» Humor » The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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back. My jaw dropped.

“WHAT?!” I yelled. His eyes widened and he put his hand over my mouth as everyone turned and stared at us.

“Will you hush! I gotta girlfriend as of yesterday. Now change of subject since your admirers are coming.” He said as Cassie and her friends started over to our table.

“B-b-but I was..grr this isn’t over. You have a lot of explaining to do.” I said lightly. Cassie then reached my table and leaned over the table and looked at me.

“We need to talk. Now.” She demanded. The others shifted there hips, there arms crossed. I rolled my eyes lightly.

“Why? There’s nothing you could say that would make a difference in my life and or day.” I said angrily. She smirked, flipping her hair to the side.

“Do me a favor and stop throwing your fake bitch fit and go out in the hall with me.” She whispered. I sighed and slid out of my seat and walked behind her. Walking in and out of isles to get passed the many tables of the cafeteria. I noticed how her friends stayed at the table, actually interacting with Jayce. We finally got out to the hallway where she dragged me down it into the girls locker room. She turned sharply. I sighed. Out of all places here? If I hit her here no one would see. I chuckled at my thought. She twirled her hair in her fingers.

“You like Josh.. and so do I. And frankly competing for him with me isn’t working for you now is it? Now I have a better idea on how to choose who gets him. But in a more amusing way for me and rather interesting way frankly.” She said grinning. I scoffed. Did she really think she was that intimidating?

“Sweety, You can have him. And I didn’t compete with you. I just had fun seeing you angry that I’m actually better then you.” I said grinning at her evily. She glared at me.

“If you think your going to loose then just say so.” She said angrily. I chuckled.

“I wouldn’t loose.” I said, clentching my fists to my sides. She nodded.

“Then listen to the deal and see if you can live up to those words.” She said. I chuckled.

“Are you trying to intimidate me?” I said amused. She chuckled, shaking her head.

“More like daring you. Now the dare or deal if you will that I brilliantly came up with resides with a little competition in itself. You may like it and or hate it. Either way I really could care less.” She said smiling. I chuckled lightly.

“Try me.” I said simply. She grinned.

“Well I’m running for homecoming queen. And since last year I won no one is competing this year.” She said faking the sadness in her voice. I nodded.

“Your gonna make me compete against you.” I said understanding what point she was leading to. She chuckled and walked around me, leaning against the wall.

“Your not as stupid as you look Alex. Whoever wins the crown wins the man.” She said. I chuckled at how rehearsed and movie star like her words sounded. I looked down at the grey tiles of the flooring of the locker room. I only had like one friend. How would I be able to win against the girl that probably gave special pleasures to the guys that would vote for her and or get people to vote for her. I thought for a moment. If I beat her people would actually get that all things don’t have to go with deals and special pleasures but by the person themselves and I wanted to see if she’d cry if I beat her. I stepped up closer to her and looked her right in the eyes.

“Get ready to loose.” I spat and turned. She grabbed my shoulder pulling me back and pushing me to sit down on the wooden bench in front of all the lockers. She looked down at me.

“There’s rule’s smart ass.” She spat. I chuckled and crossed my legs and looked at her. A smirk rising over my lips.

“Well if you say so. But I think one should be no blow jobs to get guy votes.” I said. Her jaw dropped. I laughed.

“Don’t act so innocent everyone knows. We may be stupid with some things but guys are very open with telling eachother about things like that. We’re all A students in eavesdropping.” I said, pulling my shirt down lightly. I heard her scoff.

“I don’t care. First rule no buying people to vote. All fair. No special favors no special “pleasures” for the guys and deffonintly no buying people to vote.” I chuckled.

“You said buying people out twice dumb ass.” I said viciously and stood up and started for the door.

“There’s one more.” She said her eyebrow raised. I turned my head and looked at her. Her short skirt a pink plaid where she had her fingers on the edges of it. She shifted on to her hip.

“Whoever wins has Josh. No interferances.” She said looking at me as this rule was made because of me. When we both knew whoever won. She would do something about it.
Fade away.

Chapter 9

I scribbled across the paper. My teacher talking about religious and political views that I had no interest in listening too. I thought about the dare. What would I do to make this work?To make me win. I thought. I wrote a note to jayce asking for his help on the subject. Folding it daintily and writing and scribbling all over it with smiley faces. I then threw it onto his desk. The teacher to interested in the argument with some chick in the front. Jayce turned and looked at me. I nodded.

“Open it.” I mouthed. He nodded and unfolded it quickly no sounds to be heard. I watched as an evil smile crossed his lips. He looked up at the board then back down at the note and ran the pen across the paper. I sighed and tilted my head back and fourth. My patience wearing thin as 5 minuets passed. I then felt something hit against my head. I blinked and noticed the paper on my desk. I chuckled lightly. I opened it up, the loud crinkles making everyone turn to me. I unfolded it a little slower now as everyone turned back to the board. My eyes widened as I saw the whole paragraph of words. I rolled my eyes. As if I didn’t do enough reading..

(5 hours later)

“Alex! Get a move on. If we’re gonna use my dad’s car we need to move fast.” Jayce demanded, walking quickly down the sidewalk. I groaned and followed closely behind.

“Dude chill.. I’m tired.” I whined. Jayce groaned and stopped dead in front of me. He looked like he was bracing himself.

“Jump on. I can’t wait for a slow whiny girl like you.” He said impatiently. I giggled and jumped onto his back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He held onto my legs and started to run. I laughed lightly. I felt like a 5 year old frankly and the looks we recieved from the people we passed was slightly amusing.

“Your like all muscly.” I said laughing. I heard Jayce scoff.

“Like.. I think like the girls are like rubbing off on you.” He said in the most girliest and gay voice ever. I mean Jayce had a somewhat gay..ish voice but this was over the top.

“That isn’t funny.” I said angrily. He chuckled and lifted me up a little higher so I wouldn’t fall off.

“If you didn’t talk like that I wouldn’t have had to of mocked you in the first place.” He said and started walking up the dirt driveway that led up to his house.

“Jerk.” I mumbled angrily. I then felt his hands leave my legs. I screamed and fell to the ground. Jayce laughed and turned and looked at me. I glared at him angrily.

“I liked you better when you were all gay.” I said laying my palms on the ground then pushing off of them, standing up. I winced a little. That’s gonna bruise.. I thought dusting off the dirt off of my pants. Jayce didn’t say anything and ran into his house, then he was back out. He ran over to the black honda in the driveway.

“Get in.” He said simply and pulled the car door of the driver side open and slid into the car, slamming the door shut. I sighed.

“He’s mad..” I mumbled and ran up the passenger side door and opened the door and got into the car. I smiled as I heard Bring Me The Horizon blasting through the speakers of the car. Jayce laid his hand on the back of my seat and looked back as we pulled out of the driveway. He then turned back and pushed on the gas pedal. The tires screeched and we launched forward. I sighed as I saw the scowl on Jayce’s face.

“Jayce...” I whined, looking at him. I was shocked to see that not even a smirk rose across his lips. He really was mad at me. I sighed.

“Jayce I really am sorry.” I said. He scoffed.

“That’s not really good enough right now.” I rolled my eyes.

“What did I do that was so freaking bad?” I questioned uneasily. Jayce was the kind of guy that would just stop the car and leave you on the side of the road. I kept my eyes on his hands. Watching if he go to to touch the unlock button. But his hands never left the steering wheel. They stayed right on the white cover of the wheel.

“I always told you I wasn’t one hundred percent sure about who I was or who I am. Everyone just suspected I was gay. Your starting to think like them and its quite insulting.” He said sadly. I sighed.

“I’ve never dated a guy only girls so I don’t see why-”

“Jayce really? I don’t want to fight and I don’t want one of us crying. I’m sorry for being like everyone else.” I said. Jayce chuckled.

“I wouldn’t end up crying.” He said. Jayce knew all to well on who I was betting would cry first. I chuckled.

“Who said I meant you?” I said laughing. Jayce looked at me in disbelief.

“Yeah right.” He said laughing lightly. I smiled and looked back at the highway. Where we lived it was actually quite convinient. It was a small town that was only 20 minuets from the mall. Well that is if you knew the right roads. There were

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