» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [best ebook reader for chromebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [best ebook reader for chromebook .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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when he saw Kimberly and Billy seated at the table, drinking mugs of steaming coffee.

"Holy --!!" Zack exclaimed.


Billy and Kimberly shouted together, both rising from their seats. They both were practically tackled to the ground by Zack, who greeted them both with a powerful hug. Tears glinted in his deep brown eyes.

"I just don't believe it!" Zack said, letting Kim and Billy down, "I haven't seen you guys in years!!"

"I know," Kim said, her smile never leaving her face, "We decided we never should have let that happen."

"You're right," Trini said, re-entering the kitchenette in the apartment, "we never should have lost touch. No matter how busy we let ourselves get, or how many emergencies you guys had to deal with."

"So, let's say we start catching up again?" Jason said, grinning widely, "Over breakfast?"

"That's a fabulous idea!" Zack commented, his eyes lighting up. Kimberly giggled.

"Zack sure hasn't changed much!"

The rest of the team fell into a fit of excited laughter. It felt good to be together again.

Chapter Seven

"So, let me get this straight," Zack said, stirring a packet of sugar into his java, "Kimberly's great-great-great-great grandmother, or something, was the Queen of the planet Venus, and leader of the Venusians. They are a race of warrior women, who came to Earth when their planet was destroyed. And the Queen was overthrown by an evil Queen, who tried to kill her entire legacy, including Kim. And then Kim struck back, discovering she has magical powers, and beat this evil Queen one-on-one. Now, Kimberly is the Queen? And they live on Venus Island, as in that weird teleporting island Lord Zedd sent that little girl Hallie?"

"Uh, yeah," Kim said, nodding her head, "that's the gist of it."

Trini blinked, and stared at her longtime friend in disbelief. "You're part alien, and you never even knew it?!"

Kim shrugged. "Well, I'm only a small fraction alien. Mostly, I'm human."

"But you still have these weird powers," Zack said in a low tone, wary of possible eavesdroppers, "You can teleport, turn yourself into an animal, and cast other spells?"

"It's not really as impressive as it sounds," Kim asserted, "I'm not one of the sorceresses. They can cast heavy-duty magic. I'm a Ninjetti."

"The Ninjetti powers were given to the Power Rangers after the villain Ivan Ooze destroyed the Dino-Power," Billy explained, "Zordon sent us to Phaedos, where the Ninjetti priestess Dulcea introduced the six of us to our animal guides. Kim's the Crane, and I was the Wolf--"

"No," Kim corrected, gazing at her friend, "You are the Wolf."

"Fine," he conceded, "so, because Kim was exposed to the Great Power, which is the source of the Ninjetti power, so early, she has the magical and physical potential of any full-blooded Venusian."

"And that means what, exactly?" Zack inquired, turning from Billy to Kimberly.

"Basic magical powers, agility, super-strength-- but not moving trucks or anything-- and longevity."

"So you're immortal?" Trini asked, her eyebrow raising.

"Well, I'm ageless," Kim answered, "Once I reach the peak of my physical maturity, I don't go downhill. Therefore, I won't die of old age. But I can still be killed. Venusians are particularly susceptible to fire and heat attacks. Nearly everything else we can recover from. But again, since I'm not fully Venusian, I'm more vulnerable than most."

"That's... unbelievable!" Trini sighed, leaning back in her chair, "Our Kim, the monarch of an entire nation!"

Zack shook his head, taking a long sip of his coffee, "Well, I must admit, I wasn't expecting to hear that. It sounds like something from a comic book... no offense."

Kimberly suppressed a laugh. "None taken."

Zack then glanced at Billy, who was gazing out the window of the small café, "So Billy, anything amazing happen to you? Did you discover that you were destined to rule some alien planet?"

Kim grinned mischievously. "Well, not the ruler, but he was destined to become the mighty Silver Ranger of Aquitar."

At that, Zack nearly choked on his coffee. He had meant the comment as a joke. "You're kidding, right?"

"Billy?" Trini said in disbelief, "On another planet?"

"Affirmative," Billy answered, "You see, I lived on Aquitar, an oceanic planet of incredible scientific knowledge, for a few months. While I was there, a tyrant rogue-Venusian Divatox attacked, nearly destroying the whole planet's life in the same way she demolished Venus millennia ago. I was sent on a mission to recover the Silver Ranger powers, and I discovered that it was my destiny to become that ranger. The Sword of Tympanus is the key to that power, and it's my property. It goes where I go, even though I've left Aquitar for good."

"Why did you go to Aquitar in the first place?" Trini questioned, "I thought you hated water."

A shadow seemed to cross Billy's bright blue eyes. Trini was startled by this, and looked to Jason and Kimberly for an explanation. She was amazed by how much Billy had changed over time. He actually moved to an alien planet, leaving everything he ever knew behind. And the planet was aquatic, no less! Trini found it so bizarre that she felt she needed an explanation.

Billy took a deep breath to compose himself. "Sorry about that," he said quietly, "but the wound's still fresh."

Zack blinked. "What wound?"

Kimberly looked at Billy. His expression demonstrated how difficult it was for him to put into words what had happened to him. Gently, Kim reached out, and lay her hand on his to comfort him. She then turned to Zack and Trini, whose curiosity was clearly driving them crazy.

"Um... Billy was injured several months ago," she explained, "and the only cure was found on Aquitar. He already said that Aquitar is terrifically advanced in medical science. While he was being treated, he fell in love with the physician in charge of his care..."

Trini winced visibly when she heard that. Billy didn't notice, for his eyes were fixated on his bowl of cereal, which he hadn't touched since the topic of Aquitar was broached. Zack was too busy gawking at Kim's story to notice the former Yellow Ranger's reaction. Jason was worried about Billy's reaction to hearing the tale told, so his focus was on the Silver Ranger.

Only Kimberly noticed Trini's reaction. It didn't surprise her too much.

"...Billy decided to stay on Aquitar, even after he recovered," Kim continued, "He was there for a few months, and he was even engaged to Cestria. However, when Divatox attacked about a week ago... Cestria was killed."

"Oh no," Zack whispered, blinking in disbelief, "I'm so sorry, Man. I shoulda been there for ya..."

Billy shrugged, trying to hide the pain he was feeling. "It's not your fault Zack. Bad things just... happen."

Trini gazed at Billy, blinking back tears. She didn't know how to react; what to do or what to say. She wouldn't have been more surprised if a comet had landed in the café. Still, she determined from Billy's constant engagement with the bowl of cereal that he was feeling guilty about what happened.

"Billy," she said gently, gaining his attention. When her chocolate eyes met his blue-green ones, she almost shivered at the emptiness she saw, "you realize that it's not your fault either, right?"

Billy almost scoffed at Trini's attempt to comfort him. "You weren't there, Trini," he muttered.

Trini was hurt by his harsh tone. He was never harsh to her, in all the years they'd known each other. He couldn't be harsh. He was gentle and sweet. Had he changed that much?

Rather than get into an argument and aggravate the already emotional Silver Ranger further, Trini fell into silence. She turned away from Billy, absently nibbling on her croissant.

The silence reigned over the group for quite a while, creating a barrier between the old friends. After a few moments of this, Zack grew frustrated.

"So," he said loudly, gaining the attention of everyone present, "how long will you guys stay in Geneva?"

"Not too long," Billy answered, "I should return to my Silver Ranger duties anyway..."

"I'm sure even the Silver Ranger gets time off," Jason said, "We're planning on staying until Monday. That is, unless you guys have plans or something."

"No, this weekend's pretty much empty," Trini answered quietly, "Is there anything in particular you would like to do?"

"Why don't we walk around the city?" Jason suggested, looking around the table to see the reactions of his friends, "Kim and Billy have never been here, and they deserve the grand tour."

"Great idea!" Zack affirmed, finishing off his coffee, "I'm sure Kimberly would like to hit the Swiss malls!"

Kimberly giggled. "You know me too well, Zack."

He grinned. "Hey, even the Venusian Monarch has to squeeze in mall-time!"

Chapter Eight

A sigh of contentment passed through Kim's lips as she balanced the weight of her shopping bags between her two arms. The sun was shining brightly, the air was warm, and the people were friendly. Everyone she saw was enjoying the leisures of shopping along that particular strip, littered with clothing and shoe stores, video stores, quaint restaurants, and specialty shoppes. Kimberly was in heaven.

It had been months since she'd been able to simply go shopping. More often than not she was busy dealing with political matters, whether it be restoring Venus Island after a titanic battle, to overseeing the training of the assembled militia, to even honing her own skills. The amounts of studying recommended by Dulcea before her departure was truly rigorous, especially to Kim. Although she was a bright young woman, she wasn't really a quick study.

Also, it felt so good to be with her four friends. Although she had developed sturdy friendships with their replacements, it was never really the same. She had grown up with these four teenagers. They knew her when she was still the slightly air-headed cheerleader back in junior high. For the first time in quite a while, she was allowed to just let her hair down and be herself, without

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