» Literary Collections » How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗

Book online «How to Study Architecture, Charles H. Caffin [best manga ereader .TXT] 📗». Author Charles H. Caffin

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Ovolo, 133
Rococo, 366
Roman, 165
Romanesque, 244, 245
Torus, of, 47, 134
Wreath, 134
Muhammed, 214-216
Learning encouraged by, 216, 218
Muhammedan Architecture, 220-231
Alhambra, of, 218, 226-7
Arcades, 221
Ceramics, 218
Cordova, at, 225
Domes, 221
Egypt, in, 223
India, in, 229-31
Minarets, 222
Mosques, 217, 220-2
Seville, in, 225-6
Spain, 224-7
Syria, 223
Toledo, 225
Muhammedan Civilisation, 212 et seq.
Mullions (Gloss.), 290
Château de Blois, in, 380, 384
City Hall, Antwerp, 407
City Hall, Bremen, 395
English Renaissance, 414
Heidelberg, 394
Mural painting, see Wall painting
Museums, 339-40
British, 438
Fitz-William, Cambridge, 438
Friedrichsbau, 394
Metropolitan, New York, 462
New Museum, Berlin, 440
Old Museum, Berlin, 440
Pinacothek, 440
Plantin-Moretus, 408
Mutule (Gloss.), 127, 164
Mycenæ, Architecture in, 14, 89-100
Fortifications, 98
Palaces, 89-102
Similarity to Etruscan, 155
Temples, 92, 101

Naos, see Sanctuary (Gloss.)
Naples, Kingdom of, 323, 331
Narthex (Gloss.):
Early Christian churches, in, 194, 196
Roman temples, in, 177
S. Sophia, of, 209
San Ambrogio, of, 250
Nave (Gloss.):
Anglo-Saxon churches, 255, 256
Asymmetries in, 279
Early Christian churches, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200
Gothic, churches, English, 289, 294
French, 281
German, 304
Netherlands, 308
Spanish, 309
Lombard, 251
Mediæval churches, 237
Norman, 256, 259
S. Mark’s, 209
S. Paul’s, 420
S. Peter’s, 194, 372, 373
S. Sophia, 208
Renaissance churches, 367
Romanesque, 241, 245, 249
Temples, Hellenic, 118, 140, 177-8
Nebuchadnezzar, 61
Netherland Architecture:
Antwerp, in, 406, 408
Bruges, 406
Carillons, 408-9
Ecclesiastical buildings, 307, 308
Guild Halls, 306-7, 408
Holland, 334, 409
Liège, 406
Malines, 406
Netherlands, History, of, 306
Relations with France, 331
Renaissance in, 333, 405-9
Newel post (Gloss.), 416
Niches (see Mihrab):
Gothic, 275, 276
German, 304
Italian, 314
Netherlandish, 307
Heidelberg, at, 394
Muhammedan, 207, 222
Rheims, at, 283
Romanesque, 250
S. Paul’s, 422
Nile, the, 28, 30, 90
Inundated Temples of, 54
Landscapes in paintings at Cnossus, 96
Nîmes, Amphitheatre at, 175
Maison Carrée, 169
Pont-du-Gard, 183
Temple of Diana, 170
Nineveh, 59, 60, 61
Norman Architecture (Gloss.), 254-257
Nôtre Dame, Paris, 281-284
Nymphæum (Gloss.), 170
Muhammedan adaptation of, 217
Pantheon on site of, 171
Temple of Diana, 170
Temple of Minerva Medica, 207

Obelisks, 14
Cleopatra’s Needles, 43
Memphis, at, 43
Pellershaus, Nuremburg, 395, 396
Usertesen I, 43
Octastyle (Gloss.), 131
Odeion, the, 145
Pericles, of, 145
Skias, Sparta, 145
Œil-de-Bœuf, 384, 396
Office Buildings, 469-477
Woolworth Building, 471, 476
Ogee, see Cyma Reversa
Ogival (Gloss.), 270
Olympic Festival, 110, 112
Opisthodomos (Gloss.), 140

Opus Sectile, see Mosaics (Gloss.)
Opus Tessellatum, see Mosaics (Gloss.)
Orders, the (Gloss.), 116, 117
Corinthian, 131
Doric, 118
Hellenic use of, 123
Ionic, 128
One Order Style, 350, 372
Renaissance, English, 415
Renaissance, French, 387, 388
Rococo, 388-9
Roman use of, 163
Sansovino’s use of, 356
Superimposed, 366, 372
Tuscan, 163
Wren’s steeples, on, 423
Organic growth (Gloss.), 11, 34, 140
Orientation (Gloss.):
Christian churches, 194
Mastabas, 41
Muhammedan Mosques, 217
Roman indifference to, 161
S. Peter’s, 372
Temples, Egyptian, 54
Temples, Hellenic, 121
Tombs at Abydos, 42
Assyrian, 69, 72
Baroque, 351
Byzantine, 199, 202, 211
Celtic, 18
Chaldæan, 72
Churrigueresque, 393, 405
Egyptian, 48, 53
Gothic, 275
English, 290
Italian, 312
Hellenic, 129-133, 171, 203
Italian Classic, 357, 393
Minoan, 102
Muhammedan, 216
Norman, 255
Oriental, 202-3
Perpendicular, 410
Persian, 84, 86, 87
Pierced, 415
Plateresque, 398-9, 400
Primitive, 18
in Mexico, 21
Renaissance English, 410-11-12, 414, 415, 417
German, 392-3
Netherlands, 407
Spanish, 402
Rococo, 366, 388-9, 393
Roman, 164-5, 168-9, 171, 203
Romanesque, 251, 260
Scandinavian, 251
Osirid piers, 53
Osiris, 50
Oxford, 257, 288, 293, 299, 419

Padan-Aram, 56
Pagan Revival, 325-328
Pagoda, The, 428
Painted Glass, 292
Aretino, 354
Burkmair, 391
Chapman, John Gadsby, 447
Cimabue, 311
Claude, 332
Clouets, The, 332
Cornelius, Peter von, 440
David, Jacques Louis, 441-2
Del Sarto, 332
Dürer, 328, 391
Fra Angelico, 344
Hogarth, 133, 280
Holbein, 328
Isabey, Eugène, 379
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von, 440
Lebrun, 387
Leonardo da Vinci, 332, 397
Mabuse, 406
Matisse, 459
Michelangelo, 374, 397, 406
Niccolo dell’ Abbati, 382
Poussin, 332
Powell, William Henry, 447
Primaticcio, 332, 382
Puvis de Chavannes, 443
Raphael, 374, 397, 406
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 293
Richmond, Sir William, 421
Rosso, Il, 382
Rubens, 417
Smibert, 430
Titian, 354, 417
Trumbull, John, 447
Vanderlyn, John, 447
Van Eycks, 333
Van Orley, 334, 406
Velasquez, 330
Weir, Robert Walter, 447
Alcala de Heñares, 400
Alcazar, the, 225
Alhambra, the, 218, 226, 403
Augustus’, Rome, 179
Babylon, 61
Balbi, 356
Barbarano, 352
Bevilacqua Palace, 355
Blenheim, 425
Brignole, 356
Ca d’Oro, 360-1
Cancellaria, 346, 362-4
Canossa, 355
Capitania, 352
Capitol Palaces, 350, 363-5
Caprarola, 348
Charles V, Alhambra, 402-3
Cnossus, 91, 96-8, 102
Conservatore, 363
Cornaro, 354
Ctesiphon, 228-9
Diocletian, Spalato, 180, 195, 428
Doria-Tursi, 356
Ducal, Venice, 210
Durazzo, 356
Ecbatana, at, 80
Escoriál, 403-5
Farnese, 348, 350, 363
Firuzabad, 228-9
Fontainebleau, 332, 382
Giraud, 346
Guardagni, 345
Gvimane, 355
Hagia Triada, 98
Hampton Court, 411
Hradschin, 355
Karnak, 54
Khorsabad, 60
Louvre, 382-6, 407, 419, 444
Luxembourg, 386
Massimi, 348
Medinet Abou, 54
Muhammedan Palaces, 218
Mycenæ, at, 89, 100
Nimroud, at, 67
Nineveh, at, 59
Palazzo del Te’, 347
Pallavacini, 356
Pandolfini, 347
Pasargadæ, 75, 81, 84
Persepolis, Darius’ Palace, 76, 82-5
Pesaro, 356, 366

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