» Humor » A Not So Perverted Child, Kylie [red white royal blue txt] 📗

Book online «A Not So Perverted Child, Kylie [red white royal blue txt] 📗». Author Kylie

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making me feel old."
I laughed, as Calico was handed to Malie.
"Her name's Calissa, right?" Malie asked.
"Calico." I corrected.
"I remember when Aaron and Lexi were this tiny." Malie said.
"Mom." Aaron warned.
"Don't worry, I won't grab the picture book. I know you'd rip my throat out if I even tried to." Malie said.
"Now all I have to do is make sure I hide that picture book from Florence." I muttered.
Aaron laughed.
"Like I haven't known you since we were babies." Aaron said.
I pouted.
"True." I said.
Malie smiled.
"When am I going to get another granbabe?" She asked.
I felt my cheeks get hot.
"Oh come on, like your dad will let you get away with no granson." Malie said.
I needed an excuse to leave.
"Oh, hey look...It's that guy." I said.
Aaron hopped in the excuse.
"Hey wait up, guy!"
We scurried off, running into Shane, and all of us fell. Shane laughed, helping Aaron and I up.
"Malie hounding you for another child?" Shane asked.
"The demon mother, she is EVERYWHERE." Aaron said.
Shane laughed.
"Mom's gonna hound me too, once I find my mate." Shane laughed.
I cocked my head, confused.
"You didn't know I was Aaron's cousin?" Shane asked.
"Hell, I didn't know what I was until a month ago." I said. "Oh crap, I left Calico with the demon that is Malie."
I hurried back, to see Malie in a rocking chair, rocking Calico.
"Knew you'd take her back soon enough." Malie smiled. Malie put Calico into my arms.
"Oh, you like your Gramma, huh, Coco?" I cooed at Calico.
"Coco? That's her nickname?" Malie asked.
I nodded.
"You want to know something amazing about Wolf children?" Malie asked.
"What?" I asked.
"They grow fast if the mother isn't a Wolf." Malie said. "A human baby four days old wouldn't be the size of a toddler. Of course, my children are full Wolf."
I looked at Calico. Malie was right; Calico was the size of a 1 year old. Pretty soon I expected her to be walking and talking.
"They age normally once they hit five. With in a month she'll be 'five.'" Malie air quoted five. "And then she'll age normally."
I nodded, before I realized Calico dozed off. I walked off, putting Calico in the downstairs crib.
"Keep track of Coco?" I asked.
Malie nodded. I met back up with the boys.
"Hey pretty mama. Where is Coco?" They asked.
It seems the pack has grown attached to Calico.
"Coco?" Aaron asked.
"You've been out too long." I said. "Everyone nicknamed Calico with the name of Coco." I said.
"Coco's napping in the living room. Malie's watching her." I said, fanning myself. "Why does it have to be so warm during the Summer?"
"Want to swim?" The guys asked me.
"Ugh, I'd rather invite my friends over too. It's weird being the only girl." I said.
"Fine with us." Shane said.
"Yes, more girls!" Eli muttered.
I called all my friends, EVEN Ryder, who I still was angry at. An hour later, my friends were tackling me with hugs.
"We missed you Lys Bear!" Kylia said.
"Breast...Cancer..." I choked out.
Kylia laughed, the first to let go.
"Mmm...Last I checked, you didn't live in a mansion. Who died?" Cecily asked.
"No one." I said.
Aaron walked in the room. My friends glared at me.
"Of course the perv is rich. But, what are we doing here?" Paris rolled her eyes.
"A massive pool awaits!" I said, pulling as many of my girl friends into my room as possible. They took one look at the crib, and I was attacked with questions.
"Aaron knocked you up?" Cecily asked.
"Are you two planning to get hitched?" Kylia asked.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Chalice asked.
"LET ME ANSWER!" I cried, tossing Cecily a spare bikini. She forgot hers.
"And?" They asked.
"I'll answer in order: Yes, I don't know but maybe, and girl." I answered.
They shrieked.
"Damn, that's the difference between guys and girls. Girls shriek at the news of a friend having/that had a baby, while guys are speachless." I said.
Chalice glared at me.
"Beau's gonna be depressed. He fell in love with you." Chalice said.
"What if I had no control over who I was in love with?" I asked.
Chalice shrugged.
"DELILAH RHEA ROSYE, OPEN THIS DOOR!" Aaron pounded on the door.
I opened the door once all the girls were dressed, and Aaron tumbled in.
"You think I'd remember the doors open IN." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"Swimsuit." He said, opening a dresser drawer and pulling basketball shorts out. He ran into the bathroom, and came back out a moment later, without a shirt, in the basketball shorts.
"To the pool!" I said, practically flying downstairs. I stopped short. Kai was there, completely healed, in swimtrunks.
(Check back for updates)
Chapter 3

Kai smiled weakly at me, as I froze going rigid all over.
Aaron clapped a hand on my shoulder.
"I worked out a deal while you were gone." Aaron said.
"A sort of...Alliance between the our kind and his. I get to stay here as long as I want." Kai said. "It's amazing how fun this place is once they treat you like their own."
"Yeah. Just don't mention any races, I have friends over." I snapped.
Kai winced.
"What did I do?" He asked.
"Figure it out." I said, as my friends walked downstairs. Kai's jaw dropped.
"Hey, stop drooling." I said, before walking outside with my friends.
I heard Chalice mutter something when she saw all the guys.
"Da yumm, it's not just us." She said.
I shot her a look. Shane went rigid, his eyes lingering on Chalice. I dove in next to him.
"Hey," I whispered. "What's wrong?"
Shane looked at me, before grinning.
"I think that girl is my mate." He muttered, pointing at Chalice. I laughed.
"Ha Ha. Imma tell her you LIKE her." I whispered, before swimming to Chalice. She has deep-set eyes the color of the sunset. Her silky, straight, night-black hair falls down to her butt. She is very tall and has a graceful build. Her skin is pale. She has a low forehead and knobby ears.
"Psst!" I said really loudly.
"What?" Chalice asked.
"That guy right there likes you!" I whispered, this time it was actually quiet.
"The guy with the black hair?" She asked, pointing to Shane.
I nodded. Chalice tried to contain a giggle.
"Drake ain't gonna be happy." She said. "That guy's like HOT, but I don't ask guys out. They ask me out."
"Who cares?" I asked. "And, Your brother doesn't like me that much, but," I paused. "I'm pure AWESOME." I shouted.
Everyone laughed.
"How much ice cream did they give you?" Chalice asked.
"A whole tub." I said like a scolded child.
"Oh shit, the world is ending!" Chalice said. "You consumed a WHOLE tub of ice cream."
"I don't get THAT hyper." I said, before swimming over to Shane.
"SURE! What ever you say." Chalice rolled her eyes.
Shane looked at me with a mix of embarrassment, rage, and hope. His eyes glinted.
"So?" He whispered.
"You gotta ask her out, or I'll let heaven and hell know you like her." I muttered back.
Shane grinned, his eyes lighting up.
"Fine, later. Just don't tell anyone." He said.
A hand yanked me back, causing me to gasp. I heard a familiar chuckle, that caused me to slump into his chest. It was Aaron.
"Tell me." He insisted.
"Nope." I said.
Aaron didn't reply; He picked me up bridal-style, and hopped out of the pool. He walked inside, as I kicked, screaming "Help, I'm being kidnapped!" plunking me down onto the couch.
"Tell me." He insisted. "Or I'll use Plan B."
I gulped. This was Aaron. His Plan B's were usually perverted and SUCCESSFUL. I gulped, not wanting to know what THIS Plan B was.
"Promise on your life you won't say any thing about what I tell you to any thing? Living or Nonliving?" I asked.
Aaron nodded. I whispered in his ear.
"Shane imprinted on Chalice."
Aaron grinned.
"FINALLY, I'm not the only one!" Aaron said, dancing around like an idiot.
"Awouww!" Calico made her presence known in the room. She held her toddler body up as she clung to the crib side, grinning.
"Oh, hi Coco!" Aaron cooed, picking her up.
She immediately giggled her toddler giggle, tangling her hands in Aaron's hair. She yanked her hands out of Aaron's hair, and cracked up laughing.
"Ow! No, Calico." Aaron seemed to use Calico's real name as a scolding; Calico stopped laughing, and POUTED! It was ADORABLE, and I couldn't believe she'd learn to pout. Aaron laughed.
"She's a LOT like you...Wait, that may be a bad thing." Aaron said.
I laughed.
"You're right. I AM obsessed with yanking on that brunet hair of yours." I said, taking Calico from Aaron.
"Do you have a baby floating seat pool thingy?" I asked.
Just then, Malie appeared, fluttery in attitude. As usual.
"Lexi still has the one she used for her baby dolls." Malie said.
I shrugged, walking with Aaron upstairs to Lexi's room. She was doing homework, so we tried to stay quiet when we went in. Lexi definitely wasn't doing homework. A kid about a year older than her was in her room, his lips pressed to hers. I gasped.
"LEXI!" I gasped, causing the boy to jump away from Lexi.
He stuttered.
"I-I wasn't...Okay so I was, but-" The boy said.
He had short dirty-blonde hair, and brown eyes that showed fear.
"I thought I warned you, Delaoh." Aaron growled. "To not touch my sister."
"I-" The boy, Delaoh said.
"Aaron, leave Delaoh alone." Lexi snapped.
Aaron looked surprised.
"W-we just needed something. Mom said you still had it-"
"IS THAT A BABY?" Lexi asked, finally realizing Calico was in my arms. She took in our bathing suits. "It's in the closet. Swimming?"
I nodded.
"Bad Delilah. No more babies until Aarey marries you." Lexi said.
"Is that his mate?" The boy, Delaoh, asked.
"Yeah. She's pretty." Lexi said. "She's my sissy."
Delaoh looked to me.
"Can you control your boyfriend? I wasn't-"
"Don't ever ask her if she can boss me around." Aaron said, reaching into Lexi's closet. He pulled out a pool floaty for toddlers.
"This is what we needed. Thank you." He said, trying to drag me out.
"What's her name?" Lexi asked.
I turned around.
"The baby, what's her name?" Lexi asked.
"Calico." I replied.
"Pretty. It's Sysan, right?" Lexi asked.
I nodded.
"Okay, bye! Close the door on your way out." Delaoh tried to shoo us.
"MALIE! THERE'S A BOY IN LEXI'S ROOM!" Aaron screamed, which caused Calico to cry.
"It's okay, Coco. Ssh. Ssh." I said, cradling her.
Malie rushed up the stairs, bounding into the room. She advanced on Delaoh.
"What are you doing in here with my daughter?" Malie asked.
"N-nothing, I-"
"He imprinted on me." Lexi said.
Malie looked ready to kill Delaoh.

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