» Juvenile Fiction » Dark Desires, Samara [crime books to read .TXT] 📗

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was so much stronger than me.
"Did you know you look so cute when you mad." He pushed a strand of my hair out of my face.
"Jerk." His smile went away and he stepped back.
"Let's dance."
"What? You just attacked me, now you want to dance."
"You are the one who attacked me first. Also, you owe me a dance." He smiled again.
"I beg your pardon. I do not owe you anything."
"Last time I checked, all the single men at your party get one dance with you and since I'm single, so I get a dance." Damn. I despise him so much. I sighed with defeat.
"Fine. How are we going to dance without any music playing?"
"We'll pretend that music is playing." He stretched out his hand to me. I know that if I say no, he will not stop asking. Once I gave him my hand, he pulled me in close. He start humming a song as we were waltzing around the garden. To tell the truth, I find this kind of intriguing. Me, dancing with a mysterious guy I met in my garden. I actually think this is romantic. I looked up at Roger. He looked down at me and smiled.
"What kind are you?" I asked.
"What kind of what?"
"I'm an original."
"Why are you here, then? You could be at your own party, finding your soulmate."
"I rather be here with you, than being somewhere else with another girl. Besides I kind of like you." Somewhere while we were talking, we have stopped dancing. We just stared into each other's eyes as we stood there.
"You know I was telling the truth when I said you're beautiful." Roger said in a whisper. I felt adrenaline run through veins as he leaned his face down and kissed me. I felt tingling sensations go through me as we kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me in close.

I pulled away as I hear some footsteps coming from inside the house. Someone is coming this way to the garden. I turned back to Roger. He had an alert look on his face.
"I have to go." He said.
"What... wait. You can come back inside with me."
"I'm sorry, my love. I wish I could stay, , but I have to leave." I felt a little disappointment.
"When can I see you again?" Roger held up my hand and kissed it.
"I will come and see you." He smiled at me before he ran and jumped over the wall that led to the streets. I'm still dazed on what just happened, that I didn't bother hearing the guard getting here.
"Miss Lucia, are you okay" Your parents and everyone else are waiting for you in the dining room."
"Okay. I was just about to go in." Before I went back inside the house, I looked back into the garden with my thoughts still on Roger and what have happened here.

I walked into the dining room to find everyone in there, sitting down. I went to my seat next to my parents and sat down. My mother gave me a stern look.
"Where were you? Everyone had to wait to eat because you wasn't here. Where were you?" mom whispered.
"I had to clear my mind." For the rest of dinner, my mom did not mention anything else. Now is the time when my parents gave a toast. My father stood up with his glass of blood.
"I will like to give a toast to my darling daughter, Lucia. I wish her the best and hope that she will soon find the right man." I rolled my eyes to that. This is the last straw. As soon as my father sat down, I stood up, clicking my glass with a fork.
"Excuse me. I have some news to tell everyone. I have thought about it for a while now. I have decided to stop aging." The dining room have become completely quiet. I looked over to my parents. My father face was filled with shock and my mother screamed, then fainted. I knew right then that the dinner was over. The guests all got up and left.

As soon as everyone left, I went straight to my room. Margaret came in and helped me out of my dress and into my nightgown.
"Margaret, do you think I made a good choice?" I turned to her.
"Only you can decide for yourself if you made the right choice." I got in bed and got comfortable.
"Good night, Margaret."
"Good night, Lucia." She kissed my forehead and blew out the candles beside my bedside. After that, she left. I turned to my side as I thought about the evening. My thoughts automatically went on Roger. There is something about him that seemed mysterious. Like, why he left as soon as the guard came. He could have left out of the front door. Before I got to think about it, I fell right to sleep.

That was my first 17th birthday party. Chapter 2

I just pulled up to the club I always go to every Friday, Dots. I go to this club to enjoy myself and to "hunt." Usually when I go in, there are many single guys in there. I would pick a guy, seduce him, then I get him alone and feed on him. I never drain them out,though. See, I'm not a bad person. I just drink a few pints, heal the wound with my blood, then I clear their memory of me ever meeting him. The guys would just have a slight headache when they wake up.

I walked to the front of the club. I smiled at the bouncer and showed him my fake ID. As soon as the bouncer opened the door that led to the inside, music start blasting through the doors. It was kind of dark in here, but still enough light for people to make their way around the club. I start looking around for the right "prey." I spot this guy at the bar. I could tell that he is one of those quiet types. He's a nice looking guy, with a nicely shaved face. He looked like he is in his early 30s. I sat in a seat at the bar. I made sure I was right across from him. He looks up at me and smiled. I gave him a flirtatious smile. He called the bartender over to him and told him something. The bartender got a beer and gave it to me.
"The guy over there gave it to you." He pointed to the guy. The guy got his beer and walked over to me. He sat in the seat next to me.
"How's the beer?" He yelled over the music. I took a sip.
"I prefer a bloody mary." I said as if it were a joke, even though I was kind of serious, if you know what I mean. The guy looked a little upset, though.
"You know I was just kidding." The guy looked relieved and start laughing.
"I'm Rick. What's your name, pretty?"
"That's a beautiful name." He start rubbing his hand on my leg. This guy might not make it after tonight. We start talking. He start telling me about his life. The only thing he didn't mention was that he was married. When he came over here, he didn't have his ring on his finger, but I was able to see that his wedding ring finger had a shadow from where the ring was.
"You want to get out of here?" I whispered in his ear. His face automatically lit up with excitement, like a little kid.
"Sure." After Rick drank the last of his beer, we left. We got in his car and he drove off. He comes to a hotel and gets us a room. As soon as we got to the room, Rick is already trying to take my clothes off.
"Hold up." I got up close to Rick and kissed him passionately. When I puled away, Rick looked a little dazed. I love taking control. I pushed him on the bed. I got on top of him and start caressing him with my hands, trying to relax him. As soon as he looked relaxed, I kissed him again. My kisses traveled to his neck. The sound of his blood pumping through his veins was so tempting. Once I found the right spot, I bit him. You see, I never have sex with any of my victims. That would give me a bad name. As soon as I bit down, blood rushed in my mouth. Ah. The sweet sensations of it. The taste of it is so intoxicating. It's like I just took the best drug in the world. I just get more energy as energy is being drained out of Rick. To Rick, right now it should feel like he's being caressed from the inside out. After I drank a few pints, I stopped. I bit my tongue and let a few drops of my blood drop on the wounds. Rick's neck immediately healed, with no scars. Right now, Rick is sleeping. Before I left, I whispered, "Forget.' When I say this, all the guys forget me and the time we had together. After I went back to the club and got my car, I went home.

The lights are on as usual. As soon as I got in the house, I took off my heels. My feet were killing me. I went in the kitchen and found mom sitting at the island in the middle of the huge gourmet kitchen. She looks so frustrated. She is drinking a glass of wine. She looks up at me.
"Too bad alcohol don't have a huge effect on vampires." she said as she took a sip from her glass. There two empty bottles of wine in front of her.
"Thank goodness. If it was, you would be out by now." Mom couldn't resist laughing.
"Mom, where's dad?"
"In his studies, as usual." She frowned and drank the rest of her wine.
"Mom, you would need something stronger than that wine to get rid of your stress." This time mom didn't laugh. So instead of getting my head chewed off, I went to my father's chambers. As usual, he is at his computer, working. He looks up as I enter the room.
"Hey dad. I'm back."
"I can see that."
"O-kay." I start walking out of the office, but dad stopped me.
"Honey, don't forget that tomorrow is your birthday."
"How can I forget." Dad gave me a stern look but he kept on talking.
"Your mother and I have worked hard on this."
"Dad, I told you I don't want any more parties." I whined.
"We did not plan a party, but we do have a surprise for you." Now, I'm starting to get really scared.
"You promised you won't have a party."
"You have my word."
"I guess I can believe you." After that, I started to leave, but dad called me back.
"Yes dad."
"I forgot to tell you that you smell so much like a human. You need to fix that." I rolled my eyes and walked out. I went upstairs to my room. I took off my clothes and took a shower. When I was finished, I put on a tank top and some shorts and got in bed.

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