» Juvenile Fiction » Forever Eternal, plebeau [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Forever Eternal, plebeau [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗». Author plebeau

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Chapter 3

"Why did you bring her back Alston. She doesn't belong here and you have put her life and our own in jeapody." I could hear the faint footfalls of whoever the owner of the voice was. Quite strange really but even though I gathered they were talking about me, the feelings of apprehension and nausia didn't make an appearance, instead I felt peaceful. And no, it doesn't make any sense especially when I realised that there was no way in hell I would make it back in time to ensure I don't recieve a beating. But this situation was a welcomed distraction from my every day life and chores.

"I didn't honestly think you could get more stupid but you've clearly outdone yourself this time." The owner of the same voice let out a small audible sigh that I think I only managed to hear because I wasn't using all five senses. You know what I mean. They always say if you close your eyes and focus on the noise around you, it gets louder right? Well... it always works for me. Not that my eyes are closed through choice. I'm still struggling with actually opening them right now but there is a slight fear that once I am awake, I'll find out exactly what it is these two unidentifiable people want with someone like me.

"I just do not get your thinking sometimes. You obviously got what you wanted as I can smell the blood from here yet you still defy strict orders set by the council to never bring back a feed. I can't imagine they would care to much if you wasn't their bloody leader!" The pacing had stopped as soon as the speaker's voice had risen. To be quite honest, I had been almost fine with the current situation but his voice told me that I wasn't taking part in amature hour and this bloke meant business.

He scared me to the point of wanting to throw up and it wasn't even me his anger was directed at. With my life, anyone could well imagine that my scare threshold is severly heightened, but he didn't just scrape my level he cracked right on through to a level I didn't even think possible. Although right now it wasn't me that was facing his wrath, I can honestly say that I have no feelings of pity and I definitely do not feel sorry for the poor guy named Alston as he has infact stollen me away to god only know's where and apparently, according to the 'council', that was pretty much illegal.

Great. I am, as of however many minutes or hours ago I was taken, an illegally kidnapped victim to a crime I can't even remember due to severe head injury which feels, at this point in time, what I imagine having a hangover feels like.

I managed to use my mystical brain energy to open my eyes slightly and what I saw almost brought me to the brink of cardiac arrest. I knew without opening my eyes that I was laying down, on what I wasn't sure, but my eyes revealed a whole new world to me and I really couldn't help but gasp at the beauty of it.

White marble flooring with a few plush and expensive red rugs were the first thing I noticed from my current position. That right there was enough for my gasp because as you could well imagine, the only marble my hands had ever touched was the little piece handed round in the science lab at school. The very idea that I actually had my whole body laying on it was something short of a miracle and one of the 'To Do's' on my ever growing Wish List. Parrallel to my body, covered in the same white marble as the floor that it almost looked like a water fall, was a set of centered stairs so wide that students could pose with space for the dreaded school photo right in this very room.

I'm pretty pleased I managed to get my gasp out early because focusing my eyes further than the floor and stairs showed me a room fit for the Royal Family. Deep red walls with paintings hanging in golden frames (double the size of me both ways) were on every available wall and where there wasn't paintings there were floor to ceiling windows with red and gold drapes. All this showed beauty that was so rich in colour and grandeur that it was like nothing I had ever witnessed in any building I had ever entered, including the wonderful art galleries in London. That wasn't everything though of course.

I had managed to overlook the two people standing right in front of me. Never ask me how I managed this as I can assure you all that it was probably one of the hardest things I had ever managed to do to this date. Saving the best until last, I peeked first at the clothing worn by such perfectly sculpted, to the very last detail, God's. I know that seems pretty epic but there really wasn't any other word I could find that would explain exactly how wonderful these blokes looked.

I focused first on the bloke furthest away as I didn't quite have his attention yet due to the fact he was still huffing and puffing over their exchange; black, (polished until shining) loafers, dark pinstriped trousers that hung perfectly and a crisp white shirt that seemed just tight enough if you get my drift. Looking further up I managed to find no fault's up there either, instead I saw a strong jaw line, smooth almost baby like skin, tight lips, pointed model worthy nose and a pair of piercing green eyes the purest I had ever seen. Framed quite nicely by styled jet black hair. All in all, this bloke was very appealing to the eye. I was almost sure that I was ready for the next contestant. Sweeping my eyes toward the closest figure my body done the happy dance, figuratively speaking of course.

Gulping none too attractively at what I saw drew the attention of the very man I was eye-raping and the action caught me off guard so instead of making a gradual way to his face, my eyes snapped straight to it and by the way my heart stopped a beat, I think it was safe to say that no one would ever match the standard of guy set before me.

Once again I saw jet black tousle styled hair, gorgoues sea blue eyes (a shade I had never seen before), straight nose leading to light stubble that was framing a full pair of rounded lips. These same lips were etched with a smirk that told me all I needed to know about this one, arrogant jerk. I know that's slightly forward of me but that 'sort of' smile assured me that this man knew just how jaw-droppingly gorgeous he was and I've never liked that type of egotistic attitude in any man.

I know most girls go for the 'bad boy' type but I was more into the quiet nerdy type that wouldn't give me any trouble or take one look at my mother and want in, if you know what I'm saying. It's so true that heartbreak's a beach (you know what word I mean) and I'd suffered once before, enough to know that love was never worth that. At least I know I had a heart right? Just like every other teen out there I had my first ever love rip my heart out, jump on it, cut it into pieces and then hand it back to me after he had screwed with my mother enough to feed his little fantasy.

I knew right then and there that this guy, however tempting he was, wasn't going to make it anywhere near my date list. Might also have something to do with the fact that he was the one who kidnapped me and whisked me away. No, he would sit quite firmly on my crush list and that is exactly where he would stay for the remainder of the time I knew him. I gathered it would be a short while as no one that defies the law likes to keep their victim's for too long incase they get caught. Which means he will dispose of me. Oh my god... I'm going to die and soon.

That feeling of peace that I was banging on about earlier just took the express train to Scared City and it managed to take me with it. It was a slow build-up when my senses started catching up with my brain waves but the look on my face must have said it all because Mr Blue Eyes truly smiled when he saw the look of fear plastered across my face.

Leaning down so that he was level with my body he wiped the loose hair from my face and brushed his thumb over my trembling lip. "Why hello pretty lady. Nice to see you awake and alert on this fine morning. I trust you slept well."

He snickered ever so slightly but the smile lightened his eyes enough that they appeared to dance. "I know you caught the last of our conversation and have realised that my name is Alston, pleased to meet you." He picked up my hand and shook it slightly and placed it back down across my stomach gently.

Oh... before I forget, just a quik tip. It's never good to ease drop. You might not always like what you hear" He waggled his finger that had only just let go of my hand, toward me.

He paused to take in my appearance and looked straight into my eyes as if he knew everything I was thinking. "Smile please, your dampening my mood." His once beautifully alight face took on quite a menacing look.

I'm happy to report that I obviously did not smile because I really couldn't find anything remotely fun or happy about this situation that I was currently in. He wanted me to go from fear that was barralling through me with ease, to happy go lucky 'smile time' Vallery when all I really knew about the bloke was his name without any clue of where I was. What an idiot. I did however shove a fake smile out with enough gusto to 'please' him because he stood up swifty and walked away from me toward the right wall.

"See that she is fed and watered Fredrick, our guest cannot see us as anything less than the perfect people we are." Then he left right through a door I had never saw before. Weird but I was pretty sure I had roamed the room quite well earlier.

At least I knew the name of the other one, Fredrick. Seemed fitting really because he didn't look like he came from my time, if that makes any sense. He just seemed to carry this wisdom about him that

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