» Humor » A Not So Perverted Child, Kylie [red white royal blue txt] 📗

Book online «A Not So Perverted Child, Kylie [red white royal blue txt] 📗». Author Kylie

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Chapter 2

After I talked to Aaron, Kai woke up.
"Good morning." I said.
He looked up at me, before breaking into a grin.
"Why do you always grin at me?" I asked.
There was a knock at the door. I got out of bed, pulling on a silk pink robe Tobias had given me, letting it hang by my arms, instead of on my shoulders, I ran a hand through my hair, before opening the door. A boy stood there. He gaped at me, becoming slack-jawed. This awe-struck guy has large chocolate-colored eyes. His luxurious, straight, sand-colored hair is worn in a short style. He is very tall and has a boyish build, not quite as muscular as Kai. His skin is white. He has long, slender fingers.
"Yes, Ethan?" Kai appeared behind me, rumpled looking.
Ethan snapped out of it.
"Whose this?" The boy, Ethan asked. "Haven't seen this one before."
He smirked at me, and I blushed, covering myself with the robe.
"Tobias found her with some wolves." He said.
Ethan looked at me.
"She looks familiar." He said.
"Her mother is Florence Nightgear." Kai said.
Ethan raised his eyebrows, taking in my looks.
"I'm Ethan, like he said." Ethan said, fingering a piece of my flame-red hair. "You part Elf? Of course, you're probably that Nereid's child. He leave your mom yet?"
"My dad's dead. Some guy shot him or something when they failed to mug him." I said.
"What might your name be?" He asked. Well, sort of purred.
"Delilah." I replied nonchalantly.
Kai gripped my waist, hissing at Ethan.
"She's mine." He said, his claws coming out, burying themselves in my hips. He let go, giving me an apologetic look.
"That's up to her. Not you." Ethan smirked. "And next time you fuck a girl, try to at least fix your looks Kai."
"I did NOT." Kai said.
"I don't believe you. I'll ask her." Ethan turned to me. "So, did he?"
"Not possible." I said, grabbing Ethan's hand and putting it over my abdomen. He sucked in a breath, looking at me.
"But, you got here yesterday, right?" He asked.
I nodded.
"A wolf did it, huh? He knocked you up? They're dirty creatures, the wolves." Ethan looked disgusted.
"Shut up." I said.
"Why? It's the truth." Ethan said.
He paled.
"Other?" He asked.
Kai gripped my hips harder, this time his claws were gone.
"Yes, other." I snapped.
Finally, it seemed to get through Ethan's head that Kai was my mate.
"Oh." Ethan said. "I-I didn't realize-"
I cut him off.
"I know." I replied, exasperated.
"Ethan I need your assistance." Tobias's voice made me jump. He was behind Ethan, urgancy in his voice.
Ethan was dragged off, leaving Kai and I alone.
I thought to Aaron.
Aaron, It's me.

I said.
Delilah! Is it true? Is it a girl? Am I a father of a girl?

He asked.
Yes. Had you raided my name journal for names yet?

I asked.
I knew Aaron would steal my name journal. I EXPRECTED him to. Aaron was hopeless with names.
...Yes. I like Calico, Ember, Epiphany, Adele, and Jael.

Aaron said.
I played around with the names, and ended up with two full names: Calico Adele and Jael Ember.
Aaron, I-

He cut me off.
I heard. I like Calico Adele. Save Jael Ember. Better yet, I'll go write it in your name thingy.

I sighed. He did NOT just say name thingy.
"Hello, Delilah, anyone in there?" Kai's voice made me jump.
"Huh? Oh, sorry." I said.
"He's talking to you-Aaron, I think-I can tell." Kai said, jealousy in his voice.
"Can you-"
"Hear? No. Sysan can't hear their mate's thougthts. Only wolf mates can do that." Kai said.
"He's worried about the baby. He wanted to know the gender." I said.
There was a silence, which I felt the need to break.
"I want to name her Calico. Calico Adele Swift. That's Aaron's last name." I blurted.
Kai smiled.
"Calico is a Sysan name. I'm surprised-in a good way-that you picked that." Kai said.
I shrugged. I felt the baby push, as if she wanted out.
"Damn, Calico." I said, placing Kai's hand on my tummy, so he could feel it. "She really likes to push and kick."
Kai grinned when he felt it.
"Sysan babies kick a lot. You're Sysan, and that may be the reason." He said, before dropping his voice. "I want a baby of my own too, kay? After she's born? It only seems fair I get a baby, since Aaron has one."
I blushed. Can I really handle TWO perverted men who imprinted on me?
"Aaron won't be happy about that." I laughed.
Kai surprised me. He pulled me against him, crashing his lips against mine. I found myself kissing him back. He moaned his tongue licking my bottom lip, asking for permission to enter. I gave in, opening my mouth to let him explore. He broke away, his cheeks rosy, as he gasped for air.
"S-sorry. I...Are you hungry? Agaria had food ready by now." Kai said, licking his lips. I nodded, pecking his lips again, which caused him to moan.
"Stop teasing me, woman. I've only imprinted on you, not-" He broke off, tapping Aaron's name on my left wrist.
"You're just jealous that he got to me first." I said, as Kai pulled me to the dining room.
I made Kai give me an extra shirt of his, and I covered myself, his shirt hanging on me like a mini-dress, one sleeve falling off my shoulder. I got rid of the robe.

The dining room is an expansive room, but quite adequately lit. The walls are painted in a soft amber, broken up by sheer, springtime green curtains on the windows. Just like the dining room at Aaron's pack house. There were more guys than girls awake for breakfast; They would whistle and grab at my butt when I walked by. Kai hissed at all of them.

Florence busted into the room, panting and looking frantic. Daniel soon followed, looking a little less crazed. It's been a few weeks since I first lost Delilah. For all I know, she had my baby already, and those sick, twisted Sysans are torturing it. The thought shook me to my core, and made Lyall growl, furious.
"We're here." Florence said.
"What the hell happened to Delilah?" Daniel asked.
What did I get myself into. I had never seen Florence and Daniel this crazed. I may have just called upon the hellhounds for help.
"The Sysa took Delilah. I don't know where to look, or where the nearest pride-that's what they call groups of Sysa, right-is, so I needed your help." I said.
"Okay. I'll help. My poor baby girl." Florence said.
"Will they be willing to make a trade?" I asked.
"If you offer them help. Ever since the plague, Sysans have either crossbred or the females have left. They've been rounding up any female with Sysan blood they can find, to keep the Sysans alive. If you make a deal, where any stray Sysan you find, you'll give to them, they may very well give Delilah back. After all, she can only conceive children with her mate. Let's just hope she doesn't have a Sysan mate." Florence said.
My heart crumbled. Life must really like ruining my plans, since they gave Delilah a Sysan mate.
"Can you call them? Arrange a deal? Or a meeting? I'm willing to do anything at this point to get her back." I said.
Florence nodded, grabbing the desk phone, and dialling a number at a faster speed than I thought possible.
"Yes, yes. I need to speak to Tobias. Tell him it's Florence Nightgear." Florence paused.
Before nodding.
"Tobias, this is rediculous. You steal my baby girl for the sake of that snotty child you were GRACED with?"
Another pause. Florence looked ready to strangle someone, but calmed herself down.
"Look, I don't want to fight. I speak on the behalf of the Faded Shadow pack. We're willing to meet with you to discuss a trade." Florence said.
There was yet again, a pause.
"Yes, our Alpha can come alone." She said. "Okay, tomorrow, 12 o'clock on the dot. Buh-bye."
Florence hung up.
"It's settled. Tomorrow you speak with Tobias. Treat him how you would treat an Alpha, since that's what he his. He's an Pride leader." Florence said.
"Okay. I just hope nothing happened to the baby-" I blurted, before slapping a hand over my mouth.
"BABY?" Daniel cried, lunging at me. "You got my baby sister PREGNANT? I'm going to kill you."
Florence pulled Daniel off of me.
"That's usual, you idiot. A lot of times it from when they complete the bond. And it can't be fixed." Florence snapped. "And I don't mind a grandbaby. Boy or Girl?" She asked.
"Girl." I said.
"Oh, I hope my baby and my granbabe is alright." Florence said, tears shining in her eyes.
She ran off, and Daniel went after his mom.

I was being fussed over by my mom, who insisted I looked professional. Look professional my ass. Lyall made a noise in agreement. Afterwards, I wore a white button up long-sleeved shirt, a black tie, and black pants. I left my hair as I always do.
"There. You look a little older." She said.
As I walked out, the guys fussed over me, trading my tie for a leather jacket, and giving me sunglasses. After all, it WAS bright out. As I walked through the Sysan building, ignoring the hateful looks the Sysans gave me, stopping at Tobias's door. I knocked twice, before entering. Tobias was hanging up a phone when I entered, closing the door behind me.
"Ah, so your Ms. Rosye's mate. I was picturing you to be a little scarier." Tobias smirked.
I shrugged.
"I'm only a kid, sir. Just shoved to Alpha rank before you took my mate." I said.
"Ah, so you have some manners at least." Tobias grinned. "Though I would too if you wolves stole my wife and my baby."
"Can we get to the matter of which I came here for?" I asked.
"You want to trade for Delilah. What could you have that I could possibly want?" Tobias asked.
"An ally. I heard your kind is having trouble uh...Reproducing. Not enough females to go around, huh?" Tobias's face darkened. "How about this. Any stray Sysa we encounter, we'll take them to you. Imagine how many we can find, if I run into 100 each day alone, who don't know about your kind."
Tobias thought for a moment.
"Princess Nightgear is worth more. After all, her mother WAS the previous Pride leader, until she left." Tobias said.
"I am in charge of each sub-pack in this state. I can find territory for your kind, I've heard this little place is cramped." I offered.
"We can find land ourselves." Tobias said, and from his tone, I KNEW he wasn't going to trade with me. I crumbled.
"Please. I've NEVER done anything to your kind. I never WILL if you just help me this one time. I don't know what to say. I don't know

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