» Juvenile Fiction » Forever Eternal, plebeau [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗

Book online «Forever Eternal, plebeau [best books to read non fiction txt] 📗». Author plebeau

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Chapter 7

One of the worst feelings in the world, waking up from a full stage blackout. But with closed eyes, I could already see the bright light in front of me, surrounding me completely. What's worse is the groggy feeling that was leaving me wishing I hadn't woken up at all, even if my body felt stiff enough to have been laying still for days.

Suppose I should open my eyes at some point.

Lifting my lids carefully, dislodging any sleep that had caked itself to me like glue, I peered through the mist to a light bright enough to awaken a blind man and one which I only thought I would see when heaven beckoned me forwards. I tried to focus past the blinding light but I didn't have to for long as a shadow blocked it from my view.

"Jenefer, Get Fredrick. She's waking up and I think she wouldn't like it much if I stuck around at such an awkward time." The shadow disappeared from view after a quick snap of fingers and my eyes forced shut from the burning intensity of the beam of light.

I faintly heard a chair being scraped backwards to my left, the brush of a hand through my fallen hair and the delicate feel of lips being pressed gently to my forehead. Ever so quick and soon the soft sounds of footfall made their way towards a door which sounded like it opened and closed across the room from where I was laying but just out of my visible line.

Well that was weird. Two people were here, in this room, but one disappeared without any kind of movement and all I could hear however much I strained my ears, was a snap of fingers. The other who I'm guessing was male had soft, cool, lips and hands just the same and was also in this room, sitting with me and it wasn't Fredrick. Who the hell were they?

And what is that awful clinical smell?

I lifted my good hand toward my face and brushed away the crumbling sleep with the smallest of energy left in my system. Great, a bloody medical room, I must have really outdone myself this time. Gently squeezing the bridge of my nose to calm myself and in hope that the events leading up to being here would miraculously jump to the forefront of my mind, I tried to piece together the fragments of memory coming back to me. The last I can remember was bashing my hand full pelt at Fred and flying through the air at an incredible pace.

Trouble being, I don't know exactly how long that minor accident occured but I must have been well out of it while they bandaged my knuckles because I could feel the cast wrapped around my arm immobilising it from movement. Probably didn't do that without sedating me incase I woke up which leaves me hours out of the current time zone.

I huffed realising I wasn't going to get any closer to finding out how late it was and the searing agony running through my arm made me want to yelp out in pain. Mhmmm... amazing, spend hours laying flat and resting and in fact feel more like I've just thrown my body into a blender. I focused on breathing through the pain, 1, 2, 3, in... 1, 2, 3 and out... in... and out.

I distantly heard the door being softly opened and closed, not like before, and the sudden dip in my bed and smell of expensive cologne told me that my best friend had come to my rescue once again.

God, I'm such a frail human.

Carefully lifting my hand from it's position and clasping it between two cold hands, I heard a voice that had come to be my most favourite sound, "Hey Vallery, I don't know if you can hear me but I just want you to know I'm here."

Although I could hear fine, my mind had also been spoken to through our special connection, 'I'm so genuinly sorry my beautiful human friend. I never meant for you to come to any harm, is there anything I can do.'

I don't know why we had the connection we had and how it came about but at this point in time I was greatful because in all honesty, my throat was raspy as hell and I didn't want to have to speak until I had at least had something to drink, 'It's fine Freddy, I'm okay. Honestly. You done nothing wrong, it was all me. I should have known it was stupid to hit a rock-hard vampire, so don't blame yourself, please. And yes there is something very important you can do for me, if you want?'

I knew he would blame himself forever and constantly be cautious around me and I didn't want that. It's not that I minded what he was, even if I got over it quickly, but I didn't want the constant reminder and being treated differently then before. I wanted him to trust me like I was learning to trust him.

'Anything Val. What is it?'

The urgency I felt from that last sentence made me want to burst into uncontrollable laughter, but that was why I was here in the first place and besides... In my current state, breathing was hard.

'Calm down man. I just wanted a glass of water.'

That heartbreaking smile of his erupted across his perfect face and I knew there and then that I had found my true friend, someone with a humour that mirrored my own to perfection. I honestly don't think I could ever feel as close to someone as I did right now. I know it's hard to understand where all this mushy heart felt stuff came from but for someone that spent her whole life being bullied when she actually went to school, abused at home and without a real friend, this was everything to me.

I didn't need love or anyone else but him, Fredrick, my antique best friend and I especially did not need anyone like Alston. Someone who thinks my life is just a game, someone who doesn't make me feel special. The only feelings I ever managed to get from that centuries old boy was being caged, kidnapped away to become a lab rat or something that was amusing to watch struggle through life. Fredrick made me feel wanted in a place where I was a complete outsider.

Holding a fresh glass of water out to me, I greatfully took it and gulped it down almost in one. Looking back into those familiar eyes, I didn't need to use my actual voice because he knew everything I was thinking through our special connection, 'thank you'.

And that was that. Simple enough but conveyed everything. Thank you for the water, thank you for being my first ever best friend and my saviour, thank you for being you. I don't think he realises how much he is worth to me, the world and more would be an accurate enough guess, but right now everything was perfect.

You know, apart from the fact that I have been lying in the same place for what feels like days and that this place just so happened to be the brightest medical centre I have ever seen.

Can't understand why my presence is needed in this room, it's deeply depressing on it's own. I mean, yeah it looks all brand new and state of the art modern but c'mon, I'm amongst vampire's. That word says it all, why would they need this. No. This place is obviously meant for me, the troublesome human that manages to blackout at the most random times and breaks anything on her body without much pressure at all.

And while I'm coming to these great conclusions, who the hell was here with me before if it wasn't Fredrick? That right there is scary enough because I don't know anyone enough for them to feel like sitting with me whilst my body is recuperating from a stupid accident. There isn't anyone I know really apart from Fred who is already eliminated from the line up of him and.... Alston.

Although why that no good, pompous jerk of a King would want to sit with me whilst i'm not even awake beats me. I'm not interesting at all or worth any of his time.

But that little niggling feeling at the back of my mind is telling me that there must be something that draws him in, otherwise, why didn't he just kill me already or at least leave me behind after he had fed. Ewwwwhhh.... such a horrible thought.

Asking him would be pointless. He would never admit his reasoning and make me out to be some stupid little human that is wasting his time. But there is someone who could quite possibly know the answers and this person is sitting right in front of me with a face that looks as if he knows exactly what I'm going to ask him.

Could be down to the fact that I can feel him fishing about inside my brain I suppose. His little sparkle of energy or as I like to think about it, his bright light, was proding around my brain during my internal ramblings and although he never said anything, I could feel his body responding to the direction I was leading toward.

'What, about me, could possibly entertain Alston, the King of Libatarion Manor, to find me worthy enough of his precious time when he has not, at all, expressed any particular friendly feelings towards me?'

Save from tearing me away from my dark corner at the party and pushing me, ever so bluntly, into the spotlight I was trying ever so hard to evade. If anything, he has seemed so far, more likely to be edging towards trying to pee me off without doing so at the same time. God, he is such a creep. Reminds me of, ohhh I dunno, every teenage boy I have ever met.

Feeling me pushing hard on hysteria and anger, Fred responded with an answer that chilled me to the bone, 'I believe our good King is falling in love with you, even if neither of you can see it yet.'

The shock on my face must have been evident because this cool and calm sentence was followed with a rush of words that utterly left me stumped.

'It is too early to tell of course, You've known each other for two days now. It's ridiculous and hardly understandable but you must realise that Alston is the King and was the heir to the throne his whole life, and never once in that time has he encountered any woman, vampire or human, that hasn't looked at him twice and the first time with a look of disgust, such as you have. He simply cannot comprehend why you do not want him the way he wants you. Not just as a meal ticket but as something more, otherwise, as you have said, why wouldn't he have left you for dead back

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