» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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the table” I informed my mom.


“Great sweetie, could you please call your brother and father, lunch is almost ready” she said. I nodded and walked upstairs. I called my dad first, who was trying his best not to check up his phone. Then I walked to my brother's room. The walls full of posters of motorcycles and girls in bikinis, though I tell him to put them down. His guitar is one side, clothes are scattered on the floor, and his bed is messy as always.


“Lunch is ready” I said. He looked up from his phone and smiled.


“Hey mommy” he teased. I glared at him and put my arms in my hips. “Too soon?” he asked. I nodded. “I'm trying to make you smile. . .Sorry” he said giving me a sympathetic smile. I let go a sigh and closed the door behind me. I walked towards him and sat on the edge of his bed.


“I'm sorry, is just that I'm scared of telling them. . .I don't want them to find out the way you found out. . .”


“I understand, and I'll be there to tell them with you if you want” he said and kissed the top of my head.


“Thank you” I said. He nodded and then grabbed my hand, we walked together downstairs and sat in the table. Our mom smiled and served what seemed like the most delicious food ever. Seriously.


I poured in my plate almost everything. I don't know what got to me, but I just started eating like a mad animal. I grabbed smash potatoes with meat and some lettuce, I grabbed the garlic bread and broke it into pieces and ate them so fast I was afraid my stomach would explode; but I won't deny it was so delicious. I looked up and my parents and brother were watching at me like if I had grown a third eye.


“What?” I asked and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, mouth full with the exquisite food.


“Nothing” they said in unison. I shrugged it off and kept eating. I have the right to eat, pregnant or not. I don't know why they're staring at me so much. When I was done, there was ice cream for dessert so I poured in a bowl 3 big scoops of chocolate for myself, and again they looked at me weirdly.


“Is it illegal to eat in this house now?” I asked harshly. Alec squeezed my knee under the table. I let go a sigh, not understanding these emotions. I'm not supposed to have this mood swings so quickly. It can't be for being pregnant, the baby is not there yet, or yes? I don't know. . .I'm just 17. I should've payed more attention in Character Education instead of reading romance novels. But who would've thought that I was actually going to need those tips?


“No, no. . .Is just that we're not used to, uhh, seeing you eat this much. Are you okay?” my dad asked. I cleared my throat and put a strand of hair behind my ear.


“I'm just very hungry. . .” I chuckled nervously. He nodded and kept eating. I glanced over at my mom who was smiling while looking down at her bowl. Alec excused himself and took his ice cream upstairs, so did I. I just didn't felt like staying there much longer, I have to call Dani.


I lied in my bed and dialed her number, she picked up in the third ring. I started explaining the events from yesterday and how my brother already knows. She couldn't stop gasping and I could just imagine her eyes widening as I tell her. Now, I have to figure out how to tell my parents. Which will be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do.

Chapter 07 - I just want to Talk

|One Week Later|


“Could this day be any longer?” I groaned and pressed my books tighter against my chest. Dani chuckled and put her arm around my shoulder, hugging me. I tilt my head sideways and saw her smiling.


“You're such a drama queen” she said. I rolled my eyes as we kept walking. A group of boys whistling while passing us by.


“Lesbi love” one of the guys said, he was blonde.


“Go suck a dick!” Dani said, which made me widen my eyes. The boys started laughing and playfully punching blonde boy. I laughed and nudged at Dani. She's such a classy one, right? We walked down the hall into our special spot, where we go in our free period. We just talk and talk, usually Dani gossips about the Cheerleader squad and how fake they are. Though she used to be a part of them until they kicked her out, due to the fact she went drunk to a game. Dani started hating them ever since.


“How're you feeling?” she asked in a whisper like if there was someone else with us. I shrugged and grabbed some chips from the bag she brought.


“Good, I guess. . .I haven't puked in 4 hours, that should he a record” I said.


“Did your brother really punch Finn in the face?” she asked laughing. I laughed along with her, though I know that specific scene would've gotten us in trouble.


“Yup” I said popping the p.


“Damn, I would've payed to watch that” she said.


“Don't you love Finn?” I asked in a teasing voice. “I remember all those times that you talked about how cute and funny he was on his YouTube videos”


She grimaced in disgust and shook her head. “Not after what he did to you. That bastard is going down. He's in my black list now. . .”


“Ugh. The damn black list” I said and crossed my arms over my chest, not able to control my laughter. That's a list she makes where she writes her 'mortal enemies'. You go to that list and is pretty hard to be off of it. Although, one time, she threatened to put me there if I didn't share with her my fries. And she calls me drama queen, go figure.


“Laugh all you want. . .But thanks to that list, I know my enemies. And darling, Finn. . .Is one of them” she said making a fist. I nodded and grabbed more of her chips. She quickly put the bag protectively beside her and glared at me.


“Get your own chips, you chip robber” she said.


“Oh, so you are capable of lending me your underwear. . .But you can't give me chips?” I asked in disbelief.

“That was, of course, a one-time thing. . .You seriously needed help. Those white virginized undies won't get you anywhere”


“Hey! They were on offer” I said defensively.


“Where? Target?”


“Ha-ha. . .Very funny” I said sarcastically. "And what is wrong with Target anyway? It’s a great store"


“I think I started disliking it since the mention from that Alex from Target guy. It was already getting on my nerves” she shrugged. I chuckled and extended my hand to get her chips. She didn't say anything but I still saw her glaring. At least she didn't bite my hand. Do not mess with Dani and her food. You will most likely lose an arm.


“Whatever. . .What are you going to name your child?” she asked out of nowhere.


“Wow, wow, wow. . .I don't even know if it’s a girl or a boy, or if I'm even going to keep it. I'm still in High School” I reminded her.


“Well, what else do you want to talk about, huh?” she let go a long sigh and sat Indian style.


“Well, the weather is nice” I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes and nudged my shoulder.


“Look, the baby subject is a topic I don't want to discuss. . .” I said honestly. She gave me an understanding look and then patted my shoulder. This baby is something that complicated my life 100% more. I still have no clue what I will do, as I said before. . .I'm still in High School. And I can't help but feel all these sudden mixed emotions. I just want to scream at myself for being so stupid. But I can't keep getting mad, that just won't solve anything.


So we start chatting about something else, anything actually. . .Something that makes me get my mind off this baby.


When the bell rang, we walked to our next class. That's basically how my day was doing. Raising hands in every opportunity I got, Dani sleeping, and my classmates just blankly staring at the board, pretending to listen; but in reality had no clue what was going on.


After school we decided we were just going to walk. So Dani parked her car in my house and we walked from there. I really needed this, fresh air. Is not like I can forget that dreadful past events, but I just feel like I need to get my mind off of things before I go crazy with all this overthinking.


Finn's P.O.V


“Isn't this great? Hanging out, together?” Clara asked while kissing my cheek. I just nodded, not speaking, my mind was elsewhere. She kept talking, not shutting up. It was getting annoying, but she's hot. . .So I'll just smile and nod, pretending to care.


“So there was this girl and she blah, blah, blah. And then I blah, blah, blah—” that's literally what I was hearing and I couldn't care less.


But then something else caught my attention. A certain girl that made me stop dead in my tracks. She was talking to her blonde friend, laughing. Then she stopped, and the first thing she saw. . .Was me. With widened eyes, she whispered something to her friend, which made her look at me. Damn, she was angry, but I couldn't care less, I have to talk to Gwen, now. . .


“Ugh. That girl again. . .” Clara said with a disgusting expression.


“Umm, you know what? We have to continue this some other time. . .” I said. She gasped and crossed her arms across her chest.


“Finn, baby. . .You're not going to leave just to talk to that girl who obviously needs some fashion orientation?” she asked while glaring at me.


“Uhh, yeah. . .” I said and kissed her cheek. I quickly started walking to Gwen's direction. But as I got closer, she took several steps back until she was running.


“Gwen, wait!” I said. Her blonde friend put herself in the way, avoiding me to go any furthest. I looked at her, my height obviously not intimidating her one bit. She was glaring at me while putting her hand in my chest.

“Leave her alone. . .Haven't you done enough already?” she asked.


“I need to talk to her about something. Is important” I said urgently.


“I know what you want to talk about, and that's the last thing she needs. Get away from her, Grier” she said trying to sound menacing, obviously didn't work. “There's no way I'm letting you follow her”


I let go a heavy sigh and picked her up putting her to the side. “See ya” I said with a smirk. She complained and tried to grab me, but I started running before she could do so. I ran so fast I know it was going to hurt tomorrow; but I needed answers, even though I basically know about this. The thing is, I want to hear it from her,

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