» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [best ebook reader for chromebook .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [best ebook reader for chromebook .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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worrying about how her performance was being judged. That had been the norm as leader of Venus Island, as well as during the Pan-Globals, and even as the Pink Ranger before that.

It was time for the young woman, with so much responsibility weighing on her shoulders, to just be herself. Being Kimberly Hart was something she had to leave behind, for the good of her nation. She was thrilled by the opportunity to turn the clock back five years, to when five close friends spent their days hanging out, never even thinking about alien forces dropping from the sky.

She felt the resurgence of a perky, absent-minded teenager in the core of her being.
Chapter Nine

Despite the fact that he typically loathed shopping, Jason was having the time of his life. He felt invigorated and refreshed now that he was back with Zack and Trini, along with Kim and Billy. When he left Geneva months ago, he wanted so badly to go home.

He didn't realize at the time that home wasn't really home without the entire gang being there. He learned that the hard way when he did return, and learned everyone was gone. Soon after his homecoming, even Billy had left. He found himself surrounded by people he didn't really know, and who really didn't know him.

As the Red Power Ranger, Jason was used to being looked up to to a certain degree. After all, his teammates were counting on him. Yet, it was a different kind of responsibility. Kim, Billy, Trini, and Zack knew him for years, and had come to love and respect him as an older brother. That's a very different kind of respect from what exuded from the Zeo Rangers during his short stint as the Gold Ranger. To them, he wasn't an older brother. He was the revered veteran. They granted him the respect that civilians gave a war hero. He was a pioneer... the first leader of the Power Rangers.

Jason didn't feel comfortable with that.

Even Tommy was different. Back when Jason was the Red Ranger, Tommy was first the Green Ranger. He was constantly doubting himself, whether it be about his powers, his academic skills, or his athletic abilities. He knew he had a lot of potential, but he was almost afraid he'd let everyone down. Jason helped the young man deal with all this, yet it also worked in reverse. Jason took comfort in the fact that Tommy was expressing the feelings he himself harbored deep within. A fear... that he won't live up to what everyone expects of him. This common ground led to a powerful brotherly relationship.

However, as the Red Zeo Ranger, Tommy wasn't like that any longer. He was the leader, and he seemed to exude confidence that rather surprised Jason. He couldn't really tell if his old friend had truly dealt with all the confusions and uncertainties that characterized him earlier, or if he simply buried them deep within in order to function. But on the outside, it appeared to Jason that Tommy Oliver, the shy, quiet, almost constantly depressed young man, had realized the potential everyone wanted him to.

The role of leader changed Tommy greatly. Not necessarily in a bad way, but the change was evident. Jason didn't feel he knew Tommy any longer. Adding that to the other new faces on the Zeo team, Jason didn't really know anyone at all.

Only with his childhood friends did he ever truly belong. The ones that were with him long before the Power Rangers existed. It wasn't the uniform that made the man. It was the people that surrounded him.

Chapter Ten

Zack was soaring on cloud nine the entire day. His excitement continued to bubble every time he pointed out some tourist attraction, or cracked a joke to intensify the smiles on everyone's faces. The entire day was a dream come true.

When Zack had arrived in Geneva, he was scared. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but that's what he felt. He was scared he had made the wrong decision... that he was putting himself in a situation in which he wouldn't be able to succeed in his goals. He was scared that he left behind the very things that would have kept him happy forever. After all, not only did he leave some close friends and family behind, he also left Angela. Just when she was starting to like him...

It wasn't until rather recently that Zack realized just how happy he could be in Geneva. He found his work very fulfilling. While Jason was discouraged by the fact that very little seemed to be accomplished, Zack prided himself in looking at the broader picture. And in working with an organization trying so diligently to disarm world powers, to aid suffering countries, and to stand up for the basic human rights that are so often ignored, Zack has found a higher meaning to his life.

After all, if the aliens don't destroy the planet, mankind surely would do it themselves.

True, much of what the organization did was talk. All the members were youths, after all. How much power can a group of teenagers hold?

The answer? They hold all the power. They control the future. And Zack was determined to see the seeds he helped plant in the future generation grow, and perhaps save the human race from destroying themselves.

True, Zack had found a purpose in Geneva. He also found love, in the form of a beautiful, logical, compassionate, intelligent young delegate, with a passion to making a difference so much like his own. Siham was so supportive of his interests, always there to give Zack the needed encouragement and companionship he thrived on. And the relationship wasn't a one-way street either; Zack found himself deeply committed to Siham as well. The couple passed through the initial difficulties resulting from the cultural differences, and on a smaller level represent how fulfilling it is for different people to get to know one another.

She was so different from Angela, with whom Zack always felt he was treading on eggshells. He didn't feel the need to constantly impress Siham with smooth moves or pearl earrings. She loved him for him, without feeling the need to refine him. And he loved her for her honesty, devotion, and love of life.

In fact, the only thing missing from Zack's life was those strong friendship bonds that were so vital to his personality in the past. And now that he was with those dear friends again, he couldn't think of anything missing.

Life was good.

Chapter Eleven

The day's events did little to lighten Billy's mood. True, it was wonderful to be with his friends again, and touring the magnificent city of Geneva was something he had always wanted to do since he learned of the Peace Conference. Also, he was thousands of miles away from Angel Grove, this therefore being his first real separation from the Power Rangers. After all, even though he hadn't been an active Ranger since the Power Coins were destroyed, he had stayed close to the action, assisting the Zeo Rangers, and later the Aquitian Rangers.

Yes, it felt good to leave that "Super-Genius"

persona behind, and enjoy some companionship for a change.

Plus, he couldn't have asked for better companions. These four teenagers were the ones that helped the shy, awkward nerd in junior high branch out and actually develop social skills. They helped fill a hole that was left years earlier, when his mother died.

Strong, noble Jason, always determined to be everyone else's pillar, and never allowing his own insecurities to stand in his way.

Fun, energetic Zack, constantly smiling and highlighting the joys of just being alive.

Bright, empathetic Kimberly, who always knew how to upbuild and encourage others with her shining smile and heartfelt support.

Brilliant, wise Trini. Beautiful and graceful, so giving and gentle. The girl he had a crush on for so long, but was never ready to do anything about it. The girl that won his heart with her warm grin, and kept it all those years. Over time, the love he felt for her went through phases. At first, he would have given anything to be her true love, to open his heart to her, and hear her say those three wonderful words to him. That lasted some time, even after the core group of friends solidified and then later became Power Rangers. That love for her altered just slightly, early in their Power Ranger days. At that point, his confidence in himself had grown, yet he saw Trini in a new light. He learned just how strong she was, and saw her determination shine when she served as the Yellow Ranger. He felt she was simply too perfect to ever be satisfied with him. Instead, he wanted to make her happy. His only wish was that she find the man she truly wanted to be with. That feeling remained, even when Richie first moved to Angel Grove. Although jealousy did rear its ugly head, Billy pushed it aside in order to support her.

Once Trini left, his love for her changed again. That was because Billy grew even more assured that he would never be with her. So, she became a close friend, whose presence remained in his heart despite the miles separating him. Still, since her departure it felt as if something had died inside himself. He lost something he cherished a great deal... perhaps

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