» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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and opened the car door for me, making me go first. I muttered a 'thanks' and sat in the window seat. Finn sat close to me. 


“So, I was thinking that perhaps since they will most likely go to the lobby and drink some more, maybe I can show you something in my room,” he said and slowly caressed my bare knee.


“Are you trying to seduce me, Harries?” I asked with my best attempt at being flirty, obviously failing. Don't judge me, I've never done such a thing. Why do you think Dani made me go out in the first place? Because I was the only one in High School with no clue on any of these things. Of drinking, hitting on boys. The only one that doesn't understand the term: Going to a friend's house to do “Homework”. Plus, I believe that with such amount of alcohol in my system, I am not thinking straight, and for some reason, I can't stop thinking about how everything is funny. . .


“Maybe I am, is it working so far?” he whispered seductively in my ear. I nodded slowly and then turned my head to the side, his face just mere inches from mine. I quickly looked at the others but they were too busy talking to Dani and drooling over her tight black dress to notice.


• • •


When we arrived to their hotel, we got out of the car and into the lobby. Finn instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the elevator. I followed along but looked over my shoulder to see my best friend. Cameron pulled her to sit with him on one of the couches. Since she was under his spell, of course, she obliged.


“So, where we're going?” I giggled.


“I want to show you my hotel room. . .If you don't have a problem, of course,” he said and hit the button that leads to his floor.


“And what are we going to do there, huh? Stare at the ceiling?” I asked.


“We can do whatever you want, babe. . .But I won't deny that I did had some things planned for both of us,” he said and placed his arm beside my head, trapping me. I smiled shyly and heard the sound of the elevator doors opening, letting us know that we got there. He dropped his view from my eyes to my lips, then down to my neck, and even though I most likely won't have any clue of these types of things, by what Dani has told me, I pretty much can know what he's thinking. And let me tell you something, I listen to his songs once in a while, I’m not a huge fan, but I never had this urge to kiss someone so badly in my entire life. His lips just looked so full and moist that I would love to know how they taste. He pulled away and then grabbed my hand leading me towards his room.


He turned on the light switch and then turned back to me. “You are so beautiful,” he said. I rolled my eyes and sat at the edge of the bed. He chuckled and then sat beside me.


“You still don't believe me, huh? I met a lot of girls, believe me, I did. I know beauty when I see it” he said and placed a soft kiss on my neck which made me turn my face towards him. “You're so hot and you don't even know it”


He was so close to my face; his eyes were darker than before. His breath had a hint of alcohol, but it seemed like he tried to disguise it by eating a mint. I couldn't hold it any longer, and so I grabbed him by the hem of his shirt and kissed him with all I had. He didn't complain and kissed me with the same strength and need. I tried to shake away the voice of my mother telling me to stop, to pull away and leave. But I'm done being the goody-goody no one takes seriously. . .At least for tonight.


He slightly pushed me back into the bed, not breaking the kiss. I felt how his hands trailed further down into my waist and then to my legs. He slowly unzipped my dress and pulled away, both panting heavily. He stared at my body and then gave me a peck on the lips.


“So, you want to loosen up a little? Let me show you how babe” he said and took off my dress. He grinned and then took his shirt off. My eyes dropped to how defined his body was and suddenly felt how the room was on fire. He started kissing me on the lips again.

Chapter 02 - Feeling Sick

|One Month Later|


“Get out of bed, Gwen. . .We will be late for school, c'mon!” Dani shook me, but I groaned in response. I ­­was feeling sick, with a very painful headache, and I'm pretty sure I will punch her any time sooner. Usually, I feel in a great mood, but today, I feel like I have been hit by a truck. The same way I felt after my huge hangover a month ago—


Right. . .Finn. Ugh.


I can't believe I actually hooked up with that jerk. Is clearly he had done it with so many, which I'm not surprised honestly. He is the Finn Harries. The most famous pop star at the moment with the most intense eyes ever and blah, blah, blah. After that night we had, I thought at least he was going to call me, how stupid I was. It has been one month since that encounter, and I still dream of him. And I just wake up sweating, still feeling his long slender fingertips on my legs. And he's eyeing me, taunting me with every kiss on my neck. I just want to wake up and scream at myself for being so stupid.


“I feel sick,” I said and rolled the other way around. I wasn’t lying, I truly felt that way.


“Don't use that lie against me again, I won't fall this time” she said and I can see how she's putting her arms on her hips, even though I'm giving her my back. I rolled my eyes even though she couldn’t see me. I groaned and then stood up, feeling sort of dizzy. I rubbed my head and then my eyes.


“I seriously feel sick,” I said and got out of bed. I rubbed my stomach and then went to the bathroom to wash my teeth.


When I dressed in my usual clothes, I walked downstairs with Dani. I saw a note on the fridge. I let go of a sigh and read it.


‘Had to work. See you tonight. We love you and your brother’


Love, mom, and dad.


I threw the note in the trash can and then turned back to my friend, who was having an apologetic look on her face.


“I'm okay, you know. . .Don't give me that face,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest. I hated it when she gave me that pity face.


“They love you, you know that,” she said and smiled at me.


I nodded. “I know they do. . .I just miss them. I know I see them at night, but is not enough”


“Hey little booger and, well. . .Little booger's friend” I heard my older brother, Alec.


“Hey, butthole” I grinned. He hugged me and messed with my hair like when we were little kids. He knows I hate that that, but he does it anyway. Then his gaze fell down to Dani, who had her arms crossed, and held an unimpressed look.


“I have hugs for you too” he smirked. She took a step back and raised her hand, stopping him from coming any closer to her.


“I think I'll pass” a hint of a smile on her lips. I don’t understand why can’t she admit that she does have feelings for my brother? She wants to be mad at him, but deep down, is an impossible task.


“Okay,” he said and raised his hands in defeat. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me” he winked. “You have a nice day,” Alec said and kissed my head. He aimed to kiss Dani but she backed away once again.


“You're playing hard to get. . .I like it,” he said and then grabbed his car keys, he exited the room with one last wave. I turned to Dani and grinned at her.


“He so likes you,” I said and she shook her head quickly.


“I wouldn't date your brother,” she said and crossed her arms across her chest.


“Why not?” I asked. Dani grabbed an apple from the table and stared at it for a bit before giving it a bite.


“Because. . .He's your brother, and the brother of your best friend is always off-limits” she said. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I grabbed my bag from the floor and slung it on my shoulder.


“Maybe. . .But it would be so cool to have you as a sister in law, don't you think?” I said. She nodded and gave me a big hug. We walked outside and into her car, then we drove to school.


• • •


The day went by quickly and without knowing, it was already lunch. I didn't felt like eating, so I just stayed near my lockers and rubbed at my stomach. It was hurting so much.


“Hey Gwen, how're you doing?” one of my classmates, Bill, said while nudging at my shoulder playfully. We're not that close, but he's a good guy, we like to talk from time to time. He was eating a plate full of fries. There comes the feeling again.


“We missed you at our table, what's wrong?” he asked. I stared at his fries. God, please stop hurting.

He noticed where my gaze is and then put the fries literally in front of my face. The greasy smell entering my nostrils.


“Want one?” he asked.


I shook my head quickly. "Oh God," I said and ran into the nearest bathroom. I think I just vomited my dinner from last night.


“Hey, are you okay? A guy outside is worried about you” I heard a girl knocking at the door. I flushed the toilet and then went outside, rubbing my stomach. I felt slightly better but still dizzy.


“Yeah, I'm okay, it might've been something I ate,” I said and washed my lips in the sink. "You have any mint?" I asked. She smiled and dug in her pocket to retrieve a pack of mints. She opened it and then gave it to me.


“At least you look fine, you feel any better?” she asked.


“Sort of. . .Still kind of startled, you know. . .”


She nodded understandingly. “Well. . .Look at the bright side, perhaps it was just food poisoning and not something worse like, you're pregnant or anything” she laughed. The girl left me there, completely speechless. Pregnant? Me? That's impossible.


How can I be pregnant if I—


Wait, when was I supposed to get my period? It has been one month since my first time with Finn. Did he use protection? I didn't see him do it.


Oh. My. God

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