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Book online «All About Coffee, William H. Ukers [short story to read .txt] 📗». Author William H. Ukers

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Newmark & Co., H., 509

Newmark & Co., M.A., 509

New Orleans Coffee Co., 485, 505

New uses for c., 457

New View of London (1708), Hatton, 54

New York
Coffee and Sugar Exchange (See Exchanges)
Daily Advertiser, q., 434, 468
Dock Co., 319, 532
Gazette, per., q., 118
Historical Soc., 474, 591
Hospital, 124
Journal, per. (1775) q., 115
Stock and Exchange Board, 123

News from the coffee house (broadside) q., ill., 68, 69

Newstadt, Emil, pat., 645

Niblo, William, chk., 121, 124
(See also Gardens)

Nicaraguas (c.), 347, 360, 361

Nicholson, David, 502

Niemuhr, Karstens, 543;
q., 22

Nielsen, Thorlief S.B., 520

Niessen, von, pat., 158, 167

Nieuhoff, 543, 696

Niles, G.M., q., 175

Nonnenbruch, q., 185

Nordlinger, Henry, 482

Nordlinger & Co., Henry, 482

Norris, G.W., 532, 533

North, Roger, q., 72, 570

Norton, Edward, 471

Norton, Weyl & Beven, 482

Norton & Holyoke, 434

Nossack & Co., 340

Notes and Queries, per., q., 1

Nurseries, 200, 205

Nutmeg in c., 696

Nutrio Mfg. Co., 501

Nutt, Jr., F.T., 535

Oaxaca c., 345, 358

Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, q., 125

O'Brien, 579

O'Brien, E.H., 455, 488

O'Brien, Jonas P., 482

O'Brien, Joseph A., 482, 491

Oceana, Harrington, 60

O'Donohue, Charles A., 123

O'Donohue, John, 480, 498

O'Donohue, John B., 123, 498

O'Donohue, Joseph J., 480

O'Donohue, Peter, 480, 498

O'Donohue & Co., J.B., 485

O'Dononue & Sons, John, 480

O'Donohue & Sons, Joseph J., 477, 480

O'Donohue & Stewart, 498

O'Donohue Coffee Co., 498

O'Donohue's Sons, John, 338, 485, 498

Oelschlager (see Olearius)

Of the Excellent Qualities, etc., Rumford, q., 697, 698

Ogden & Co., George, 501

Ogilby, 571

Ohio Coffee & Spice Co., 508

Oils, Coffee, 164, 711, 712

O'Krassa, R.F.E., pat., 247, 248

Olavarria, J.D., 471

Old Dutch Mills, 482

Old Ground Coffee Works, 492

Old Judge (brand), 441

Old Homestead (brand), 441

Old Master (brand), 441

Old Reserve (brand), 441

Oldys, William, q., 53

Olearius, Adam, q., 22, 45, 543

Olendorf, Case & Gillespie, 478

Olivier, Abbé, 548

Omar, Sheik, 13, 14, 655

Opera: Le Café du Roi, Meilhat and Deffes, 594

England, 64, 74
Cairo, 19
Germany, 46
Marseilles, 32, 33
Mecca, 17
Constantinople, 293
England (c. houses), 72, 293
Proclamation, Charles II, 73
Germany, 46, 47
London, 293
Cairo, 19
Constantinople, 20, 21
Mecca, 17, 18
Venice, 29
(See also Controversies; Coffee-houses)

Options, 329

Orange Juice, peel, in c., 106

Ordinaries (see Taverns)

O'Reilly, Count, q., 222

Organon salutis (1657), Rumsey's, q., 56, 58

Oriental Trip, Mandelsloh, q., 45

Origin of c., 5, 11, 13–16, 541–542

Orizaba c., 345, 358

Orleans, Regent of, 96, 98

Osborn, Lewis A., 434, 469, 496, 522

Osborn's Celebrated Prepared Java (brand), 434, 469, 496, 522

Oseretzkowsky, q., 186

O'Shaughnessy, John W., 480

O'Shaughnessy & Co., John W., 480

O'Shaughnessy & Sorley, 480

Ostrander, Loomis & Co., 508

O'Sullivan, Eugene, 479

O'Sullivan, James, 479

O'Sullivan & Co., Eugene, 479

Otis, James, 110, 111

Otis, McAllister & Co., 488

Otter v., 127

Otto, Carl Alexander, pat., 640, 641

Outlandish drink, 59

Over the Black Coffee, Gray, q., 713

Overton, John B., 479

Ovington, q., 2

Oxford Coffee Club, 41

Oxford, Lord, 584

Pacific Mail Co., 489, 490

Package coffees
Advantages, disadvantages, 408, 409
Deterioration, 168
Early (U.S.), 469, 470, 522
First crude (1791), 491, 492
France, 680
Great Britain, 673

Packaging economics, 410, 412

Packaging machinery, 383, 402–404
United States patents, 470

Packard & James, 494

Padang, v., 317

Padang Interior c., 355, 371

Page, Judge, q., 570

Page, Thomas, pat., 637

Painter, John (see Paynter)

Pal, q., 184

Palaces, C. (see Coffee houses)

Paladino, q., 159

Palais Royal (Paris), 96, 102

Palambang c., 355, 372

Palatability aid to digestion, 180

Palgrave, q., 658–661

Palmer, David, 480

Palmer, Harvey H., 480

Palmer & Co., H.H., 480

Palmer, Warner & Co., 508

Paludanus, Bernard Ten Broeke, q., 2, 35, 41

Pamela, Richardson, 80

Pamphlets (see Broad-sides)

Panamas (c.), 348, 361

Pan-American Congress, 472

Panics, U.S., 528–530
(See also Booms and panics)

Panter, William, pat., 245

Paradise Lost, Milton, 584

Parché, Café, en (Guadeloupe), 257

Parchment, 136, 138, 149, 150

Pardon, q., 8

Parent & Co., J.A., 508

Parini, Guiseppe, q., 548, 549

Park, Fellowes & Co., 508

Park & Tilford, 484, 499

Parker, Charles, inv., 469, 625

Parker, Edmund, pat., 625, 636

Parker, Gilman L., 501

Parker, John, pat., 634

Parker & Dixon, 503

Parker & Harrison, 503, 635

Parker Co., Charles, 625

Parkes, q., 704

Parkinson, John, 534;
q., 41

Parlin, Charles Coolidge, 441

Parmentier, 8

Parr, 557

Parrott & Co., 487, 488

Parry (Welsh harper), 85, 584

Parry, 543;
q., 36

Parson, 557

Pascal, chk., 33, 92, 94, 554, 619, 670;
q., 432

Paschius, George, q., 13

Patents, U.S., 654

Patrick (lexicographer), 576

Patterson, Robert W., q., 106

Pavoni, Desiderio, pat., 649

Pawinski, q., 185

Payen, q., 694

Paynter, Jonathan, 53, 54

Peabody, B.F., 535

Peaberry, 136, 249
Botanical description, 149

Peaberries, 1st and 2d (grades), 258

Pears in c. (Russia), 686

Pearson, George, 507

Pearson, Peter, pat., 638, 640

Pechey, 543

Peck, Edwin H., 477

Peck, Walter J., 477

Peck, E.H. & W.J., 477, 484

Peck & Co., Edwin H., 477, 479

Peck & Kellum, Benj., 508

Peck, Stowe & Wilcox Co., 644

Constantinople, 21
Florence, 670
Italy, 27, 29, 670
Padua, 29
Paris, 92, 93, 94, 96
Vienna, 51

Pedrocchi, Antonio, chk., 29, 599

Peeling (see Hulling)

Pellicularia tokeroga (see Diseases)

Pemberton, John, 128, 129

Penn, John, 127, 129

Penn, Letitia, 128

Penn, William, 105, 115, 125, 126, 467

Pennsylvania Gazette, newsp., q., 126, 127

Pennsylvania Journal, newsp., 127, 128

Penny-change plan, 427

Penny Magazine, per., q., 704

Penny universities, 73

Peonage (see Labor)

Pepion, John, 508

Pepys, Samuel, q., 59, 554, 561, 574, 582

Percolator, The, per., q., 521


Acker's Mo-Kof-Fee, 645
testing-table, 649
two cylinder (1905), 645
Andrews's pumping (1841), 700
Bohemian, 654
Bouillon Muller's steam, 708
Bowman's valve-type (1876), 637
Bruning's vacuum jacket (1920), 653
Cafetière Sené (1815), 699
Carlsbad, 654
Chamberlain's automatic, 652
De Belloy's (1800), 621, 622, 697, 708
De Santais' hydrostatic, 629
Durant's pumping, 625, 699
First French patent (1806), 699
Galt (1914), 652, 701
Gandais' pumping, 625, 699
German (plug in spout), 708
Glass "balloons", 627
Hadrot's "filter", 621, 699
Half-minute (1881), 701
Hutchinson's, 710
Jones's pumping, 704
Kellum (1906), 649
Kin-Hee (1900), 701
Laurens' pumping, 623, 699
Laurent's steam "whistling," 708
Malen's, 708
Marion Harland, 645, 696
Mo-Kof-Fee (Acker's), 645

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