» Humor » Forever Worldwide, Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C [10 best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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of the day watching movies, playing boardgame and just relaxing. Jay had made snacks, which consisted of Oreo milkshake, mini banoffee cheesecake, different types of sandwiches, cupcakes and nothing would be better then cookies. A lot of sugary stuff, I know but mergh, I don't really care.

''Whoa Ace, you seem to love that cupcake'' Ryder says.

''Its cake, anything that's cake, Ace seems to love'' Jay says.

''Dayum, girl slow down, its not going anywhere'' I say. Ace was the first one out of us to attack the cupcakes. That girl sure loves em.

''Hmm, maybe we should keep you Jay, You can make awesome deserts'' Ryder says.

''Nope I need her , she makes the best cupcakes'' Ace stops her eating.

''Seems like your only using me for my amazing cooking skills'' Jay says.

''Yeah, that and your good taste in fashion'' She carries on eating her last cupcake.

''Ouch, Feeling the love Ace'' Jay pretends to be hurt.

''Mergh, You'll live'' She says.

We help clean up. We find a football in the storeroom and decide to play a game of footy.

Jay, Taylor and I were in one team while Ace, Raiven and Ryder were in another. There were no goalies, we had to defend our goal, as best as we could. Even 10 minutes into the game no one got any points. Soon enough Jay managed to get the ball past Ryder and score.

''HELL YA!'' She shouts. She doesn't even realise that Ryder passed the ball to Raiven and she passed it to Ace. I let Ace get close to the goal but I never let her score because she was going to kick the ball into the goal but before she could I kicked the ball in Taylor's direction.  He dribbled the ball towards the goal and when Ryder was about to tackle the ball off  him, Taylor kicked it towards Jay and she kicked it into the goal. We carried on playing for another hour or so. In the end we won with 1 point.

We walked back into the house and cleaned up. We were all sweaty, thanks to the sunshine so we had to shower. I'm not sure about the other girls, but I hadn't packed so straight after I got out of the shower and gotten dressed, I quickly packed everything. By the time I finished its 5pm, we'll be leaving in a few. I take my bags down and find the others with theirs.

''Looks like I'm not the only who forgot to pack'' Jay says.

''Too lazy to pack'' I mutter. Jay picks up her camera and waves it a little.

''Last pictures?'' She asks.

''Hell ya'' Ace says.We take pictures, pulling all types of faces.

Both Ryder and Taylor went with us to the airport.

''Gonna miss you guys, I had fun!'' I say.

''Same'' Ryder says.

''Wish you guys the best and hope to see ya soon'' Ace says.

We hear our flight being called. We hug Ryder and Taylor before walking towards our flight, before we go through the door, we turn around one last time and wave.

Chapter Twenty Seven

We had planned that we'd go to the hotel that we had booked and visit Mariquita and the others tomorrow.''Soooo much travelling, not good...... Too exhausted.... Need sleep'' Ace groans. We had gotten delayed a little when Jay had her bag taken by someone; luckily we'd managed to get it back..... Very 'nicely'. And fortunately this time, there was no misunderstanding with the hotel booking so we managed to get our rooms just fine.

‘’Dhurro, we’re supposed to be travelling you idiot’’ Jay smacks her head lightly on the head.

‘’Yeah, yeah’’ She mumbles.

‘’Not my fault that aga thought it’d be nice to take my bag now did I?’’ Jay says sarcastically.

‘’It’s not my fault either….. Maybe she mistook it as her bag’’ Ace snorts.

‘’You saw her, did she look like someone to mistake her bag or steal someone’s?’’

‘’Guys stop, Ace your tired, we’re all tired so why don’t we go to our rooms and get some rest?’’ Raiven suggests.

‘’M’kay’’ We all go to our chosen rooms and get some sleep.


‘’Aish, can’t a girl get some sleep once in a while?’’ I grumble when my duvet is ripped from me and I feel the cold hit my body like a ton of bricks.

‘’Maybe if you went to bed on time’’ Raiven says.

‘’Urgh, I went to bed the same time as you all!’’

‘’Get chur ass outta bed right now before I come and get you’’ I hear Ace shout from outside my room.

‘’No’’ I reach for my duvet again but it gets pulled out of my reach. ‘’I hate you’’ I grumble before getting out of bed.

‘’Aw Azaria you know how much you love us’’ Raiven coos.

‘’Bluh, leave me alone…. I need to pee’’ I mumble before walking into the bathroom and doing my business. I walk back into my room and grab my clothes before taking a quick shower.

I find the others at the breakfast bar. I grab a cup and make some green tea for myself….. Using PG Tips!

We finished eating breakfast and had left by noon, since all of us were already ready. 

‘’Mariquita said that she’d meet us at the near by café’’ Ace said. It didn’t take long for us to find the café….. Unless you count an hour not long. When we got into the café I was instantly hit by different aromas.

‘’Hey guys’’ I snapped my head to the left and Mariquita was sitting at a booth with two guys next to her.

‘’Hey’’ Ace literally runs and gives her a massive hug.

‘’Ace, let the girl go…. You might end up hugging her to death’’ Raiven says which causes Ace to instantly let go.

‘’Well not my fault I’m feeling extremely happy today’’ She says.

‘’I wonder why’’ Jay raises an eyebrow.

‘’Hey’’ I say to Mariquita. She replies back and introduces us to the two guys that she was sitting by earlier. Emiliano and Callahan and just like Ace did to Mariquita, she gave the other two a big ass hug... Damn that girl so love hugs.

We each get drinks from the café and finish them off before walking out.

‘’How’s your journey been in Spain so far?’’ Callahan asks us.

‘’Minus the fact that my bag was taken…… its been alright so far, just somebody woke me up way too early’’ Jay grumbles and yawns.

‘’Not a morning person huh?’’ Jay shakes her head.

‘’She’s sleepy most of the time’’ Ace says from in front of us. Jay suppresses another yawn.

‘’Girl you teen watching teen wolf again?’’ I say sarcastically. Knowing the look on her face it’s pretty obvious. ‘’Dang, you and Ace seem to love Dylan O’Brian so much’’ Hearing his name, Ace, Mariquita and Jay jump into a conversation about Teen Wolf.

After nearly an hour of walking and talking, two more guys walk up behind Mariquita and one of them taps her on the back, instantly causing her to jump back.

‘’What the hec-‘’ Her words are cut short and hugs the guys, whom I’m presuming is Didier. ‘’When did you guys come?’’ She asks.

‘’We saw you guys and Didier here, came up with the idea of scaring you, I’m pretty sure by the way you jumped it worked’’ The guy that came with Didier says.

‘’Haha, very funny… don’t do that again’’ She mumbles the last part then turns to us ‘’This is Didier, my awesome boyfriend and his brother Yves’’ Thr girls and I say hey to them.

''Where you guys off to now?'' Didier asks.

''Just showing them a little bit of Spain, so they'll remember it when they leave'' Emiliano responds.

''Oh, okay''

We all ended up at the local mall after an hour of walking about. We all sat our asses down because our legs were tired as fuck. I could see Jay giving dirties to the area around us, seems like I wasn't the only one.

''What's with the creepy ass looks?'' Yves asks Jay.

''Nothing, I just hate crowded areas'' She mutters.

''The mall's not that crowded'' Emiliano says.

''For her nothing's ever not crowded'' Raiven chuckles.

''Why do you hate them so much anyways?'' I hear Yves ask.

''You don't wanna ask her that'' Ace says but Jay answers.

''First off, there's soo many bloody people, second people who stare and third peados'' Jay says, malice in her voice.

''Damn'' Jay chuckles.

''What are we doing in the shopping centre anyway?'' She asks.

''I don't know to be honest'' Didier says.

''I heard that there's a fair today'' Mariquita says out of the blue.

''Really?'' Ace says.

''Yup, It started a few days ago and tomorrow is the last day, the five of us had planned to go but weren't free'' She explains. We all agreed to going tonight, so we all headed back to get ready. Mariquita gave us the address and we found them waiting by the enterance.... Looks like they just came a few minutes before us. We pay to get in and they give us aluminant bands that we had to put around our wrists.

''Where to first?'' I ask. We picked the American football cup (I can't remember what the ride was called ... don't hate me -.- ) There was nine of us and luckily there was ten seats per booth, the person left without somebody next to them was Jay. I sat in between Jay and Raiven. We had to hold onto the bars whilst the ride was going round, in basic words the ride would lift 20ft into the air, and rotate in circles, and whilst its rotating everyy singular booth would be moving from side you side... If somebody is scared of heights then they're gonna hate this ride because when you get to the top, the booth literaly faces you towards the ground to make it look like your about to fall about but you wouldnt because of the bars. After rotating a few times, we got off. (I love that ride, I remember when I was little, and during a fair by my sister's house we had this ride XD )

''Man, that's some scary ass ride'' Mariquita shout.

''Fuck yeah'' Ace was screaming the whole time, and I heard one of the guys scream as well... but I'm not sure who.

''At least we didn't fall'' Callahan mutters.

''True'' She replies. We play a few games, mostly loosing some which resulted in heavy swearing by all of us. We managed to win a few games. There was this one game where you have to shoot down as much rubber duckies with 5 bullets and behind each duckie is a number, the numbers add up to make a total number which you get a prize, the higher the number the bigger the prize. After playing a few games we decided to take a break and eat. When people say that girls eat differently in front of guys then they do in front of girls crealy haven't seen us eat. Once we finished we decided that we'd take a break before going onto another ride.

We went onto this ride called rocket popper (again...... made up..... I think :/ ) It was two people per rocket so we paired up; Mariquita and Didier, Jay and I, Raiven and Ace, Yves and Callahan, Emiliano went to grab a drink but he knew where we were so it didn't matter much. We all got in and strapped the single belt over both of us, and then the

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