U.S.A. Copyright Law, Library of Congress. Copyright Office [reading diary TXT] 📗

- Author: Library of Congress. Copyright Office
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copy of-
(I) the current State vehicle registration for the truck; and
(II) a copy of a valid, current commercial driver's license, as defined
in regulations of the Secretary of Transportation under section 383 of
title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, issued to the operator.
(C) Updated documentation requirements. If a satellite carrier wishes to
continue to make secondary transmissions to a recreational vehicle or
commercial truck for more than a 2-year period, that carrier shall
provide each network, upon request, with updated documentation in the
form described under subparagraph (B) during the 90 days before
expiration of that 2-year period.
(12) Statutory license contingent on compliance with fcc rules and
remedial steps. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the
willful or repeated secondary transmission to the public by a satellite
carrier of a primary transmission embodying a performance or display of
a work made by a broadcast station licensed by the Federal
Communications Commission is actionable as an act of infringement under
section 501, and is fully subject to the remedies provided by sections
502 through 506 and 509, if, at the time of such transmission, the
satellite carrier is not in compliance with the rules, regulations, and
authorizations of the Federal Communications Commission concerning the
carriage of television broadcast station signals. [60]
(b) Statutory License for Secondary Transmissions for Private Home
(1) Deposits with the register of copyrights. A satellite carrier whose
secondary transmissions are subject to statutory licensing under
subsection (a) shall, on a semiannual basis, deposit with the Register
of Copyrights, in accordance with requirements that the Register shall
prescribe by regulation-
(A) a statement of account, covering the preceding 6-month period,
specifying the names and locations of all superstations and network
stations whose signals were transmitted, at any time during that period,
to subscribers for private home viewing as described in subsections (a)
(1) and (a)(2), the total number of subscribers that received such
transmissions, and such other data as the Register of Copyrights may
from time to time prescribe by regulation; and
(B) a royalty fee for that 6-month period, computed by-
(i) multiplying the total number of subscribers receiving each secondary
transmission of a superstation during each calendar month by 17.5 cents
per subscriber in the case of superstations that as retransmitted by the
satellite carrier include any program which, if delivered by any cable
system in the United States, would be subject to the syndicated
exclusivity rules of the Federal Communications Commission, and 14 cents
per subscriber in the case of superstations that are syndex-proof as
defined in section 258.2 of title 37, Code of Federal Regulations;
(ii) multiplying the number of subscribers receiving each secondary
transmission of a network station or the Public Broadcasting Service
satellite feed during each calendar month by 6 cents; [61] and
(iii) adding together the totals computed under clauses (i) and (ii).
(2) Investment of fees. The Register of Copyrights shall receive all
fees deposited under this section and, after deducting the reasonable
costs incurred by the Copyright Office under this section (other than
the costs deducted under paragraph (4)), shall deposit the balance in
the Treasury of the United States, in such manner as the Secretary of
the Treasury directs. All funds held by the Secretary of the Treasury
shall be invested in interest-bearing securities of the United States
for later distribution with interest by the Librarian of Congress as
provided by this title.
(3) Persons to whom fees are distributed. The royalty fees deposited
under paragraph (2) shall, in accordance with the procedures provided by
paragraph (4), be distributed to those copyright owners whose works were
included in a secondary transmission for private home viewing made by a
satellite carrier during the applicable 6-month accounting period and
who file a claim with the Librarian of Congress under paragraph (4).
(4) Procedures for distribution. The royalty fees deposited under
paragraph (2) shall be distributed in accordance with the following
(A) Filing of claims for fees. During the month of July in each year,
each person claiming to be entitled to statutory license fees for
secondary transmissions for private home viewing shall file a claim with
the Librarian of Congress, in accordance with requirements that the
Librarian of Congress shall prescribe by regulation. For purposes of
this paragraph, any claimants may agree among themselves as to the
proportionate division of statutory license fees among them, may lump
their claims together and file them jointly or as a single claim, or may
designate a common agent to receive payment on their behalf.
(B) Determination of controversy; distributions. After the first day of
August of each year, the Librarian of Congress shall determine whether
there exists a controversy concerning the distribution of royalty fees.
If the Librarian of Congress determines that no such controversy exists,
the Librarian of Congress shall, after deducting reasonable
administrative costs under this paragraph, distribute such fees to the
copyright owners entitled to receive them, or to their designated
agents. If the Librarian of Congress finds the existence of a
controversy, the Librarian of Congress shall, pursuant to chapter 8 of
this title, convene a copyright arbitration royalty panel to determine
the distribution of royalty fees.
(C) Withholding of fees during controversy. During the pendency of any
proceeding under this subsection, the Librarian of Congress shall
withhold from distribution an amount sufficient to satisfy all claims
with respect to which a controversy exists, but shall have discretion to
proceed to distribute any amounts that are not in controversy.
(c) Adjustment of Royalty Fees.-
(1) Applicability and determination of royalty fees. The rate of the
royalty fee payable under subsection (b)(1)(B) shall be effective unless
a royalty fee is established under paragraph (2) or (3) of this
(2) Fee set by voluntary negotiation.-
(A) Notice of initiation of proceedings. On or before July 1, 1996, the
Librarian of Congress shall cause notice to be published in the Federal
Register of the initiation of voluntary negotiation proceedings for the
purpose of determining the royalty fee to be paid by satellite carriers
under subsection (b)(1)(B).
(B) Negotiations. Satellite carriers, distributors, and copyright owners
entitled to royalty fees under this section shall negotiate in good
faith in an effort to reach a voluntary agreement or voluntary
agreements for the payment of royalty fees. Any such satellite carriers,
distributors, and copyright owners may at any time negotiate and agree
to the royalty fee, and may designate common agents to negotiate, agree
to, or pay such fees. If the parties fail to identify common agents, the
Librarian of Congress shall do so, after requesting recommendations from
the parties to the negotiation proceeding. The parties to each
negotiation proceeding shall bear the entire cost thereof.
(C) Agreements binding on parties; filing of agreements. Voluntary
agreements negotiated at any time in accordance with this paragraph
shall be binding upon all satellite carriers, distributors, and
copyright owners that are parties thereto. Copies of such agreements
shall be filed with the Copyright Office within 30 days after execution
in accordance with regulations that the Register of Copyrights shall
(D) Period agreement is in effect. The obligation to pay the royalty
fees established under a voluntary agreement which has been filed with
the Copyright Office in accordance with this paragraph shall become
effective on the date specified in the agreement, and shall remain in
effect until December 31, 1999, or in accordance with the terms of the
agreement, whichever is later.
(3) Fee set by compulsory arbitration.-
(A) Notice of initiation of proceedings. On or before January 1, 1997,
the Librarian of Congress shall cause notice to be published in the
Federal Register of the initiation of arbitration proceedings for the
purpose of determining a reasonable royalty fee to be paid under
subsection (b)(1)(B) by satellite carriers who are not parties to a
voluntary agreement filed with the Copyright Office in accordance with
paragraph (2). Such arbitration proceeding shall be conducted under
chapter 8.
(B) Establishment of royalty fees. In determining royalty fees under
this paragraph, the copyright arbitration royalty panel appointed under
chapter 8 shall establish fees for the retransmission of network
stations and superstations that most clearly represent the fair market
value of secondary transmissions. In determining the fair market value,
the panel shall base its decision on economic, competitive, and
programming information presented by the parties, including-
(i) the competitive environment in which such programming is
distributed, the cost of similar signals in similar private and
compulsory license marketplaces, and any special features and conditions
of the retransmission marketplace;
(ii) the economic impact of such fees on copyright owners and satellite
carriers; and
(iii) the impact on the continued availability of secondary
transmissions to the public.
(C) Period during which decision of arbitration panel or order of
librarian effective. The obligation to pay the royalty fee established
under a determination which-
(i) is made by a copyright arbitration royalty panel in an arbitration
proceeding under this paragraph and is adopted by the Librarian of
Congress under section 802(f), or
(ii) is established by the Librarian of Congress under section 802(f),
shall become effective as provided in section 802(g ), or July 1, 1997,
whichever is later.
(D) Persons subject to royalty fee. The royalty fee referred to in
subparagraph (C) shall be binding on all satellite carriers,
distributors, and copyright owners, who are not party to a voluntary
agreement filed with the Copyright Office under paragraph (2).
(4) Reduction. [62]-
(A) Superstation. The rate of the royalty fee in effect on January 1,
1998, payable in each case under subsection (b)(1)(B)(i) shall be
reduced by 30 percent.
(B) Network and public broadcasting satellite feed. The rate of the
royalty fee in effect on January 1, 1998, payable under subsection (b)
(1)(B)(ii) shall be reduced by 45 percent.
(5) Public broadcasting service as agent. For purposes of section 802,
with respect to royalty fees paid by satellite carriers for
retransmitting the Public Broadcasting Service satellite feed, the
Public Broadcasting Service shall be the agent for all public television
copyright claimants and all Public Broadcasting Service member
stations. [63]
(d) Definitions. As used in this section-
(1) Distributor. The term "distributor" means an entity which contracts
to distribute secondary transmissions from a satellite carrier and,
either as a single channel or in a package with other programming,
provides the secondary transmission either directly to individual
subscribers for private home viewing or indirectly through other program
distribution entities.
(2) Network station. The term "network station" means-
(A) a television broadcast station, including any translator station or
terrestrial satellite station that rebroadcasts all or substantially all
of the programming broadcast by a network station, that is owned or
operated by, or affiliated with, one or more of the television networks
in the United States which offer an interconnected program service on a
regular basis for 15 or more hours per week to at least 25 of its
affiliated television licensees in 10 or more States; or
(B) a noncommercial educational broadcast station (as defined in section
397 of the Communications Act of 1934).
(3) Primary network station. The term "primary network station" means a
network station that broadcasts or rebroadcasts the basic programming
service of a particular national network.
(4) Primary transmission. The term "primary transmission" has the
meaning given that term in section 111(f) of this title.
(5) Private home viewing. The term "private home viewing" means the
viewing, for private use in a household by means of satellite reception
equipment which is operated by an individual in that household and which
serves only such household, of a secondary transmission delivered by a
satellite carrier of a primary transmission of a television station
licensed by the Federal Communications Commission.
(6) Satellite carrier. The term "satellite carrier" means an entity that
uses the facilities of a
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