» Juvenile Fiction » Famous Last Words, Leanne Yerdon [books to read to increase intelligence .TXT] 📗

Book online «Famous Last Words, Leanne Yerdon [books to read to increase intelligence .TXT] 📗». Author Leanne Yerdon

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lip cracking my fingers at my sides.

“I’m done taking people’s shit. I never did anything to her I have enough going on. I didn’t mean to be rude but still.” I said and the bell rang. I opened the door quickly and stepped out onto the tiled floors of the school hallway. I kept my head on the floor as my friends came to my sides. Meghan and the others walking ahead of us. I tilted my head to the side and focused on my feet patting against the floor. I didn’t care to think about anything right now. I then saw Bryce and Mason. Mason smiled wide as he saw me and ran to me and hugged me. My friends standing to the side dumbfounded at the encounter. I couldn’t help but giggle and hug him back. I waited for him to let go but he didn’t.

“Mason you can let go now.” I said laughing. He chuckled and picked me up in the air. I squeled.

“Is she smiling?” He asked my friends. They smirked and nodded. I then was put gently back down onto the hallway floor. I sighed, looking down trying to hide the smile that creeped over my lips.

“She smiled!” I heard Mason cheer. I rolled my eyes and turned and walked down the hallway. Leaving my friends behind, but I heard the scoffs of there feet. Oh no.. I thought.

“Well..He certainly has a distinct care to make you smile huh?” I heard Mallory sneer at Ally’s remark and facial expression. Most likely being that her eyebrows were wagging. I chuckled. I then saw Zach and his friends. I looked at him and smiled which he returned then turned back and looked at his friend Macy. I rolled my eyes. She had him under her thumb. Everything he did was controlled by her practically. She didn’t like me and I hated her so it didn’t go to well ecspecially when she was using all her might to break us up. I sighed. I then stopped in the middle of the hallway.

“I’m not going to Biology.” I said. I really was never the one to skip classes or do anything bad for that matter but teachers expected it due to my wardrobe. I wore skinnies and bandshirts. I didn’t know that made a flashing light saying crackhead. Which I wasn’t and never thought of being one. I honestly didn’t see the point. I turned and went down the stairs towards the glass doors that led out to the playground. Ally and Mallory stared after me.

“Your joking right?” They asked from behind me. I laid my hand on the metal lever to open the door. I looked up the flight of stairs at them. I wasn’t joking, I was far from it. I turned and looked outside the glass doors. We were in chairs sitting from 8 to 3. That’s not healthy. I thought smirking as I was actually reasoning through my decision.

“I’m not.” I said and pushed through the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk I felt a little more bad ass. I chuckled at my thoughts. I never did anything bad and it kinda felt good that I was. I looked over at the playground and walked over to the swings. I hadn’t been on a swing in years. I ran my fingers down the chain that hooked it to the metal top. I then sat down on it and grabbed my iPod from my black bag. I plugged my headphones in and then put them in my ears and started to pump my legs to get moving. I smiled as the air went against my face.

“Never give in, Never Back Down, Never Give in, Never Back down, When your life feels lost, Fight against all odds, Never Give in, Never Back down.” I sang along with my iPod. I kept swinging. The bad thoughts actually washing away.

“No wonder little people aren’t depressed they have fun things to do to make it all better.” I said aloud. I laughed at my statement. I then noticed the gym class that was starting. A baseball/softball field was next to the playground. Which the swings were directed right in front of. How convinient. I said in my head. My eyes then widened in horror. It was Bryces and Mason’s gym class...

“Shit.” I mumbled under my breath and grabbed my bag and started tiptoeing past the playground and field. I pulled a headphone out so I could focus on my steps.

“Casey?” I heard behind me. My eyes widened and I started to run as fast as I could. I heard fast steps behind me. I ran faster for the glass door. I smiled as I met them and tried the handled. I groaned as the door wouldn’t open. I tried it again and again. Locked.

“GOD DAMMIT!” I yelled. I couldn’t catch a break. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I sighed.

“Hey there sexy.” I rolled my eyes at my brothers voice. I’m so screwed. I thought.

“Hey I called her first.” I heard from Mason I was guessing. I sighed. I put my arms up.

“Pick me up. Its coming up I know it. Just do it all ready.” I said. Both of them chuckled. Bryce took my bag and Mason picked me up over his shoulder. I put my hand on my left side pocket, holding my iPod in place. A hand then smacked my butt.

“Nice ass.” I heard from Mason. My jaw dropped. I hit my fist against his back. I heard him and Bryce giggle.

“I’m only messing with you Casey.” He said. I then eyed the smile on Bryce’s face.

“Or am I?..No I’m not..Yes I am I was jus kidding.” Mason joked. I rolled my eyes. I then groaned as we walked passed all the guys in there gym class. All of them laughing and smirking at me in there black or red shorts and t-shirts.

“Hey coach could Casey join our gym class?” Bryce asked. I rolled my eyes. The coach or gym teacher either or loved my brother. He’s like the son he never had and me being Bryces little sister I was the package that came along to. The coach was my dad to. Since our dad was so crappy anyway. The coach walked around Mason and to me. He looked up at me. He smirked.

“Why is my girl not in class?” He asked. I sighed, pouting a little.

“I wanted to join..your gym class..?” I said smiling. I was hoping he’d just let me stay and just sit on the sidelines. I then saw the smirk rise across his lips. I smiled sheepishly back. He chuckled.

“Let her down Mason. She’ll be the first one up.” He said. My jaw dropped. Once my converse hit the gravel of the diamond I launched forward to coach.

“Please no you know I can’t play softball let alone baseball. Which I really don’t see the difference in the two.” I rambled, I then shook my head coming back to the point I was trying to get across.

“You know I can’t.” I pleaded. My brother and Mason came to my sides, laying there arms on my shoulders. The sun shining right in my eyes.

“Don’t lie Casey get up to bat you probably better then half the guys in this class. Now go on.” I groaned and turned. One of the guys throwing a bat to me as half of them walked out to the outfield. Bryce dropped my bag and laid it against the metal cage like thing behind us. Mason patted my shoulder.
“We’ll be laughing with you remember that.” I glared. Mason was a dick to me at times but its whatever. I heard Bryce chuckle as he held the ball in his hands as he stood on the pitchers mound.

“Dude she may surprise you.” He mumbled. I held the bat in my hands, holding my elbow up. Keeping my eyes forward. Bryce looked at me and grinned. I already knew what he was thinking and I intended to follow his instructions. Bryce then pitched the ball. I nodded at Bryce and stepped back as it passed by my body.

“As you were saying?” Mason sneered, throwing the ball back to Bryce. Bryce shrugged and held the ball,rolling it in his hands and looked at me and winked as he smiled. I sighed, acting like the hopeless little girl all these guys thought I was.

“I wasn’t ready. Now I am now pitch the damn ball.” I said acting angry and little. Mason laughed along with the others. Bryce then pitched the ball. I kept my eyes on it then swung, putting all my strength in it. I heard the ping against the bat and dropped it and ran. I watched as the ball went far all the guys just watching it with surprise as it kept going. I ran faster passing second base, when they finally came to and ran back to get the ball. I ran across third. I heard the ball hitting the mitt of a boy close boy. I ran as hard and fast as I could.

“Get her dumb ass!” I heard a guy scream. A boy standing on home plate his mitt out. I then slid into home a second before the ball hit his mitt.

“Safe!” I heard coach say from the sideline.

“What the fuck coach she’s out!” A guy from the outfield yelled. Coach chuckled.

“Percy calm yourself and get over loosing to a girl, but to make you happy. Jackson was she home before you got the ball?” I laid on the base and looked up at Jackson. If you lie I’ll kill you. I said in my head. He put his hand out and helped me up.

“She was safe.” He mumbled I grinned and dusted off my jeans and walked up to Mason, looking up to him.

“As you were saying?” I asked and walked to the back of the line. Mason rolled his eyes. By the end of the game it was my team that was winning due to me and Mason getting home. I heard the bell ring. I grabbed my stuff and ran up to the front doors where the boys were going. I smiled as they were unlocked and made a mad dash up to my locker. I breathed heavy and put my bag in my locker. I heard Zach’s scuffs walking up behind me. I shut my locker and controlled my breathing before turning. I looked at him and smiled. His black hair covering his eyes.

“Hey.” I said, unable to say anything else. Knowing I’d say something stupid.He smiled back, his dimples now visible.I couldn’t help but blush.

“Heyy.” He said playfully. I started walking,sliding my hand down his arm to his hand. My fingers intwining with his. We walked down the hallway towards the stairs. He held me tight to his side.

“I heard this little missy skipped class today.” He said. I laughed, the heat rising back up to my cheeks as we descended each step. I then was pushed into Zach as his friend skipped down the stairs.

“She’s fake.” Is what I heard leave his mouth. I shrugged it off. He wouldn’t.. I thought.

“No.” Zach said. His friend chuckled and looked up at him from the bottom of the stairs.

“Yes.” Then walked away. I cocked an eyebrow and looked
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