» Juvenile Fiction » Dark Desires, Samara [crime books to read .TXT] 📗

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I couldn't go to sleep, though. My thoughts were on tomorrow. My parents have done me a favor over the years by not giving me a party. When they do give me a party, I never show up and that got my parents pissed, but they forgot about it. My thoughts went back to the disasters of my first 17th birthday. That when my mind went to Roger. Sadness quickly filled me as I thought about him. Well, he is the past and I have to forget about the past. After a few minutes of laying there, I finally fell asleep. Chapter 3

I woke up from the sunlight shining through my window. Today is my birthday. Great. I sat up and yawned and stretched. I sat there and focused as I listened. So far I hear no one. I got up and went to the window and looked out. There was no one working outside either. I guess my parents kept their promise after all.

I went to my bathroom and took me a nice shower. Afterward, I put on white tank top and blue skinny jeans. I decided to leave my hair out. I went downstairs to the kitchen and my mom and dad was sitting at the table.
"Hey guys." I said as I got a muffin from the basket on the table. I tried studying their faces to see if they were hiding anything, but I didn't sense anything.
"Hey mom, dad, I'm going out, okay." As soon as I said that, I saw my mom's expression change to alarmed, but she changed it quickly.
"Okay, what is going on? Dad, what do you have planned?"
"Nothing sweetheart. You go do what you have to do. Just don't stay out to late. We have some news for you."
"Fine." After I hugged my mom and dad, I left the house. I got in my car and drove off. I know my parents are up to something, but I can't think of anything. I need someone to talk to so I decided to go over to one of my best friend's house, Roger. The guy I loved when I first met him at my first 17th birthday party. My parents don't know anything about him, even after all these years and we can't be together but we stayed friends.

I pull up to Roger's condo. Before I get to the door of Roger's condo, the door opens with Roger standing on the other side of the door.
"Hey Lucia."
"Hey." I said as I hugged him.
"What you doing here?"
"Oh I would love to come in, Roger." I said sarcastically as I walked past him in the condo.
"Fine. Let's talk in the living room." We went to the living room and sat down on the couch.
"Now what are you doing here?"
"You know how today is my birthday and my parents always plan a birthday party."
"Well, this year, I told my parents not to give me a birthday party."
" what's the problem?"
"I think they are hiding something from me but I can't figure out what it is."
"Just do worry about it. For all you know, it could be nothing. And if it is, we can run away together." Roger said as he gave me his sexy smile. Right then, my heart fluttered.
"Roger, you know that it can't ever happen."
"I know, I was just kidding with you."
"Good. I just want to do is have fun."
"Let's go to the beach." Roger said as he grabbed his jacket. We left the condo and walked down to the beach that is a couple blocks from the condo. When we got there, we start walking through the beach with no shoes on so the sand was warm beneath my feet. It was so quiet. All of a sudden, we see a couple coming from the direction ahead of us. I turned to Roger and smile.
"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Roger smiled back at me.
"Let's have fun." We sped our way to the couple, Roger ended up in front of the girl while I was right in front of the guy. I looked into the guy's eyes and compelled him
"Don't be afraid. Stand still." The guy's body relaxed. I turn to Roger and saw he was doing the same thing. When he finished, we both dug in to our snack. I bit into the guy's neck and blood was rushing in my mouth. The hot sensation came over me again. I swear this is better than sex. I open my eyes and looked into Roger's eyes as I drank. Dark desire was all I saw in Roger's eyes and I knew my eyes had it too. After drinking a few pints, Roger and I stopped.I did my usual routine with my victim and the guy fell to the ground. Roger's girl fell to the ground too. There was a trickle of blood on Roger's lip. I moved forward and wiped the drop with my finger and licked it off. Soon after, Roger and I ended up kissing. He pulled me in close and kissed me. I was still a little "drunk" from the blood so I didn't react. After a while, Roger pick me up and he sped to his condo. He kicked the door in and we ended up on his bed. That is when his kisses start trailing down my neck. We start ripping each other's clothes off. I start getting real hot. The rest is too good to tell. :)


We have been laying in this bed for a while.
"We just did it again. Didn't last week we said we was going to stop this?"
"You know this is your fault." Roger sat up.
"You know drinking blood gets me turned up. You took advantage of that fact."
"You the one who suggested it."
"You could have stopped me." I start laughing and Roger start laughing too. That is when it dawned on me.
"Shit." I said. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
"What?" I heard Roger say from the other side of the door.
"I forgot my parents want me to come home early. They said they have a surprise for me." I got in the shower and took a quick shower. I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I left out of the bathroom and put on my clothes. 

"Why you rushing to get back?" he asked, already with pants on.

"I have to or my parents will kill me. I promise I will call you later to tell you the details." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed my purse. 

"Fine. I will talk to you later." He  walked me out to my car.

"I promise I will call you if the surprise is horrible." I said as I got in and drove away. When I looked in my review mirror, Roger's figure gets smaller and smaller. i do love him, but after what have happened that night, we can never be together, no matter what.


I pull up to the gate and let myself in. Once I pulled up in the garage, I start getting nervous. What do mom and dad have planned? Whatever it is, there is a feeling that I won't like it. I unlock the door and walk into the house. Everything is quiet. I even concentrated, but I didn't hear nothing but heart beats.... a lot of them. That is when I start feeling even more nervous. 

"Mom? Dad? What is going on." I walked into dad's studies, but he wasn't there. Then I went into the kitchen, but mom wasn't there. The butlers and maids wasn't even here. I walk over to the bar in the family foom and pour me a glass of vodka. When I was drinking it, I then noticed the note on the bar's counter. It was in mom's handwriting. I start reading and it said:


Don't take another sip of that vodka. As soon as you see this note, go down in the basement. Your father and I will be waiting for you there.

Love, mother."

Damn, I hate this. She always know what I'm doing. I put the glass down and walk over to the door that led to the basement. As I opened the door, I start going down stairs until I got to the door that lead you to the basement room. Here I go. The heartbeats are louder this time. I opened up the door and I can't believe this. This is the worst thing my parents ever did. 



Chapter 4

Mom and dad was standing there in the middle of the room, but that wasn't the bad thing. Along the walls, there were many guys that looked no over 23 years old. All of them were knocked out, yet chained with each other.

"Surprise!" They said as they smiled.

"What the hell mom and dad. This is the worst thing you ever did for my birthday."

"Sweetheart, you need to get married and so this was the only other thing we could think of. You didn't want to marry any vampires that we introduced you to." mom said.

"I told you guys that I don't want to get married and I'm not ready. But instead of listening to me, you decide to ignore me and now you giving me no choice, forcing me to get married. This is not fair."

"I'm sorry, Lucia, but now we don't have any choice either. I had a meeting with the Council and they said that it is time for you to get married. You either find someone to marry or you will be forced to go through arrange marriage. They are giving us a month to figure it out. We have to follow tradition or we will suffer great consequence."

"What kind of consequences?"

"I don't even want to think about it. Just think about us."

"I rather die than to get married."

"Don't be selfish, Lucia. Think about someone but yourself for once. Would you rather go through the arranged marriage?" mom yelled.

"No, I just... Fine. I'll do it.' mom's frown went to a smile. But I was not smiling at all. I can't believe I have to do this, even though I could easily take the consequence. But, I have to think about my parents.

"Thank you, sweetheart." mom said as she hugged me.

"Whatever. I don't get it though, dad. You sre the head of the whole Council and they are telling you what to do."

"It's the rules. I can't do anything about that."

"Yeah, okay.

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