» Juvenile Fiction » Forever Eternal, plebeau [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Forever Eternal, plebeau [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗». Author plebeau

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I thought you could only get with age but he didn't look all that much older than me.

Extending out a hand he said, "Miss Vallery Picket, would you like some help getting up. You took quite a blow to the head and lost quite a lot of blood." Fredrick sighed and shook his head as if he didn't agree with me losing blood through a head injury.

"That would be wonderful actually. Not quite all there at the moment as I'm sure you can understand. I'll just rest awhile if that's okay with you and be on my way. I'm extremely late home and my mum... well she won't... like it." I gratefully took his hand which felt cold to the touch but not too much, just enough to feel a temperature difference, and hauled my aching body up. Who knew hurting your head affected the rest of your body but I'd suffered much worse and this really was nothing.

Wait. He knew my name. "How... how exactly did you know my name because I really can't remember uttering a word and yet you know my full name. Who are you? What are you?" The look of alarm was evident on his face from the start but that last question through him straight into panic mode although if I wasn't so close to his face, I know I wouldn't have caught it. It's almost as if he wasn't expecting it so suddenly but really, being part of the mafia was the only plausable explanation for all the wealth in our area. He must of known I would ask.

"I'm afraid you wont be able to leave anytime soon, I know your name simply because you carry your provisional driver's licence in your coat pocket and I will pretend you never asked that last question for fear of your already 'in the ballance' life Miss. Now did you understand all that because I wont be repeating it." Fredrick all but dragged me from the room and was starting down a long hallway before I really had time to catch-up to speed.

"Dinner is at 3 and you'll be expected to attend. There are suitable clothes in this room and this is where you will be staying for the remainder of your time here at Libatarion Manor."

Timed to perfection, we arrived outside a door that had been pushed open to reveal a master piece. Designed primarily for a woman, the room boasted a Queen sized four poster bed, vanity table with a T.V dressing room mirror, ensuite bathroom, walk-in wardrobe and a flat screen situated directly opposite the bed for comfy viewing.

"I'll leave you to get settled but if you need anything just shout, I'll hear you." He smiled at his own personal joke and then left walking back the way we came and I was left alone facing the room of my dreams.


Hey invisible readers :) Thanks soooo much for paying some interest to my new baby. I know it isn't all that great yet but I promise it'll pick up soon.

Chapter 4

To be completely honest, it really didn't take me all that long to get comfortable in my new room. In a way I'm sure anyone would agree with me on this one. I mean, this right here is my dream room and that's all I ever thought it would be. To actually be standing right here inside a room that's so utterly perfect it leaves me speachless, is one hell of a tic on my Wish List. That's twice in one day now that I've managed to complete things on my list that I didn't ever even expect to cross one thing off.

A girl like me didn't really have much hope of living a full life let alone experiencing things that are well beyond any boundries God set for me. I came to terms with my life very early on and exactly what I could ever expect to achieve. It wasn't really a long list with many positives. Trust me, I know that right now it's hard to understand why I wouldn't be freaking out about why I'm here. Don't worry, it hasn't left my mind yet but I figure, if I'm going to die, at least take some comfort in the fact that I'm fulfilling life long dreams in the process.

I know it's a short life filled to the brim with many things I should never have experienced but maybe they all lead up to this point. It may be that all I ever went through; the hurt, pain, feeling completely unloved and certainly uncared for meant I would cherish more the best things in my life. Even if it turned out to be at the end of it.

I have no doubt whatsoever that I will be killed off and shoved in a shallow grave somewhere, abandoned without a headstone to mark my burial. But before my poorly timed death I will get to sleep on a real bed, eat until I want to puke and dress in beautiful clothing that will make me feel pretty for once in my miserable life.

I've never felt pretty before. Not once. Not even when I was with the boy that broke my heart because altough I loved him and told him how handsome he was, he never once told me one nice thing about me. He always managed to dodge my questions or sometimes not even answer at all. Somehow told my mother how gorgeous and perfect she looked all the bloody time with no problems at all though. Funny that isn't it.

Feeling pretty and wanted was something I strived for my whole life with my mother and I got it all just by being kidnapped. You might not understand the whole 'wanted' part but you see, I was, wanted that is. I was expected to arrive promptly at 3 for tea and that was only because they wanted me there. I hope now it's easy to see where I'm going with this because I can't stop the feeling of happiness appearing suddenly to guide me along and truthfully, I don't want to have to squash it down.

I had already decided what to wear after trying on absolutely everything that was inside that walk-in wardrobe and let me tell you, it was the most beautiful dress my eyes had ever seen. Even when I had managed to sneak a peak at mum's celebrity magazines that always seemed to have glamorous starlet's at V.I.P partys on the front cover, I had never seen them wearing a dress quite like this one.

Having normal straight brown hair, dirty green/blue eyes and an almost translucent complexion, I didn't have many colours to play with but this dress seemed to be made especially for me. It was pale blue (almost grey really), bodice styled with a tiny band round the middle in a whispy material that carried on to the knee with a small flare that completmented my body perfectly. After pulling my hair up in pins with a few pieces left down to frame my face and light make-up, I looked more like I was going to a film premiere than dinner with the Godfather.

I hope he wasn't planning on bonking me off right after we've eaten because I don't think my death would be worth ruining this dress. I can't imagine being worth half this dress on the black market and I didn't want to take my chances.

I heard a light tap on the door. "Vallery. It's Fredrick. I realised you didn't know your way around so I thought I would come and pick you up." Of course I didn't know my way around but I didn't want to be rude and second his comment so I hastily shoved my feet into some white heels I found that went with my bangles aon my wrist nd hobbled over to the door. Don't laugh. I'd never worn heels before in my life. Well, if you didn't count the couple of minutes I got when mum was getting busy downstairs and I was sent to clean her room. Apart from that, I was a heel virgin and judging by how long and how much concentration it took for me to get to the door.... tonight was going to be long.

I pulled the door open after I'd steadied myself and squaked out a quick, "Hello. Thanks for coming to get me. I'm ready now," and then we were off down hallways, hidden passages (because it was a 'quicker route' as Fred had explained) and only stopped a couple of times when I lost my footing. If I'm being honest with myself, it was only a couple because I was holding onto Fred like an overboard shipmate to a float but he was kind enough to stiffle his laughter and we made it to the dinning room with time to spare much to my surprise.

Taking a quick peek round I couldn't really find anoyone that looked like they were mixed up in the wrong crowds at all. For one, none of them were wearing black suits and dark glasses and two, they were all smiling and talking like free speaking happy people. This is not the image painted by any of the films I've watched or books I've read at the Library. It's too... normal. But it isn't at all because they are all so exceptionally beautiful they look fake. Maybe mob bosses surround themselves with these characters to blend in. Gotta tell ya, not doing a good job because these people make you stare in envy but want to look away all at the same time.

It's almost like they give off positive and negative energy equally and they're both battling to win. You either look or can't but it's incredibly hard to look away even if you want to coware in fear all at the same time. I can understand why Alston wanted these people. Come to think of it, he looked just like them although I can honestly say I don't remember feeling what I'm feeling now, I just felt normal. Like you would feel around any person. Save from the fear coursing through my entire body at the time. It could be that the fear took over everthing even if I wasn't completely terrified of him.

Whilst I was thinking my brain only half picked up on everyone stopping to stare at me. I'd looked at them, it was only right for them to see who it was that had invaded their home but they

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