» Humor » The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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class. Jayce by my side. Both of us basically skipping. I didn’t think I could make an effect like this to make her leave me alone. I thought as I passed Cassie and she didn’t say a word. But I knew it wasn’t over just yet. I looked around and was surprised on the grouping of the students. Josh wasn’t over there with them. He wasn’t even close to them. He was all the way in front. His hands gripping the front edge of the table and his leg shaking lightly. I smiled.

“Finally fighting for yourself..” I mumbled. I knew he heard me because chuckled and loosened up and relaxed against the chair. I looked and watched the teacher walk up to the front of the room. His eyes widened as he saw Josh in the front seat where he belonged.

“Are you alright there Sir?” He asked Josh. Josh chuckled and nodded.

“It’s all good Mr. C.” He said. I laughed and followed the teachers had as it glided across the board as he wrote the notes. I couldn’t focus on what it all really meant I just listened to the girls over in the corner. Cassie’s whispering easily heard.

“I think it’s like way to risky. You like never know right?” I rolled my eyes at her girlish vocabulary. I then noticed it wasn’t Cassie talking it was her friend. Rosaline, her hair a bottle blonde like all the others and her posture similar to theres, her legs crossed. I kept my bangs in front of my eyes, I peeked through them to keep the girls in my view. Cassie scoffed.

“You think that little skank is anything against me? This morning I made the bitch cry” She said laughing lightly with the others. I rolled my eyes. Bull shit you liar. I thought. I then sighed and focused on listening.

“I don’t know she has guts. Are you sure this is gonna work?” Rosaline asked silently. Cassie scoffed.

“Are you kidding me? No one is even running up against me and believe me..If I put him in this little deal.... One I’ll win with a someone running...Two.. This will be so amusing for her to try and think she actually has a chance.” My eyebrows furrowed. What and who was she talking about? I asked in my head. The bell then rang and I shoved my books into my bag and walked out of class. I walked down the dismal hallway. My eyes glued to the floor as I pondered through my thoughts. What were they talking about? What deal? Who is her victim going to be? I kept walking and walked down the steps towards the gym. I eyed the people in front of me. They were student teachers I believed and they had our principal in front of them. I walked quickly passing by them. I dropped my binder and books on the bench outside of the gym and walked inside the gym. I smiled at what our gym teacher had out. Basketballs.. I smiled in awe. If there was any sport I could do for the rest of my life was basketball. I didn’t play because I like it being fun and competitions there was to much pressure to many people depending on you. To many people that you are able to let down. I walked into the locker room and changed quickly, ignoring the prissy people that stood in front of there lockers. Them taking forever to get dressed so they could skip out on class. Them being the suck up’s that they were could get away with it because they were the favorites. I looked at my gym teacher. His hair greased so it would cover the reseeding hair line he had on his forhead. His pants pulled up over his stomach, where his purple polo shirt was tucked under. A whistle rested against his chest.

“Grab a ball and shoot.” He persisted and leaned back agains the wall. A couple other girls came out and were shooting on the far hoops while the others were still in the locker rooms. I grabbed a ball and rolled it around my fingers. The material rubbing against the skin of my hands. I dribbled it against the wooden like floors of the gym and ran over to the hoop shooting a lay up. Swish.. I smiled. The sound made me smile. I missed that sound so much. I grabbed the ball and walked out to the foul line. I dribbled the ball against the floor and balanced myself and held the ball in my hand and then pushed off. The ball slid out of my fingers. I watched it like it was in slow-mo. It hit the net and swish. I grinned.

“Woop!” I said to myself. I then cocked an eyebrow as I saw Josh standing on the outside of the box. He sighed.
“You never did miss.” He mumbled. I nodded.

“I miss sometimes.” I mumbled and walked forward towards the ball and grabbed it. I dribbled it against the floor and walked back to the foul line. I shot again the ball hitting the backboard and falling down to the floor. I sighed angrily. Josh grabbed the ball and held it out in front of him to me. I laid my hand on top of it to pull it back when he pulled me and the ball in to him. I gulped.

“ You only missed when you were nervous.” He said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

“Do me a favor and be bipolar somewheres else.” I said angrily and went back to the foul line and shot again. The ball swishing through the net. Josh grabbed the ball.

“Wanna get your anger out? How bout we play a game?” He asked. I chuckled.

“No...I wouldn’t want to embarrass you in front of all these girls.” I said. He shrugged.

“I don’t have to be embarrassed sweety now how bout you try beating me.” He mumbled I grabbed the ball. I walked up to center court and dribbled the ball.

“Whoever shoots atleast 5 points wins. No fouls.” I mumbled and dribbled it lightly. Josh nodded and stepped in front of me. We passed it back and fourth twice. I then ran towards the basket and did a right lay up. Josh smiled and walked out to the end line.

“Cheap shot.” He mumbled and dribbled back in. I kept my palms out and knee’s bent. He pushed his hip against me. Pushing me back. I groaned and tapped the ball and it bouncing away. Josh ran and grabbed the ball and dribbled to the three point line. He bent his legs and got ready to shoot. I chuckled.

“You so will not make that.” I said. He looked at me and smirked. He kept his eyes on me and pushed off. The ball leaving his fingers. He kept his eyes on me. I felt my body melt. I then heard the key sound.. Swish. I blinked, my body coming back to earth. I turned quickly. I looked at the ball and net in disbelief. How..? I groaned angrily and grabbed the ball and dribbled back out. Josh rubbing against practically as he guarded me.

“Stop rubbing against me ya rapist.” I said angrily and went to shoot then faked and ran to do another lay up. Josh chuckled catching the ball as it fell through the net.

“Mad that you can’t win?” He asked laughing. I glared.

“You wish.” I said angrily as he dribbled back out and went to shoot. I slammed the ball against my hand. The ball pushing back through Josh’s hands to the floor. I ran to the ball and grabbed it and ran back.

“You like it since you keep dribbling back.” He said jokingly. I glared and shoved him aside and shot at the foul line.

“Hell no. 3 to 3.” I said. Josh chuckled.

“You play rough.” He said and dribbled forward and back then faking to the side and stopping at the corner of the box and shooting.

“4 to 3 sweety.” He said. I groaned.

‘GIve me the god damn ball.” I said angrily. I wasn’t gonna lie, when I got into a game I did get competitive and I didn’t like loosing...EVER. I grabbed the ball and dribbled, passing it through my legs. Josh nodded.

“I’m impressed you got skills.” He said chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

“To bad I’m gonna win.” He said smiling. I shook my head stepping back to half court.

“Nope cause right here is where I win.” I said and pushed off my feet off of the floor and shot the ball towards the hoop. I fell back onto the floor my butt landing hard on the wood. I listened for the sound. I sighed sadly but then heard a swish. I beamed.

“ I. Win.” I said simply and stood up and pushed passed Josh towards the locker room. His expression the same as before.
The Dare.

Chapter 8

“You pushed him to the ground?” Jayce asked excitedly, practically bouncing in his seat. I chuckled and nodded. Jayce screeched with happiness.

“I knew you had that attitude. I just didn’t want to be there to witness it.” He said smirking. I laughed a smile rising over my lips. I looked across the cafeteria to see Cassie with her friends in a totally seperate table from all the others. I cocked an eyebrow. Cassie was always with the other jerks. What changed her mind now? Did she finally notice that all of them never liked her? That they said horrible things about her behind her back? I asked myself in my head.

“Hello? Earth to Alex.” I heard I blinked and turned to the now frustrated Jayce. He glared, his arms crossed and held tightly to his chest. I sighed.

“Sorry, You have my full attention.” I said. He chuckled and nodded. He breathed in and out shakily. I cocked an eyebrow as he continued to look extremely uncomfterable and fidgety.

“What is it?” I asked. He sighed. He pulled his hands onto the table.

“You know how I said that I was sorta confused on if I was... ya know..” He drownded off. Jayce always was weird when he mentioned things like his sexuality which I found amusing.

“Being gay. Yeah.” I said grinning as he shivered at my words. I laughed lightly. He sighed.

“I’m being serious.” He said angrily. I sighed and nodded.

“Sorry, as you were saying.” I said. I was actually starting to get bored with his words. He always rambled and took forever to get to the point in his words and actions and frankly. I was impatient and bored easily so...He needed to hurry up.

“I’m bi.” He said simply and turned back in the seat and sat

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