» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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escape if I corner her in her own house.


God, I sound like such a desperate Stalker. But at this point, I don't fucking care. . .


Gwen's P.O.V


When we get to my house, Dani hopped inside her car and waved at me. I waved back and wiped away the few dry tears that lingered in my face. She offered to stay with me, but quickly told her that she didn't have to worry, that I would be totally fine. Which was a complete lie, after my encounter with Finn, I don't think I will ever be fine after what he said. But I didn't want her to worry, she had to study for a test anyway, so why would she have to fail because of me?


When I walked inside I found my brother making out with this brunette chick. I gasped and covered my mouth as he was grabbing her left boob. He jumped away from her as quick as lightning and then nervously scratched the back of his head.


“Hey, uhh, Gwen, what's up?” he asked, trying to sound casual. But he was red as a tomato. “This is my-my classmate, Tiffany. We were, umm, we were doing homework”


I exchanged looks from him to Tiffany, who looked at me shyly while putting a strand of her hair behind her ear.


“Yeah, well. . .Nice to finally meet you, Gwen. I believe is getting late already, I should go. We'll finish someday else” she said while standing up. She grabbed all her stuff and then walked towards Alec, she gave him a kiss in the cheek. She looked at me once more and smiled, then practically ran to the door. I stared back at Alec and crossed my arms across my chest, grinning.


“We were just studying a few moments before” he quickly said.


“Right” I said sarcastically. “You were totally exploring the interior of that girl's mouth, and not to forget how you were just exanimating the texture of her left boob”


He chuckled. “Shut up. You weren't meant to watch that. . .”


“Yeah, you scarred me for life, big bro” I said. He came towards me and kissed the top of my head. Then he walked to the cabinet and grabbed some chips, eating a handful with his mouth open. I grimaced in disgust as I sat beside him in the couch.


“And I thought you would date Dani” I said with a pout. He looked at me and shook his head.


“She won't even give me the time” he said as he started watching an episode of Friends.


“Perhaps if you just stop flirting with her the way you do, maybe she would” I said. They would actually make a great couple, but Alec is always trying to pick up girls in a certain way. It works for some, but the rest, just wants to slap him in the face.


“She's mad at me ever since what I did to her before I graduated” he said.


“You hung her panties in the school’s flag” I reminded him which made him laugh. I nudged at his arm and he stopped, then cleared his throat.


“It was my last year, I thought it would be an amazing prank. Obviously she needs some sense of humor” he said, which made me punch him again, but harder this time. He turned to me and rubbed his arm.


“Why are you so violent today?” he asked glaring at me.


I shrugged. “I don't know; I just feel like I want to punch everyone that makes a stupid comment. And my target in this case is your arm” I said and grabbed some chips.


I excused myself and went upstairs, feeling so tired than usual. I couldn't even start my homework, which is the first thing I do when I come from school. But its Friday, so I'll just do it tomorrow.


Alec's P.O.V


‘And I thought you would date Dani’ Gwen's words lingered in my head. I honestly always had a crush on her ever since we were little kids. She's beautiful, funny, and so open. . .But is true, she wouldn't be interested in me. So to close that hole inside of me, I just date girls. . .That doesn't mean I still don't feel anything for her.


I grabbed my playboy magazine which I hid behind one of the pillows just when Tiffany rang the doorbell.


I was by the third episode of Friends, when the door rang. I groaned, cursing under my breath, and vaguely stood up. I left the bag of chips in the coffee table and glanced down at my playboy magazine, thinking how I have to disappear that before mom arrives. I walked towards the door and then opened it while rubbing my right eye. But then stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who it was.


“Now for sure I'm going to fucking kill you” I said.


“I need to talk to Gwen” that bastard said not backing away one bit. I grabbed him from his shirt, until we were mere inches from each other.


“Weren't you paying attention when I told you how I would rebuild your face?” I asked, using my menacing tone, but he didn't even blink, he stayed there put.


“I can't take a guy seriously when he tries to threaten me while having a breath that smells of chips and a Playboy magazine in the coffee table” he said.


Gwen's P.O.V


I heard screaming, and noises. . .So much noises. At first I thought it was Alec still watching TV. But then I heard things breaking, and that's when I stood up abruptly. I quickly got out of bed and rubbed at my eyes. I rushed downstairs to know where is that noise coming from.


I widened my eyes as I saw mom's favorite vase all destroyed in the floor, and multiple plates too. Then I saw Alec and. . .Finn? They were wrestling on the ground, punching each other over and over again. I covered my mouth with both of my hands. If they keep fighting like that they will kill each other.


“Alec! Stop!” I said and tried to grab him from his shirt. He was still on top of Finn, punching him, while Nash was kneeling him in the leg.


“Alec, quit it. . .Get off of him!” I said. When he saw me, his face softened and then stopped. He got off of him and turned to me.


“Don't tell me you gave him our address?” he asked, trying to control his anger. I quickly shook my head and almost choked with my own saliva.


“N-no. . .I swear I didn't!” I said.


He turned back to Finn, who was wiping the blood from his nose while standing up. “How did you know where we live?” he asked.


“I-I-I. . .I followed her. . .” he admitted.


“Oh, so you're stalking her, huh? Good to know so when I call the cops, they know why they will arrest you”

“I just want to speak to Gwen, man. . .” he said.


“We already spoke, Finn” I finally found my voice.


"What!?" Alec screamed.


“We spoke this evening” I confessed.


“You finished talking, I didn't" Finn said which made me look back at him. “I never intended to make you feel like that, I—”


“Save. It” Alec cut him off. “Why would she even listen to you? Don't you realize the damage you caused her!?”


“Because that baby is mine too. . .I have the right to speak to the mother, not the brother. . .So get out of it”

“Both of you, stop it! This is too much for me. I'm not only pregnant, but I also have to listen to both of you argue and fight like two little kids”


“He started it!” both of them said at the same time.


I let go a heavy sigh and crossed my arms across my chest. “I don't care who started it. . . Just know that mom's vase and plates are broken. . .So I want both of you to clean it up. Now!” I said. They glared at each other and Alec went to pick up two brooms, he handed one to Finn, who snatched it out of my brother’s hand too harshly.


They started cleaning the room, while I stared at them like a hawk. They glared at each other from time to time, but kept cleaning.


“Once this is done. . .You better get the hell out of here” Alec said.


“Not before I talk to Gwen” he started again. Ugh. . .


“We already talked, Finn. . .There's nothing else to discuss” I said and went to the fridge to serve juice. I grabbed three glasses and poured each one some orange juice. Alec glared at me when I handed one glass to Finn.


“Really, Gwen? Really?” he asked in disbelief.


“You might hate him, believe me. . .I do too. But that doesn't mean we have to mistreat him here” I said and took a sip from my glass. I glanced at Finn and he was smiling, but when I caught him, he turned serious once again.


“Whatever” my angry brother huffed.


When they were done, they placed the brooms back to its place. I saw Alec walking towards Finn, but I quickly grabbed his arm. He looked at me and sighed, then back at Nash, who was crossing his arms across his chest.


“Out, now. . .” Alec said in that tone I hate, he scares me when he acts like this.


“We'll have to talk about this baby sooner or later. . .And is better to get it over with sooner, don't you think Gwen?” Finn said and walked out of the door. I covered my face with both of my hands and sat at the couch. Is it so hard to ask for a calm evening? No, I have to battle with these two cavemen who almost kill each other just an hour ago. I'm tired, moody, hungry, I have this urge to punch the wall and then pass out in my bed.


“I want to kill him” Alec said.


“I know. . .” I said.


“How dare he come into our house after all he did! I just can't believe him”


“Me neither. . .But you shouldn't have punched him, or broken the plates and vases. Now what do we tell mom?”


“That-that they robbed us?” he suggested.


“No, Alec, she would freak out. I'll just take the blame for it” I said and stood up.


“What? Why?” he asked shocked.


“Because I'm tired and I don't want mom to scream at you. I never get in trouble so perhaps she will just give me a warning” I said and yawned, completely drained by the entire situation.


“I won't let you have the fault, just leave it to me. . .I'll tell her. Of course, I won't say the Finn part. But I know what I will do” he said and hugged me tightly.


“We're home—” my mom trailed off after seeing a bucket full of what it used to be her plates and vase, and the brooms beside it. “What happened here!?”


I exchanged looks with my brother, he scratched the back of his head and then turned to mom. “It was my fault, I was playing with my football, and I broke those; even though Gwen told me multiple times to knock it off. . .I didn't listen”.


Mom and dad exchanged looks before turning back to us. “And what about your face?” she gasped while rushing to his side, examining his bruised face.


“I-I got into a fight” he said.


"With who?" my dad asked while rushing to Alec too.


“There was this guy, uhh, bothering Gwen, I told him to get away from her, but he didn't listen. . .So I had to do it” he said and I found myself sighing in relief. My mom kissed Alec in the cheek, concerned plastered all over her face.


“Well, thanks for defending your sister. . .But I don't like when you get into fights. . ." she said. Alec nodded and then hugged me sideways.


“I would do anything for her, mom. . .I hope she knows that” he said turning to me.


“I know, big bro. . .I really do know that” I said and

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