» Humor » Forever Worldwide, Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C [10 best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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the guys said some very colourful words to them along them way. We went back to our cubicals and got changed before heading to the nearest eating place available.

Everyone except me was planning on how to get Kyra and her minions back. I was just slumped in my seat, shiverring my ass off.

''Do you even know what hotel they're staying at?'' Emiliano asks.

''Nope, but knowing them, they'll be staying at the same one as us'' Ace says in a flat tone.

''Sadly true'' Raiven agrees.

''But how are we going to find out what room they're staying in then?'' Callahan says.

''Don't worry we have it planned'' Jay grins... Uh Oh, I'm not going to like it am I?

They wanted me to pretend to be Kyra, and say that I'd lost my key card..... along with my brain..... minus my brain -.- whilst Ace and Mariquita pretended to be her minions.

As much as it disgusted me, I pulled my top a little lower, and the others did the same, judging by the looks on their faces they didn't like it but they had to go along with it if they wanted to get through this terrible plan.

I walk up to the front of the front desk, where this guy is checking the computer screen like a thousand times. I flash him a smile, trying so hard to hide my grimance when he looks at the three of us with this weird and scary look on his face. Making sure that we weren't seen by any security camera's we faced the guy.

''Hi'' I say. He clears his throat.

''How can I help you ma'am?'' He says with a smirk on his face.

''You see'' Ace comes forward.

''We lost our key card, and now we don't know how we're going to get into our room'' Mariquita says in a fake sad voice.

''Tell me your name and I'll try to find out which room your staying in'' That look on the guys face should be slapped right off, its scary as fuck,

'Sure'' I look at him ''Kyra Stokes, sharing a suite with Natalie Bank and Macy Gaites'' He looks at the computer before grabbing a keycard and handing it to us.

''Here, you go Miss. Stokes, If there's anything you need just call me'' I muttered a smalls 'Sure' before turning around and walking away.

''Like fuck we would'' Mariquita scowls.

''I know right? Fucking peado'' Ace says. We walk to where the others were at. ''Room 452'' She says, handing Yves the keycard.

''Don't lose it'' Mariquita warns him.

''I won't'' He says.

''I still don't think this is agood idea guys'' I mutter. Jay swings her arm over my shoulder.

''Of course you don't but that bitch needs to pay for everything'' She says.

''Urgh I hate it when your right'' I say.

''I'm always right'' She smirks.

''Yeah, and modest too'' Ace snorts.

''So you guys know what to do right?'' Emiliano says.


''They're going to be out shopping I bet all day tomorrow so we should be fine'' Raiven grins.

''Good, then it'll be easier to do everything'' Didier smirks.

They ended up crashing the night in our hotel room. The guys were clever enough to get a spare change of clothes but Mariquita ended up borrowing a pair of Ace's Pj's. We stayed up watching movies and whatnot before I called it a night and bid my adiou's to them. I jumped onto my bed like a starfish before snoozing off to sleep.

''GET UP AZARIA, WE HAVE WORK TO DO'' Ace and Mariquira shout  causing me to fall out of bed... literally and hurt my arse in the process.

''Ow. what the fuck man? I'm not made out of steel guys, I hurt to'' I get up and glare at them.

''Well...... hurry up and get changed so we can carry out the plan'' Ace says. I roll my eyes.

''Your acting like we're spies on a secret mission.

''Shhhh.... don't tell anyone'' She whisper-shouts. Mariquita and I look at her funny.

''Okkkaay'' We both say.

''Just get ready, slow coach'' She pulls Mariquita out my room before she can even say a word.

I walk to my suitcase and take our a pair of grey trackie bottoms, white tank top and a jumper on top with the words #21 on it. Slipping on a pair of uggs, I walk out of my room and towards the others.

''About time sleepy head, you looks half dead'' Jay says.

''Gheez thanks'' I mutter sarcastically to her as i pull my hair into a messy bun.

''Most welcome''

''Anyway, We just gotts grab a few things for this prank to work and we're set'' Callahan says.

We spilt into two groups to get everything. I went with the three people that came up with most of the prank; Jay, Didier and Yves. and the others went with each other. When we got the the shops, the first thing the Jay did when we got the trolly's was  just sit in one of them... literally. Yves did the same. So here we were... pushing two people in shopping trolly's whilst looking for hair dye.

''FOUND IT'' Didier shouts from the end out the aile. I push the trolly with Jay still in it towards where they were.

''Finally!'' We had gotten everything in less then half an hour. We payed for it and left. Its funny how everytime we'd get funny looks thrown in our way, all it'd take for them to look away was a hard, heavy glare from the three that were with me. We get back to the hotel room and wait ten minutes for the others to arrive. Once they do, we grab everything and haul our asses to Kyra and her minions suite.

Yves and Didier mix dye into their shampoo's whilst Mariquita and Ace take all their make-up and hide it somewhere Kyra and her minions wont be able to find it. Raiven puts hair removal cream into their eyebrow thing and Callahan and Jay fill their food with random things, like the Oreo's cream with toothpaste... obviously Jay had to lick all the cream but off first. They also put mayonaise in the donuts... don't how that's possible, I don't even know and they caramilised onions to make it look like they were caramilise apples. Emiliano placed random dreepy ass dolls here and there around their hotel room whilst I placed walkie talkies under their beds and around their suite.

''Can't wait to see their reactions'' Mariquita grins.

''Same, I think all of us can't'' Callahan says. Before leaving the room, Jay and Ace said they had to quickly to something, five minutes later they came back, All together it took us like three hours to geth the whole prank set. and that was enough for us to whoop our arses out of there and back into our hotel room, Lucky for us, Emiliano and Didier placed a few camera's n their suite so we could see their reactions. They came a few minutes after we left.

Let the games begin

Chatper 32


The first thing we heard was a scream. Macy ran out of the bathroom with green hair.

''WHO DID THIS?'' She screams, causing us all to laugh.

''What happened to you?'' Natalie asks her.


''Damn, that girl can shout'' Jay mutters.

''Well, who did it to you?''

''How the fuck am I meant to know you idiot!'' I'm guessing Macy wants to hit Natalie by the way that her hand is twitching.

''Oooo Bitch fight going to happen soon'' Ace shoves her face by the screen.

''Move you idiot, so the rest of us can see'' Mariquita says.

''What's going on?'' Oh, about time she comes.

''Nothing'' They both say together.

''They why the fuck are you screaming about? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep'' She says in a snobby voice. I hear nearly everyone snort behind me and laugh silently. Kyra walks back to I'm guessing her room and the other two just go onto their phone. I'm guessing Macy is on the phone with a hair dresser or someone because no way would she let her hair stay green.

''I'm hungry'' Natalie complains.

''Then go get something to eat'' Macy gives her a weird look.

''Urgh, I have to do everything myself'' Pft, shut the fuck up you snobby idiot. She comes back five minutes later with, what do you know? The Oreos and donuts.

''Your going to get fat by eating those'' Macy says as she examins her nails.

''I'm hungry and this was the only thing left at the breakfast bar'' She grumbles.

''As if, we saw a whole draw filled with food.... and How dare she insult Oreos?!" Jay shouts.

''What is with your love for Oroes?'' Emiliano asks.

''Well... there nice... they taste awesome..... and their amazeballs''

I mutter a small 'weirdo' only to get a smack on the back of my head by Jay. I glare at her then turn my head back to the screen.

''These donuts taste weird'' Natalie says.


''Shouldn't they be filled with jam?'' She asks.

''Well, yeah'' Macy says in a 'duh' tone.

''And these Oreos taste minty''

''Are you sure they haven't expired'' Before Natalie can reply, she runs to the bathroom which I'm presuming to puke her guts out.

''That's not meant to happen'' Callahan says.

''Her stomach might not be used to it'' Jay says back.

''I'm trying to figure out how they haven't noticed all the creepy dolls everywhere'' Yves exclaims.

''They're dolls themselves.... I doubt they can tell the difference from each other'' Raiven says.

Natalie came back, holding her stomache and moaning.

''Oh ma gawd, My stomach'' She groans.

''Take advil, its in that drawer'' Natalie does and then goes back to her room. Soon after that Macy goes back into the bathroom... only to come out screaming 10 minutes later with no eyebrows.

''OMG'' She cries. Kyra and Natalie come out of their rooms.

''What the hell?'' Kyra says when she see's no eyebrows on Macy's face.

''Eee, what's wrong with your face?'' Natalie says. Macy doesn't reply, just carries on crying.

''Damn, who knew the guy could cry soo much'' Didier mutters.

''First my hair and now my eyebrows!'' She cries even louder.

''Get your shit together'' Kyra shouts ''Just colour in your eyebrows or something'' Macy doesn't shut up so Kyra just went back into her room.

''Damn, that bitch is really cold and evil'' Mariquita says.

''About time you guys clocked on how cold she is'' Jay says. Eventually Macy stopped crying and went to her room.

''Time for horror mode'' Didier and Yves grin at each other and hold up the walkie talkies.

''Who wants to go first?'' Yves asks. Mariquita takes it out of his hand and holds the button.

''I'm coming for you! I'll get my llama to spit on you as well'' She says in a creepy voice.

''W-who's there?'' Natalie says.

''Your worst nightmare'' Ace replies back.

''Wh-o are y-you?''

''I just told you, You worst nightmare'' Ace repeats.

''W-who?'' Oh, that's just fucking annoying!

''Bitch I just told you, why the fuck are you so dense?'' Ace shouts.

''Why are you here?'' Natalie says.

''You need to pay'' Raiven says, this time.

'Why? I never did anything''

''I don't want to waste my time explaining, but at 12 O'Clock sharp you are going to die'' Jay says. We didn't get a response back but we did hear a small thud. Jay clicks off the walkie talkie.

''Well, didn't expect her to faint'' Emiliano says.

''One down, two to go'' The same reaction was given by Macy when we did the walkie talke shit. Now Kyra was left.

''Hiiii'' I whisper in a creepy

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