» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [best ebook reader for chromebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [best ebook reader for chromebook .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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no one's home?" Kim asked, peeking through the window beside the door.

"Well, Mister Mitchell's probably at work," Jason said, "and Stephanie's probably still at school."

"That's right!" Kim said, shaking her head, "I forgot junior high usually gets out about a week after high school."

"Right," Jason confirmed, "but Billy should be home."

"Could he be out with the other Zeo Rangers?"

"I don't think so," Jason said, "If I know Billy, he's probably working in his lab, trying to keep his mind off of Cestria."

"Yeah, that does sound like our Billy," Kim affirmed, "So, how do we get in?"

Jason smiled, an idea coming to him. "Billy leaves a key to the back door behind the flower pot in the window! Remember?"

"Yes," Kim recalled, "and the back door leads directly into the garage. Perfect!"

Kimberly and Jason circled around the house and retrieved the hidden key. Jason pushed the door open, and the pair entered the dark room. Sunlight from outside managed to brighten the pitch blackness somewhat, allowing them to see the majority of the garage.

"There's a light switch by the sink," Kim recalled aloud, making her way to the sink. She flipped the light, and she and Jason gasped at the sight.

"It doesn't look like anyone's been here for months!" Jason said, running his finger over the cluttered lab table. A film of dust coated his finger.

"Billy certainly hasn't been here since he came home," Kim said, shaking her head, "Then, where is he?"

For once, Jason didn't have an answer. The Billy he remembered would spend all day in his lab, and he was sure Billy would be fixing up the lab after its period of disuse. Billy always kept his lab clean, because he couldn't stand a filthy work area. It disturbed Jason to think that his close friend could have changed so much, in seemingly so little time.

"He must be inside the house itself," Kim said, opening the door leading to the Mitchell's kitchen, "I mean, where else could he be?"

"Do you know where the Zeos are? He may have tagged along," Jason said, shrugging. Although he doubted Billy was out with the current team, he couldn't deny the possibility.

"I... I haven't spoken to any of the Zeos ever since they returned from Aquitar," Kim said guiltily, "I guess there's no excuse for that."

Jason shrugged again, and the pair entered the kitchen. All the lights were turned off, giving the impression that no one was home.

"Let's try the Juice Bar," Jason said quietly, "It doesn't look like he's here."

"Wait," said Kim, grabbing Jason's arm to prevent him from leaving, "He is


"How can you tell?" Jason asked, glancing down at Kim. He was surprised to see her eyes spark with blue energy.

"I... I don't know why, but I can feel the presence of the Wolf spirit. Its here, in this house. That must mean Billy's here."

"But, Billy's no longer the Blue Ninjetti."

"I know, but the Great Power can never completely separate from a Ninjetti," Kim said, ascending the stairs, "Billy's in pain, and so the Wolf spirit is watching over him. That's why I can sense it."

Jason remained silent, slightly disturbed by the blue light emanating from Kim's eyes. He knew she had changed much since their years as Power Rangers, but he found it discomforting when he saw her use her powers so nonchalantly. It was hard to believe this girl was the same one he grew up with.

"Billy?" Kimberly called, gently knocking on the bedroom door, "Are you awake?"

Kim waited, but didn't hear anything. She frowned.

"Billy, I know you're in there," she pressed, "Please, let us in."

"Yeah," Jason added, "We really need to talk to you."

Kim and Jason waited a few moments longer, and the door slowly opened. Kim's eyes widened when she saw her friend, leaning against the door he just opened as if he didn't have the strength to stand on his own. His usually bright blue eyes were dull and dreary, like a cloudly lake.

"What do you want?" Billy asked, rather rudely. Kim and Jason were taken aback.

"We... we wanted to see you," Jason said, "I mean, I didn't even know you came back."

"I haven't been out much," Billy said curtly, "and please don't take offense, but I'd really prefer my solitude. If you'd excuse me--"

"No we won't," Kim said, sticking her foot in the door to prevent Billy from shutting them out, "Billy, now's definitely not the time for you to be alone. Its not healthy."

"I beg to differ. I'm alone in spirit, so I might as well be alone physically."

Jason blinked. It almost sounded like Billy was being philosophical, rather than rational. "Billy, we haven't seen you in months. We thought we should get reacquainted is all. We grew up together! We've always turned to each other when the chips were down. Don't shut us out now."

Billy frowned. "When the chips were down? Look Jason, its not like I just lost some Science Fair, and I need some cheering up. I just want to be alone. Can you not understand that?"

Kimberly raised an eyebrow. She found it hard to believe Billy was nearly yelling at them. "Billy, you know you can never be truly alone. Not in spirit. You are Ninjetti, and the Wolf is with you."

"Kim, I really don't feel like talking about this," Billy sighed, "And I'm not Ninjetti. I lost the Power Coin months ago, and you know that."

"You're not the Blue Ranger anymore," Kim affirmed, "but the Ninjetti power is different. Trust me on this. The Wolf is with you, and it knows you're in pain. Its strengthening you, but you just don't realize it."

Billy frowned, obviously unconvinced.

"Billy, I feel the Wolf's presence," Kim said, gently pushing Billy away from the entrance, allowing her and Jason to come into Billy's darkened bedroom. "That's now I knew you were here. The Wolf is with you, right here, right now. If you look inside yourself, you'd see that you aren't alone."

Billy slowly walked to the bed, and sat down heavily. "The Wolf can't replace Cestria," he muttered suddenly, "Nothing can."

"I can't say I understand what you're going through," Jason said, sitting beside Billy, "but I can tell you that no one is trying to replace Cestria, and we're not trying to make you forget her. We just want you to realize that your life isn't over. You can be happy again, and Cestria would want that for you."

Billy kept his focus on the rug beneath his feet. "I... I don't think I can."

"Yes you can," Kim said, standing at the window. She pulled up the shade, allowing the summer sun to pour unrestrained into Billy's bedroom. "Billy, healing is gonna be a tough process, and the first thing you need is a change of scenery. By locking yourself in your dark bedroom, you're cutting yourself away from everything and everyone that could help you appreciate life! So, we're taking you on vacation."

Billy looked up sharply. "Excuse me?"

"Kim and I decided we should have a reunion," Jason said, "Just the five of us-- the group of friends that stuck together like glue throughout high school, and even earlier. We let ourselves split apart, and now look at us! We don't even keep in touch."

"You know you miss Zack and Trini," Kim said, "What would be better than a weekend in Geneva? We'll go skiing, shopping, and just have fun with some old friends. We all need the break from our lives, you most of all."

"I can't," Billy said, "What if the rangers need the Silver Ranger? The Swiss Alps would surely interfere with communications."

"Billy, the rangers have been doing fine without the Silver Ranger," Jason pointed out, "and when was the last time Zedd and Rita attacked anyway?"

"But, how do we get to Switzerland? I can't afford a plane ticket, especially last minute."

Kim grinned. "If I can teleport from here to Paris, I can teleport to Geneva. That's the power of the Ninjetti. But once we're there, I've sworn off using all these abilities. I'm just gonna be Kim Hart, typical California girl."

"And you'll be Billy Mitchell, typical California guy," Jason said, "You're leaving all this stuff about the Power Rangers and Aquitar behind you, okay?"

Billy remained silent for a few moments, thinking over the proposition. "Well... I can't come up with any more reasons to the contrary, so... I'll go."

Kim smiled, and hugged Billy tightly. "You won't regret it!"

"How long will we be gone?" Billy asked.

"I got off until Tuesday, so we can spend three days," Jason said.

"And, did anyone contact Trini and Zack?" Billy asked, "To make sure they are even in the complex?"

"We're gonna surprise them," Kim said.

"Yeah," said Jason, "Now that they're done with their high school classes, they should be at a low point as far as the amount of work goes. But they don't start travelling again until mid July. At least, that was the schedule before I left in May."

"Sounds good," Billy said, a tiny smile creeping onto his lips, "So, when do we leave?"

"Pack up your bags," Kim said, "We're leaving tonight, so we can arrive at Switerland in the morning. Remember the time difference!"

"I'll be ready," Billy said, rising to his feet, "So, what're you guys doing now?"

"I've gotta pack, and tell my parent's I'm going away for the weekend," Jason said, "They won't mind, since I'm going back to Geneva."

"I really don't have anywhere to go..." Kim said, and expectant look on her face. Billy got the hint.

"Maybe you can keep me company?"

"Deal," she said, as she and Jason walked out the bedroom door, "I'll make you some lunch, Billy. You look like you haven't eaten in days."

Billy shrugged, and watched his friends leave his room. He moved to follow them, but a soft howling startled him. He turned around, but he didn't see anything. A smile crossed his lips, as the gentle howling comforted him, insuring him that he would never be alone.

Chapter Five

Trini Kwan lay asleep in her comfortable bed, her arms wrapped loosely around Ticklesneezer. Despite being eighteen years old, Trini still received comfort from her stuffed toy. It was a piece of her childhood, that she managed to carry along with her throughout her years, through all the changes in her life. Being in high school, being a Power Ranger, being an American delegate to an international peace conference. They are all stages in her life, just like the stages that transform a caterpillar into a

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