid his hand on my knee.

"Its gonna be great. I promise."He said. I gulped again. Why must he do this to me? He acts all nice and as if he liked me out of school but in school its like I never existed. I worked my butt off to be able to skip grades to get out of school earlier and be with him. I nodded,pushing his hand away. He cocked an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes. He pulled in the parking lot of the school. I already saw my best friend Jayce. He skipped to. He was my study buddy and he wanted to be out of school as soon as possible. Who wouldn't?

"Bye." I said flatly. I went to open my door when Josh hit the lock button.

"You have every class with me." He said. I nodded.

"Yeah so?" I asked annoyed. He sighed.

"This isnt goodbye." He said. I groaned.

"It's the same every year Josh. You know that and so do I." I said then pulling the lock up, I walked out of the car. Jayce leaned against the wall of the school. He saw me and smiled. I grinned and ran over to him. Jayce made my mouth water. He had black hair mid length with a bang that swept in front of his hazel eyes. Everything about Jayce was amazing and or hott. But there was one HUGE problem. Jayce was gay. He wasn't like noticbly gay,but he was sadly. He was the popular guy of the school until 8th grade when he 'came out of the closet'. Everyone changed towards him after that. Me and him had been bff's ever since then.

"Hey sexy." I said grinning as he pulled me into a hug. He chuckled pulling away.

"If you get a sex change we'll talk sexyniss." He said playfully. I laughed.

"Look out! It's the fag!" I heard someone yell. I turned. I saw Josh with his friends. He said it. He even pointed. Jayce looked down,clentching his fists. I whirled around.

"Look whose talking. Your the one that checks the guys out in the locker room!" I yelled,glaring. Josh's eyes got wide. All of his friends laughed. He looked at me confused,then with anger.

"Says the Emo whore." He said. My jaw dropped. You never are going to change. I thought to myself. Jayce grabbed my arm and pulled me into the school and down the hallway to our lockers. I punched my locker.

"He's never going to change this is rediculous." I said angrily. I then sw the plastics. Or my and Jayce's names for them, The Bitches and Hoes. Cassandra giggled. Her bottle dyed hair put up in a ponytail.

"Oh theres the little angry cutter. What will she do next?" She said. The 4 girls with her, laughing at her remark. I glared and grabbed my books out of my locker. I walked quickly to my first class. Algebra.Jayce stuck to my side. We walked into the class room. Josh sitting on a desk with people surounding him,Cassandra under his arm.  
Cassy spotted me. She grinned and whispered something in his ear. I rolled my eyes and plopped in my seat. Jayce sat beside me. Josh then walked through the group of people who were giggling. He stood between me and Jayce's desks.

"So i thought I would welcome you two with a little set of..greetings nd rules.." He said. He turned his body to Jayce.

"So me and the guys want you to know that we don't know the language fag like the teachers do so you shouldnt talk to all. Let alone live but ya know.. I cant force you to die." Josh said. The group of people bursted out laughing. My jaw felt like it was going to fall to the ground. How could anyone say that? Jayce was an innocent guy. He just had different likings. Why judge him for it? I was surprised to hear Jayce chuckle. He stood up. Standing tall over Josh. Jayce 6'2 and Josh standing at 6'0.

"I'm sure you don't speak my language cuz yours is deuch bag. Which is understandable. Since you have the whole douche bag and whore group following you around. So thanks for your greeting and 'rules' but I..We don't need them and let me tell you something." Jayce said stepping up closer to Josh.

"You hurt that girl and I'll kick your ass. Shes like a sister to me and I don't want a douche bag like you harrassing her. Now sit your ass down." Jayce said. Josh gulped and nodded.

"Whatever." He mumbled and walked over to his seat. My mouth was practically dislocated. My eyes feeling like they were going to fall out of there sockets. Jayce sat down. Pushing his bang back with his index finger,then looking at me.

"Alex..Sweety...Baby...Honey cakes.." He said. I gave him a nod unable to do anything else due to my shock.

"Shut your mouth it's not attractive." He mumbled. I shut my mouth quickly. I looked forward. Cassy sitting cross legged. She looked at me. Then grinned and mouthed "whore". I rolled my eyes. I would do anything to make her break..just once.

Surprise Me

Jayce waved me to me from the middle row. I smiled. I ran to the seat and sat down.

"how was chemistry?' He asked. I chuckled. He knew I hated that class.

"Screw you." I muttered. I looked at the girl in front of me. I studied the back of her head. I know this sounds creepy but you have to understand. Her hair was black,red,pink,blue, and green. I kinda liked it too. I looked at Jayce and pointed at her. He looked at her and nodded.

"hey you with the hair." He muttered. I looked at him with wide eyes. The girl turned, popping her gum. Jayce's eyes widened. Mine did as well. She was so pretty. Her skin pale and eyes bright green. I looked over at Jayce.

"You mean me correct?" She asked. I smiled. Her accent made me want to ask her to say it again. She had a scotish accent.

"I'm sorry for his rudeness. I'm Alex." I said. She laughed and nodded.

"It's okay I'm Macy." She said smiling. Jayce nodded.

"I'm Jayce." He said flatly. I glared at him. I don't know why his mood towards her suddenly. He leaned back into his chair. His posture looking totally different now. He looked angry. I cocked an eyebrow. Jayce only got mad when he was offended by someone. Not by girls saying hi. Macy tilted her head.

"Have we met before?" She asked Jayce. I looked back and fourth between Jayce and her. He laughed a little, then the scowl returned to his face.

"No." He said flatly. The girl nodded. I looked at Jayce. He pulled out his notepad. He gripped the pen in his palm. I poked him on the shoulder.

'What's wrong?' I mouthed. He shook his head. He started writing. His hand going a hundred miles an hour. He then tore it out of his notebook and folded it and threw it onto my desk. I cocked an eyebrow. Macy looked at me uncomfterably.

'Is it about me?' She asked looking at me sadly. Jayce saw what she mouthed.

"Do me a favor and check my notes from last period. I don't think I got half of what she was saying she talked so quickly." Jayce said. Macy sighed in relief and faced forward. I looked at him. The note in the middle of my desk.

"Read my damn notes." Jayce said angrily. I quickly opened it.

I know her! I dated her briefly in 7th grade. She's a two-faced girl. Don't fall for her niceness. I don't want you to get hurt like I did.

I read. I looked over at Jayce. I cocked an eyebrow. Wouldn't she remember Jayce? I mean he is kinda hard to forget. But...Jayce has changed a lot. He had blonde hair. And he never usually wore all black. I sighed. She did seem nice though. I mean maybe she's changed. I don't want to be all judgemental on the girl. Wait...He dated an older girl. I smirked. How come I never knew and or saw her? I looked at the note confused.

She was older then? I don't understand Jaycee. And how come I never saw her before? I don't understand what the hell has gone on.

I threw it to him. He opened it. Macy eyed it.

"You got most of it. I wrote down some of the topics you missed. Write what you REMEMBER about them and I'll check it over again." I said. The studyhall teacher looked at me.

"Miss Archer. If you have the need to speak so loudly maybe you'd like it better in the principle's office?" She asked annoyed. I gulped.

"I'm sorry it won't happen again." I said. She nodded. The note was already back on my desk as I looked down. I looked over the words.

Yeah she was in ninth. You wouldn't remember her because she went over to scotland for the student exchange program. Plus she had golden brown locks. She was with the bitches and hoes remember?

My eyes got wide. She was the prettiest one out of all of them. She still is. She was to beautiful for words period. I nodded.

It's been awhile hasn't it? Maybe she's different...

I wrote and passed it to Jayce. Macy twirled her hair around her finger. Jayce watched her. She popped a bubble and made some faces as she looked at her homework. She then nodded and wrote on her paper. Jayce smiled. I watched him. He was so giddy right now. I always knew him as I couldn't find another word for it. Was it just this girl that would change it? I smirked. He glared at me. I then

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