» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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we stayed silent for quite a bit.


“I'm scared” I admitted.


His face was soft and he walked towards me. “I know. . .I am too” he sat next to me and looked at me straight in the eyes.


“How will I tell them?” I asked.


“I'll tell them with you” he offered, sending me a kind smile.


“You would do that?” I asked in disbelief. He nodded and then caressed my hand. I don't know what got to me, but I hugged him. I've been so scared lately, scared of what my parents might think. It feels so relieving to know that he's with me on this. Although that doesn't take the fact that he can be very annoying. . .But I'll just let it slide for now. He hugged me back, but tighter, resting his chin on my head. He started caressing my back soothingly, and somehow, the feeling was comforting.


“Ahem” we heard someone. I quickly pulled away from Finn and looked up to see Alec. He crossed his arms across his chest as he glared at us.


“Alec I–well. . .He was just—”


“Leaving?” he cut me off. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Now you, Harries. . .Out. Party's over. I don't want you any near my sister. . .You get that?” he said pointing at Nash with his index finger.


Finn nodded and stood up, he waved at me, but soon was pushed out by Alec. I sighed and stood up as well. I walked towards the window and saw Alec saying I don't know what to Finn, probably another threat. He looked at my window and waved at me once again, sending me a little wink.


I smiled and then lied down in my bed, thinking in all the things we talked about. But still, is not enough just talk. . .We have to do. And something for sure we need to do, is talking to our parents about this Finn's parents and my parents.

Chapter 10 - The Miracle of Life

 |2 Weeks Later|


I hate being pregnant. I know that this is my fault too, but I just can't stop complaining. I'm hungry all the time, and moody, and tired, I just want to sleep and not waking up. I don't feel like doing anything like I used to. I vomit too by the way and that's the worst part.


“Sweetie, are you okay?” my mom asked in the other side of the door.


Oh yes mom, I was just finishing vomiting the remains of my breakfast since I'm pregnant, but that's okay. . .I'm totally fine.


But I couldn't say that, so I went with a simple: “Yes, mom, I'm okay”


When I was done, I flushed the toilet and then brushed my teeth. I walked outside, and gave her my best fake smile, so she doesn't get suspicious. She smiled back and kissed my forehead.


“Sweetie, I'm going to the store, do you need me to get you any pads?” she asked.


“Mom” I groaned.


“What? I'm your mother, I have the right to know this stuff” she chuckled. “Do you have any problems, down there?” she asked whispering the last part.


“This talk is worse than the time where you send an e-mail to the whole family of when I first got my period" I said as I cringed at the memory. The next family reunion, my uncles, aunts, and cousins where bringing me a box full of pads and fake diplomas that they made with Word saying: Congrats! You're becoming a Woman.


It was just so embarrassing. . .


My mom offered to hang those diplomas in my room, and I had to beg her not to. So they're just in the attic, and they better stay there because that was just the most awkward and embarrassing day of my life.


“Anyway, call if you need something. Your dad went with your brother to a football game. Lock the door and windows and do not open the door to strangers, and if you happen to leave the house, remember to leave a note. Get that?” she said like for the billionth time. My mom repeats this to me every time she has to go out, but I know this procedure by heart. I nodded and I walked with her to the door. She kissed my cheek and waved at me as I closed it.


I let go a sigh and rest my back in the door. I touched my stomach and I felt something not normal. . .Is not a mountain, but is something growing. I shook my head and unexpected tears escaped my eyes.


I wrote a note and placed it in the fridge, like my mom told me, and then grabbed the house's keys, along my purse. I opened the door and closed it, walking outside, inhaling the fresh air. I needed to clear my mind, and being in this house is not helping at all.


I watched the cars pass by, the birds were singing, and people were walking. I tried to smile even though I'm going through this situation. I walked by a mini library and the first thing that my gaze met, was a Pregnancy Book. I curiously walked over to it and grabbed it.


“Pregnancy Book: A Guide to New Moms” was the title. I couldn't help but opening it. Chapter after chapter, full of information I didn't even know. There were pictures of babies, looking so cute and fragile, with pink chubby cheeks I just wanted to eat them with kisses. God, I'm turning into my mother. . .But I didn't care, I was feeling emotional with just reading this; is this even normal?


I bought the book and kept reading it, even though I'm in the middle of the street. But I just need to know. This book literally has things I just have to learn.


“First time?” I heard a voice from beside me. I tilt my head sideways to know who was the one talking. It was a woman that seemed like in her late thirties. She smiled sweetly at me and her gaze fell down into the book.


I nodded, sort of embarrassed of being caught. “I remember when I had my first kid. . .I was just like you. Reading, reading, and reading. . .Trying to get the most information I can. But the truth is, no matter how many guides you have. . .Babies do not come with instructions. You have them and with time you learn”


“I'm scared” I admitted. And I don't understand why am I talking to a complete stranger, but she just has that motherly aura around her, is so calming.


“And that's normal, darling, it would be so strange if you were not afraid by this. . .Every mom is scared when it’s their first time. All the doubts rush through their mind and they get worried constantly about their not-born-yet baby. I can assure you is totally normal”


“Uhh, does it, umm. . .Does it hurt?” I asked, blushing.


She chuckled. “Yes. Uff, you have no idea how much it hurts. But, when they hand you that beautiful miracle that you created. . .You see its face for the first time. . .All the pain vanishes away and is replaced by true happiness”


Those words made me lose it, and I started crying, literally in the middle of the street, people giving me looks like if I was crazy. But you know what? I don't care. . .I don't care if I look so stupid right now. I feel emotional and tired and I can't do this alone. I just can't. . .


“Oh darling, I wasn’t trying to upset you” she said with concern plastered across her face.


“Y-you didn't. . .I'm happy" I said as I wiped my tears. “Thank you”


She smiled. “You are such a lovely young lady”


Then I saw three kids running towards her. “Mommy, mommy. . .Timothy doesn't want to share his toy with me!” one of them said with a pout.


“Because he always breaks my stuff. . .” the other kid who I assume is Timothy, argued.


“Mom, make them stop, they're already getting on my nerves” who seemed like the oldest one said. He started checking his phone, not caring about his fighting little brothers.


“Kids, you need to learn how to share” the woman said. I smiled at the kids, they looked so adorable. The woman looked up at me and smiled as she saw my reaction.


“Your time will come. . .” she chuckled. I tried to held the tears back as I nodded. I bit my lip and watched as she came near me.


“I don't know you, but I have the feeling you will be a great mom” she said and hugged me, I hugged her back, suddenly feeling much more relieved.


I saw her wave at me as she walked away with her kids, the older one following her from behind, carrying the little one in his arms.


I put the book in my purse since it wasn't so big and then started running to get a cab. . .I don't know if I should but I can't stop myself. I go directly to Marriott Marquis Hotel. Once I was there, I rushed to the last floor and knocked on the door. Minutes later, Finn appeared with a confused expression, but then was overtaken with concern.


“Gwen, are you ok—”


I didn't let him finish that question, I just threw myself against him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, not letting go. I kept crying uncontrollably, my lip couldn't stop trembling. He didn't pull back, neither argued with the fact I'm acting like this. He just stayed quiet and hugged me back, but tighter. He shushed me as he caressed my hair soothingly.


“It's alright, Gwen. . .Everything will be alright” he kept whispering.


“I can't do this alone, and I'm scared. . .I'm scared, Finn” I said, as he kept holding me.


“I'm here, you're not alone. Shh, I'm here” he kept saying. He kneeled down along with me and we were now in the floor, he rocked me back and forth as he kissed my head. I looked up and saw the other guys giving me an apologetic look.


I sobbed while I buried my face in Nash's t-shirt. I don't care if I'm crying in front of everyone, or if I look horrible right now, I couldn't care less. I just want to feel comforted in the arms of someone, I need someone. . .


“I won't leave you. . .I promise” he whispered into my ear. 

Chapter 11 - Painful Cramps

“Don't you want to call home? They might be worried” said

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