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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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Rand, George, 480

Randall, John, 479

Ranelagh (see Gardens)

Ransom, Amos, pat., 625

Raparlier, pat., 637

Rape of the lock, Pope, 80

Rapid-filtration devices
de Mattel's patent (1920), 653
Express, 651
Italiana Sovereign, L., 651
J. & S. (Still's), 674
Victoria Arduino, La, (1909–20), 651

Rapid-infusion devices
Bezzara system, 649, 651
Ideale, ill., 651
Malthey-Zorn centrif., 653, 654

Rapid-percolation device
Loysel's hydrostatic, 708

Rasch, Anthony, 612

Rasis ad Almans (see Rhazes)

Rauwolf, Leonhard, 43, 45, 431, 541, 543;
q., 2, 12, 25

Ray, John, 42, 543

Ray & Co., Winthrop G., 478, 479, 480

Razi, El (see Rhazes)

Ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth, Milton, 60

Reamer, Sr., Abraham, 480

Reamer, Turner & Co., 480

New York, 322, 338
Santos, 304, 306

Rebellious antidote (broadside), q., 58

Recipes, dessert's, etc., 723, 724

Reconditioning, 322

Recovery, v., 468

Red Can (brand), 441

Red D Line, 482

Red E (brand), 538

Red pottage,


Red Ribbon (brand), 441

Reed, Charles, 127

Reed, Charles B., q., 557

Reed, Nathan, pat., 245, 469

Reeve, Daniel, 482

Reeve & Van Riper, 482

Reeve, Case & Banks, 479

London, 327
United States (1921), 299, 301, 302

Refining device
Johnston's patent (1913), 652

Reichert, E.T., q., 183

Reid, Thomas, 469, 482, 494, 496, 497, 522, 526

Reid & Co., Thomas, 499

Reid, Murdoch & Fischer, 480, 502

Reiger, q., 184, 185

Reimers & Meyer, 485

Religious associations
Christian, 26
Mohammedan, 15, 16, 17, 22

Remi c., 351, 368

Remington, J.R., pat., 633

Remington, Mortimer, 445

Remmer, Oscar, 502

Renan, 102

Renovating, 158

Renshaw, William, chk., 130

Rentschler, q., 161

Repassing machine, 252

Research, Scientific
Brewing, comparative test, 714, 716
Dawson and Wetherill (1855), 711, 712
Grinds, comparative test, 716
University of Kansas, 714
Mass. Inst. of Technology, 515, 716–718
Mellon Institute, 539
N.C.R.A., 513–515, 539, 713–718
Prescott, 515, 714, 716–718
Robison, 715
Trigg, 539

A, B, C (chain), ill., 674, 677
Brit. Tea Table Ass'n., 675
Buzard's cake house, 677
Cabin, 677
Carlton, 678
Corner Houses (chain), 677
Express Dairy Co., 677
Groom's, ill., 674
Lipton's, 677
Lyons (chain), ill., 674, 675, 677
Peel's, 674
Slater's, 675, 677
Temple Bar, ill., 675
Trust-houses, Ltd., 675
Ye Mecca Co., ill., 674
New York
Childs (chain), 691
Dorlon's, 690
Thompson (chain), 691

Restrepo, Dr., q., 181

Retailing, 415–429
Blending, 722
Channels of distribution, 415

Retaliation, Goldsmith, 573, 574

Reuter-Jones Mfg. Co., 649

Revere, Paul, 110, 609, 611;
biog., 612, 613

Revett, William, q., 2

American, 110, 125, 128
French, 100, 102, 293

Revolution, C. and, 18, 20, 31
(See also Democracy: Politics)

Rewards, 50, 51

Reynolds, J. B, 506

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 81, 88, 574, 580, 585

Reynolds, Hatcher & Pierce, 509

Rhazes, q., 11, 12, 25, 431, 541

Rheumatism, remedy, 182

Rhodes, Benjamin, 477

Rice, W.S., 502

Richards, Charles, 508

Richardson, Charles, 80, 576;
q., 584

Richardson & Lane, 501

Richelieu, Duke of, 96, 98

Richheimer, I.D., 538, 539;
pat., 651, 652;
q., 715

Richter, q., 159

Ricker, Harvey, 701;
pat., 645

Ridenour, Baker Gro. Co., 485

Riechelmann, q., 159

Ries, Maurice, 338

Riggs, J. H, 508

Riley, James Whitcomb, q., 552

Rinehart & Stevens, 507

Rios (c.), 341, 343, 366

Ripley, D.C., 497

Risley, Christopher, 479

Risley, Leander S., 479

Risley & Co., C., 479, 480, 528

Rittenhouse, John, pat., 627

Ritz, 678

Rivarol, 98

Rivers, 186;
q., 187

Roach, Tiger, 579

Baltimore, 507, 508
Boston, 501
Chicago, 501, 502
Cleveland, 507
Detroit, 508
Louisville, 505
Milwaukee, 506
New Orleans, 505
New York (1790–94), 475, 476
(1805–1922), 492–501
Philadelphia, 501
Pittsburgh, 507
San Francisco, 505, 506
St. Louis, 502, 503
Toledo, 506, 507
Other cities, 508, 509
United States, 492–509
(See also Dealers, wholesale)

Arabia, 658–662
Australia, 692
Great Britain, 673
(18th century), 695, 696
(19th century), 704, 705, 707
France, 679
Greece, 685
Netherlands, 686
New Zealand, 692
United States, 709, 710, 712

Roasting, Chemistry of, 165–167, 388, 389

Roasting economies, 513

Roasting, Household
Decline of, 635
Braziers, 615
Clay dishes, 615
Corn-poppers, 635
Cylinder, 619
Earthenware, 615, 620
Extemporized, 617, 635, 695, 696
Glass flasks (Italy), 623
Iron dippers, spiders, 616
Metal plates, 615
Stirrers (spatula), 616

Roasting machinery, 381–386, 615–654
Coal, 391, 392
Development of, 629
Direct-flame, 386
French, 678–680
Glass cylinder, 646
Gas, 386, 640–643
German (1860–1897), 638, 639
Imports from Gt. Brit., 625
Indirect-flame, 642, 646
Inner-heated, 386
Retail, 420, 421
Sample (France), 679
Burns, J.; improvements, 634–637, 644
French patents, 639, 640
German patent, first, 683
Fullard's heated fresh air, 643
Steam-power, 631, 635

Roasting machines
Bernard's cylinder (1841), 629
Bull's coal (1704), 620
Elford's white iron (1660), 616, 617
Gee's (1852), 634
Home (1908), 646
Hyde's combined (1862), 634
Ittel's glass sphere (1874), 640
Kuhlemann's electric, 648
Lacoux's combined, 625, 627
Lauzaune's cylinder (1829), 625
Lauzaune's "rocking" (1873), 640
Lawton's perforated, gas (1912), 641
Lawton's quick gas (1912), 651, 652
Marchand's fan roaster (1866), 640
Martin's cylinder (1860), 640
Preterre's weighing (1849), 634
Ransom's (1833), 625
Remington's wheel of buckets, 633
Savo (1917), 646
Schick's method (1812), 623
Williamson's (1820), 624
Wood's spherical (1849), 634, 710
Lambert's 50-pound, 646
Lester's electric (1903), 647
Moegling's electric (1906), 647
Sales promotion value, 423
Seymour's electric (1921), 648
St. Louis, Jr., 649
Talbutt's electric (1911), 647
Uno electric (1909–20), 647, 648
Warner's mill (1905), 648
Sample roasting
Burns, 642
Improved (1883), 645
Swing-gate (1900), 647
Tilting (1909), 651
Wholesale, 646
Arbuckle's first (1903), 647
Aromatic (electric power), 646
Burns Balanced-front (1908), 651
Coal, 391, 392
Direct-flame (1900), 642
First patent (1864), 634
Special gas (1897), 642
Carter Pull-out (1846), 469, 629
Combination (quick gas), 641
Comet, 638
Crawley patents, 642
Dakin (1848), 633
Delphine tubular (1870), 639
Economic, 646
Evans cylindrical (1824), 624
Faulder, 640, 673
First direct flame (U.S.), 471
Fleury gas (1880–81), 638, 640
Fraser gas (1897–98), 642
Giacomini process (1903), 648
Hamsley direct-flame (1898), 642
Henneman direct-flame (1888), 640, 642, 643
Holmes patent (1906), 643
Hungerford patent (1882), 644
Hyde combined

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