» Literary Collections » All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗

Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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>Morize's reversible, 623, 699
Nason's fluid-joint (1865), 637
Nelson's patents (1912–13), 649
Phylax (1914), 652, 701, 702
Potsdam, 710
Preterre's vacuum (1849), 634
Pumping discussed, 714, 715
(first, 1819), 623
Rabauts reversed (1822), 699
Raparlier's glass "filter", 708
Reversible double drip, 623
Rumford's (1806–12), 621, 622, 623, 697, 698
Rumford type, 705
Russian egg-shaped, 708
Savage's patent (1906), 649
Smart's patent (1919), 653
Star (1886), 645
Sternau's patent (1904), 649
Universal (1901), 647
Vanderweyde's patent (1866), 637
Vardy's vacuum urn, 627, 699
Vassieux' glass (1842), 627, 700
Vienna, 638, 639
Viennese type, 708
Warner's patent (1906), 649

Defined, 621, 698
Discussed (Trigg), 720, 721
N.C.R.A. recommendations, 718

Percy, Reuben, pseud., 585

Percy, Sholto, pseud., 585

Perez & Sons, Juan Pablo, 340

Perfect cup of c., 721–723

Perfect Vacuum Canning Co., 471

Perfumed c., 59, 695

Pergamino, Café en (grade), 261

Perieri, C., 146

Persecution (see Opposition)

Persian letters, Montesquieu, q., 109

Perus (c.), 350, 367

Pests (see Diseases)

Peters, J., q., 467

Petit, q., 12

Petring, G.H., 510

Petty, Sir William, 60

Pharmaceutical Journal, per., q., 156

Pharmaceutice Rationalis, Willis, q., 58

Pharmacological-chemical brewing device, 699

Pharmacology, Cushing, q., 179

Pharmacology of c., 174–188

Phelps, Jr., Edward A., 495, 499

Philadelphia Commission of Inspection, 467

Philidor, 96, 98

Philipp, John, 591

Philippines (c.), 355, 375

Philios, Ambrose, 80, 576, 577, 578

Phillipi, Peter, 591

Phillips, Sir Richard, 578, 585

Phillips & Co., M., 488

Philology (see Etymology)

Phipps, Sir William, 111

Phipps & Co., J.L., 476, 482, 484, 486

Phoenix, John, 482

Phoenix & Co., J.W., 482

Phoenix Electrical Heating Co., 647

Phyfe, James W., 480

Phyfe & Co., Jas. W., 480

Phonetic difficulties, 1

Physique Sacrée, on Histoire Naturelle de la Bible, Scheuzer, q., 13, 16

Piccander, q., 595

Picking c., 250
Colombia, 260

Pickslay, Joseph D., 477, 535

Afternoon in the court gardens, Munich, Walle's, 591
Afternoon at the coffee table, Meith's, 591
Button's coffee house, Shepherd's, ill., 593
Café en Asia Mineure, De Ternamine's, 591
Café sur un route de Syrie, Marilhat's, 591
Café Turc, Descamp's, 591
Coffee comes to the aid of the Muse, Ruffio's, ill., 591
Coffee house at Cairo, Gérôme's, ill., 591, 656
Decorative panel for Paris House, Mazerolles', 591
Dutch coffee house of 1650, Van Ostade's, ill., 587
First coffee house in Vienna, Schams', ill., 590
Four times of the day, Hogarth's, ill., 587
French coffee house, Rowlandson's, 593
Goldoni in a Venetian café, Longhi's, ill., 588
Kaffeebesuch Phillipi's, ill., 591
Lion's head at Button's, Shepherd's, ill., 591
Mad dog in a coffee house, Rowlandson's, ill., 593
Manager Classen and his family, Milde's, 591
Mme. de Pompadour, Van Loo's, ill., 588
Mme. Du Barry at Versailles, Decreuse's, ill., 589, 590
Napoleon and the curé, Charlet's, ill., 593
Old woman with coffee cup, Philipp's, 591
Oriental coffee house, Meyerhelm's, 591
Parisian boulevard café, Menzel's, 591
Pastor Rautenberg and his Family, Milde's, 591
Petit déjeuner, Boucher's, ill., 588
Rake's progress, Hogarth's, ill., 587
Slaughter's coffee house, Shepherd's, ill., 593
Sweets shop of Josty in Berlin, Schmidt's, 591
Tom's coffee house, Shepherd's, ill., 593
Tontine coffee house, Guy's, 593
Washington's official welcome to New York, Gruppe's, ill., 593

Pictures, C. in, 587–593

Pierce, Jr., O.W., 509

Pierce, Sr., Oliver Webster, 509

Pierce & Co., O.W., 509

Piers, steel-roofed (N.O.), 325

Pilcher, q., 184

Pinzon & Co., 338

Pioneer Mills, 508

Pique, R., q., 156

Piron, 94

Pitt, William, 580

Pitt & Sons, C.F., 485

Place, E.B., 482

Place, J.K., 482

Places, names of (see Note, p. 769)

Plantation machinery, 245–248
Brazil, 207
Salvador, 217

Plantation machines
Guardiola drier, 255
Planet Junior, 207

Plantation preparation, 201
Arabia, 197

Plantation processes, 245–271
Abyssinia, 268
Angola, 268
Arabia, 245, 264, 266, 268
Brazil, 258–261
Colombia, 260
Guatemala, 263
Haiti, 264
Java, 268, 269, 271
Mexico, 263
Netherlands E. Indies, 268, 269, 271
Nicaragua, 264
Porto Rico, 264
Salvador, 263
Sumatra, 268, 269
Venezuela, 261, 263

Abyssinia, yield per acre, 228
Cazengo, 230
Australia, yield per acre, 239
Brazil (fazendas)
Araqua, 208
Azevedo, L. de O., 208
Caféeria São Paulo, 208
Capital invested, 207
do Val, F.S., 208
Dumont, ill., 205, 208, 258
Ellis, Alfredo, 208
Irmaos, Alves, 208
Oliveira, 208
Principal, 208
Ribeirao Preto, ill., 208
São Martinho, 208
São Paulo Coffee Co., 208
Schmidt, 208, 258
Ceylon, first British, (1825) 237
Colombia, 211, 212
Namay, 212
Cuba, number, 282
Guadeloupe, yield per acre, 233
Hawaii, yield per acre, 241
Cannon's Baloor, 227
Hoskahn, 227
Mylemoney, 227
Santaverre, 227
Sumpigay Kahn, 227
Yield per acre, 227
Jakatra, 44
Kedawoeng estate, 6
Typical, A., 269, 271
Orduna, 220
Porto Rico
Capital invested, 223
Yield per acre, 223, 225
Salvador, first (1876), 217
Gadoeng Batoe, ill., 217
Venezuela (haciendas)
Altamira, ill., 212
Carmen, ill., 213
Yield per acre, 213

Planting (see also Propagation), 200

Plants of Egypt, Alpini, 26

Plants, Roasting, ill., 379, 381, 383, 385

Platow, Moritz, pat., 627, 699

Platt, Jr., James, q., 1

Autocrat of the Coffee Stall, The, Chapin, 556, 563
Beaux' Stratagem, Farquhar, q., 587, 588
Bold Stroke for a Wife, A, Centlivre, q., 554
Boston, first performed in, 111
Bottega di Caffè, La, Goldoni, 555
Café; ou, l'Ecossaise, Le, Voltaire, 556
Caffè, Le, Rosseau, 554, 555
Caffè di Campagna, Il, Galuppi, 556
Caffettiéra da Spirito, La, 556
Coffee House, The, Rosseau, 88
Coffee House; or, Fair Fugitive, The, Voltaire, q., 556
Coffee-House Politician, The, Fielding, q., 554, 555
Devin du Village, Rousseau, 102
"English comedy," q., 61
Foire St. Germain, La, Dancourt (1696), q., 554
Hamilton, Hamlin and Arliss, q., ill., 556
Persian Wife, The, Goldoni, q., 556
Socrates, Voltaire, 556
Tarugo's Wiles; or, the Coffee House, St. Serf, q., 554

Pleasure gardens (see Gardens)

Pletzer, q., 185

Pluehart, inv., 710

Plunket (highwayman), 578

Pneumatic Scale Corp., 471, 472

Pneumatic Scale Corp., Ltd., 471

Pocoke, Edward, q., 12, 38

Pods, 329

Poemata Didascalia, d'Olivet, 543

"As long as Mocha's happy tree," Pope's, q., 549
Ballad of the South Sea Scheme, Swift, q., 571
Bouquet Blanc et le Bouquet Noir, Le, Mery, 548
Café, Le (anon.), 548
Café, Le, Berchoux, 548
Caffè, Il, Barotti, 548
Cap and Bells, Keats, q., 550
Carmen Caffaeum, Massieu, q., 14, 544–547
City Mouse and Country Mouse, Prior and Montague, q., 551
Coffee, Saltus, q., 552
Coffee—a Chanson (music by Colet), ill., 594, 595
Coffee and Crumpets, "Littledo," q., 550, 551
C. Companion (from Arabic), q., 543
Coffee Slips, The, Hood, q., 550
Comus, Milton, q., 549
de Clieu, Esménard, q., 8, 548
Flogé du Café, L'Estienne, 548
Frugality, Pope Leo XIII, q., 549
Gilbert K. Chesterton Rises to the Toast of C., Untermeyer, q., 553
Giorno, Il, Parini, q., 548, 549
Grandeur de Dieu dans les Merveilles de la Nature, La, 548
In Praise of C. (from Arabic), q., 542
Like His Mother Used to Make, Riley, q., 552
Lines (appended to broadside) Morton, ill., 69
Lines on C. (from French), 548
Long Story, A, Gray, q., 576
Ode to Coffee, Price, q., 553
Over the Black Coffee, Gray, q.,
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