» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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of my hands. We stopped at a red light and then Alec tilted his head sideways to look at me.


“I will be there for you, anything you need. . .Just tell me” he said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. When we got home, I grabbed the box of the pregnancy test and threw it to the trash can outside, not wanting to see it anymore. I lied in the couch, resting my head on Alec's legs. He brushed my hair with his fingers, kissing my head once in a while. He started watching TV, but I was too tired that I closed my eyes.


Hours upon hours passed by, suddenly I heard the click of the door and footsteps approaching us. I opened my eyes and stood up abruptly. It was my mom and dad.


“Hey sweetie, why so jumpy?” said my mom kissing my cheek.


“Hey kiddo” my dad said and messed with my hair. Then he messed Alec's, knowing he doesn't like it. Alec send him a playful glare and then kissed mom's cheek.


“How was your day, anything new?” my mom asked while placing her purse on the counter. I exchanged some looks with Alec and then turned back to our expectant parents.


“Not much” we said at the same time. My parents looked at each other and then laughed.


“Okay, crazy teenagers, we'll start preparing dinner. . .Gwen, do you want to help me?” my mom asked. I nodded and tried to put my best fake smile, she can sense when something is wrong. And today is not the day for her or dad to figure out. God, I can't even look at them without feeling so guilty.


One night. I wanted to let go for one night. To stop being such a nerd and try to understand teenagers these days. I wanted to have fun, to meet boys. . .Not this. Not having to carry a baby at 17. This is literally the worst day of my life, and I can't find the words not even the time, to tell them that their little princess, is pregnant.


When dinner was ready, I was starving. Usually I'm never in the mood for eating. So I grabbed almost everything my mom had cooked and placed it on my plate. My parents looked at me with weird faces, but didn't say anything. And Alec, well. . .He stayed quiet as well.


When I finished eating, I placed my plate in the sink and excused myself. I walked upstairs and into my room.

Today has been so stressful, my legs were about to give up on me. I lied on bed, hiding under my warm and soft covers. This day I've learned how much life can change in a matter of seconds. How from being a normal day, life just changed and I figured out that I'm having a baby, and the worst part is that this baby is from a guy that didn't even bothered to find me. To even know if I was doing okay. . .


I heard a light knock on the door, I looked up and saw my brother standing there, leaning on the doorframe. He waved at me and walked further into the room. I smiled and sat up straight to get a better look of him. He sat at the edge of the bed but did not looked at me first. He was just there, staring at nothing in particular. I didn't speak, his silence was telling me all. Although, growing up, Alec have always been the type of guy you can't hurt that easily. And if you did cross the line or betrayed him or hurt him in any way, he won't tell you, neither show you how hurt he is. I always admired that from him. You hurt me, and I will be choking on my own tears. Like today for example, when we were in front of Nash. I was supposed to be strong and don't letting him get to me. I failed miserably, and I made a total fool out of myself by crying and showing weakness. Luckily, Alec was there to defend me.


“I know that you're tired, and that today has been so horrible. . .But we really need to talk, G” he said and then looked at me.




“We need to talk about this, even though I know this is the last thing you want to do. . .But, what are you planning to do?”


“I don't know. . .” I said honestly. I put a strand of hair behind my ear and played with my fingers. I don't know what I will do, that's the truth. I'm too young to be a mom, to have a baby. Is too much responsibility for a 17-year-old like me. I can act mature, or even think that I am. But the reality is that still I can't be a mom, I just can't. . .


“Alec, I'm tired. . .I don't have the answer that you want. Please Al.. .” I practically begged. He let go a long sigh and then stood up. He approached me and kissed the top of my head.


“I'm here, you know? Anything that you decide. . .I'm here for you” he said, almost making me cry again, but I tried my best to hold the tears back. We hugged each other tightly and then he turned off my lamp, just like when we were little kids and I used to get scared with horror movies. He would tell me nice stories with happy endings. And when I was still afraid, he would turn off my lamp and sleep next to me, promising me that he would stay until I was asleep.


I smiled at the sweet memory and felt nostalgia. I missed being a kid, life was way easier back then. No responsibilities, no drama, no consequences, the only decisions I had to do was what ice cream flavor I wanted on my cone.


And now I'm actually having a kid. And by a guy who doesn't even care? If you would've told me these a couple months ago I would've laughed in your faces. But this is what happens when I try to loosen up a little. And I can't believe I'm going through this, but is the cruel reality. . .


I can't stop thinking how this is my fault.

Chapter 06 - Abnormal Hunger

 The next morning, I woke up by my alarm going off. The more I think how much I need to wake up, the more I just want to stay here on bed. I fluttered my eyes open and then did an attempt of sitting up straight, it didn't work out so well. I lost my balance and fell into the ground. Thank God the covers fell along with me, because if not it would've been more painful.


I groaned and let go a frustrated sigh. I stood up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. Tangled hair, bags under my eyes, and dried saliva on my cheek. I looked like a zombie, perhaps worst.


The first thing I did, was washing my face in the sink of my bathroom. The fresh liquid making me feel instantly better. I battled with my tangled hair and practically gave up, so I put it in a vague bun. My stomach crumbled so loudly that I thanked God nobody was there to listen, that would've been embarrassing. So I rushed downstairs and tried to see what's inside in the fridge.


“Hello darling” my mom greeted me and kissed my forehead. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I saw her sitting in the chair, her coffee mug placed right beside her Cover girl magazine.


“I thought you and dad be off to work now” I said and poured myself a glass of orange juice.


“Is our day off” she chuckled and took a sip from her coffee.


I widened my eyes. “I don't remember the last time you and dad had the day off” I said and sat down next to her. She smiled and looked at me, caressing my cheek delicately.


“I know. . .We asked for it, I know we haven't been present lately, and we want to change that. . .And expect more days like this” she said winking playfully. I couldn't help the smile that crept to my lips, but soon felt overwhelmed at the same time.


More time.


They will be home a lot more.


The baby that's growing inside of me.


Shoot. . .


I took another sip of my juice, feeling nervousness in the pit of my stomach. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, feeling nauseous all of a sudden. . .This is bad, really bad. I can't just tell them right now. It was already hard that Alec had to find out about it by finding the test in my bedroom. Now, I had to tell my parents. . .The question is: How?


I can't just go and be like:


“Hey mom and dad. . .A month ago I hooked up with this guy I barely knew in a bar and I just figured out that I'm pregnant. And also I love you, I'll see you guys at dinner”


This will be harder than I thought. . .


Finn's P.O.V


“Would you just calm down?” Jacob said while plopping down on his bed. I looked at him and send him a glare. I kept pacing back and forth, biting my bottom lip. The words of this guy still going around my head. Gwen is pregnant? How is that possible? Did I use protection? I thought I did. That night was such a blur. I haven't slept all night thinking about it. Today I woke up, pretending it never happened, but the second I turned on the TV, an episode of The Secret Life of the American Teenager popped up. . .And I went back to thinking about it.


“Don't you fucking tell me to calm down! Didn't you heard what that guy said? She's pregnant”


“You don't know that. . .W-what if she made it up?” said Cameron. “There's a lot of girls that make up the story they're pregnant just to get attention, there's no prove. I mean, you are famous Finn, of course she could be lying”


“Maybe, but—”


“Would you chill, bro? Don't rush things, okay? Look for the prove, research a little more” said Jack, while plopping down in a puffy couch. I nodded and gulped the lump in my throat.


“Okay” I said and took a deep breath. But of course I wasn’t quite convinced. What if she really is pregnant, then what? I don't think that guy who calls himself her brother would punch me for nothing. I need to find Gwen and clear all this up. The question is: How?


Gwen's P.O.V


I'm hungry. . .


But not the normal type of hungry. No. . .This is the type where I'm capable of eating a whole cow if I could. My stomach hurts so much and I need food right now. Is this what every girl goes through when pregnant? Horrible.


Its 1:00 pm and I'm setting the table while my mom is cooking. Which is weird you know. Usually I have to go get some pizza or do some sandwiches for my brother and I. Though I won't deny that I like seeing both of my parents here, is a nice feeling to have them back.


“I already set

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