» Humor » The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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was starting to get to me. I had never wanted attention of many people. I saw no good things come out of it. You couldn't go pea without someone knowing. And I liked keeping my bathroom life to myself.

"Isn't that.."
"I'd tap that.."
"She actually has color in her wordrobe?.." I chuckled at the different remarks of my fellow students. I hadn't really noticed how many people really and truly noticed me until now. Most of these people were the pretty people. By pretty people I meant preppy. I mean you can be a good prep. There were many in my school which wasn't a problem. But my school was in a small town. Darker images wasn't really the scene. Plaid shirts and chew cans was the scene. Girls were expected to be girly and not wear band shirts. It disgusted me that I was really going to pretend to be one of them.

"Well well well.." I heard from behind me. I lifted my head up from the ground and saw her. The bottle blonde I had hated for atleast my whole entire life.

"Look whose made a change.." She said, she walked around me and studied me. I gulped and kept quite.

"Didn't think you could win it on your own?" She asked, chuckling lightly.

"I could have won you scuzzy little bitch. I don't feel like being studied by a lezbos as you. Now your testing my patience. Now move." I said angrily. I was a tad you can see. She pursed her lips angrily. Her friends standing behind her at loss of words. But after opening and closing there mouths they found the intelligence to glare. I waited for a response. An insult maybe even a hit. But nothing happened. Just there glares was all I got for the past 3 minuets. I groaned.

"Well since you guys have nothing to say I'm going up to my locker." I mumbled. All of them scoffed.

"In our group we believe its a better thing to show your feelings with your eyes." All of them said together. It was like everything they did was practiced. Because everything they said was like it was on que. And it was at most times utterly pathetic.I chuckled and pushed passed them.

"That was ahmazing!" I chuckled as I heard Jayce behind me. His footsteps patted in beat with mine. I pushed through the crowded hallway to my locker. My hand gliding down its metal outline to the padlock.I glided my fingers over it and twisted it to 25-35-10. It clicked and creaked as I pulled it open,grabbing my bag of books. I pulled the strap over my shoulder, I looked up and my jaw almost hit the floor. I swallowed lightly,tightening my jaw nervously.

"So..What's with the change?" Josh asked. I gulped and screamed at my mouth to say words.

"I just felt like it.Is that alright with you?" I said. I guess it was a little to obvious that I was trying to be tough because he chuckled. I closed my eyes lightly as his fingers traced down my cheek.

"Is it permanant?" He asked. I felt my heart sink and my cheek tingle as he traced his fingers up and down it. I couldn't help myself.

"Yes.." I said,opening my eyes again. He smiled lightly. I don't think any oxygen was getting to my brain. Mainly because I couldn't breathe. He leaned into me. My eyes widening. His fingers gliding under my chin and tilting me up. I closed my eyes. I then felt the warmth of his lips against mine. Every piece of my body tingling.

"What the fuck is this?" I grinned as her voice rang through the hallway. I pulled back lightly. Her pale face now beat red. It looked as if smoke would come out of her ears. Josh scoffed and slid his hand down my arm and to mine. His fingers intwining with mine and holding me to his side. My whole body was in shock. I felt my breathing quicken. I then looked to the sides at the guys and some of them were cheering. I cocked an eyebrow and looked up at Josh. A big and wide smile across his face. Maybe he was just waiting for the right time. Maybe just now was the perfect time.. I grinned and walked with him. My head up high. He walked me to my class. I never blushed so much.
The whole day was like a story from a book. It was so perfect that you just couldn't put it into words. He had me sit with him at lunch. He even allowed Jayce to sit there with me. I never felt so special in my life. He never left my side through out the whole school day. IN study hall I made and copied off papers saying vote for me! with a picture of me in the middle. Girls that I had never talked to since 6th grade helped me put them around the school. We talked and laughed like we were best friends and the sad thing was. I knew that it wasn't real. I knew they would turn back to the regular hating people they were when I was darker. But I wasn't going to down my good mood. The last bell to end school finally rang. I never skipped so much in one day in my life.

"Follow the Yellow brick road. Follow the yellow brick road. Follow Follow Follow Follow Follow the Yellow Brick road. Follow the Yellow brick. Follow the yellow brick. Follow the yellow brick road." Jayce and I sang as we skipped outside. I then screeched as I was picked up into the air. Jayce let go of my hand and looked at my attacker with a grin. I already knew who it was.

"Hey beautiful." Josh mumbled,kissing my cheek and setting me back down onto the ground. His friends all gave him a nod and grin and walked away. Guy code for bye noted. I said in my head. I felt like a spy in a way. I was literally taking notes and getting to know his life in a way. I had missed most of it but I was all in on it now. He pulled me in and kissed me,his tongue tracing my bottom lip. I pressed my hand against his chest,pushing him back lightly. I had kissed him enough today to last a whole week. The heat from the time we were together before had built up. And I knew it would break out soon. I honestly didn't care if we were going to fast. I wanted to go fast with him. I wanted every piece of him. I chuckled. I am such a sex addict. But what girl isn't when your dating the guy that makes your mouth water.

"I'll see you later love. Text me when to come over. Woves you!" Jayce said to me and hugged me tight. I hugged him back lightly.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." He whispered into my ear. He could read my mind. I knew not to go all the way when I just started dating him I wasnt that stupid.

"Go to third just don't go for the home run." He whispered again then pulled back and walked away towards the front of the school to go home. I watched after him.I felt Josh's arm around my waist as he pulled me to the parking lot to his car. I walked to the passenger side and slid into my seat,pulling the door shut. I then felt as if someone was watching me. I turned to see Josh watching me ever so intently. I cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I questioned. He chuckled pulling me in and kissing me.

"Your so beautiful." He whispered against my lips. I cocked an eyebrow as he continued to kiss me, his hand moving up my thigh.

"You didn't think that before." I mumbled. He pulled back.

"I couldn't express anything before. Baby, heres the thing you need to understand about my life. Before I had to do specific things. I got the wrong girlfriend and I had to sort that all out before I could do anything else. I've always been in love with you. I just couldn't truly show that to you. If I could have believe me I would have. I didn't want Cassy to hurt you anymore then she already was. You put up with enough shit and I didn't want to add to that." I felt the heat going up to my cheeks. The guy of my dreams. Right in front of me. And he was finally mine. Even if I lost the bet I'd still get him. He then started up the car. I leaned my head against the window. His hand on mine ontop of my thigh. I cocked an eyebrow as we passed my house.

"My house was back there numb nuts." I blurted. My eyes widened. I was so used to bashing him that I couldn't even catch myself before saying that. It was like a reflex to his stupidity...or mine. Josh chuckled.

"Yeah couples do go to each others houses. Or did you not know that?" He asked with a grin on his face. Yup my stupidity. I thought and leaned back against the window. It wasn't long before we reached his house and he pulled into the driveway. I opened the door and turned for the door. I was used to his house by now that it was basically a home for me too. The whole dating thing may be a tad shock to his parents but eh.. Who cares anymore. I walked up the steps and pushed through the door. I waited for a running hug from his mom or dad but nothing came. I cocked an eyebrow. His dog didn't even come to greet me.

"Where are they?" I questioned. Josh laughed.

"Remember that fishing trip they go on every year? Well school didn't give us the 4 day weekend like usual so I couldn't go." I nodded. His house smelt like apples and cookies. His mom was a housewife that lived to clean and bake. If only my mom were that nice. He then grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs to his room. His room smelling like monster and laundry. And that didn't smell to bad actually. I plopped on his bed. He shut the door lightly and crawled up to the bed and cuddled up beside me.He turned on the tv and my favorite movie came on. He went to change the channel.

"You change it you die." I mumbled as Zac Efron as Link started to sing. Josh bursted out laughing.

"Are you serious? Hairspray? Out of all movies you choose this one?" He asked amused. I glared at him.

"Yes now hush." I said, pointing my eyes on the screen. After the next 30 minuets I felt my eyes start to droop. I couldn't help it. And I knew Josh was just barely holding on to staying away too. School was tiring and then I was up all night the night before. I glared at the tv as my favorite part started to come up as my eyes got heavier and heavier. Always at my favorite part...always.............................

I felt kisses running up my neck. I blinked a couple times and stretched a little. I then noticed there were blankets over me. I looked to see Josh laying beside me. He kept kissing up my neck,my eyes widened as heat rushed up between my legs. Oh no...It was turning me on. I
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