» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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Finn. I looked at him and fidgeted with my fingers.


“I-I left a note. . .I needed fresh air and to think, but it just became so hard all of a sudden” I said as I wiped the few dry tears left. Finn patted my knee and then stood up to walk to the mini fridge, where he got me a water bottle. I took it without hesitation and let the fresh liquid calm me.


I placed the bottle in the coffee table from beside me. “Thank you, for not actually kicking me out or something. I shouldn't have come without warning” I said and stood up.


“Don't ever say that, Gwen. You are more than welcome. If you need anything, just call, and I'll be there” said Finn which made me smile.


"Not only him. . .But all of us" said one of Finn’s friends. I believe his name is Jack.


“Yeah” the others said in unison.


“Thanks guys. . .” I said. “I have to go now. . .”


“I'll-I'll walk you home” Finn offered, which I didn't decline. I really didn't want to feel even more lonely. And walking by myself in this evening, will help with that feeling. I nodded as he grabbed my hand, and we walked through the door.


The walk was silent; Finn was still holding my hand. It was so warm and soft; I didn't want to let go. It felt so comforting to be around this guy. And I can't believe I'm saying all this stuff about him, or how I ended up in his hotel room willingly, or how I hugged him. Everything just changed so much, it is unbelievable.


Suddenly, a wave of pain hit me like a truck, which made let go of Finn to hold my stomach.


“Gwen, are you okay!? What's wrong!?” he asked concerned.


“I-I. . .Ah!” I gasped as the pain kept coming, it hurt like hell. I fell to the ground still holding my stomach, my eyes widened at the amount of pain I was feeling. It was like they were stabbing me over and over again. Finn quickly kneeled down beside me.


“It hurts; Finn it hurts so much” I said as tears fell down my face.


“Where, baby? Where does it hurt?” he asked while taking my hair out of my face.


“M-my stomach, ahh, my stomach!” I said. He placed one arm under my legs and the other free one in my back, and picked me up bridal style. He called a cab and minutes later we were inside.


“Nearest Hospital, please” Finn said to the driver, exasperated. I placed my head on his legs and he kept rubbing my stomach soothingly.


• • •


“What you were experiencing where cramps, which you get the first few weeks of pregnancy. There's absolutely nothing to be afraid of, it is totally normal. It’s a very common symptom when it comes to the first few weeks” the doctor said, smiling.


Finn and I sighed in relief with just those few words.


"I thought the cramps would stop because you're not menstruating" I said. I glanced at Finn who was shifting uncomfortably.


“Yeah, that's what a lot of women think. . .And is sad because they get so scared when they're attacked by this painful cramps; specially when they're new moms. And then come here, and I try to explain to them that this is a casual symptom you will experience, so there's nothing to be afraid of”


"Thanks, doctor” Finn and I said at the same time. He smiled and gave us a nod.


“How old you are again?” the doctor asked. I cleared my throat and nervously put a strand of hair behind my ear.


“21” I replied. He stared at me suspiciously.


“You look a bit too young to be 21, don't you think?” he asked suspiciously while crossing his arms across his chest. 


“A lot of creams, doc. . .” I said as confident as I could, but he seemed like he didn't buy it. He opened his mouth to say something but thank God another nurse came in.


“They need you in room 214” she said in an urgent tone. The doctor excused himself and then walked out. I didn't know I was holding my breath. Well, that was close. . .


“How do you feel?” Finn asked while putting his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.


“Fine, I guess. . .The pain is gone, at least for now” I said. We were like that for a few minutes, it felt nice. I pulled away from him and went to grab my purse so I can pay. Finn, watched me do it and then snatched my purse from my hands.


“What are you—”


“I'm not going to let you pay, Gwen” he said cutting me off.


“I can't let you pay, Finn. . .Now give me my purse” I said trying to reach it, but since he's way taller than me, he put it even higher.


“I'm paying and that's final. . .After what you've been through, it wouldn't be right" he said and took out his own wallet. I sighed defeated, knowing I wouldn't win against him. He grinned and then went to the front desk and payed. The doctor came back and gave me something for the pain.


“Drink it every six hours after you eat something, for the next 2 weeks and everything will be good, okay?” he said.


I nodded and smiled. “Thank you” I said.


“No problem” he said and walked out of the room. I looked at Finn who kissed my cheek.


“What was that for?” I chuckled.


“For being a great patient. Instead of a lollipop, you get a kiss from me” he smirked.


“And what if I wanted the lollipop?” I pouted jokingly.


“Shut up” he said and grabbed my hand. I giggled while we walked outside of the Hospital.


“I truly wanted the lollipop” I said.


“Seriously, Gwen. . .Shut up” he said which made me laugh harder.


The walk to my house was quiet, which was nice. I stared at the sun which was starting to hide, leaving a mixture of pink and blue. It was very pretty. Not a car passing by with those obnoxious honks, or too many people walking, no birds. . .It was a very clamed evening.


Once we got to my front door—which was very far away from where was the Hospital—Finn turned to me and smiled.


“Thanks for, you know. . .”


“No problem, Gwen. . .” he said and grabbed both side of my cheeks with his hands. He placed a single kiss on top of my head and then hugged me. And I can't believe I'm doing this but. . .I hugged him back, again.


How is it possible? I. Don't. Know. But that's just the way it is, I guess. I'm actually hugging Finn Harries. The father of this baby. The guy who simply acted like a jerk. The guy I hate with so much passion. . .I just don't understand anything anymore.


We were hugging for quite some time now, not letting each other go. It felt actually very calming and nice. I felt safe and secure, which should be the other way around. . .If Alec would see us right now, he would beat the crap out of Finn.


When he pulled away, he grabbed my hand, and caressed the top of it with his thumb. “Call me, if you need anything. Do not hesitate, okay?” he said.


I nodded. “But honestly, I shouldn't. . .My brother would be so pissed”


“Maybe” he grinned.


He kissed my head once more before turning to leave. While he was walking away, he turned around and waved at me, sending me a little wink. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't help the smile that crawled to my lips. I waved back and then walked inside my house. The smell of Cinnamon scented candles my mom always has soon hit my nostrils. I rested my back against the door and smiled. I don't even know why the hell am I smiling. But right now, I don't care. . .I want to smile while I still can, because I know these next few months, will be hell, I just know it.


And is not this baby's fault. . .I'm not trying to blame this girl or boy. I blame myself. Is not the child's fault, the fault belongs to the parents.


I let go sigh and then walked upstairs. I put on my pj's and then lied in bed, reading the Pregnancy Book. And I figured, the book makes it look easy, very easy. It tells me how to feed the baby, how to bathe the baby, how to know what he/she needs. But in reality, like the woman of today said, babies do not come with instructions. . .You start learning with time.

Chapter 12 - Memories on the Wall

 Finn's P.O.V


“She's beautiful” my friend, Shawn, commented while sipping on his coffee. I nodded in agreement as I strummed my guitar, ready to go to rehearsals. But, how could I concentrate when the constant thought of Gwen, lingers in my head? I truly hope she's fine. I told her to call me if anything is wrong, but that doesn't leave me calmed.


“Her friend though. . .That girl sure is sexy” Cameron butted in. I laughed and shook my head amused.

“I believe she made it clear that day in Starbucks that she wants nothing with you” I reminded him. He huffed and crossed his arms across his chest.


“That is to be proven. Not today, perhaps not tomorrow, but one day. . .” he stated which made us all laugh. I checked over my phone to see if I had any missed calls or text messages from her. . .But nothing.


“Finn, if she really needs something, she'll call you. . .In the meantime, just chill with us" said Jacob.


“I know. . .But I can't stop thinking about her. I made this mess and now we're in it together”


“So, she is pregnant” Cameron said and plopped down on his bed.


“Yes. . .So I have the right to worry now, right? I mean, I'm 100% sure she is pregnant for real”


Cameron stared at the ceiling and then at me, concerned plastered across his face. I sat down on my bed and fidgeted with my fingers. I just hope she is okay, because after what I made her go through, I wouldn't forgive myself if she ever got hurt in any way. I just want to know how she is.


Interrupting my thoughts, my phone buzzed, indicating me I got a new text message. 




Hey, just wanted to tell you I'm okay. Goodnight <3


And those were the only words needed to make me smile and finally relax.


Gwen's P.O.V


I placed my phone in my nightstand and grabbed my book. I just wanted to let Finn know that I am okay. He just that he looked pretty worried today, I had to calm him down.


I was already by Chapter 10 when I heard the front door being opened.


“Sweetie, I'm home!” I heard mom. I quickly hid the book on the top shelf of my closet and then rushed downstairs.


“Hey” she said while trying to place her grocery bags on top of the counter.


“Mother, is 9:00 at night, where the bloody hell where you, huh? I was worried sick!” I said jokingly with a motherly tone.


She laughed. “I got a call from my job and I

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