» Juvenile Fiction » Dark Desires, Samara [crime books to read .TXT] 📗

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Just tell me what I have to do." I said as I walked along the line of guys on the walls.

"Well, just choose the guy that satisfy your interest." dad said. I walk over to the guys and look at everyone carefully. So far, none of them interest me... until I get to the last guy. He had brown hair and he had a light tan to his skin. On his hands, I can see bruises and cuts, so I can tell he put up a fight when they caught him. But... the one thing I notice about him is that... he is awake. I can tell by his heart racing and his breathing has quicken. Wow. This guy is really scared. I turn back to Mom and Dad. 

"I pick this boy." I said. They smiled. 

"Good choice. We would take the other guys back and you can change him as soon as possible." Mom said. I can hear the guy's heart skip a beat. 

"Okay." I turn back to the boy and came close to him. "You can trick my parents, but you can't trick me. I know you are awake. I will come back here later." I whisper to the boy. I can hear his heart beat racing again. After I gave him a kiss on the cheek, I left out with my parents. 

Chapter 5

After a few hours, the guards have taken the rest of the guys out the house to where they belong. After eating dinner, I wait upstairs for Mom and Dad to go to sleep. Of course it took until 3:00 am for them to go to sleep after the sex. I silently went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I got 2 cans of Coke with a bag of chips and went downstairs to the basement. I unlock the door and went inside. The guy was still hanging and he was looking right at me. I carefully shut the door to try not to make any noise. I grab a chair and sat it in front of him. I put the can of Coke down and sat down in the chair. The guy look at me suspiciously as I open the bag of chips and put one in my mouth. I can see him looking at the bag.

"You want some?" I ask

"No." he said as he look right at me. 

"Suite yourself." I put another chip into my mouth. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you."


"I can't come here to visit a friend."

"You are not my friend."

"Ouch. That hurts." I said sarcastically as I put my hand to my chest.

"I'm serious." 

"I know. Just messing with you. Are you sure you don't want anything to eat... or drink."

"I'm sure." 

"You are such a liar. I can hear your stomach growling. So...." I got up and put the chips on my chair. "I'm going to help you out." 

"You are going to help me out? Please. I heard everything that was said earlier. I am not marrying anyone." he said.

"You think I want to get married? Right now we have no choice. But, we can figure something out and both of us can be free."

"What do you have in mind?"

"We would go through with the plan..."

No, you need to stop right there. I am not marrying any one, even if she is beautiful."

"Let me finish. Once we get married, I have to change you."

"Change me to what?"

"A vampire." he just sat there, looking shocked.

"Wait... you're a vampire?"

"I thought you knew that."

"No one tell me anything. Get away from me!" he said all loud. I quickly got in front of him and covered his mouth with my hand.

"Shh... Don't talk so loud or the guards or even my parents can hear you." he nodded his head.

"So can I finish telling my plan?" he nodded his head again.

"Okay." I slowly moved my hand from in front of his mouth.

"Now, back to what I was saying. We will get married and I'm suppose to change you, but I don't know about that yet. We will leave town and someone will mysteriously die." he looked confused when I sait this.

"How are you going to fake your own death?" he asks.

"I was talking about you. We will fake your death and I will pay you enough to be out on your own with your new identity. "

"And how am I suppose to believe you. I don't even know you. The only thing I know about you is that you kidnapped me."

"I did not kidnap you. My parents did. You could have avoided them. How did you and other guys end up in this situation?"

"I don't know. Last thing I remember is that I was walking down the street and next thing I know, I'm being attacked by some huge guys. I tried to fight back, but then things went black. Now I'm stuck in a house filled with crazy people."

"Well, just to let you know, today is my birthday."

"Oh, happy birthday... like I give a crap." he snapped.

"You know what? I'm getting tired of your attitude. I'm trying to help you out. I was going to let you free, but never mind."

"Help me out! You could have done that by not choosing me. I heard the man say that you get to choose someone and the rest will go back to their normal lives." he yelled.

"I'm sorry. It's just you were the only... you know what, never mind. I don't even have to explain myself to you. That is why I can't work with you human beings. I feast on them, not make agreements with them." I yelled back.

"Sorry princess if I didn't meet your standards." he says sarcastically.

"Go to hell." I said as I threw the can of soda at the wall, close enogh to his head. There was as much force that it went through the wall, but I didn't care.

"Hey, calm down." he yelled.

"You are lucky that is all I did. I have a bad temper and you would have been dead right now." I snapped at him.

"You are crazy!"

"Yes I am. I can be bitchy too. Now, I'm trying to help you out... no, help both of us. I don't want to be in this situation as much as you do, but we have to. I told you my plan and it would mean that we would have to tolerate each other for about a month until the wedding. Once we do as I planned, we would be rid of each other and I don't have to see you ever again. We both live, understood?"

"And what would happen if I don't go through it? The wedding thing?"

"My parents would probably kill you because you know too much. Or they will probably kill those who are close to you or your love ones first amd then kill you. Just to make you suffer." That seem to get his attention. I can hear his heart beating faster, but he kept his facial expression blank.

"Fine. But as soon as we get... married, you will let me go, right?"

"Right. Fake your death and we are done."

"Great." he says sarcastically. I start leaving the basement, but he called out to me.

"Wait... You just going to leave me down here?"

"Yes. My parebts left you down here for a reason. It wouldn't be right if I just let you go without my parents knowing. They would probably release you tomorrow and tell you everything about the marriage. Pretend you don't know, though. Oh, and just to give you a heads up, if you even attempt to escape, we have guards and security cameras around, inside and outside, the house. These guards and shapeshifters so they will kill you if ordered to." I said as I gave him a sweet smile.

"I won't try to run."

"Good and also, there is something else I have to tell you. It is a possibility that my parents and the Council might mention about changing you either before or after the wedding."

"Wait... you mean change my identity and other things, right?... Right?" I kept quiet, even though it was kind of funny to see him react this way.

"I know you do not talking about changing me into one of your kind, a vampire? I don't want to be one."

"Good night. We will talk tomorrow." I said as I quickly left the basement, but I can still hear him.

"No... No, that was not a part of the plan!" he yelled. I couldn't help but to smile. But, I couldn't help but to get nervous. I hope this plan work and I am able to keep my temper in check until this is over. If I don't, I will be short of a husband.

Chapter 6

I couldn't sleep the whole night. All I could think of was the crazy stuff that happened yesterday. I ended up sleeping with Roger, even though I told myself I wouldn't do it anymore. Then my parents' surprise for me was the worse thing they ever done, which ended up with me being stuck with doing something I don't want to do. 


Publication Date: 07-21-2012

All Rights Reserved

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