» Humor » The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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said simply. I heard her breathing shakily. I waited for a reaction. Something that showed me she heard what I said..but nothing. She just leaned against the siding of my doorway. Her arms crossed and her eyes aimed at the floor. No expression crossing her face, the only thing showing me she was still alive was her light and shaky breathing and her fingers that twitched ever so often. I gulped.

“Fine.” She said and turned and walked out of my room. I looked at the back of her confused as she went down the stairs. I tilted my head and stood up and ran after her.

“Fine? That’s it. Nothing else. You cant even say anything to that?” I asked. She scoffed, walking into the kitchen and over to the fridge.

“If you want to live with that women fine. She’d probably let you do whatever you wanted. Not like I do that. I don’t expect much from you and still you want to leave. Your just like your father. No more no less. Running away anytime you get the chance. Fine. Be my guest and leave.” She said angrily and pulled lettuce out of the fridge and put it on the counter.

“I am nothing like him and you know that! Things at school are happening and I think the best thing for me is to just...just leave.” I said. My mother groaned.

“No. That is the worst thing you can do. Your father ran away from the problems we had here. He expected life to be better with the little girl he had. But no. It doesn’t help you to run away from your problems because no matter how far away you go or wherever you go...There still going to be here when you get back. Nothing will change. You think people will forget? No. It isn’t that easy. You need to grow up and own up to what you have here but if you just think it’ll wash away you are sadly mistaken.” She said and looked at me. I gulped. Me and her never really had the lets talk about our problems talk. That wasn’t us we were friends that just didn’t talk much. She told me the right’s and wrongs, wiped my tears away and did what mothers do. But we never talk talked. It just was awkward and it didn’t feel right. But my mom was wise and I never doubted her of that. I had to get it from somebody and it was her.

“...Your right.” I said silently. I usually was right about most things. I never really had anybody prove me wrong. I never talked to anyone or argued with many people unless it was in school and I had facts to prove what I said. That was the best thing about school answers to it could be backed up with facts aslong as you had the facts and evidence to back it up you were right. And I knew that but when it came to things such as this...nothing could really go against what she was saying. I couldn’t say something really smart and witty that had been proven years ago by some old guy in a white trench coat. This was my mother and she knew more then I could ever know. I was a nerd when it came to school but things outside of it confused me..I was just a C student.
The Win

Chapter 7

“Your gonna move where?!” Jayce screamed as he stood at the bottom of the steps of my house. I stood at the top, my arms wrapped around the white column beside me. I gulped and looked down as Jayce continued to scream and yell at me. I sighed lightly.

“Are you freaking kidding me?! Out of all the things we’ve been through all the things I’ve helped you with you choose now to just up ad leave!! I can’t this is just to stupid even for you! All this because of a skank and a boy! Do you know how stupid that is?!” He screamed. I groaned and ran down the steps to him.

“You don’t know have the shit that has happened! Are you seriously yelling at me for this? I never said I wouldn’t be coming back. I just need to get away for a little bit. Is that so bad?” I asked angrily. Jayce looked at me. The look on his face made me cringe. It was of pure disgust. I sighed.

“I just need to get away.” I then heard snivels leave my friends mouth. My eyebrows furrowed and I looked at his face. Studying his facial expression carefully. I felt my heart sink. Jayce never really cried. I mean he cried over a loss of a boyfriend but that wasn’t as sad and heard to watch as this. His black hair fell in front of his face. The snivels slightly louder then before. I walked down each step and down to his side. I hugged him, His face hitting my shoulder as he lightly cried. I patted his back and kissed his shoulder lightly.

“Please don’t go....I won’t have anyone else...” He mumbled. I shook my head.

“Babe you have everyone in the world.”I whispered. He shook his head and pulled back. He looked into my eyes. The tears rolling down his cheeks.

“My dad hates me because of my sexuality, my mom is somewhere banging some guy in Vegas because that’s how she pays child support, My grandparents are catholics that are to busy taking care of some foster child that they love more then they ever did me, My aunt is dead and my brother is in California banging chicks and in college that my dad has paid for him to go to for 4 years that he only needed 2. I have no one...but you.” He mumbled tracing his fingers up and down the side of my cheek. I nodded. I never knew about the whole story of Jayce’s family there was to much there for me to even get into. His family was built on jerks and women that never stayed long. He was my best friend.

“I won’t leave you..” I mumbled and hugged him tightly...

The next morning....

I groaned a little as my alarm clock started to go off. I wanted to stay in bed and never leave it. I wanted to just put my headphones in and ignore all the world.

“Could you maybe turn that damn thing off?” I chuckled a little at Jayce’s voice from the floor in front of my bed.I chuckled as the scooby doo theme song continued to play. I picked my head up from the pillow lazily and hit my hand against the ret button in the middle of my scooby doo alarm clock. I yawned and pushed the blankets off me and turned hanging my feet off of my bed. I the tilted my head as I saw the head of Jayce cuddled against the bottom of the end post at the front of my bed. His black hair all in front of his face.

“Well how did you sleep?” I asked chuckling. His head turned as he looked at me, his hair parting making it clear enough to see his eyes. He nodded.

“Ya..Who wouldn’t have a wonderful sleep on a blow up mattress? It’s like plush.” He said and giggled. I chuckled and planted my feet on the cold wooden boards of my floor. I shivered then continued for the door to get to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom, not even bothering to shut the door knowing Jayce would be soon to come too. I looked at myself in the mirror. My black hair all over the place. I groaned.

“I have to brush you don’t I?” I mumbled aloud. I then heard Jayce’s light footsteps coming from the hall. He pushed threw the door.

“Cover anything scarring.” He said laughing lightly. I chuckled and smacked his chest. I flinched.

“OW!” I yelled and shook my hand violently in the air. Jayce laughed and smiled wide. My hand throbbed lightly.

“What the hell dude?” I asked angrily, pulling my hand to my stomach. He chuckled.

“I work out... Im sexy and I know it.” I laughed and started to run my brush through my hair. My bangs falling to my forehead and to my shoulders. Jayce stood beside me and flipped his hair and smiled at himself in the mirror then looked down and sighed.

“I look like crap.” He muttered and left the room. I chuckled... Time to face my fears...No matter how much i don’t want too....

I walked out of the house with Jayce by my side. I sighed and kept my eyes down on the ground as I saw Jayce’s car pass by my house. I looked inside the car to see Cassy in the passenger side. She looked out the window at me and smiled. I kept my head down. Jayce sighed as the car slowed down beside us.

“Aww look both of the disgraces walk together. Like that will help you. One’s gay and the others a freak. Hey maybe Jayce will go straight for you Alex.” Cassie spat out of the window. I looked inside the car. Why was he even watching this? Was he just lying all the times he said he liked me? I then eyed Josh’s eyes going straight ahead, his hands gripping the steering wheel. I nodded.

“Just because your jealous that your boyfriend actually respects me and not you doesn’t mean you need to throw a little tantrum. It’s kinda sad that you’d go to all this trouble to speak your mind. So how bout I do the favor for you and save you from embarrassment huh? Your a whore and I think you should change your clothes and respect for others and maybe people wouldn’t be saying so much-”

“But you-”

“I’m not finished. Now you should prolly find a new boyfriend because he cheated on you with me. So a disgrace? Honey your one to so do me a favor and grow the hell up and leave me and my friends alone.” I said angrily. Cassie’s mouth dropped. She stared at me. I smirked.

“Bye!” I said happily and skipped away down the sidewalk.

“Hey! Wait!” I breathed out and stopped by the tree in front of the school. Jayce ran to me.

“That...Was..AMAZING!” He yelled happily. I laughed as he launched forward and hugged me tight. I smiled and held my head against his shoulder. He pulled away slowly. He looked at me and smiled wide.

“Thanks for standing up for me. You got balls.” He said jokingly. I nodded. I held my head high as we walked into the school. Everyone turned to us, then looked back at there lockers. I walked quickly to my

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