» Humor » Forever Worldwide, Zahida R, Anishah A, Ruksana C [10 best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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ride manager put the bars securely in front of us, he made sure that each rocket was secure before starting off the ride. It was slow at first but then the rockets tilted to the right, and it would get higher and higher, (It sounds like the ride that I's mentioned earlier but it isn't... if any of you have been to Drayton Manor then you'll know Flying Dutchmen... this ride is like that one) The ride got faster and faster, before slowing down... Eventually the ride stopped, we all got out of our rockets and wobbled a bit before balancing ourselves so we wouldn't fall onto the ground.

''That ride was'' Yves started off.

''AWESOME!'' Jay shouts. Stimultaniously Yves, Callahan, Mariquita, Raiven and Ace gawk at her, their mouths wide open.

''You might wanna close your mouths, you don't wanna catch flies'' I chuckle.

''Your fucking joking'' Callahan states.

''Nope, why would I be?'' She asks as we walk to a different ride.

''Did you not feel sicks after getting off that ride?'' Mariquita asks.

''Nah, it was a little boring as well''

''Only you would say something like that'' Ace says sarcastically.

''Well... dhur... there's only one of me''

We find a ride that was similar to all the ones that we had been of but a little different. We all decided to go onto that ride, and fortuanatly there was enough seats for us all in the booth, its like the ride tea cups but this ride had a twist, unlike a normal type of ride this one was a little like a rollacoaster, it would spin, whilst moving forwards but when the best stopped after a minute or two, the booth would move backwards, the only scary part was when we didn't expect to fall backwards on one of the dips, and that took us off guard.... We all ended up screaming.... every one of us.

Once we got off, nobody said anything, I'm pretty sure they felt like their stomachs would fall out if they did. We decided to take a break and sit down for a bit.

''Da fuq was that ride called again?'' Didier asks.

''DJ Rumble'' Emiliano says (I'm shit at making up ride names.... so mergh)

''That's some fucked up ride..... just like the previous one'' He replies.

''More like some twisted version of tea cups'' Mariquita says.

''Nice definiton of the ride dude'' Jay says.

''Its fucking true'' He says.

''Shouldn't have went on it then'' Emiliano says. Yves looked like he was about to same something back but the look that Mariquita gave him shut him up. We sat down for a bit before heading onto the last ride before wa call it a night.

This last ride was a rollacoster, called 'Ghules', its like a normal rollercoaster but its based in a haunted house. As cliche as it sounds, no the ride didn't seem like those normal haunted houses, aside the ride being placed it a haunted houe, the maker of this ride made it so that the rollaercoaster went around the fair once. There was one cart and within that cart was three seperate rows with three seats each, we broke our group of nine into three seperate groups; Callahan, Ace and Emiliano on one seat, Mariquita, Didier and Raiven on the other and Jay, Me and Yves. We got onto the ride and strapped in.

''This ride should be interesting'' I hear Jay mutter. Before I can even mutter a response, our cart jerks awake and we start to more. At first it slow but the speed gradually grew faster, we went through one room that had a typical horror haunted house scene, I don't think it really fazed anyone, after two or three rooms, we flew down through a tunnel, causing most of us to scream, but before we would hit rock bottom the cart jerked to a stop, but it slowly started again. The ride around the whole fair was exhillerating and scary at the same time because of all the twists and loops, but we got back into the haunted house...... things seemed freaky now. Our cart was in a room, filled with mirrors, you know how that ride, Smiley in Alton Towers is like where the cart swirls in circles? Well... that's what happened, but instead of mirrors in front of us, it was like a movie screen, a picture of a girl running towards her mom showed but all of a sudden something grabs her, then the girls in a well, dead. The  screen goes off and fog starts to form on the floor and around our feet, we hear the sound of water falling and a voice saying ''You killed me and now you must pay'' All of a sudden, the girl pops from each side of the cart and screams, causing us all too scream bloody murder. We don't stay in the room too long because our cart was being dragged down, into the ground. Soon enough we stop, the only thing that was worrying was that this place seemed weird.

''Where ther fuck are we? I'm sure this isn't part of the ride''


A/N - I'N FINISHED FINALLY...... so sorry for the forever long writer's block, I'll try to update soon.... Even if I know nobody will read my work -.-

Anyways..... bfore you guys start to think, my book is going to go into that supernatural shizzle, its NOT..... this is the Chapters twist.... You'll find out in the following chapter as to why this chapter ended like this..... Until then.....PEACE BISHES!

P.S - All of the rides written in this chapter are real.... minus the last one, I can't remember the names of the so I made up some next bullshitty name for them, But they are really cool, if anybody have ever been on them...... ANYWAYS

Chapter Twenty Eight

''I'm pretty sure this isn't part of the ride'' I hear Ace say in front of me.

''Then where the Fuck are we?'' Didier asks.

''No idea'' I look around. This place looks fucking creepy, There is a long hallway with flickering lights, there's fog around the floor.... From earlier, I'm scared to even know what's lurking around this place. I can hear whispering, some loud, some quiet.

''How do we get out?'' Mariquita says, but from the surronding around us, it seems like she shouted because her voice just echoed everywhere.

''Well, I'm guessing we can't go backwards so we'll just have to get off and find an exit or something through that hallway'' Emiliano says.

''You sure its even safe to go there? Don't know what's there'' Ace says.

''Well we'll just have to see won't we?'' We all got out and only seconds after we did, we heard something drop and fall with a boom! I turn around and the cart that we were in earlier wasn't there anymore.

''Holy shit'' I mutter. I'm pretty sure the others were thinking the same thing because they had this 'WTF look on their face.

''Well there's no going back now is there?'' Jay says sarcastically. We all walk down the corridor, I think everybody was expecting something to pop up out of nowhere and scare us. Along both walls in the hallway, there was were a bunch of doors, we tried to open a few but none actually did.  All of a sudden the lights went off, I just stood there rigid, a door slammed open and shut far away from us put the sound got closer and closer. Next thing I know I'm being pulled into a random direction, I don't even have time to scream because the lights turn back on and a bunch of weird shizzle is in front of us. The walls had handprints stained with blood scarring them and there was something dark starting to cover the ceiling. You know when you feel like your being watched? Yh..... well I felt like we were... turns out we were. At the far end of the hallway was a dark figure, the lights flickered around it and they started to switch off, the figure kept on coming closer; the closer it got to us, the clearer the figure got to us. It was a lady, dressed in black from head to toe; she had a veil covering her face but i could see the evil grin radiating on her face before she used her voice to let out a piercing scream and then she flew at us.... yes she fucking flew. Not knowing what to do, I was pulled to the ground.

''What the fuck was that?'' Raiven screams once the lights came back on, everything disappeared, there was no handprints on the wall nor was the dark shit on the ceiling and definitly no black veiled person here looming over us.

''No fucking idea, but let's look for an exit before it chooses to come back'' Callahan says. I agree with him... there's no fucking way I'm staying around for that creepy ass lady to come back. What did she think? I'd wanna play princess and tea cups with her or something? Fuck no. After a few minutes of searching for a way out and trying a billion doors, we manage to find the exit. The messed up thing was that there was something blocking it...... yup..... that thing from earlier. I'm thinking Jay had enough of it because she threw something at it.... bad idea, that thing came straight at her but before it could even touch her, it disappeared.

''Now how the fuck did that happen?'' Ace asks. No one replies because we're too busy getting our asses out of that batshit scary place.

''Well that was something'' Mariquita says with a sarcastic smile.

Chapter Twenty Nine

Once we get out, we had to stop the guys from hunting down the maker of the of the ride and smacking the crap out of them. The ride was meant to be a scary one but I don't think any of us expected it to be that scary. We left the fair ground because we didn't want to stay any longer. We decided to call it a day and head back. The guys and Mariquita went home whilst the others and I went back to the hotel.

I felt something fluffy touch me, I wiggle about hoping to make it stop and try to move it away but it doesn't work. I hear giggles and laughter echo around me.

"Get out of my room" I grumble and cover my head with the blanket.

"Last time I checked, you can't own a hotel room" I hear a familiar voice say with heavy sarcasm dressing his voice.

"Shudap" I turn away. I hear them sigh and pull

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