» Literary Collections » All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗

Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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26, 27, 38, 45, 56, 58, 71, 72, 173–188
Due to caffein content, 182

C. first used as, 693
Café au lait used as, 696

Meditations, Brillat-Savarin, q., 697

Medium (see Grinds)

Medium roast, 336, 388

Meehan, Charles L., 535

Meehan, P.C., 476, 477

Meehan & Co., P.C., 477

Meehan & Schramm, 477

Meidinger, q., 565

Meilhat, 594

Meisner, Leonhard Ferdinand, 46, 543

Meith, Hugo, 591

Mejia, E., 488

Melangé, Café, 671

Melaye, S., 548

Mellon Inst. of Industrial Research, 714

Memoirs, Diderot, 98

Memoirs, Sherman, q., 563

Menado c., 355, 374

Menda & Co., 340

Mendel, q., 185

Menezes, T. Langgaard de, ill., 446

Mengai, 694

Menico, 28

Menier, 566

Menosperma, C., hyb., 138

Menown, Hugh, 631

Menown, H. & J., 502

Menown & Gregory, 631

Men's Answer to Women's Petition, The, pamph., 71

Menslichen Genussmittel, q., 147

Mental and Motor Efficiency
Effect of caffein on, 186
Effect of tea on, 186

Menzel, Adolph, 591

Merchants Coffee Co. of N.O., Ltd., 505

Merchants Exchange (New York), 123

Merck & Co., 473

Mercure de France, q., 8

Meridas (c.), 349, 365

Merrill & Co., S.C., 487

Merritt & Ronaldson, 499

Merwin & Co., Geo. A., 499

Mery, C.D., 548

Messenger & Co., Thomas H., 480

Metchnikoff, q., 178

Metropolitan Mills, 494, 495

Mexicans (c.), 345, 338, 359

Meyer (chemist), 164

Meyer, B., 535

Meyer, Fred W., 502

Meyer, Robert, 510, 511, 513

Meyerheim, Paul, 591

M'Ginley, Joseph, 492

M'Gregor, Coll., 476

Michaud, I.F. and L.G., q., 8

Michelet, q., 98

Microscopy of c., 149–153
Analysis, value, 152

Microscopy of Vegetable Foods, Winton, q., 150

Midland Spice Co., 508

Milde, 591

Milds (market name), 341, 345
(See also Characteristics)

Milk in coffee, 38, 58, 399, 665
Effect of, 178
First used by Nieuhoff (1660), 696

Millar & Co., E.B., 502

Millar Spice Co., E.B., 502

Miller, Chas. A., 480

Miller, Harry, 480

Miller, Rev. James, 555;
q., 554

Miller, R.O., 501, 514

Miller, Watts, 480

Miller, W.H., 488

Miller & Walbridge, 480

Miller, Smith & Co., 485

Milling (see also Cleaning), 383

Milreis, 336

Milton, John, 60;
q., 549

Miner, W.H., 505

Minerva, v., 128

Minford, Thomas, 479

Minford & Co., L.W., 479, 485

Minford, Lueder & Co., 477, 479

Minford, Thompson & Co., 479

Mingo, Cirilo, pat., 471

Minkowski, 185

Minor, W.H., 485

Minott, Samuel, 609

Minute (brand), 539

Minute, Café à la, 708

Mirror, London, per., 585

Condemned by N.C.R.A., 513
Rulings (U.S.), 337, 338

Mitchell, George, 478

Mitchell, William L., 478

Mitchell Bros., 478

Mixing (see Blending)

Mixtures, Strange c., 56, 57

Moat With the Crimson Stains, The, Champney, q., 563, 564

Mocengio, 27

Mocha c., 230, 351, 353, 368, 369

Mocha longberry c., 228

Mocha-seed Bourbon-Santos c., 341, 366

Mocha-seed Santos (grade), 260

Modern Italian Poets, Howells, q., 548, 549

Moegling, Carl, inv., 647

Mogeneti, C. (caffein content), 147, 161

Mohammed, 14, 15, 19, 20, 38, 54

Mohammed IV, 49, 50, 91

Mohedano, José Antonio, 9

Mohns-Frese Com. Co., 488

Moir, John R., 535

Mokaska Mfg. Co., 485, 508

Mokkæ, C., hyb., 138

Molded beans, 170

Molke, 9

Molmenti, Pompeo, q., 27, 28

Moncrieff (dramatist), 572

Moncrieff, Alexander, chk., 572

Moneuse, Élie, pat., 469, 639

Monin, Sieur, q., 696

Monitor machines, 248

Monk, General, 59, 69

Monkey coffee, 136

Monroe, James (Pres.), 113

Monstruo (grade), 261

Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 573

Montague, q., 551

Monte Carmelo c., 350, 365

Montealegre & Co., 487, 488

Montesquieu, 100

Montuori, q., 176

Moore, Alexander Duncan, pat., 623

Moore, C.T., 508

Moore, Dr., q., 179

Moore & Co., Geo. A., 488

Mopsy, 579

Moréas, Jean, chk., 102

Morewood, T.C., pat., 642

Morey Mercantile Co., C.S., 508

Morgan, Charles, 644;
pat., 645, 653

Morgan, Edward H., 644

Morgan Brothers, 644

Morize, pat., 623, 699, 708

Morley, W.T., 513

Morning Advertiser, Lond., newsp., 585

Morning Chronicle, London, newsp., 585

Morning Herald, Lond., newsp., 585

Morning Post, Lond., newsp., 585

Morosini, Gianfrancesco, 26

Morrison, S.B., 497

Morrison, Wm. J., 498

Morrison & Bolnest Co., 498

Morton, Robert, 69

Mosely, Dr. Benjamin, q., 2, 38

Moser (artist), 584

Mosso, Ugolino, q., 186

Most excellent virtues of the mulberry called coffee (1671), 34

Mother (grade), 258

Mother of cafés (Vienna), 50

Motion pictures, 443, 455, 514

Mott & Williams, 494

Mottant, A., 641, 645

Muddiman, 59

Mudiford, 58

Muhlberg, R. pat., 638

Muller, Frederick H., pat., 653, 702

Munden, Admiral, 86, 559

Murdock, Charles A., 506

Murdock & Co., C.A., 508

Murdock Mfg. Co., C.A., 506

Murger, Henry, 98

Murphy, Arthur, 584;
q., 579

Murray, Sir James, 699;
q., 1

Murray, James H., 496

Murray, Robert, 475

Murta, C., hyb. 138

Musgrave, James, 612

Music, C. in, 593–599

Music in coffee houses, 656, 666, 667, 669

Mustapha, Kara, 49, 50

Mustard in c., 58, 696

Myer, pat., 162, 473

Myers, Myer, 612

Mylne (architect), 584

Mysore c., 351, 369

Myrtle c. (Mexico), 222

Nabob (brand), 441

Nairon, Antoine Faustus, 16, 27, 543

Nakhel douin (palm), 266

Nalpasse, Valentin, q., 175, 176, 177, 179

Names for c. (English and foreign), 1, 2, 3

Names of places (see Note, p. 769)

Nancy (tea ship) v., 120

Naphew, Charles, 479

Napier, Robert, inv., 637, 699, 700

Napier & Co., 486

Napier & Sons, Robert, 699

Narcotism, Effect of c. on, 181

Narghil (palm), 266

Narghillai, 663, 664, 665, 668
(Also nargile, narguileh)

Nash Grocery Co., George, 503

Nash, Smith & Co., 502

Nash-Smith Tea & Coffee Co., 503

Nashville Coffee & Mfg. Co., 509

Nason, James H., pat., 637

Nat'l Ass'n of Retail Grocers of the U.S., 428

Nat'l Chain Store Grocers' Ass'n., 417, 418

National coffee day, 513

Nat'l C. Roasters Ass'n., 323, 439, 448, 473, 474, 509–515
Better c. making com., 713–717
Brewing recommendations, 717
Conventions, 512–515
Dues, 514
Freight forwarding bureau, 323
Home mill, 652
Industrial Expositions, 514, 515, 654
Membership, 511–514

National C. Roasters Traffic and Pure Food Ass'n., 510, 511

National Coffee Week, 439, 455, 473, 474, 514

Nat'l Packaging Machinery Co., 443, 472

Nat'l Retail Tea and Coffee Merchants' Ass'n.,


National Review, per., q., 74

Nature, Café, 683

Nature of the Drink Kauhi, The, Pocoke's trans. q., 12, 38

Nature, quality and most excellent virtues of c., The (broadside), ill., 69, 70

Navarro, Francisco Xavier, 9, 225

Nave & McCord Merc. Co., 485

Nave-McCord Mfg. Co., 508

Negro plot (New York, 1737), 118

Neidlinger & Schmidt, 499

Nelson, Charles, pat., 649

Nepenthe, 12

Nervous system, Effect of c. on, 174, 175

Netherlands E. India Co., 43, 44, 283, 291, 294

Netherlands West India Co., 105

Neutral (see Flavors)

Nevers, George J., 479

Nevill, 60

Nevison, J., 631

New and curious coffee-house, etc., The, per., 45, 433

New Caledonia c., 356, 374

New Guinea c., 355, 374

New Discoveries, etc., Paschius, q., 13

New England Automatic Weighing Machine Co., 471

Newbold, William, 479

Newell, pat., 246

Newhall, H.B., 501

Newmark, H., 509

Newmark, Maurice H.,

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