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The weird world of dreams, or how the fear of getting skinned alive for something I had NOTHING at all to do with prompted a terror-filled encounter in that netherworld.

When life gets boring, fate has been known to step in and liven things up a bit. This was the case with young Penelope, an interesting young lady whose quest for non-boring things caught the attention of a magical yellow bird...

Victoria Barkley is the girl with the long straight black hair and striking brown eyes. She’s the girl with the decent grades, all the money in the world, and the looks. She’s the prettiest thing since prince. She’s the girl that has everything, the girl that everyone strives NOT to be. She’s Impatient, Impolite, Loud mouthed, Irritating, and Troublesome. Can someone say Obnoxious? She’s no princess. She’s a rebel. And doesn’t intend on changing her ways anytime soon. But what happens when

hey its me skylar. here to tell you about my boring life in the diary of me i mean doom. about my boring boyfriend and my boring little snobby sister and then last and i wish least my boring BORING dad.

This is the second book (part of a series) that has some of the funny comments I have said in my life. Please check out the first book if you haven't.

The first chapter of the up coming series "Melanie Rowe" The series follows the life of Melanie Rowe and she encounters most of life's challenges, finding that nothing ever goes right for her, and that everybody has doubt, will she redeem herself or will she forever be living an embarrassing life.

This blog is a labour of love, I cannot guarantee that every quote is worded accurately but every effort has been made to do so. I appreciate any mistakes you find being pointed out in your comments. This is for the fans, the actors, the crew and everyone involved in the making of this classic series which made television history.

"Laundry Day" is a short story from my second comedy book "Bobsled Fred". ******************************************************************