» Literary Collections » How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Charles H. Caffin

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130, 164
Department of Fine Arts, 442, 465
De Re Ædificatoria, 345
Dining rooms, 416, 426
Dionysos, 142-3;
Festival of, 107
Dionysos Theatre of, 143
Dipteral (Gloss.), 120
Dolmen (Gloss.), 13, 14, 17
Domes (Gloss.), 15
Alhambra, 227
Anglo-Classical, 425-7
Angoulême, Cathedral, 253
Assyrian, 70
Byzantine, 202
Capitol, Washington, 446-7
Escoriál, 404
Granada, Cathedral, 401
Hôtel des Invalides, 388, 420, 422
Indian, 220, 231
Madeleine, The, 443
Muhammedan, 217, 221
Palace of Charles V, 403
Panthéon, Paris, 388, 422, 442
Pantheon, Rome, 167, 171, 172, 207, 371, 372
Pazzi Chapel, S. Croce, 343
Pendentive, 204-6
Persian, 229
Pineapple, 222
Pisa, at, 247
Ravenna, at, 201
Renaissance, 197
Roman, 201
Romanesque, 244
Rudimentary, 15, 89
S. Andrea, Mantua, 367
S. Constanza, 198
S. George, Esrah, 200
S. Maria dei Miracoli, 353
S. Maria della Salute, 346
S. Mark’s, 209
S. Paul’s, 420-2
S. Peter’s, 343, 371-3, 421
S. Pietro in Montano, 346
S. Sophia, 207
S. Spirito, Florence, 343, 367
S. Stephen, Walbrook, 422
S. Vitale, 207
S. S. Sergius and Bacchus, 207
Salamanca Cathedral, 260
Semi-circular, 208
Toro Collegiate Church, 260
Turkish Mosques, 228
Villa Rotonda, 352
Domestic Architecture:
Apartment Houses, 471
Aston Hall, 412
Beehive Huts, 15, 46
Bickling Hall, 412
Biltmore, 462
Bramshill, 412
Breakers, The, 462
Burghley House, 412
Ca D’Oro, 315
Chevening House, 416-7, 419
Coleshill, 419
Craigie House, Cambridge, 431
Devonshire House, 426
Doge’s Palace, 315-6
Duke of Leinster’s House, 446
English Renaissance, 411-15
Haddon Hall, 412
Ham House, 412
Holkam Hall, 426
Holland House, 412, 414
Gothic, French, 286
German, 305-6
Italian, 315
Jacques Cœur, House of, 286
Keddleston Hall, 428
Kirby Hall, 412, 414, 415
Knoll House, 412
Layer Marney, Essex, 411
Longford, 412, 414
Longleat House, 411
Marble House, 462
Marlborough House, 423
Minoan Houses, 93
Mount Vernon, 432
Muhammedan Houses, 217
Musée Plantin-Moretus, 408
Old Charlecote House, 412
Pellershaus, 395-6
Penshurst, 412
Primitive Houses, 15
Raynham Hall, 419
Renaissance, 392
Roman, 180, 182, 472
Sherburn House, 431
Stoke Park, 419
Vanderbilt House, 462
Villa Madama, 347
White House, 446
Wilton House, 419
Wollaton House, 412
York House, 419
Anglo-Saxon, 254-5
Baptistry, Florence, 319
Ca d’Oro, 360
Colonial, 432
Doge’s Palace, 353
Gothic, 269, 275, 276
English, 290
French, 298
Italian, 311
Janus, 159
Muhammedan, 229
Norman, 255, 257
Palazzo Riccardi, 359
Vecchio, 359
Vendramini, 360
Palladian designs for, 370
Queen Anne, 424
Roman, 167
Romanesque, 245
Puerta de la Coroneria, 401
Renaissance, German, 393, 395
Spanish, 399, 400, 401
Taj Mahal, 231
Tiryns, at, 102
S. Andrea, Mantua, 368
S. Sophia, 210
S. Peter’s, 372
Dorians, The, 91, 105, 118
Doric Order (Gloss.), 87, 99, 118, 123-124
Corinth, temples at, 118
Etruscan use of, 155
Parthenon, in, 119
Phœbus Apollo, Temple of, 118
Propylæa, in, 141
Renaissance use of, 346, 349, 352, 389, 403-4
Roman use of, 164
Syracuse, Cathedral of, 193
Trajan’s Column, 179
Dormers (Gloss.) :
Antwerp, City hall, 406
Gothic, German, 306
Netherlandish, 307
Renaissance, French, 378, 381, 384
German, 392, 394, 396
Worms, Cathedral at, 258-9
Dörpfeld, discoveries by, 89, 100
Drama, Greek, 142-5, 175
Mediæval, 237-8
Renaissance, 330
Roman, 175
Drawbridge, 379
Drum of Dome (Gloss.), 206
Angoulême, at, 252
Florence, at, 342
Hôtel des Invalides, 388
Panthéon, Paris, 442
S. Andrea, 368
S. Maria della Salute, 356
S. Paul’s, 422
S. Peter’s, 371, 373
Dryden, 435

Early Christian Architecture, 193
Basilicas, 193-4, 197
Circular Plans, 197
Columns, 195
Influence in Arabia, 214
on Byzantine Architecture, 202
on Gothic, 276
S. Peter’s, 194
Syrian examples, 199, 200
Early Christian Civilisation, 187
Byzantium becomes capital, 157, 190
Carolingian Kings, 192
Constantine accepts Faith, 189
Council of Milan, 188
Power of the Patriarchs, 157, 188
Ravenna, 201
Rise of the Frankish tribes, 191
Early English (Gloss.), 257, 271, 290
Eaves (Gloss.), 424
Eclecticism (Gloss.), 466
École des Beaux Arts, see Beaux Arts
Echinus (Gloss.), 125, 129, 164
Egyptian civilisation, 25 et seq.
Agriculture, 31
Clothing, 32
Conquest by Assyria, 60
Construction of the Pyramids, 35
Decline, 37
Dynasties, 26
Geography, of, 28
Hebrew Exodus, 36
Hyksos Invasion, 35, 91
Recreations, 31
Religion, 32, 33
Schools, 32
Skill in engineering, 30
Theban Monarchy, 35, 91
Egyptian Architecture:
Abydos, Tomb at, 42, 53
Columns, Treatment of, 52-3
Deir-el-Bahri Temple-tomb, 44
Domestic architecture, 54-5
Elephantine, Temple at, 53
Isis, Temples of, 54
Karnak, Temple at, 44, 50
Luxor, 51, 53
Mastabas, 40-1, 42
Middle Empire, architecture, 42-3
Mycenæan remains in, 39
New Empire, 44
Obelisks, 43-4
Palaces, 54
Ptolemaic remains, 53
Pyramids, 34, 39, 40
Rosetta Stone, 27
Sphinx, the Great, 38-9
Avenues of, 48
Temples, 41
Temples, 8, 33-45, 46-54
Tombs, 33, 34, 41, 42, 45, 83
Towns, 54
Elevation, plans, 11, 255
Elgin, Lord, 436
Embankment, Thames, 418
Enamels (gloss.), 86, 218, 222
Encaustic (gloss.), 136
Engineering problems, 477
England, Architecture in:
Anglo-Classical, 410, 424-5
Anglo-Italian, 417
Anglo-Saxon, 254-5
Asymmetries, 279
Cathedrals, 288
Celtic Churches, 255
Classical revival, 435-9
Elizabethan architecture, 412
Exteriors, Gothic, 297-8
Free-classical movement, 460
Gothic, 271-287
Gothic Revival, 448
Inigo Jones, 418
Interiors, 415
Jacobean architecture, 413
Mansions, 412
Morris, William, influence of, 458
Orders, use of, 415
Ornament, 290
Queen Anne Style, 424
Roofs, 296, 414
S. Paul’s, 420-3
Stained Glass, 291-3
Stonehenge, 16
Vaulting, 293
Vistas, in Gothic, 273-4
Whitehall, 418
Wren, Christopher, 419
Entablature (Gloss.), 8
Basilicas, in, 178
Broken, 179, 180
Corinthian, 131
Doric, 126
Early Christian, 195-7
Gothic, contrasted, with, 277
Hellenic, 116
Ionic, 130
Michelangelo, use by, 364
Renaissance, 367, 370
Renaissance, French, 381
German, 394-6
Netherlands, 407
Spain, 402
Roman, 164, 170, 198
Rudimentary, 15
S. Paul’s,
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