» Juvenile Fiction » Dark Desires, Samara [crime books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Desires, Samara [crime books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Samara

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Chapter 1

"Mom...Dad...I'll be going out for a while. Don't wait up on me." I left out of my master bedroom and went down the stairs. I wasn't surprised when I saw my parents standing at the bottom of the stairs. Every time I go out, they are always standing in my way, so I got used to it. My father stepped in my way.
"And where do you think you're going?" His face was stern as always.
"I told you, I'm going out." I tried walking past them, but dad pushed me back.
"You're going out like that." my mom said while looking at my outfit. I looked down at my outfit. I'm wearing a red tube top with skinny jeans and black platform shoes. I looked back up at my mom.
"What's wrong with my outfit?" I start laughing, but stopped when the expression on my parents showed they were dead serious. Seriously. I tried to pretend to be confused, even though I knew what she was talking about. By the expression on her face, I knew she wasn't in the mood of playing.
"You look like a..." Before mom said anymore, dad cut her off.
"Lucia, you need to stop all of this hanging around, whatever you do. You should be preparing yourself on getting married. It's about time that you settle down." I rolled my eyes as dad keep blabbering about me getting married. He always bring this subject up.
"Dad, this is not the 1800s anymore. People do not get married at a really young age anymore."
"You're the one who decided to stop growing at the age 17 all those years ago. You know you can choose to keep growing." My family is Lamia vampires. We are kind of like humans. We are born and we age. We digest food like humans and we can step out in the sunlight without burning. The only thing about the sun is that it drain our energy. The thing is us Lamia vampires don't have in common with humans is, of course, we drink blood. Also, we actually decide when we want to stop aging or we can decide when we want to start aging again.
"Dad, I promise I'll come home. And when I do, we can finish discussing this." Before they could protest, I left out of the house. I got into my S60 Volvo and sped out of the driveway. I love my parent, but sometime I just want to rip their heads off. I looked behind to make sure no one was following me. Sometimes, my parents got their guards following me to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. The only thing that get my parents mad is when I go out with them, there is no guards coming back with me. I smiled when I though about it. I thought about my discussion about me deciding to stop aging. Dad always bring that up we have an argument of me not getting married. I had a good reason why I decided to stop aging and it is still a good reason now. In 1856, it was my first 17th birthday party. Even though it was so long ago, I still remember it like it was yesterday.


Horse carriages are strolling by our home. Since it was my 17th birthday, people was moving in and out the house, preparing for the party. Adrenaline filled my body with excitement. I had some good news to tell my parents, at least it would be good news to me. I know my parents wouldn't like it, though. Actually, they never liked any of the decisions I made in my life so far.

My thoughts are disturbed when I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in." I said. My personal maid, Margaret, came in. I love Margaret. Margaret is in her mid-50s and she have curly black hair and cream colored skin. She is so sweet, that's why she's my favorite person in this big house because she actually understand me, understand what I feel. Margaret have been the one raising me since I was a baby.
"Miss Lucia... I mean Lucia. The guests would be coming soon, so your mother send me up here to help you get dressed." Ever since I was a little girl, Margaret have been calling me "Miss Lucia," until I finally asked her to just call me Lucia. Whenever anyone add "Miss" to the beginning of my name, it makes me feel old.

Margaret went to my wardrobe and pulled out my baby blue silk gown. After Margaret helped me get in the gown, carefully, she start doing my hair. She pinned up my long, silky, golden brown hair and she put in a cute, jeweled, hair pin. She stepped back and smiled.
"You look gorgeous." She turned me to the mirror so I can have a look. I did look gorgeous of course. My pale skin looked smooth. My blue eyes were bright with excitement, yet nervous.
"Thanks Margaret. You're the best."
"Don't thank me." I turned back to Margaret.
"Of course I have to thank you. You always been there for me." Before I could say anymore, I heard horse galloping towards the house. Margaret went to the window to check it out.
"The guests have arrived. We have to head downstairs." Margaret opened my bedroom door. I took a deep breath and walked out. I went down the stairs and down the hall. Two of my father's guards were standing at the closed doors that led to the ballroom. I nodded at them.
"Good evening, gentlemen." They stepped aside and opened the doors. Once the doors opened, everyone's attention was turned to me. There were so many people in the ballroom. As I looked around the room, I noticed that there was mostly men in here, causing me to get a little angry. Not again. My parents did the same thing for my 16th birthday party. I walked to the front of the room to my parents. They, of course, had grins on their faces. All I wanted to do was slap the smiles off their faces.
" I told you not this birthday. I'm not going to do no scavenger hunt, looking for the right guy, when I could be only enjoying myself." My mom's smile was the first to go away.
"Honey, it's about time that you get married. You're lucky you don't have an arranged marriage, like your father and me. My parents made me get married at the age 16 to your father. I didn't want to do it, but I learned to love him. It is now your turn. I do not wan to hear anymore complaining tonight. Your father and I made it so you'll be dancing with all the single men in here so you can get to know them. Probably after the party, you will find your future husband. Now go." I looked at dad and gave him the "help me" look, but he just gave me his same stern look.
"Fine. Are the men human.?"
"No. Some of them are Lamia vampires and some are regular vampires. Now, go enjoy yourself, darling." Once father said that, he pushed me to the middle of the ballroom. Some waltz music start playing and everyone start dancing. The guys headed towards me. All of them started giving me their names and asking me to dance. There were some short guys, tall guys, cute guys, and some nerdy guys. Each of them got a dance with me for half of a song. Some of the guys were so boring that I almost fell asleep while dancing. Some of the guys were so nervous that that they never said anything to me. Some of the guys talked too much about themselves, they could have written a whole autobiography. There was this one guy who made me despise my parents even more. We were talking while we were dancing and we had some things in common. The only thing is that I knew him from somewhere and the next thing he said shocked me.
"I'm your second cousin, George."
"Wait. Hold up. You telling me my parents are trying to set me up with one of my cousins."
"People kind of do that now."
"Well, I don't. I'm sorry. It won't work out. Excuse me." I left George and went to my parents, who were dancing at the other side of the room.
" We need to talk." I pulled them aside. My mom spoke first.
"What's wrong, Lucia. Your having a good time?"
"No. This evening was a disaster. I didn't like any of the guys and the only guy who I had in common with was my second cousin."
"That's delightful, honey."
"No, it's not. I'm not going to marry a family member. You just messed up another one of my parties." After that, I ran out of the ballroom. I looked back to see if anyone was following me.. I just keep running until I reached the door. I got outside and found myself in the garden. My eyes quickly adjusted to the dark. Since my ears are very sensitive, I could hear the bugs crawling on the ground and the cars driving 15 miles from here. Once I sat on one of the benches, I broke down crying. My parents always fins=d a way to make my life miserable. They want me to get married, but what about me? What about what I want" After crying for at least 5 minutes, I got myself together, wiped my eyes, stood up and straightened out my dress. Before I was able to enter the house, I heard soft footsteps. Whoever was walking was trying to sneak up on me.
"Who's there?" I got myself in position for attack. The fact that I had a dress on never got my attention. I just really didn't care. I didn't hear anything. Whoever was walking must have stopped. Since the pins fell out of my hair, some of my hair fell in my face. I start walking the direction where I heard the footsteps.
"Show yourself, coward." Right when I said that, a figure came from behind one of the bushes. Whoever it was start walking towards me. By the features, I could tell the figure was of a guy. The guy was about 6'2 and he was nicely build. The guy walked into the moonlight, only a few feet away from me. His blonde hair was smoothed back from his face. His blue eyes twinkled when he smiled at me,
"Who the hell are you?" I snarled.
"Wow. Little miss birthday girl has a potty mouth. I'm one of your guests this evening." His voice is a little deep when he talked. He tried touching my cheek, but I pushed his hand away.
"That still don't answer my question. Who are you?"
"Okay. I'm Roger. Nice to meet you." He grabbed my hand and kissed it before I got to protest.
"If you're a guest, why are you out here?"
"I was going to ask you the same thing. The only thing is that you're not the guest. You're the star of the party. You should be inside at your party, enjoying yourself. Instead, you're out here, messing up your gown, crying."
"You were watching me?" Just hearing what he said got me so pissed, I pushed him hard against the house. The house shook a little. Roger start laughing.
"I wouldn't exactly call it watching. I would call it a glimpse." He gave me a cute smile, showing his pearly white teeth. What he did next caught me off guard so I didn't react right away. Roger replaced himself against the wall with me against the wall. He looked into my eyes like he was reading my mind.
"Get off of me." I tried pushing him away, but he

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