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just sorta started slowing down. I managed to get it to the Bank of America parking lot. And I called my papa, and he couldn't figure out what it was. And I called Jake, too, because I figured maybe it's died on Alejandro before while Jake was with him and he had to fix it. I dunno. But, Jake pulled up, and right away, he looked at the truck and said, "Did you switch the tanks?"
     Now, Alejandro's truck is just really wierd. It has 2 tanks. It seems kinda pointless to me, unless you're going on a REALLY long trip with no gas stations around EVER. But the truck was running off the back tank. I thought I was filling up the back tank. Well, I wasn't. Every time I put in gas, I was puttng it in the front tank. Cool, huh? Well, Jake came, flipped the switch, and the truck worked. SUPER simpe fix. But I'm just an idiot. And that's the gas tank story.

And now I gotta go for a little while. But I'll be back to describe to you the wonderful times I had last night. Actually, even though that sounds sarcastic, I did have a pretty good time. :)
     Whoah, hold up. Uncapable? Okay. Makes sense. JKnoitdoesn't.

I'll get back. I promise I will NOT go to bed without finishing the rest of my story. Hopefully the pool will wake me up. :)
    And I'm back! After a pretty short swim (only an hour or so) and dinner, I can finish telling you the story of the AWESOME lock-in we had last night. I even took down notes in my phone so I wouldn't forget anything. :D

Okay. So we got there, did a little bit of cheer, then went out to dinner. After dinner, we went on a scavenger hunt around town. We had teams, and we had clues like "1. Go to this place to get a book. 2. Mass is held here." So you go to the library and to the Catholic church and take pictures, then send them to JuLynn. It was awesome. I was on a team with Michaela and Adriana (BT Dubs- Michaela has been COMPLETELY drama free this last week. It has been AMAZING!! Hopefully the rest of the season will be like that. Because that would be FABULOUS! *big kiss on the forhead*     <Sorry. You probably wouldn't get that reference because I highly doubt you've seen "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carrey.

Off topic. But I am SO tired of Shelsey. She's here for the week. Well, she's supposed to be. She's been in Wickenburg for 3 days now and she's spent like a total of 6 hours at home. AND I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HER DOG. I know that when I'm gone at work or cheer, Jake and Mom have to take care of Oscar. But first of all, that's one dog. Doesn't require much. And I didn't decide that I no longer want to be a part of this family, and then shove all my responsibilities on the family that I'm no longer a part of. And Taz and Oscar... ALL they do is roll around on the floor biting eac other, and making these terrible squeals and barks and growls and squeaks and snarls and just a TON of different noises that are super annoying. Not to mention the squeals of pain (Like when Taz sinks his teeth into Oscar's ear and pulls him across the room) are very distracting and inturrupt me from what I'm doing. And when they play and roll around, they also follow me around and are constantlyunder my feet. Oscar follows me, but he has a little bit of distance so I don't step on him. When they're playing, they are literally between my feet. And they bite me, thinking they're biting each other. And they bite HARD. And Taz is a lazy fat-ass who won't even walk up the stairs. So I have to carry him up the stairs. And it's not that he's heavy, but he won't stop squirming. That's why I make Oscar come up the stairs on his own. But Taz refuses. Shithead. AND he has destroyed the carpet in my room. There's a little patch where he chewed on it and it separated from the wall, so now there's a big hole in my carpet that we'll have to pay for when we leave. Okay. Enough of the rant. I could still keep going, but I have a LOT to cover. I'll probably end up splitting it up into 2 seperate chapters/messages. But anyway... I'm tired of STILL having to do all of Shelsey's work, even when she decided she didn't want to be a part of our family anymore.

Back to the scavenger hunt. We had to end at Coffinger. And guess who was the first team to get there? Uh, yeah. Michaela, Adriana, and I. MAC. We are victorious. Too bad there wasn't a prize. :( But it was SO terrible. I was literally DRIPPING sweat at 10:00 at night. It was terrible.

Then we made our bows. And they are gorgeous. I'll have to show you sometime. But Kaylea went and bought the supplies, then we all split up the cost. It was $7 each to make the bows. THAT IS AWESOME because if you order bows out of the cheer magazine, you'll pay at least $25 for the cheapest, ugliest bow. That doesn't count shipping. And, it was a fun bonding thing. You don't get to bond when you pick out a bow in a magazine. And, these are WAY prettier than the bows you'd get in a magazine. :) I'm happy.

And we also played hide and seek in the dark. ... Cheerleaders are TERRIBLE at hide and seek. And they don't follow the rules. For example, hide and seek in the dark means in the dark. Turning the lights on so you can find people? Cheating. Or when there's a spot in the gym that's marked off with tape? That means you can't go in that spot, right? Hiding in that restricted area? Cheating.
    And OH GROOVEY MOSES. There was this row of trash cans that wer upside down and empty. I hid under one of those. GROOVEY MOSES was that HOT. HOT HOT HOT and NO air to breathe. I was seriously breathing s heavily, because of the heat and lack of oxygen. I wanted someone to find me so bad so that I could leave. And the WORST part of it was that 2 girls came in (I couldn't tell who they were) and one said, "Should we look under the trash cans?" And the other said, "No, who would hide under the trash can? It's hot and you can't breathe." So they left. GROOVEY MOSES I wanted to kill them. I was sitting there, knees to my chin, with my arms flat against the side of the trashcan because it was nice and cool. But then when I got out, the entire inside of the trash can was wet from my sweat. EW. Gross gross gross gross gross gross. It was miserable. I wanted to die. I honestly, at one point, thought I was going to die.

We decided at about 9 that we would take an hourly picture. To show how the energy level changed throughout the night. It was pretty much the same all night. It was good. At 9, we took one at Sundance, because we were still there eating at 9. CWAZY, right? Well, then at 10, we were at the park at the end of the scavenger hunt, so we took one on the playground. At 11, we all laid under the big black divider things in the gym. You know those big black things that seperate the 3 basketball courts? Yeah we just had our heads poking out from under that. But at the bottom of that is a big, long, heavy metal bar. And that thing weighs a TON, and HURTS your shoulders and neck. GROOVEY MOSES that picture was painful. For 12:00, we formed 12:00 on the ground with our bodies. At 1, we all just sat at a table and did our own little pose. At 2, we all did supermans in a really long line in the hallway. We just laid feet to feet, hand to hand, and then lifted up our legs and hands. In a really long line that looks awesome in the picture. At 3, we were in the locker room, climbing on the lockers. At 4, we were up at the football field laying down on blankets on the track and eatin muffins for breakfast. At 5, the sun was rising, so we took a picture with the rising sun. It was pretty awesome. Then at 6, I guess it was just a picuture of all of us sleeping. And after that, we stopped taking pictures.
     Do you know how hard it is to remember to take a picture every single hour? Groovey Moses that's tough. I guess we could have set alarms on our phones, but... oh well. It worked out. :)

OH! I just remembered something about hide and seek (BT Dubs- In case you ever wanted to know this vital piece of information, when I say that, I say hide and go seek, not just hide and seek. I don't know why I do it differently). Carrigan had her music playing on her little speaker, but she had it turned WAY WAY down. So at one point I was walking through the gym and I heard a man singing (but there was no music). And it REALLY freaked me out. It was just this man singing really really quietly. I thought I was going to get murdered. I also wanted t murder Coach because she told us that she was locking all the doors to the outside, so no one could get in. I thought she was lying. But she wasn't. It was just Carrigan's stupid speaker that almost gave me a heart attack.

Then, starting at after 9 AM, we started putting some purple in our yellow room (Groovey Moses it was horrid. ALL 4 WALLS WERE BRIGHT YELLOW). We have 3 silhouettes of cheerleaders (2 different jumps, and someone doing a heel stretch), and on one wall we have our hand prints. Whenever we come back, we'll put our names under our hand, and our graduating year. The idea is that each year, all the new girls will put their hand print on there, and then eventually, there will just be a wall of handprints. But it's not just handprints like in kindergarten. We put the handprint, then filled in the big spot in the palm and connected all the fingers and all that. And then eventually, we'll be putting up mirrors on one wall (because we just like to look at ourselves. JK. It's to see our motions and all that stuff), and then we'll have a bunch of quotes painted on the wall. So, it's no longer JUST yellow. Which is amazing. :)

Okay. I have to go now. Mom wants me to watch this movie with her. I'll write the rest tomorrow, or maybe just late tonight. Either way. Bt it's probably good that I'm not telling you right now because I still have to figure some things out. So... yeah.

Still praying, still staying strong. And still holdin' on. I feel like that should be a song. Still staying strong, still holding on. I dunno. Anyway...
CC Raz

PS- Every couple days, the number of views this book gets grows a little bit. I can only hope, deserately and completely, that one of them is you. Right now there's 12. I really, really, really hope one is you. :)
CC Raz

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