» Humor » The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗

Book online «The Dare, Leanne Yerdon [different ereaders txt] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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Josh’s face.

“Hey se-...What the hell happened to you?” He asked, pulling me inside. I sniveled the tears running down my cheeks.

“Your slut of a girlfriend.” I said through snivels. He pulled me up the stairs. Vanilla milkshake dripping on each step and on the carpeted hallway to his room on the far left. He pulled me in to the bathroom and pulled a towel off the shower curtain and wiped it across my face gently. I closed my eyes. The tears slowing down by now.

“It’s all in your hair babe.” I looked at him. Did he just call me babe? I questioned in my head.

“You can go ahead and take a shower. I’ll put your clothes in the washer.” He said and stepped out and shutting the door lightly. I smiled lightly then pulled my clothes off setting them on the counter of the bathroom sinks. I turned the shower on and stepped into the shower. The water hitting against my sticky body. I looked down for shampoo and soap. I chuckled. What are you going to find in a guys shower? I asked to myself in amusement. I looked at the bottles of Axe shampoo and conditioner and body wash. I chuckled and put the shampoo in my hair. The soap dripping down my body onto the black tiling of the tan shower. I then looked for a washcloth or something. Nothing but one scrubber and I’m guessing that’s the one Josh used. I thought for a moment. Should I? I thought then shrugged.

“Screw it. Why not.” I said aloud and grabbed the Axe body wash bottle and the scrubber and poured some of the soap onto the scrubber. I then washed over my body scrubbing my tummy and face where 85% of the milkshake had landed. I washed all the soap off. My body finally clean and turned the shower off. I grabbed the towel that was on the side and dried myself off. I looked at the clothes he had set out for me. My bra and underwear were still there but my shirt and pants weren’t. Was he serious? I looked at the shirt and shorts he had laid out for me. It was a black hanes tanketop like thing and basketball shorts. I shrugged and pulled my clothing on and looked at myself in the mirror. My black hair hung down to chest. It curling at the tips. I sighed and opened the door slowly and stepped out. Turning the light and fan off. Josh laid on his bed, the tv on and his cellphone in his hands. He looked over at me and smirked.

“Are you all clean now?”He asked playfully. I chuckled and nodded. He patted beside him.

“Scooby Doo is on.” He said smirking. I laughed and crawled on his bed. Sitting beside him. He sat up.

“I’m really sorry that she did that to you..” He said looking at me. I shook my head.

“It’s okay.” I lied. It was not okay. I had to deal with Cassy and her friends harassing me ever since I was 13. Cassy never liked me. And I think its pretty easy to find out why. Josh. She thought he was the sexiest thing that lived here and she’d be right. Alex had light blonde hair with a bang that swept in front of his eyes. He had green eyes that sparked when he was happy, and they got dark when he was mad. His body was average it wasn’t like models and thats what everyone loved about it and him. He never tried being the best he tried being him and it was good enough.

“Liar.” He said simply,turning to me and looking at me expectantly.

“What?” I asked. He chuckled.

“I don’t know honestly...Oh yeah sorry but you just have to not let her get to you. If she see’s that she should back off she only goes out for the people that give her more of a reaction.” I scoffed and shook my head. He looked at me confused.

“It doesn’t work that way if it did I’d have been rid of her a long time ago.” I said. He nodded.

“She thinks I’m gonna get you to cheat on her..” I said. Josh looked at me confused.

“How?” I looked at him in disbelief.
“How else? By seducing you, by kissing you, etc., etc.” I said. He chuckled and shook his head.

“That’s not what I meant. Everyone thinks me and Cassy are dating. I’m starting to think she does to but that’s not what it is. Cassy and me are jus... We’re pushed into having to date but I really don’t want to date her because of how she is. She uses every guy and cheats on all of her boyfriends so I just we’re...We’re friends with benefits I guess. I haven’t had a girlfriend in years though.” He said. I smirked.

“You sound so old.” I said punching him playfully. He laughed and shoved me back and then before I know it we were on the floor wrestling. He turned me onto my back, Pinning my arms over my head.

“You give?” He asked. I shook my head and bit his arm. His grip loosened.

“OW!” He yelled. I grinned and turned over on top of him, pinning his arms over his head. He struggled. I smiled.

“You taught me this.” I cleared my throat. He looked at me amused.

“No matter how big unless your wrestling guys like John Cena and I’m sorry but you won’t get that far but anyway guys my size and a little bigger not matter what can’t get up if you pin them down just right.” I said mocking him. He chuckled and nodded.

“You actually listen to me! Good Job! You wanna cookie?” He said smirking. I laughed. Then his eyes met mine. I felt like my muscles were melting away and I was so weak. I breathed out shakily, then looked away and crawled onto his bed and leaned against the wall. Josh sat up.

“Oh I see how it is. I’m nice to you and let you use my shower and my clothes and u take over my bed.” He said. I knew he was loosening up the moment. He knew me well and he wasn’t stupid. I chuckled and spread my body on his bed.

“Be a gentleman.” I said laughing. He scoffed and stood up and crawled into the bed and sat beside me.

“How bout you share? You learned that when you were 3 missy. Go to time out.” He joked. I laughed. He looked at me. I felt a little uncomfterable by the way he was looking at me. I smiled lightly and looked down. His fingertips were underneath my chin. Pulling my chin up and towards him. He leaned in. I breathed out shakily. His lips pressed mine. I felt like electricity went through our lips. My stomach flip flopped. I pulled back lightly. He pulled me back in. His lips moving against mine and I couldn’t stop..not now. I leaned back on his bed, his body moving on top of mine. His tongue traced my bottom lip and pushed into my mouth. His hands slid up and down my sides and I couldn’t stop. His hand moved up to my chest. My arms wrapped around his neck. I heard voices down stairs. Josh kissed down my jaw to my neck. I smiled in pleasure. The voices got louder from down stairs. I looked over at the clock as Josh kept kissing my neck. It was 8:30pm. His parents should be home by now. A moan then escaped my lips as Josh’s teeth nibbled on my neck.

“Your liking this I see.” He mumbled against my skin,kissing back up to my lips, smiling. I blushed.

“Your mom and dad are home.” I said. He nodded.

“Yes I know.” He said smirking. I chuckled.

“Look at the position we’re in.” I said. It isn’t like I didn’t like this I had been waiting for the last 4 years. But I didn’t want him getting in trouble though. Josh looked at me grinning.

“Woah.. We never got this far have we? haha You wanna stay for dinner?” He asked. I shook my head.

“No my mom’s making corn chowder tonight yum!” I said laughing. He chuckled.

“Okay.” He said. His body didn’t move. I laughed.

“You can get off of me now.” I said. He nodded and got off of me and the bed. I followed behind him as he went down the stairs. His parents were in the kitchen. We slid through and out the door.

“I’ll give you your clothes tomorrow.” He said laughing. I chuckled.

“Thanks, bye.” I said and turned to start walking. I heard his feet patting agains the rock pathway of his house. He turned me to him and kissed me long and hard, then hugged me tightly. I smirked pulling away.

“Bye Joshy.” I said smiling and started walking home. I smiled to myself. I had never felt as if I was walking on air...until now.

Chapter 5

“You did WHAT?!” Jayce yelled at me from across the table. I looked at him wide eyed.

“Would you quiet down!” I yelled walking around the table and sitting beside him.

“You made out with that deuch bag?” Jayce whispered. I groaned.

“Yes I did. It wasn’t intentional and he was being really..gentle and caring..” I said. Jayce looked at me and put his fingers under my chin.

“Look at me.” He insisted. I sighed and turned to him.

“What?” I asked. He pulled his arm away and pointed over at there table.

“I want you to look over there and tell me what you see. Tell me what’s going on.” I bit my lip and looked over. Josh’s and Cassy’s table was a medium sized table. I looked to see Cassy in Josh’s lap all of them were laughing and I looked more closely. Cassy’s hand was under her leg which led to Josh’s inner thigh. I breathed out shakily. Cassy then saw me looking and grinned and turned her face to Josh’s and touched her lips against his. Everyone at there table oooo’d and whistled. I frowned. Josh’s eyes were closed but then opened and he looked at me. He then pushed her away lightly. Cassy looked at him confused. He shook his head and pushed her off and stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. I turned and looked at Jayce and smirked.

“As you were saying?” I asked. Jayce shook his head.

“But you still gotta think..Would he have pulled away if you weren’t here?” He asked. My eyebrows furrowed. Would he have? I asked in my head. Before I knew it I was on my

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